Module 9 Great inventions-Unit 3 Language in use.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(编号:d0825).zip

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What do you like to use the smartphone for?Brainstorm Smartphones are so popular. Smartphones are becoming more and more important in our daily life. Smartphones are playing an important role in our life. Smartphones have made our life more convenient.However, smartphones also bring us many problems.If you spend lots of time on it, it will be bad for your eyes and necks.When you keep looking at your phones while having dinner, you will not talk to your family.So, we should get off the phone!Act 1 Work in group of 4. A.Suppose you keep looking at your phones when you are walking in the street, suddenly, B.Suppose you keep looking at your phones when you are having dinner or party with your friends or family, suddenly, Act 2 Work in group of 4 One tries to give suggestions The others form a still imageYoud betterWhy notWrite down your suggestionsYoud better get off the phone.Why not stay away from the phone?What about doing sports with your friends?Its a good idea to walk in the park.书面表达书面表达 随着科技迅速发展,智能手机被广泛使用,但是也随着科技迅速发展,智能手机被广泛使用,但是也因此催生了一大批因此催生了一大批“低头族低头族”,无论是在拥挤的车厢还是,无论是在拥挤的车厢还是朋友聚会,甚至在马路上都会有人低头看手机。朋友聚会,甚至在马路上都会有人低头看手机。21世纪世纪英文报因此向中学生征稿,呼吁人们放下手机。请你以英文报因此向中学生征稿,呼吁人们放下手机。请你以“Get off the phone”为题,根据以下要点,写一篇英为题,根据以下要点,写一篇英语短文。语短文。 内容包括:内容包括: 1、智能手机给人们生活带来的便利、智能手机给人们生活带来的便利 2、低头族的表现及其带来的不良影响、低头族的表现及其带来的不良影响 3、提出建议,呼吁人们放下手机、提出建议,呼吁人们放下手机 作文要求:作文要求: 语句连贯,词数语句连贯,词数80个左右。个左右。2 sentences4-5 sentences3 sentences1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9 _10 _合理布局合理布局80 words8-10 sentencesPara1: Convience (2 sentences )Para2: Problems (4-5 sentences )Para3: Suggestions (3 sentences )作文一稿评分表作文一稿评分表要要点点(5分)分)要点要点1 _ ( )要点要点2_( )要点要点3_( )要点要点4_( )要点要点5_( )得得分分语语言言(6分)分)1.有语言大错误,例如有语言大错误,例如3个句子结构错误个句子结构错误, 扣扣3分()分()2.有语言小错误,例如缺有语言小错误,例如缺s/ed/ing等,等, 5-6个扣个扣1分()分()逻逻辑辑(2分)分)1. 能够正确使用连词和过渡句能够正确使用连词和过渡句 1分(分( )2. 文章通顺流畅,符合逻辑文章通顺流畅,符合逻辑 1分(分( )书书写(写(2分)分)书写工整、字迹漂亮书写工整、字迹漂亮 1分(分( )卷面整洁,卷面整洁, 1分(分( )1Teaching Plan 1.Title:WritingGet off the phone2.Time for the lesson: 40mins3.Level: Junior 94.Student Profile(Students: a low level of proficiency in English. They are able to write simple sentences, but they often dont know what to write about, and how to use conjunctions join sentences. or a sentence to join paragraphs.5.ObjectivesBy the end of the class, students will be able to:1)Express their ideas about Smartphone(the advantages and the disadvantages)2)Write a passage to ask people to get off the phone(giving suggestions)6.Target Language and skills to emphasize1)Target language: expressions about the use of the Smartphone and the problems structures about giving suggestions2)Skills to emphasize: Writing: how to use conjunctions to join sentences7.Teaching ProceduresTime allocation(min)ObjectivesTeaching ActivitiesDescriptionsRemarks /Teaching AidsStep 1 Before-writing5 minsTo help Ss sum up phrases to show the use of SmartphoneBrainstorming, using a mind mapSs work in group of 4, write down as many phrases as they Use a computer or a blackboard to show Mind map1.2can5 minsTo help Ss find out the problems that Smartphone bringsUse a mind map to show the problems.Ss work in group of four, discussing the problems and write them down.Use a computer or a blackboard to show Mind map2.3 minsTo show the problems and the need to get off the phonePlay a video Get off the PhoneSs watch and try to take notes5 minsTo understand why we should get off the phoneAct: set up a scene of people keep looking at their phones whenSs work in group of 4, act out the scenes, showing the phubbing and the accidents or problemsScene design:1. Having dinner with your friends or family.2. Walking in the street3 minsTo give suggestion to phubbersAct: use 1-2 lines to give suggestions to phubbersSs work in group of 4, three act out the same scene just now, one gives suggestions to them.3 mins To help Ss sum up to ways to give suggestionsUse a mind mapSs work in group of 4, write down their ideas on the map Use a computer or a blackboard to show Mind map3.3Step2 While-writing2 minsTo help Ss analyze what to write about Show the topic of the compositionSs draw mind maps to write down the key pointsShare the mind map. (Mind map4) 10 mins To finish the writing Writing Ss write on their ownShare the writingStep3 After-writing4 minsTo share the writing Show one piece of writing to the classSs share with each other.Mind map14Mind map2Mind map3书面表达题目: 随着科技迅速发展,智能手机被广泛使用,但是也因此催生了一大批“低头族” ,无论5是在拥挤的车厢还是朋友聚会,甚至在马路上都会有人低头看手机。21 世纪英文报因此向广大中学生征稿,呼吁人们放下手机。请你以“Get off the phone”为题,根据以下要点,写一篇英语短文。内容包括:1、智能手机给人们生活带来的便利2、低头族的表现及其带来的不良影响3、提出建议,呼吁人们放下手机作文要求:语句连贯,词数 80 个左右。 Mind map 4
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