- M12U3教学反思.doc--点击预览
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- 九上M12 U3 Language in use..ppt--点击预览
- 九上M12 U3学生视频.mp4
- 九上M12U3构词法微课.mp4
- 九上M12U3环境保护视频.mp4
- 九上M12U3课堂学案.doc--点击预览
- 学生视频.mp4
- 微课PPT(课前).ppt--点击预览
- 教案d01b8.doc--点击预览
- 环境污染视频.mp4
Module 12 Save our worldUnit 3 Language in use.教学反思一比较好的方面:1. 借助微课、乐课软件、平板等信息技术提高了课堂效率。课前,通过观看构词法讲解的微课视频,学生提前预习了构词法,课中,借助乐课软件和平板的使用,以课堂检测的形式检查学生对于构词法的掌握程度。乐课软件会统计出学生答题的情况,对于出错较高的题在课堂上进行统一讲解,信息技术的使用大大提高了课堂效率。2. 课堂检测内容对接中考题完型填空二(用所给词的适当形式完成句子) ,检测学生是否学会运用构词法攻克这一难关的同时指导他们如何应对这一中考题型。3.把课堂还给学生,让学生来充当老师的角色给大家讲题。4.课堂形式多样,通过观看环境污染的视频和玛丽兹同学的寻求帮助视频引发学生思考和讨论,调动了学生学习的积极性。看视频、小组讨论,小组比赛的形式让课堂不再枯燥。5.设置了真实的情境来展开讨论,以小组比赛的方式让学生轮流说出建议和原因,每位同学都能积极参与到课堂中来。小组比赛过程中,让其他组的学生重复该组某位学生给出的建议。提高了学生们听课的注意力。6. 借助思维导图更清晰直观地引导学生谈论有关保护环境,节约能源的话题。7. 作文选材贴近学生生活,有一定的指导意义。采取“口头表达”小组讨论轮流说出有关保护环境、节约能源的建议和原因以及“以读促写”在阅读材料中积累写作素材两种形式为最后制作海报写作文做了一定的铺垫。二有待提高的地方1.通过观看小玛同学寻求帮助的视频设置了真实的情境进行小组讨论,但是因为小玛同学已经转到其他学校,在一定程度上不是很方便,受条件限制,这段视频的录制稍微有一点杂音,这对于部分同学来说有一定的难度。条件允许的情况下,借助微信视频或QQ 视频让小玛同学在线和大家展开对话效果会更好一些。2. 构词法的处理还可以再全面一些,除了课堂检测外还可以考虑进行口头检测,比如让学生们举例说出三种构词法。3. 上课过程中,稍微有一些紧张,作为一名青年教师,我深知自己需要改进和学习的地方还有很多,我会继续努力。革命还未成功,绝不放弃学习。三一直在思考的问题在最后学生上台展示海报中,其中一位学生把英语作文唱了出来,在实际教学中也一直在思考怎样有效的提高学生写作水平,除了日常的写作练习外,可否考虑借助英文歌曲的曲调把作文唱出来,让英语作文不再枯燥,边唱边记的形式记忆作文对于写作有没有帮助呢?如何高效的提高初中生写作水平仍然需要在实践中探索。总之,通过这次实践我收获了很多。作为青年教师,就应该勤于思考,勇于挑战,敢于创新,乐于反思,在一次次的实践中积累丰富的教学经验,形成鲜明的教学特色,最大限度的提升自我。1Module 12 Save our world Unit 3 Language in use 教学设计 1课题课题Module 12 Save our world Unit 3 Language in use 是外研版九年级上册第 12模块第三单元的内容。2教材分析教材分析本模块是基于“人与自然”语篇下的“绿色环保,节约能源”话题,这是一个很有意义、贴近学生生活实际的话题,这个话题共分 6 课时完成,本单元是第5、6 课时。在第 1、2 课时中从听、说技能的操练,使学生能够听懂有关环保的日常对话,能够比较自由地谈论环保话题。在第 3、4 课时通过读写结合,以读促写,运用预测、扫读、精读等阅读技巧深入学习了如何环保的篇章结构,同时为完成“如何保护环境”这一话题作文做了很好的铺垫。本单元是第 5、6 课时,主要是将前四课时有关绿色环保话题的内容进行逻辑梳理,通过复习、操练、巩固、运用等环节逐步实现语言的内化,学会将零散知识系统化,复杂的知识条理化。学生能够在小组活动中谈论“如何保护环境,节约能源”并把本模块的所学知识运用到“如何保护环境,节约能源”这一话题作文中。与此同时,在复习过程中了解、总结构词法,能够掌握本模块重点词句及构词法。能够运用构词法猜测、理解阅读理解中出现的一些新单词的含义,能够运用构词法攻克中考题型完形填空二用所给词的适当形式完成句子这一难关。3学情分析学情分析本节课的授课对象是九年级学生,通过本模块前两个单元的学习,大部分学生可以谈论“绿色环保,节约能源”这一话题,能够读懂关于环保的文章。但是仍有很多学生并不能充分的将所学知识运用到环境保护的作文中,本课需要在老师的引导下结合已有知识系统地复习“ 绿色环保,节约能源”话题的相关词汇、短语和句子,由词到短语、由短语到句子,最后能够把本模块的所学知识运用到“如何保护环境”这一作文中。在实际教学中发现,大部分学生对于构词法并不是很了解,对词性的把握也不够好,很多学生在中考题型完形填空二用所给词的适当形式完成句子这一题中会经常失分。所以,针对当前的学情,有必要在复习过程中了解、总结构词法,能够指导学生运用构词法猜测、理解阅读理解中出现的一些新单词的含义,并能够运用构词法攻克中考题型完形填空二中用所给词的适当形式完成句子这一难关。4教学目标教学目标(1)语言知识目标 词汇目标:通过复习 90%的学生能掌握并运用本模块的重点词汇(rubbish、pollute、recycle、waste、enemy、hopeless、divide、plastic、policy、reuserepeat、reduce、cloth、rubber、recycling 等),以及词组(throw away、divide.into、 tons of、 turn off 、 be harmful to 等)。语法目标:通过复习总结 85%的学生能够了解三种构词法:合成法、派生法以及转化法;能够运用构词法猜测、理解一些新单词的意思, 能够运用构词法攻克中考题完形填空二(用所给词的适当形式完成句子)这一难关。(2)语言技能目标2听:能够听懂有关环境保护的日常对话,准确获取有关环境污染的原因及环境保护措施等细节信息。说:能够比较自如地谈论有关保护环境节约能源的话题,比如为保护环境在日常生活中能做什么不能做什么以及这样做的原因,能够针对如何节约水,节约食物以及节约能源问题展开讨论。读:能够读懂关于环保的文章;写:能够将本模块所学的单词、短语、句子运用到如何保护环境节约能源的作文中, 形成微写作。(3)学习策略目标 能够在小组活动中积极参与讨论,与他人合作,和同学一起加入环境保护,节约能源的行列中。(4)情感态度目标 通过本模块的复习,提高学生保护环境的自觉性,增强宣传环保意识的责任感。(5)文化意识 通过本模块的复习总结,增强学生们环境保护的意识,让学生充分意识到保护环境,人人有责。5教学重点:教学重点:掌握本模块有关保护环境,节约能源的重点词句及构词法。能用构词法猜测、理解阅读理解中出现的一些新单词的含义,能够运用构词法攻克中考题完形填空二(用所给词的适当形式完成句子)这一难关。6教学难点:教学难点:完成制作保护环境节约能源的海报。7教学准备教学准备 乐课软件、iPad 等8教学过程教学过程Step 1 Review the rules of word- building. (5min)1. Ask students to preview the rules of word -building in the Micro class before this class.2. Do some exercises about the rules of word- building in class.3. Check the answers together.设计意图:通过课前观看构词法讲解的微课视频,学生可以充分预习构词法,课中借助乐课软件对学生预习的情况进行课堂检测并进行反馈,学生做完题后可以将答案直接提交到老师这里,乐课软件会呈现出该题所做情况的柱状图,可以显示出学生的答题情况。对于出现错误比较多的题,在课堂上统一进行讲解, 这一信息技术提高了课堂效率。Step 2 Lead-in.(5min)1. Ask and answer.Q1: How many kinds of pollution do you know?2. Watch a piece of video about environmental pollution. Then have a discussion.Q1: What causes pollution?Q2: How to stop pollution?Q3: Why should we do or shouldnt do?3What causes pollution?rubbishplastic bagspaper cups and paper bagscars on the roadsDivide our rubbish into plastic, glass and paperTake our own bag when we go shoppingWed better use china cups and cloth bagsWed better walk or ride a bike to schoolso that they can be recycled.because plastic bags are hard to recycle.because they can be used many times.so that energy can be saved.设计意图:观看有关环境污染的视频导入今天的话题,调动学生学习的积极性,同时开展讨论保护环境这一话题,唤起学生保护环境的意识。通过分析哪些东西能造成污染,怎样制止污染以及这样做的原因来引导学生谈论保护环境节约能源的话题。Step 3 Watch and discuss. (5min)1. Watch a piece of video from Ma lizi. She plans to make a speech about saving,because some people often waste things, like water, food and energy. But she doesnt have any good ideas now. 2. Discuss in groups and ask students to give her some advice.3. Have a match in groups and take turns to say the advice and reasons.4. Choose the best group.5. Read some advice from the book together.Dos4Donts设计意图:这是一个语言输出环节,通过观看小玛同学的视频,设置了一个真实的语境,在此基础上展开讨论。以小组比赛的形式让每位学生轮流说出建议以及采取这一措施的原因,在这一过程中要求学生认真聆听别人的建议,小组比赛过程中会让其他组的学生重复该组某位学生的建议,这一活动提高了课堂的趣味性,并为接下来的写作做了一个铺垫。Step 4 Reading comprehension. (5min)1. Read the passage and try to finish the table.2. Ask students to take a photo of the answer with iPad and then send it to me.3. Check the answers in groups and then check together.设计意图:通过阅读语篇材料让学生找出关于如何减少污染的建议及原因,在AdviceReasons1.Dont throw away things made of glass, plastic and paper, but recycle them if possible.Throwing things away is wasteful.2. Reuse your plastic bags when you can and take a bag with you when you go shopping. Plastic bags are hard to recycle.3. Use less electricity and oil to reduce pollution.4.Dont leave lights on and waste electricity.5. Walk or cycle and do not often drive your car.Producing electricity and using oil may cause pollution.5提高学生阅读能力的同时“以读促写”,为接下来的写作任务积累更多的写作素材。Step 5 Writing.(19min)1. Ma Lizi plans to make a speech about saving in her new school, because some people often waste things, like water, food and energy. But she doesnt have any good ideas now. Could you please choose one subject from water, food and energy and tell her what people should do in everyday life?2. Make a simple poster to present your groups idea.3. Ask some groups to show their posters to the whole class in front.4. Choose the best group.设计意图:该任务与学生的生活息息相关,是一个有现实意义的话题,学生对环境保护话题也有深刻的认识。通过前面设置的真实情境进行小组合作,开展话题讨论,达到了相互交流的目的,学生在此基础上也积累关于保护环境节约能源的素材,通过写作进行语言输出,学生尽可能将本模块所学的单词、短语、句子应用到保护环境节约能源的话题作文中。以制作海报写作文的形式形成微写作,让学生充分展现自己,在快乐中学习英语。Step 6 Summary.(1min)T: What we have learned today?1. Learn some rules of word- building.(合成法、派生法、转化法)2. How to save our world.Step 7 Homework 1. 假如你是李华,你们学校正在开展建设绿色校园的活动。学校校刊英文版征集有关校园环保的文章。请你用英语写一篇文章谈谈同学们在校园环保方面的问题,你们应该做什么来解决这些问题以及建设绿色校园的重要性。内容提示:(1) What are students problems in protecting the school environment? (2) What should you do to solve the problems? (3) Why is it important to build a green school?Save our worldSave foodSave water Save energyUnit 3 Language in use Module 12 Save our world合成法(Compounding)一.用括号内所给词的适当形式完成下列句子。1.My mother is a _ (teach). She works at an international school. (2018年大连市一模) 2. Do not use so much water. It is very _ (waste).(2018年大连市一模) 3. I did my homework _(careless), so there were a lot of mistakes.(2018年大连市一模) teacher wastefulcarelessly2P101Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words .1. The factory _ the river, and the fish died.A. polluted B. to pollute C. polluting2. We often walk in the countryside. It is a(n) _ activity for us.A.usual B. unusual C. usually 3. Do not use so much water. It is very _.A. waste B. wasteful C wasted4. To keep the flowers growing, you need to _ them once a day.A. water B.watering C. wateredA.A. B.A.Discussion 1. How many kinds of pollution do you know? 2.What causes pollution? 3. How to stop pollution?Watch and answer questionsWhat causes pollution?rubbishplastic bagspaper cups and paper bagscars on the roadsDivide our rubbish into plastic, glass and paperTake our own bag when we go shoppingWed better use china cups and cloth bagsWed better walk or ride a bike to schoolso that they can be recycled.because plastic bags are hard to recycle.because they can be used many times.so that energy can be saved.1.She plans to make a speech about saving , because some people often waste things, like water, food and energy. But she doesnt have any good ideas now. 2. Discuss in groups and try to give her some advice and reasons.3. Have a match in groups.Her problemDosDontsReuse and recycleIts a waste to throw used things away. Dont throw away things made of glass, plastic and paper, but recycle them if possible. Plastic bags are hard to recycle, so reuse the old ones when you can. Take a bag with you when you go shopping.Reduce pollutionProducing electricity and using oil may cause pollution of the air, water and earth in many different ways. If we use less electricity and oil, we can reduce pollution. Here is some advice: dont leave lights on and waste electricity; walk or cycle, and dont drive a car unless you have to. Walking and cycling are good for your health too!Reading comprehension AdviceReasons1.Dont throw away things made of glass, plastic and paper, but recycle them if possible.3.Use less electricity and oil to reduce pollution.2.Reuse your plastic bags when you can and take a bag with you when you go shopping. Throwing things away is wasteful.Plastic bags are hard to recycle.Producing electricity and using oil may cause pollution.4.Dont leave lights on and waste electricity.5.Walk or cycle and do not often drive your car.Writing1. Malizi plans to make a speech about saving , because some people often waste things, like water, food and energy. But she doesnt have any good ideas now. Could you please choose one subject from the three and tell her what people should do in everyday life? 2. Make a simple poster to present your groups idea and then we will choose the best group.Save our worldSave foodSave energySave water SummaryGreen mountains and clear water are as good as moutains of gold and silver.Save the earth and save us.Unit 3 Language in use Module 12 Save our world合成法(Compounding)一.用括号内所给词的适当形式完成下列句子。1.My mother is a _ (teach). She works at an international school. (2018年大连市一模) 2. Do not use so much water. It is very _ (waste).(2018年大连市一模) 3. I did my homework _(careless), so there were a lot of mistakes.(2018年大连市一模) teacher wastefulcarelessly2P101Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words .1. The factory _ the river, and the fish died.A. polluted B. to pollute C. polluting2. We often walk in the countryside. It is a(n) _ activity for us.A.usual B. unusual C. usually 3. Do not use so much water. It is very _.A. waste B. wasteful C wasted4. To keep the flowers growing, you need to _ them once a day.A. water B.watering C. wateredA.A. B.A.Discussion 1. How many kinds of pollution do you know? 2.What causes pollution? 3. How to stop pollution?Watch and answer questionsWhat causes pollution?rubbishplastic bagspaper cups and paper bagscars on the roadsDivide our rubbish into plastic, glass and paperTake our own bag when we go shoppingWed better use china cups and cloth bagsWed better walk or ride a bike to schoolso that they can be recycled.because plastic bags are hard to recycle.because they can be used many times.so that energy can be saved.1.She plans to make a speech about saving , because some people often waste things, like water, food and energy. But she doesnt have any good ideas now. 2. Discuss in groups and try to give her some advice and reasons.3. Have a match in groups.Her problemDosDontsReuse and recycleIts a waste to throw used things away. Dont throw away things made of glass, plastic and paper, but recycle them if possible. Plastic bags are hard to recycle, so reuse the old ones when you can. Take a bag with you when you go shopping.Reduce pollutionProducing electricity and using oil may cause pollution of the air, water and earth in many different ways. If we use less electricity and oil, we can reduce pollution. Here is some advice: dont leave lights on and waste electricity; walk or cycle, and dont drive a car unless you have to. Walking and cycling are good for your health too!Reading comprehension AdviceReasons1.Dont throw away things made of glass, plastic and paper, but recycle them if possible.3.Use less electricity and oil to reduce pollution.2.Reuse your plastic bags when you can and take a bag with you when you go shopping. Throwing things away is wasteful.Plastic bags are hard to recycle.Producing electricity and using oil may cause pollution.4.Dont leave lights on and waste electricity.5.Walk or cycle and do not often drive your car.Writing1. Malizi plans to make a speech about saving , because some people often waste things, like water, food and energy. But she doesnt have any good ideas now. Could you please choose one subject from the three and tell her what people should do in everyday life? 2. Make a simple poster to present your groups idea and then we will choose the best group.Save our worldSave foodSave energySave water SummaryGreen mountains and clear water are as good as moutains of gold and silver.Save the earth and save us.课堂学案课堂学案一构词法在中考题型中的运用一构词法在中考题型中的运用 用括号内所给词的适当形式完成下列句子。用括号内所给词的适当形式完成下列句子。1. My mother is a _ (teach). She works at an international school. (2018 年大连市一年大连市一模)模) 2. Do not use so much water. It is very _ (waste).(2018 年大连市一模)年大连市一模) 3. I did my homework _(careless), so there were a lot of mistakes.(2018 年大连市年大连市一模)一模) 二阅读理解二阅读理解Reading comprehensionReuse and recycleIts a waste to throw used things away. Dont throw away things made of glass, plastic and paper, but recycle them if possible. Plastic bags are hard to recycle, so reuse the old ones when you can. Take a bag with you when you go shopping.Reduce pollutionProducing electricity and using oil may cause pollution of the air, water and earth in many different ways. If we use less electricity and oil, we can reduce pollution. Here is some advice: dont leave lights on and waste electricity; walk or cycle, and dont drive a car unless you have to. Walking and cycling are good for your health too!AdviceReasons构词法构词法 1.合成法2. 将两个或两个以上独立且语义不同的单词合在一起构成新词的方法叫做合成法。例如: black+board=blackboard, news+paper=newspaper.2. 派生法 通过在词根前面加前缀或在词根后面加后缀构成一个新词的方法叫作派生法。用派生法构成的词叫作派生词。eg. likedislike happyunhappy success-successfulinterestinginterestedinterestinglyuninterestinguninterestedinterest词根词缀名词形容词副词+注意:注意:前缀一般只前缀一般只改变词义改变词义,不改变词性不改变词性(只有少(只有少数能引起词性的变化)数能引起词性的变化)eg. understdand v. 理解理解 misunderstand v.不理解不理解 happy adj.高兴的高兴的unhappy adj. 不高兴的不高兴的常见的前缀表示否定意义的有:常见的前缀表示否定意义的有:dis-;im-;un-.后缀一般只后缀一般只改变词性改变词性,不改变词义不改变词义 (只有少数部(只有少数部分能引起词义的变化)分能引起词义的变化)eg.harm n. 危害危害harmful adj. 有害的有害的waste v.浪费浪费wasteful adj. 浪费的浪费的常见的后缀有:常见的后缀有:-er,-or,-ing,-ful,-ly. 英语构词法中把 一种词性 转化为 另一种词性 而词形不变 的方法称为转化法。(1) n. v. She gave me a cup of water. You should water the flowers twice a day. 她给了我一杯水。 你应该每天给这些花浇两次水。用括号内所给词的适当形式完成下列句子。1.My mother is a _ (teach). She works at an international school. (2018年大连市一模) 2. Do not use so much water. It is very _ (waste).(2018年大连市一模) 3. I did my homework _(careless), so there were a lot of mistakes.(2018年大连市一模) teacher wastefulcarelessly1Module 12 Save our world Unit 3 Language in use 教学设计 1课题课题Module 12 Save our world Unit 3 Language in use 是外研版九年级上册第 12模块第三单元的内容。2教材分析教材分析本模块是基于“人与自然”语篇下的“绿色环保,节约能源”话题,这是一个很有意义、贴近学生生活实际的话题,这个话题共分 6 课时完成,本单元是第5、6 课时。在第 1、2 课时中从听、说技能的操练,使学生能够听懂有关环保的日常对话,能够比较自由地谈论环保话题。在第 3、4