1、教学设计教学设计课文标题Module 2 Public holidays单元名称Unit 3 Language in use教材版本外语教学与研究出版社授课年级九年级上学期一整体设计思路:本课是一节模块复习课,涉及到本模块中的重点词汇、短语、语法、交际用语、语篇理解、跨文化交际以及模块任务的完成等。内容多,任务量大,且复习课基本上是对前两个单元的复习与总结,一般没有新知识的教授,所以学生兴趣不高,可能会出现课堂参与度不高的现象。基于对以上问题的考虑,我大胆尝试了对文本内容的取舍与整合,大致思路是这样的:首先,进入话题之后引导学生复习 12 个月份,讨论每个月份中都有哪些节日(以游戏方式进行)
2、,并强化巩固 Unit 1 中序数词和日期表达方式和介词 on 的用法;其次,热身活动后继续引导学生讨论东西方不同的节日并进行分类, 尤其对西方重要节日进行讨论, 拓展学生文化视野,提高学生对英美文化的认识,对核心素养中文化品格适当培养;接下来在学习过程中引出的关于时间状语从句的连词进行归纳, 并插入微课方式加以复习巩固; 基础知识词汇、短语等的复习依然是本单元中的重点, 通过新媒体技术设计游戏方式进行复习效果很好; 进入到输出阶段, 设计了我的外国朋友想了解中国传统节日的邮件, 用思维导图的方式理清学生写作的思路,同时引导学生适当使用时间状语从句关联词,培养学生学习策略,提高学习能力;最后,
3、利用希沃授课助手上传展示学生作业并分析评讲。二教学目标:1.知识与技能 Knowledge objectives(1)Key vocabulary: found, flag, vacation, season, twelfth, twentieth, among, pioneer, following,as well, get together, have a picnic, spend some time, take a vacation, the end of.(2)Key structures:While were staying with our friends, were going
4、 to spend one day in Qingdao.Before we begin dinner, my father gives thanks for the food.When it is all over, everyone helps wash the dishes.And my family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins.We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers from England arrived in Am
5、erica.After they landed, their first winter was worse than any English winter.2.过程与方法 Ability objectives(1) To review key words and expressions;(2) To be able to understand and use the adverbial clause of time;(3) To ensure students to make a poster and write a composition about a Chinese festival.3
6、.情感态度与价值观 Moral objectivesTo deepen the understanding of Chinese and Western traditional festivals and enhance the love ofour traditional culture.三教学重点和难点:1.教学重点 Key points(1) Review important words and expressions;(2) Understand and use the adverbial clause of time;(3) Improve the understanding of
7、different cultures.2.教学难点 Difficult pointsHow to compose a passage about Chinese festivals using the adverbial clause of time withinlimited time.四教学过程:教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Preparation(greetings andlead-in)Greeteachotherandaskstudents how their weekend wasand lead to the topic.Chat about the topicandanswe
8、rthequestion.以问候学生周末过得如何导入新课, 为轻松和谐的课堂氛围做好铺垫。Presentation1.Ask students questions andreview months and festivalstheyhaveknown;Emphasize the expressionsof dates;2.Classify the festivals, leadstudents to divide them intotwodifferentparts-Chinese traditional festivalsandWesterntraditionalfestivals;3.Le
9、ad students to talk moreabout western festivals andexpand their horizon.Talk about and showtheir ideas with theclass.Thinkaboutandplay the game.Discuss together andshare each other.复习月份, 以及对应月份中的节日, 掌握序数词和日期的表达, 对前两个单元知识的再现。对节日进行分类, 初步了解中西方节日的区别。拓展学生的文化意识, 提高学生对英美文化的认识。Practice1.Accordingtotimeline,
10、people do different thingsduringdifferentfestivals.Reviewtheconjuctionsabout the adverbial clauseof time and conclude byenjoying the micro-video;2.Reviewsomekeyvocabularybyplayinggames;Thinkdeeplyandreadtogether,sayoutsomeconjuctionstheyhave learnt. Watchthe video carefullyand study.Onestudentleadst
11、he rest to read keywordsandexpressions in thismodule.通过交流引出时间状语从句的几个连词, 并通过微课形式再现, 帮助学生归纳总结。学生教学生的方式避免了传统的授课方式,引发学生兴趣,提高课堂效率。Production1.Designaletterfromaforeign friend who wants toknow more about Chinesefestivals to arouse studentsinterest.2.Use the mind map to helpstudentsorganizethestructure of
12、the letter, andmeanwhile , lead students touseconjuctionsoftheadverbial clause of time asmuch as possible.3.Use SeewoLink to projectstudentsworkstothescreen.Watchtheletterfrom a foreign friendand think about howtocomposeapassage.Try to write back.Look at the screencarefully and pointout some mistake
13、sand correct together.设计一封外国友人的邮件, 激发学生向外国朋友介绍中国传统文化的热情。利用思维导图帮助学生构思邮件结构与内容, 引导学生使用时间状语从句, 学以致用。运用希沃授课助手,及时高效对学生作业进行评讲与反馈,提高课堂效率。Homework(You can choose 1/2 or 1/2/3and try your best.)1.Review key words and phrasesof this module;2.Polish your letter and send itto me byemail();3.Make a poster about a
14、 Chinesefestival.Choose homework.通过分层作业给学生提供不同难度的内容, 有利于促进不同水平的学生发展各自的能力。四板书设计:Module 2 Public holidaysUnit 3 Language in use-When is .?as soon as-Its on September 10th.before/after. on March 8th.when/whileSinceuntil五教学反思:本节课是一节复习总结课, 不仅要复习本模块的基础知识和语法, 而且要完成模块任务,制作一张中国节日的海报并作介绍。从教学环节上,遵循 4P 授课模式,即 Preparation,Presentation, Practice 和 Production; 从内容上看,intake, uptake 到 output 是一个完整的过程,要求老师设计课堂环节时力求通过贴近学生生活实际,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。当然本节课有明显的不足之处,环节之间的衔接不够自然,今后在这方面多思考多借鉴。