Module 7 Great books-Unit 1 we’re still influenced by Confucius’s ideas.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:20520).docx

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Module 7 Great books-Unit 1 we’re still influenced by Confucius’s ideas.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:20520).docx_第1页
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Module 7 Great books-Unit 1 we’re still influenced by Confucius’s ideas.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:20520).docx_第2页
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Module 7 Great books-Unit 1 we’re still influenced by Confucius’s ideas.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:20520).docx_第3页
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Module 7 Great books-Unit 1 we’re still influenced by Confucius’s ideas.-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:20520).docx_第4页
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1、MOMODULEDULE 7 7 GreatGreat booksbooksPartPart 1:1: TeachingTeaching designdesign第一部分第一部分 教学设计教学设计FunctionFunctionTalking about books, writers and thinkersStructureStructurePresent simple passiveListening/SpeakingListening/Speaking Matching words and photographs Talking about favorite books, plays,

2、poemsand writersReading/WritingReading/Writing Transforming information from apassageto a table Making notes and writing about a favoritebookAroundAround thethe worldworldPlatoTaskTaskOrganizing a class talkUnitUnit 1 1 WeWe areare stillstill influencedinfluenced byby ConfuciusConfuciuss sideas.idea

3、s.W Warmarm upup byby learninglearning aboutabout objectobject clauses.clauses.In the sentence “ We are still influenced by Confuciussideas.”areinfluenced is an example of present simple passive. Its structure is“ is/ am/ are +-ed”.Now we go on to make as many similar sentences as possible.1Men area

4、re attractedattracted by women.2The school isis facedfaced by a hill.3He isis calledcalled Xiao Wang by his friends.4The book isis writtenwritten by a junior student.5His homework isis donedone by his father.6A lot of trees areare plantplanteded today.7The environment isis helpedhelped greatly by th

5、e river.8A home isis providedprovided for the homeless people by the citizens.9The air in my city isis improvedimproved greatlygreatly.10The building isis mamadede to look beautiful by the new paint.11Two drinks areare broughtbrought to me by a boy.12Her bed isis shareshared d with others at night.1

6、3A taxi isis t takenaken by a man standing there just now.talktalk andand l listen.isten. Let the students think of some famous writers whom they know,such asConfucius ,Mark Twain ,Shakespeare and so on.While talking,Matchwriters and photographs ,and talk about their favourite books, plays,poems and

7、 writers. Then listen to the tape ,finish the exercises. ReadRead andand f findind outout allall thethe presentpresent simplesimple passivepassive sentences.sentences.There are many present simple passive sentences in the dialogue. Now goover it to find out all the present simple passive sentences.1

8、. Confucius works areare stillstill readread by many people today, and werere stillstillinfluencedinfluenced by his thoughts.2. And Shakespeares plays areare seenseen by millions of people every year.3. Theyrere stillstill readread today. MakeMake presentpresent simplesimple passivepassive sentences

9、.sentences.Present simple passive sentences are made by structure of “is/ am/ are+-ed”. Now you are to make as many present simple passive sentences aspossible in pairs.1. My homework isis d do onene in the library.2. The missing boy isis looklookeded forfor by all the family members.3. Spelling mis

10、takes in some old copies of the school magazine areare g gottenottenrightright by some of Class Two students.4. My teacher isis calledcalled ChinaChinas s MarkMark TwainTwain by our classmates.5. As far as I remember the English corner isis startedstarted by two nativespeakers.6. Going to school on

11、foot isis ththoughtought aboutabout by all the parents.7. The singing group isis startstarteded again today.8. A favorite work of literature isis readread every day by us at school.9. Her article about how to write poems isis stillstill readread by us students inTaiyuan.10.We areare stillstill influ

12、encedinfluenced by his way of learning English.11.Her plays areare seenseen by millions of people every year.12.He is an important writer and he isis knownknown as a great thinker.13.My favorite book isis writtenwritten by her.14.She isis stillstill readread today.15.How to learn English faster isis

13、 writwritt te en n onon by my teacher. ActAct outout thethe dialogue.dialogue.Next we are going to act out the dialogue. First we shall be acting inpairs. Then two best pairs will be selected. And they shall put on thedialogue in front of the class. OK? Go ahead. TalkTalk asas theythey ( (仿说仿

14、说) )Letsgo on to write, by imitation, a dialogue based on the one youlearned just now.Let the students talk about the characters inordinalworldwritten by Lu Yao. CloseClosedowndownbybyaskaskaskingaskingandandansweringansweringc conversationonversationq questionsuestionsliteratureliterature andand bo

15、oks.books.1. How many English authors can you name?2. How many of Shakespeares plays can you name?3. What is the last English book you read in your Chinese?4. What sort of books do you enjoy reading?5. Who is your favorite writer?6. Have you ever read a book and then seen a film of that book?7. Who

16、are the most famous writers in China?8. How many books do you read per year?9. Do you think that books are a thing of the past?10.What are some of the main differences between a novel and a short story?11.About how many books do you have in your house?12.Are you a member of any public library?13.Do you like to write your own short stories?14.Some people say that “books are best friends”. Is that true for you?What kinds of books or which authors dont you like?HomeworkHomeworkWrite a review about their favorite book.


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