Module 4 Home alone-Unit 2 I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone.-教案、教学设计-省级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:549a4).docx

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Module 4 Home alone-Unit 2 I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone.-教案、教学设计-省级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:549a4).docx_第1页
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Module 4 Home alone-Unit 2 I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone.-教案、教学设计-省级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:549a4).docx_第2页
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Module 4 Home alone-Unit 2 I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone.-教案、教学设计-省级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:549a4).docx_第3页
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Module 4 Home alone-Unit 2 I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone.-教案、教学设计-省级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:549a4).docx_第4页
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Module 4 Home alone-Unit 2 I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone.-教案、教学设计-省级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:549a4).docx_第5页
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1、Lesson Plan For M4U2Teaching Material: 外 研 版 九 年 级 上 册外 研 版 九 年 级 上 册 Module4Home alone Unit2 I became so bored with their ordersthat I wished they would leave me alone.(Reading)Teaching Object: Class11, Grade8, Xianhua ForeignLanguage School, Pujiang, ZhejaingTeachingAims:By the end of the class, s

2、tudents will be able to1.use the following words properly in given situation ortheir daily life: manage, order, reasonably, independent2.predict writers opinion according to the quotationmarks of the title.3.master the change of the writers feeling.4.understand the love of parents and develop theabi

3、lities of living independently.Difficulties:1.Students might find it difficult to find out how ZhenChenyus problems came out.2. Students might find it difficult to find out the detailsthat describe writers feelings.TeachingAids: blackboard, chalk, computerTeaching Mind map:Teaching Procedures:Stages

4、ActivitiesMethodologyWarming-upStep1:GreetingT: Nice to meet you here! Can you givea big smile? Oh, how nice it is! But ourtopic today may be not so nice. Whatsit?S: Home alone.T: Thats right! It means staying athome alone. Well, When you are athome alone, can you cook simplemeals/tidy up your room?

5、S: Yes./ No.1. 用日常对话用日常对话引入新课,引入新课,问学生会做问学生会做什么和不会什么和不会做什么来充做什么来充分激活调动分激活调动学 生 的 已学 生 的 已知。知。T: Who does it for you?S: My mother/Step2:Lead-inT: Lets imagine:Your parents goaway on business, and you have to stayat home alone. What do youthink ofthis situation(处境)?S:T: These are your opinions. What a

6、boutZhen Chenyus? He wrote a passageand lets have a look. Whats the title?S: My “perfect holiday”2.2.让学生头脑让学生头脑风暴,激活思风暴,激活思维维Before-reading Step3:PredictingT: Look at the quotation marks. Isntvery strange? Can you guess how theholiday is?S: Its perfect.S: Its not perfect.1.1. 从 标 题 切从 标 题 切入,预测文章入,预

7、测文章内容。再让学内容。再让学生对文本整体生对文本整体阅读,验证自阅读,验证自己的预测是否己的预测是否正确。正确。While-readingStep4: Fast readingT: Well, lets read and find out if yourpredicting is right.对验证结果对验证结果”notnotalwaysalwaysperfectperfect” 进行进行T: How was his holiday?S: Being at home is not always perfect.Step5: Careful reading T: Then what happe

8、ned in theholiday? What did he do?S: T: What do you think of his activities?Is it reasonable?S: No.T: Thats right! We cant do whateverwe want to do. We should manage ourtime reasonably. So what may happennext?S: He may wake up late.S: He may feel sleepy.T: Ok, you mean he will have manytroubles. The

9、n lets read and find outhis troubles.S: T: What on earth made him meetthese problems?How do you know? 细节追问多角度多方面多角度多方面剖析,对文本剖析,对文本深入挖掘。同深入挖掘。同时进行情感态时进行情感态度教育:度教育:要注要注意培养自己独意培养自己独立 生 活 的 能立 生 活 的 能力,成为能独力,成为能独立生活、有担立生活、有担当、有生活技当、有生活技能的人。学会能的人。学会合 理 安 排 时合 理 安 排 时间。间。2.2.培养学生的培养学生的思辨能力:思辨能力:能能够从正反两方够从

10、正反两方面 来 论 述 问面 来 论 述 问题,并给予归题,并给予归纳性的总结。纳性的总结。 T: On one hand, he met lots ofproblems but on the other hand, helearned sth too. What did he learn?S:T: After the experience, his feelingschanged a lot. Now please circle all theadjs which describe his feelings in thepassages.T: How did he feel when?S:T

11、: Now we have a clear idea of thepassage. Can you tell me the rightstructure of it?S:B T:And how about the main idea?S:A.T: Well done! Zheng Chenyu found hislife more difficult without his parents.So he didnt have a perfect holiday. Sowould you please tell me what a perfectholiday is?After- readingStep6 DiscussingS:.对文本进行拓对文本进行拓展延伸。展延伸。HomeworkWrite a passage about what you cando and what you cant do when yourparents are away. And tell me thereasons for them.后续阅读延伸后续阅读延伸BlackboarddesignM4Home alonequotation marksorders(n.)independent(adj.)depend onmanagereasonably


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