Unit 3 Safety-Lesson 13 Be Careful, Danny!-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级公开课-冀教版九年级全一册英语(编号:40933).zip

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初中英语话题式初中英语话题式复课学案设计复课学案设计话题话题Safety and first aid(安全与救护)安全与救护)From Unit 3 ,Book 5班级姓名Vocabulary Expressions1.安全 n._ adj._ adv._ 2.小心的 adj._ adv._ v.&n._ 粗心的 adj._3.悬挂,垂下 v._ Vp_ Vpp_ 4.lie v. 躺 Vp_ Vpp_ 撒谎 Vp_ Vpp_5.严重的,严肃的 adj._ adv._ 6.必需的,必要的 adj._7.城镇 (C)n._8.丑陋的 adj._ (相反词)漂亮的adj._9.肩膀(C)n._10.伤,伤口(C)n._ adj._ (多指意外或事故造成伤害)_ (通常指外界暴力造成创伤,多指枪刀伤害)_ (常指精神上,肉体上或感情上的伤害)_ 1.安全准则_2.小心(某物/某事)_3.做某事小心_4.挂起来_5.闲逛_6.躺下_7.撒谎_8.没什么严重的事_9.一个难看的伤口_10.期待(某人)做某事11.期待,盼望 v._ 12.突然(的)n.& adj._ adv._13.血 (U)n._14.膝盖 (C)n._15.碎石,岩石 (C)n._16.插入,穿入 v._ Vp_ Vpp_ 17.陌生人(C)n._ 陌生的 adj._18.阻止,预防 v._19.某些,某个 adj._ 当然 adv._20.他们自己 pron._ 主格_ 宾格_ 形代_ 名代_21.食盐(U)n._ adj._22.剪刀(常用复数)n._23.小刀(C)n._ pl._ 24.高温,热(U)n./加热 v._25.烧/烫伤,燃烧 v._ Vp_/_ Vpp_/_ 26.地震(C)n._27.镇静的,沉着的 adj._ adv._28.物体,对象,目标(C)n._29.规则,规章(C)n._30.训练,培养 v._ n._31.事故,意外(C)n._11.突然,猛地_12.从.伸出来_13.阻止.做_ or_ or_14.伤着/切伤/烧伤某人自己 _15.一把剪刀_16.一次地震_17.保持镇静_18.交通规则_ 安全规则_32.保护 v._ n._Sentences1.你还好吗?你受伤了吗?Are you _? Are you _? 2.我想阻止她追赶球。I wanted to stop her _ _ _the ball3.司机迅速地跳了出来。The driver _ _quickly.4.突然,我从右边重重地摔了下去。_,I went down hard on my right side.5.我摘下了我的头盔。 I _ _ my helmet.6.有个尖锐的岩石从我的头盔里伸了出来。There was a sharp rock _ _ _my helmet.7.车不可能及时停下来。The car couldnt stop_ _.8.不要用水来扑灭厨房里的火。用小苏打或19.出事故/意外_20.使.免于_21.跳起来_ 跳下去_ 跳进_ (从).跳出来_22.及时_ 按时_23.追赶_or_ or chase24.掉下去_ 摔下去_25.如此.以至于_ or_26.脱下,起飞_27.谢天谢地_28.扑灭_29.(把车)开到路边_30.小苏打_31.密切注意,提防_32.使瘫痪,降低_盐替代。Dont use water_ _ _the kitchen fires.Use baking soda or salt_.9.当地面开始摇晃和抖动时要保持镇静。_ _ as the earth begins to shake and move.10.如果你在车里,把车停在没有树和建筑物的地方,然后待车里。If you are in a car,_ _ to a place where there are no trees or buildings and stay in the car.11.密切注意会落到你身体上的物体。_ _ _ _ _things that can fall on you.12.太多的电话会电话系统瘫痪。Too many calls will _ _ the phone system.13. 当你有危险时,你应该大声求救。When you are _ _, you should shout loudly _ _.14. 人人都要遵守交通规则,否则意外就可能发生在你身上。Everyone must obey the _ _, or an accident may _ _ you.15.我们必须学会如何从火灾中逃生。 We must know how to _ _ _ a fire accident. 自主积累Listening Training 本题你将听到一篇短文,读两遍。请从每个小题的的三个选项中,选出最恰当的一项。1.Most earthquakes are too_to be felt. A.strong B.weak C. dangerous2.What should you do when you are indoors during an earthquake ?A.Escape from the house as soon as possible.B.Stand still in a corner of your house.C.Hide under a desk.3.You should move to _when you are outdoors during an earthquake ?A.a big park B.a playground C.an open place4.Why shouldnt you move in a short time after an earthquake stops shaking?A. Because it hasnt ended ,yet.B. Because its unwise to move alone.C. Because you should wait for someone to help.5.It could be dangerous _A.when you jump from a high building during an earthquake.B.when you move around in your house during an earthquakeC.When you open the windows after smelling the gas during an earthquake TestTest 1 1 补全对话补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余项。 A middle school student and her mother are visiting the security education show(安全教育展)M: Come on, darling, so many pictures here!S: _1_M: Traffic safety.S: Sounds boring.M _2_S: Maybe. Oh! Mum, look at this picture, a boy is hit by a car when he is running across the road. _3_ .M: So it is!S: _4_ That helps us stay safe from danger.M: Yes, better safe than sorry. Lets go to another hall to learn more about how to protect ourselves.S: _5_ . Lets go.A. Good idea.B. How terrible! C. Its my pleasure.D. What are they about?E. What do you think of them?F. But it has meaning to everyone.G. I think we are supposed to follow traffic rules. Test2Test2 书面表达书面表达 建设平安校园是我们每个人的责任和义务。作为一名中学生,我们应该珍惜自己的生命,注意我们的人身安全。假如你是李华,请你根据提示写一篇不少于 70 词的安全倡议书。 提示:1.不带管制刀具到校。 2.不私自下河洗澡。 3.上学放学途中注意安全。 4.遇紧急情况立即报告警察或老师。 参考词汇:管制刀具 restricted knives or things, 紧急情况emergency 要求:1. 短文应包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥,以使行文连贯; 2.书写规范工整条理清晰,内容连贯。Dear students, Yours, Li Hua初中英语话题式复课教学设计初中英语话题式复课教学设计话题话题Safety and first aid(安全与救护)安全与救护)设计教师学校Safety rulesBook 5: Lesson16/17/18AccidentsBook 5: Lesson13/14/15/18First aidBook 5: Lesson13/14/15/17/18ContentsSelf protectionBook 5: Lesson15/16/17/18Teaching aimsLanguageLanguage goalsgoals To master the words & expressions for safety,accidents, first aid and self protection. Functions: Reminding and warning. Grammar:Imperatives AbilityAbility goalsgoals To cultivate the students cooperation and communication ability. To enable the students to understand the passages related to safety and first aid by listening,speaking,reading&writing.MoralMoral goalsgoals To know the importance of safety and obey the safety rules To help and care for each otherTeaching important points Master the words & expressions for safety,accidents, first aid and self protection. Functions: Reminding and warning. Grammar:Imperatives Teaching difficult points Grammar:Imperatives To enable the students to understand the passages related to safety and first aid by listening,speaking,reading&writing.Teaching methodscommunicative approach , multi-media approach ,practice method ,competition method,working in groupsTeaching aidsPowerPoint,multi-media, worksheets ,little blackboards Teaching proceduresTeacher Write the learning paper(before class)Step 1 3min Showtime (3min) Ask one of the groups to give a short English talent show.Step 2 Lead in (3min) T :Serious accidents happen almost every day. They may happen anywhere at any time .They threaten peoples safety,especially natural disasters like earthquakes.So its very important to learn something about first aid and self protection .Now lets have a discussion about the following questions :What can we do to avoid these accidents or disasters? How can we protect ourselves? If we met an accident,how should we give first aid?Step 3 Listening (5min) 1.Instruct the Ss to go through the materials. 原文:Every 30 seconds there is an earthquake.But dont worry because most earthquakes are so weak that they can not be felt.Only a few big ones hurt people.Here are some tips on how to keep safe in an earthquake. First,if you are indoors during an earthquake,hide under a desk.Stay away from windows and anything that could Students Collect the words &expressions by themselves (before class)Complete the learning paper.(before class) Have a free talk Listen to the tape carefully Present their answers in oral. Round 1fall on you . Second,if you are outdoors,move to an open place.Try to be away from trees,signs,buildings and streetlights.These could fall on you. Third,when an earthquake stops shaking,be careful because it hasnt ended ,yet.So stay under the desk until you make sure its safe to get up. Finally,if you are at home and you smell gas,open the windows and get out of the building as quickly as you can. If you only open the windows,a gas line i you house may be broken.That could be very dangerous. 2.Play the listening materials 3.Check their answers as a class.Step 4 Sharing their collections (5min)1.Ask the students to share their collections in groups first and then show them in class.2.Give the students some help if they need. Step 5 Making mind maps (8min)Guide the students in making mind maps. prevent.from escape from Share their collections in groups. Correct their answers. Make a mind map as a group of four. Organize the vocabulary &expressions according to their mind maps.Safety accidentsnatural disastersa bike accidentclassroom accidentshome accidentstraffic accidentsa car accidentan earthquake.a park accidentSelf protection&first aidSafety rules&first aidStep 6 Grammar &structures(5min)1. Grammar:Imperatives 祈使句指的是表示命令、请求、建议或劝告的句子。其主语 you 常省略,谓语动词用原形,句末用感叹号或句号,读降调。 肯定的祈使句(1)动词原形+其他 e.g. Calm down, please. = Please calm down. (2)Be + adj. e.g. Be careful! = Look out! = Take care! (3)Lets + 动词原形 e.g. Lets call an ambulance. 否定的祈使句 (1) Dont + 动词原形 e.g. Dont play with fire.(2)Lets ( let sb ) + not + 动词原形 e.g. Lets not use water to put out kitchen fires. Let them not play with fire.(3)用 no+n/v-ing 表示禁止 e.g. No smoking! No photos!(4)Never +动词原形 e.g. Never use electricity in the shower. 3.祈使句的反意疑问句(1)肯定祈使句用 will you 或 wont you。 e.g. Please move outdoors quickly, will/ wont you? (2)否定祈使句只用 will you。 e.g. Dont leave me alone, will you? (3) 以 lets 开头的祈使句用 shall we。 e.g. Lets pull over to a safe place, shall we?(3)以 let us 开头的祈使句用 will you e.g. Let us stay here, will/ wont you? 2.Reminding and warning Give the students some examples about reminding and warning.e.g. -Be careful with scissors and knives! -OK, I will.-Dont stand on chairs.You may hurt yourself. Look at the PPt and listen to the teacher. -Sorry, I wont. Ask the students to find more sentences about reminding and warning in unit 3, Book 5.3.Structures for writing(1)We can.(2)We should.(3)We are supposed to.(4)Wed better.(5)Imperatives(祈使句) .Step 7 Writing (10min)1.Guide the students in writing.2.Ask the students to write a short passage about how to keep safe at school as a group of four.3.Choose one to give a presentation.Step 8 Class closingGive the students some warnings and remindings. Review the grammar as a class. Write a short passage(Test 2) Enjoy their compositions.首页末页3min3min showtimeshowtimeAccidentsAccidents andand disastersdisasters 本题你将听到一篇短文,读两遍。请从每个小题的的三个选项中,选出最恰当的一项。1.Most1.Most earthquakesearthquakes areare too_totoo_to bebe felt.felt. A.strong B.weak C. dangerous2.What2.What shouldshould youyou dodo whenwhen youyou areare indoorsindoors duringduring anan earthquakeearthquake ? ? A.Escape from the house as soon as possible. B.Stand still in a corner of your house. C.Hide under a desk.3.You3.You shouldshould movemove toto _when_when youyou areare outdoorsoutdoors duringduring anan earthquakeearthquake ? ? A.a big park B.a playground C.an open placeInformationInformation collectioncollection4.Why4.Why shouldntshouldnt youyou movemove inin a a shortshort timetime afterafter anan earthquakeearthquake stopsstops shaking?shaking? A. Because it hasnt ended ,yet. B. Because its unwise to move alone. C. Because you should wait for someone to help.5.It5.It couldcould bebe dangerousdangerous _ A.when you jump from a high building during an earthquake. B.when you move around in your house during an earthquake C.When you open the windows after smelling the gas during an earthquakeInformationInformation collectioncollectionGrammarsGrammars & & structuresstructures Imperatives(祈使句)祈使句) 肯定的祈使句(1)Do型:动词原形+其他 e.g. Calm down, please. (2)Be型:Be + adj. e.g. Be careful! (3)Let型:Let sb+ 动词原形 e.g. Lets call an ambulance. 否定的祈使句否定的祈使句(1) Dont + 动词原形 e.g. Dont play with fire.(2)Lets ( let sb ) + not + 动词原形 e.g. Let them not play with fire.(3)用no+n/v-ing表示禁止 e.g. No photos! No smoking! (4)Never +动词原形 e.g. Never use electricity in the shower. Structures for writing(1)We can.(2)We should.(3)We are supposed to.(4)Wed better.(5)Imperatives(祈使句)祈使句) .GettingGetting readyready forfor writingwriting书面表达书面表达 建设平安校园是我们每个人的责任和义务。作为一名中学生,我们应该珍惜自己的生命,注意我们的人身安全。假如你是李华,请你根据提示写一篇不少于70词的安全倡议书。 提示:1.不带管制刀具到校。 2.不私自下河洗澡。 3.上学放学途中注意安全。 4.遇紧急情况立即报告警察或老师。 参考词汇:管制刀具restricted knives or things, 紧急情况emergency 要求:1. 短文应包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥,以使行文连贯; 2.书写规范工整条理清晰,内容连贯。Dear students,. Yours, Li Hua
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