Unit 4 Stories and Poems-Lesson 21 The Fable of the Woodcutter-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-冀教版九年级全一册英语(编号:c14e9).zip

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Unit4StoriesandPoemsLesson21TheFableoftheWoodcutterDiscussthefollowingquestions.*Doyoulikereadingfables?*whatfableshaveyouread?*Doyouthinkitisimportanttobehonest?Why?Readthelessoncarefullyandanswerthefollowingquestions.1.Whathappenedtothewoodcutterwhenhewascuttingwoodbesidealake?2.Whoappearedasthewoodcuttercried?3.Howdidthewoodcuttergetbackhisoldaxe?4.Whydidthespiritgivethewoodcuttertheothertwoaxesaspresents?LanguageLanguagePointsPoints1.He had only one axe, and he needed it to make his living.他只有一把斧头,他需要它谋生。make ones living 谋生eg.What do most people make their living? 大多数人靠什么谋生呢?make a living by doing sth./as a eg.Thepoorboymadehislivingbysellingpapers.Hemakeshislivingasasinger.2.As he cried, a spirit appeared. 当他哭时,一个精灵出现了。while和as引导的时间状语从句的谓语时延续性动词;when引导的时间状语从句的谓语既可以是延续性动词,也可以是短暂性动词。eg.HemetMarywhile/when/ashewaswalkinginthestreet.Whenyouseeher,giveherthisbook.4. dive into 跳入中; 潜入eg. I saw a rabbit dive into the hole.3.Suddenly,hecameupwithagreatidea.突然,她想出来了一个好主意。comeupwith想出,提出,提供eg.Hecanalwayscomeupwithreasonsforhislaziness.5.Becauehewashonest,headmittedtothespritthatitwasnthisaxe.因为他很诚实,所以他跟精灵承认这把斧子不是他的。admit表示“向某人承认”要搭配介词toeg.Thestudentadmittedhismistakestohisteacher.6.Thespritwentdownathirdtimeandreturnedwiththewoodcuttersoldaxe.不定冠词+序数词”表示相对前一个而言的又一,再一”eg.Hehasseethefilmtwice,buthewantstoseeitathirdtime.7.Thespritwassohappywiththewoodcuttershonestythatshegavehimtheothertwoaxesaspresents.behappywith/about意为“(对某人或某物)满意的,放心的”。eg.Areyouhappywiththearrangement/?Iftheresanythingyourenothappyabout,comeandaskme.Readthelessonagain.Thinkaboutthespiritofthewoodcutter.Fillintheblankswiththewordsgivenbelow.helpfulcleverhonestfoolishwarm-hearteddishonestkindpoorA.Thewoodcutterwas_.B.Thespiritwas_Fillintheblankswiththecorrectformofthewordsgivenbelow.diveintomakeoneslivingcomeupwithcryadmitsilvera.He_tohisparentsthathebrokethewindow.Theywerehappywithhishonesty.b.Thatoldladyispoor.She_bysellingnewspapers.c.Imafraidto_theswimmingpool.d.He_afunwaytolearnmath.e.Sheworea_chainaroundherneck.f.Thewoodcutterwas_whenthespiritappeared.Lesson21 The Fable of Woodcutter Teaching Aims1. Target languageWords and phrasesfable,woodcutter,silver,axe,make ones living,dive into,adimit to,come up with2. Ability goalsEnable the students to know the importance of honest.3. Learning ability goalsHelp the students understand the fable weel.Improve the students reading ability.Teaching Importance1.Key words and phrasesfable, woodcutter, axe, dive, admit, silver, policy.2.Key sentences1)He had only axe, and he needed it to make his living.2)The spirit went down a third time and returned with the woodcutters old axe.3)As he cried, a spirit appeared.Teaching Difficulties1.辨析 bring/carry/ take/ fetch2.How to help them understand the fable well.3.How to improve their reading skill.Step1.Warmingup1.Discuss the following questions.T: Do you like reading fables?T:what fables have you read?T: Do you think it is important to be honest? Why?T:.Now lets start todays study: The Fable of the Woodcutter2. Learn the new words.Step2.ThinkaboutIt1. Do you like reading fables? What fables have you read?2. Do you think it is important to be honest? Why?Step3.Reading1.Skim the lesson and answer dthe following questions. a. When did the story happened ? b. What happened to the woodcutter when he was cutting wood by the lake ? c. Who appeared and helped him as he cried ? d. How did the spirit help the woodcutter ? e. What did the spirit do with the other two axes at last ? f. How do you like the woodcutter and the spirit ?Step4. Reading1. Read the lesson carefully and answer the following questions.a. What happened to the woodcutter when he was cutting wood beside a lake?b. Who appeared as the woodcutter cried?c. How did the woodcutter get back his old axe?d. Why did the spirit give the woodcutter the other two axes as presents?2.Readthelessonagain. Think about the spirit of the woodcutter. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. helpful clever honest foolish warm-hearted dishonest kind poor A .The woodcutter was _ . B .The spirit was _ Step5.LanguagePoints1.He had only one axe, and he needed it to make his living.他只有一把斧头,他需要它谋生。make ones living 谋生What do most people make their living? 大多数人靠什么谋生呢?make a living by doing sth./as a I heard that it was easier to make a living in big cities.2.As he cried, a spirit appeared.spirit n. 精灵,幽灵,精神。 用作不可数名词时,表示“精神,心灵,”;用作可数名词时,表示“灵魂,精灵”。The fisherman set the spirit free from the jar.渔夫把精灵从坛子里放了出来。The students are in high spirits.同学们情绪高涨。in spiritbe in high/low spirits be in bad /poor spiritsThe spirit dove into the lake and brought back a gold axe.精灵跳进湖里并带回来一把金斧。3.辨析 :bring ,carry, take, fetchbring 表示向说话人的方向运动,从别处把人或物“拿来,带来”。Tomorrow is Tree Planting Day ,Class. Please bring your old clothes to school.take 表示向其他方向运动,把人或物带走拿走到别处。take sb./sth. to sp.Dont leave the bags in the classroom .Please take them home after school.carry 不表示方向,意为携带拿 提,有负重的含义。The young woman was carrying a baby in her arms.fetch 表示(去)拿来,表示说话人从某地出发去另一地点取某物。Could you fetch me some books from your house?4.The spirit went down a third time and returned with the woodcutters old axe.精灵第三次下水,带回了樵夫的旧斧头。go down 下降,下来The price of oil is going down. 油价正在下跌。拓展:与 go 有关的短语;go up 上升 Prices have gone up again. go about 从事,做 How do you go about making beer at home? go by 经过 A car went by. go on doing 继续做某事。He went on talking even though no one was listening. Step6ExerciseLet the students do some exercises about the key points.Fill in the blanks with the form of the given below . dive into make ones livin come up with cry admit silver time a. He _to his parents that he broke the window .They were happy with his honesty . b.That old lady is poor .She _by selling newspapers . c. Im afraid to _the swimming pool . d. He _ a fun way to learn math . e. She wore a _chain around her neck . f. The woodcutter was _when the spirit appeared . g. The spirit got back a gold axe and a silver one for the first two times .Then she dove into the lake _ and brought back the old axe .Step7.HomeworkFinish off the activity book
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