Unit 5 Look into Science-Lesson 27 Planet Danny-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-冀教版九年级全一册英语(编号:a234e).zip

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Look into ScienceUnit 5flv1.How many planets in the solar system?2.How do people look at planets? Do you think it is an interesting thing?Think about itLesson 27Planet Danny(冀教版冀教版九年级英语全一册九年级英语全一册) Read the lesson and write true or false.( )1.Danny is studying the solar system at school. ( )2.Danny is looking through the telescope when Jenny and Brian come to visit. ( )3. During the day, Danny can see many stars in the sky through the telescope. ( )4. Jenny and Brian will come back to Dannys house because they want to use the telescope. ( )5. Danny has discovered a new planet.Translation D:I can see only a tiny circle of light.B:The sun is shining.The stars come out at night.J:Maybe Brian and I can join you after supper.B:I dont think you can find one unless you have a bigger telescope.J:Actually, double the size of your house.D:Well, its worth a try, even if I dont find a planetB:The universe is a mystery.1. through, across 与与 overthrough表示“穿过、通过”,指从某物中间通过,侧重点是从某空间里面通过。如:穿过沙漠、森林、窗户。across表示“横过、穿过”,侧重于从物体表面经过,动作在平面进行。over 表示“越过”,指从某物的上方越过。【山东济宁中考】Can a plane fly_the Pacific Ocean?Yes,but it needs to go _the clouds.2. unless 意为意为“除非,如果不除非,如果不”。unless 所引导所引导的条件状语从句常用一般现在时表示将来的的条件状语从句常用一般现在时表示将来的意义,主句多用一般将来时。意义,主句多用一般将来时。例句:例句:You will fail unless you work hard.如果你不努力工作,就会失败。如果你不努力工作,就会失败。【山东潍坊中考】-May I go to Park with you next Sunday?- No, you cant, _ you have a ticket. I have only one ticket.A. if B. until C. unless D. as soon as3.Come out(花)开放;发(芽)The flowers come out when spring comes.出版;发表His book will come out next month.(消息、真相、秘密)被披露被透露The event will come out in newspaper.出现、显现The star come out at night.4.Worth adj.值钱,值得的 n.价值,财富be worth (doing) sth.“值得(做)”The book is worth $10.The house must be worth a lot of money now.The film is worth seeing.1. We will stand by you _(即使即使) you dont succeed. 2. This novel is w_ reading.3. Ten is the d_ of five.4. Please stop. The students are walking _(穿过穿过) the road.5. _(数十亿的数十亿的) young trees are planted on the mountains every year.even iforthoubleacrossBillions of根据首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子。根据首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子。1.Finish off the exercises in the Activity Book.2.Preview the next lesson.Lesson27 Planet Danny 教学设计教学设计课题 Lesson27 Planet Danny 课型 New 课时 One 教 学 目 标 知识目标:Words and expressions 能力目标:Know something about the solar system. 德育目标:Keep on trying, and you will succeed. 教学 重点 一、重点词汇 solar, telescope, certainly, unless, double, mystery, belong to, look through. 二、重点句型 1. He looks through the telescope. 2. Maybe Brian and I can join you after supper. 3. I dont think you can find one unless you have a bigger telescope.4. Actually, double the size of your house. 5. Well, its worth a try, even if I dont find a planet. 6. The Milky Way has more than five hundred billion stars. 教学 难点 unless 的用法. 教法 Listen , ask and answer. 学法 Listen , answer and write. 教具 tape slides 板 书 设 计 Lesson 27 1. He looks through the telescope. 2. Maybe Brian and I can join you after supper. 3. I dont think you can find one unless you have a bigger telescope. 4. Actually, double the size of your house. 5. Well, its worth a try, even if I dont find a planet. 6. The Milky Way has more than five hundred billion stars.教 学 教 程Step 1.Greetings. 设计意图:让学生做好上课的准备。 Step 2. Watch the flash and think about it. 1. Do you know any of the planets in the solar system? 2. What would you like to look at with a telescope? 设计意图:与学生进行一个简短的对话,进入本课主题。 Step 3. Learn the new words in this lesson. telescope n. 望远镜 solar adj. 太阳的 certainly adv. 当然 unless conj. 除非 double n. & adj. 两倍&双倍的 mystery n. 谜 设计意图:通过个别读、分组读、齐读的形式让学生熟悉本课单词。 Step 4. Read the lesson and write true or false. ( )1.Danny is studying the solar system at school. ( )2.Danny is looking through the telescope when Jenny and Brian come to visit. ( )3. During the day, Danny can see many stars in the sky through the telescope. ( )4. Jenny and Brian will come back to Dannys house because they want to use the telescope. ( )5. Danny has discivered a new planet. 设计意图:让学生带着任务读课文。 Step 5. Translation. 1. He looks through the telescope. 2. Maybe Brian and I can join you after supper. 3. I dont think you can find one unless you have a bigger telescope. 4. Actually, double the size of your house. 5. Well, its worth a try, even if I dont find a planet. 6. The Milky Way has more than five hundred billion stars.设计意图:通过翻译重点句子,让学生进一步熟悉课文。 Step 6. Language Points 1.through, across 与 over :through 表示“穿过、通过” ,指从某处或某物中间通过,侧重点事从某空间里面通过。 across 表示“横过、穿过” ,指在某一平面或物体上从一边到另一边去。 over 表示“越过” ,指从某物的上方越过。【山东济宁中考】Sam likes trekking _ the jungle, because he thinks its exciting. A. over B. under C. across D. through 2. unless 意为“除非,如果不” 。unless 所引导的条件状语从句常用一般现在时表示将来的意义,主句多用一般将来时。 例句:You will fail unless you work hard. 如果你不努力工作,就会失败。 【山东潍坊中考】 -May I go to Jinbao Park with you next Sunday? - No, you cant, _ you have a ticket. I have only one ticket. A. if B. until C. unless D. as soon as 设计意图:通过教师重点讲解,让学生对于本课重点内容有了更深入的了解。 Step 7. Do some exercises. 设计意图:通过练习让学生巩固本课的重点知识。Step 8. Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in Activity Book.2.Preview the next lesson.
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