Unit 3Words and expressions ppt课件-(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第三册高中英语.pptx

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1、 人教版人教版(2019)新教材高中英语选择性必修第三册新教材高中英语选择性必修第三册 Unit 3 Environmental Protection Words and Expressions1.graph 图表图表/曲线图曲线图 diagram 几何图解几何图解/示意图示意图 table 列表列表/一览表一览表2. emission n. 排放物排放物; 散发物散发物; 排放排放 pl:emissions emit v. 发出发出; 射出射出; 散发散发 同义短语:同义短语:give off/out 发出发出(光光,热热,气体)气体)3.melt (melted) 融化融化,软化软化 a

2、melting pot of different nationalities:多民族的大熔炉多民族的大熔炉4. starve vi. & vt. (使使)挨饿挨饿; 饿死饿死 n.starvation (be)starve(d) to death:饿死:饿死 eg: A number of children in Africa _(starve) to death over the past few yearshave(been) starved seal5. seal n. 海豹海豹/印章印章 v.密封密封 eg:He broke the wax seal and unrolled the

3、paper.6.ecology n. 生态生态; 生态学生态学 ecologist 生态学家生态学家 biology n. 生物学生物学; 生态学生态学 biologist 生物学家生物学家 psychology n.心理学 psychologist n7.release vt. & n. 排放排放; 释放释放; 发布发布 set.free 释放释放 issue u v.宣布宣布/公布公布 n. ; 争论的问题争论的问题; 热点热点 release harmful gases release a prisoner/release information 1.On the peak, she b

4、urst into tears, _(release) all her emotions. 2.When fuel is burning, it _a lot of heat. 3.Once_(release) ,the new edition of the dictionary will be popular. releasingwill releasereleased8. habitable adj. 适合居住的适合居住的habitat n.(动植物的动植物的)栖息地栖息地 habit n. 习惯习惯; 癖好癖好Eg: 1.Some areas of the country are too

5、 cold to be habitable. 2.I dont think that the earth is the only habitable planet.sustain vt. 维持维持;支撑支撑; 遭受遭受; 承受住承受住 ,证实,证实, adj.sustainable 可持续的可持续的写出下列句子中划线单词的汉语译意:1.They found it difficult to sustain the weight of fruit.2.These facts sustain the theory.3.The company sustained losses of millions

6、of dollars.4.Mary consider it challenging to sustain an interest in their talk.支撑支撑证实证实遭受遭受保持保持 fossil16.fuel n.燃料;刺激性言行 add fuel to the fire/flames:火上浇油 eg:Research suggests warm colours fuel our prehensive adj.全部的;所有的; comprehension n.理解力18.restrict v.限制 restricted adj 受限的 restriction n.限制(法规,约束)

7、restrict.to. 把.限制在. restrict oneself to. 限制自己在. import/export/speed/travel restrictions 翻译下列句子:1.长裙限制了她的活动。长裙限制了她的活动。 Long dress restricted her movements.2.我爸爸控制自己每天吸我爸爸控制自己每天吸10根烟。根烟。My father restricted himself to 10 cigarettes a day.3.镇里限速镇里限速30km/h.The speed is restricted to 30 mph in towns.19.s

8、eize v.抓住;夺取;控制catch/get/grab/take/seize hold of.: 抓住抓住seize/catch/hold sb + by the leg (hand, arm): 抓抓住某人的腿住某人的腿/手手/胳膊胳膊20.reform vt 改革;改革;(使使)改正;改造改正;改造 Our company_(reform) its promoting system by the end of last year.had reformed写出句子中划线单词的含义写出句子中划线单词的含义.1.The teacher thought she could reform the

9、 boy.2.We should try to reform prisoners through labour rather than punish them.3.The reforms should give a better chance to the students in the countryside.4.Great changes have taken place in China since it began the reform and opening-up policy.改变改变改造改造改革改革(制度制度/政策政策)改革开放政策改革开放政策21.undergo nd: und

10、erwent - undergone vt. 经经历历; 经受经受(变变化化/不不快等快等) 尤指经历坎坷尤指经历坎坷,变化或不愉快的事情变化或不愉快的事情,也也可指接受测可指接受测试、培训等试、培训等experience: v. 经历经历; 感受感受 (强调亲身经历或体验某事物强调亲身经历或体验某事物)go through.: 经历经历; 遭受遭受suffer from.: 受害受害于于.; 患患(病病) 1.The boss think it important for employees _ (undergo) some career trainingto undergo22.imple

11、ment vt.实施 n.工具 carry out 实施 writing/cleaning implements implement changes/reforms/policies/decisions实实行变革行变革/实施改实施改革革/执行政策执行政策/执行决议执行决议23.harmonious adj.和谐的 adv.harmoniously n.harmony 和谐,融洽 be in harmony with.: 与与和谐和谐/协调协调/融洽融洽/和睦和睦 翻译:我妈妈要求我要和室友和谐相处翻译:我妈妈要求我要和室友和谐相处 My mother demanded that I(shoul

12、d) be in harmony with my roommates.24.moderate adj.适度的,中等的,温和的/v. 理解下列划线单词的中文含义1.Contrary to popular belief,moderate exercise decreases your appetite. 2.The boy is a student of only moderate ability. 3.By evening, the wind had moderated slightly. 4.We hope that they will take a moderate position on

13、most of the key issues.适度的适度的中等的中等的温和的温和的中立的中立的25.submit v.递交,呈递,屈服 submitted/submitted submit an application/a claim/complaint submit sth to sb 把某物交给某人 submit to doing/sth/sb 屈从/屈服于某事/物/人 1. In the end,the man_(submit) to the enemy. 2. He gave up struggling for freedom, _ (submit) to the reality. s

14、ubmittedsubmitting tropical forest in chaos26.chaos kes: n. 混乱混乱; 杂乱杂乱; 紊乱紊乱economic/political chaos: 经经济济/政治的混乱政治的混乱in chaos: 混乱混乱; 一片混乱一片混乱; 乱七八糟乱七八糟27.on behalf of 代表代表 represent /stand for 代表代表,象征象征 翻译:我将代表公司签署这份文件翻译:我将代表公司签署这份文件I will sign the document on behalf of my company.28.sensitive adj.敏

15、感的,善解人意的 be sensitive to 对.敏感/体贴 be sensitive about 对.介意My teeth is very sensitive_cold foodThe young girl is rather sensitive_the appearance of her further husband.toabout29.originate 起源 origin n.起源/起点 original adj 原来的,最初的,原创的/n.原稿,原创 originally adv.起初/原来.30.enterprise 公司/企业/进取心 翻译:他是一个积极进取的人 He is

16、 a man of great enterprise.31.restore v 恢复/复原 写出划线单词的中文含义1.Such kindness restore your faith in huaman nature.2.Urgent measures should be taken to restore the rivers original beauty.3.He is now fully restored to health.4.The army has recently been brought in to restore order at the capital.恢复恢复(感受感受)

17、使复原使复原(情况情况)重新采用重新采用(或实施或实施)康复康复32.conservation 对(环境,文物)保护;保持 conserve v.保护,节约 conserved adj.保守的33.disposal n.除掉 dispose v.清理,去除 at ones disposal 任某人处理34.inspection n.检查/查看 inspect v 检查,查看 inspector n.视察员 waterway35.tolerate tolerate(ones/sb)doing sth tolerant adj.容忍的 tolerance n be tolerant of 容忍某人/物 翻译:新的环境让我无法忍受翻译:新的环境让我无法忍受 1.New surroundings were difficult to tolerant 2. I cant be tolerant of the new surroundings.


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