Unit 3 Is this your pencil -Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:4000e).zip

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Unit 3 Is this your pencil ?(the 3rd period) Mr Robot 机器人先生给我们带来了一首歌。机器人先生给我们带来了一首歌。首先,让我们来认识一位新朋友首先,让我们来认识一位新朋友! 你还会说哪些学习用品呢?你还会说哪些学习用品呢?A ruler and a rubber .a pencil casea rulera rubbera pencil a crayona pen a school bag Tip:快速大声说出物品名称,当看快速大声说出物品名称,当看到机器人先生时大声说:到机器人先生时大声说:“Ah, oh 啊哦啊哦”。Magic eyesGame timeLets say. Work in pairs 同桌练习同桌练习 用下面的句子来谈论学习用品吧! This is my . This isnt my .Is this / that your? Yes ,it is . No, it isnt.Look at my . How nice. /Its nice./ Great!Lets talk !Lets talk ! Checkout timeLets write!Tip :Write correctly and clearly.(书写要正确、清晰。书写要正确、清晰。) 在写英文时,我们要写得正确、工整、清楚。我们还要在写英文时,我们要写得正确、工整、清楚。我们还要正确使用大小写字母和英文标点符号正确使用大小写字母和英文标点符号。Ticking time I can use “ my ”and “ your”. 我会用“我的”和“你的”。 I can talk about things for school. 我会谈论学习用品。给自己打分吧!给自己打分吧!Guessing time Guess: What is it ?猜一猜:它是什么?用 Is that a ? 来向老师提问,猜一猜。大家表现太棒了,机器人先生给你们准备了大家表现太棒了,机器人先生给你们准备了小奖品。小奖品。就在这个铅笔盒里,猜对就可以得到哦!就在这个铅笔盒里,猜对就可以得到哦!Rhyme time A ruler Whos he ?Mr Fuller 福勒先生福勒先生 rullerWheres the ruler ? 尺子在哪?尺子在哪?Its on the floor . 在地上。Just beside the door. 就在门旁边。就在门旁边。 Rhyme time A ruler Hello, Mr Fuller . Is this your ruler ? Its on the floor . Just beside the door .Tip:模仿跟读,注意歌谣的节奏:模仿跟读,注意歌谣的节奏Rhyme time A ruler Hello,Mr Fuller . Is this your ruler ? Its on the floor . Just beside the door .Tip : 四人一组读歌谣,不会读的词互相教一教,也可以举手问老师哦!Rhyme time A ruler Hello, Mr Fuller . Is this your ruler ? Its on the floor . Just beside the door .The ruler isnt on the floor now. 尺子现在不在地上了尺子现在不在地上了。Wheres the ruler ?A red robot has a ruler and a rubber .A ruler , a rubber ,Sound time 有有A red robot has a ruler and a rubber .A ruler , a rubber ,Sound time r /r/ red robot rubber ruler run下面单词中都有字母下面单词中都有字母r,四人一组,四人一组,读一读,找一找,哪些单词中读一读,找一找,哪些单词中r发发/r/?friend floor brother door brown green your great sorry parrot 让我们再认识一些带字母r的新单词吧!Try to readrice(米饭)(米饭)rag (破旧衣服)(破旧衣服)rat (老鼠)(老鼠)niceschoolbagatTicking timeI know the sound of the letter “r”.我知道了字母“r”的发音。给自己打分吧!给自己打分吧!.Useful sentences:下面的句子或许对你有帮助哦! This isnt my Wheres my ? Is this/ that ? Yes, it is . No, it isnt .Oh, its over there . / Oh,thats my . 机器人先生正在寻找橡皮,你能帮助他机器人先生正在寻找橡皮,你能帮助他吗?吗? 3人一组人一组,自编对话。自编对话。表演的好的有奖励喔!认真倾听的更有表演的好的有奖励喔!认真倾听的更有奖励!奖励!Homework1、听录音跟读Sound time .2、听录音跟读Rhyme time.3、用本单元句型向好朋友展示自己漂亮 的文具。 Unit 3 Is this your pencil?教案 Sound time/Rhyme time/ Checkout time /Ticking time教学目标:1. 能熟练运用日常交际用语和句型: This isnt my pencil. Is this /that your ? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.2. 能听懂、会说、会读写词汇:school bag, pen, pencil, crayon, ruler, rubber, pencil case, 3. 能掌握字母 r 在单词中的发音。4. 学生能初步听懂和读懂小诗 A ruler 教学重点:1 能熟练运用日常交际用语和句型:This isnt my pencil. Is this /that your ? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.2.能听懂、会说、会读写词汇:school bag, pen, pencil, crayon, ruler, rubber, pencil case 教学难点1、 能掌握字母 r 在单词中的发音。2、 学生能初步听懂和读懂小诗 A ruler 教学准备 学习用品, PPT ,单词卡教学过程:Step 1 Warming up and presentation1、Free talk 简单的师生交流 T: Hello,boys and girls. Im your English teacher today. Nice to meet you . Ss: Nice to meet you , too. T: Look at the screen , this is my name , so you can call me Miss Huang .OK ,class begins . 师生问好T:OK,its time for class. first, lets meet a new friend . Look , Hes coming. 引出 Mr Robot Mr Robot brings us a song . Lets sing .2、歌曲 My nice ruler唱完歌曲 Ask: What is the song about?引出 ruler , rubber(板书)T:The song is about the school things,Mr Robot wants to know more school things, can you tell him ?(要求学生举手说一说,老师根据学生回答板书单词,集体朗读)3 You did a good job . Mr robot wants to play a game with you.Game Magic eyes 快速大声说出学习用品名称,看到机器人先生说 “啊哦”4、由游戏最后一个图书包,接着谈论: Is that your school bag?Is this your school bag?This is my school bag. This isnt my school bag. 并板书 Can you talk about the school things like this ?5、Lets talk 要求学生两人一组模仿刚才的师生对话,利用文具和提示句子进行交流。反馈 2 组6 Look , our friends are talking about school things,too.Lets help them .Lets write (出示 learing tip )1、 学生打开书写一写2、 同桌互相检查3、出示正确答案Ticking time 1&2Step 2 Rhyme timeHow many stars have your got ?You did a good job. Mr Robot will give you a present. Its in the pencilcase . Guess , what is it ? You can guess like this : Is that a ? 猜对的奖励尺子通过猜测活动过度到Rhyme time A ruler Look ,heres a ruler,too. Whose ruler ? 问 2-3 个学生: Is that your ruler?Maybe its Mr Fullers 出示福勒先生图片This is Mr Fuller, lets say hello to Mr Fuller引出: Hello ,Mr Fuller思考:想知道这是不是福勒先生尺子,该怎样问呢?引出: Is this your ruler? 教歌谣前两句 注意 Fuller,ruler 押韵 继续追问: Wheres the ruler ? 引出后两句Its on the floor. Just beside the door(难点句子,多找学生读一读)注意 door, floor 押韵1、整体呈现歌谣,学生自己读歌谣,不会的互相教一教,也可以问老师(用提示标注)2、Listen and repeat 注意节奏3、 配音乐跟老师一起说4、 小组朗读歌谣,把握好节奏反馈 2-3 组Step 4 Sound time 1、Look,the ruler isnt on the floor, where is the ruler ? Oh, its here , in Mr robots hand , tell me , what colour is the robot ? Yea. A red robot has a ruler and rubber .出示完整的句子,跟读,模仿读,2 圈出带 r 的单词Pay attention to these words ,Here “r”is pronounced /r/读单词 red robot rubber ruler run3、要求学生说出一些学过的单词 friend, brother, brown , green , great 若说不出,直接呈现读一读4、Try to read the new words 尝试拼读新单词Ticking time Step 5 Consolidation Boys and girls , look, Mr Robot is in trouble .出示图片,机器人先生手中的橡皮不见了,他正在寻找,四人小组发挥想象,仿照 Story time 编一段帮助机器人先生找橡皮的小对话,演一演Step 6 Homework 1、听录音跟读 Sound time ,注意节奏2、听录音跟读 Rhyme time ,注意节奏3、用本单元句型向好朋友展示自己漂亮的文具
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