Project 2 A magic clock-Part A &B-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:f0002).zip

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南京师范大学附属扬中小学南京师范大学附属扬中小学 徐香徐香Five little monkeys by Eileen ChristelowEnjoy reading It was bedtime. time for bed.Enjoy reading took a bath brushed their teeth fell fast asleep ( ) ( ) ( ) said good night to their mama put on their pajamas ( ) ( )看图片,猜顺序Enjoy readingtook a bath Enjoy reading brushed teeth Enjoy readingfell fast asleep快速快速入入睡睡 Enjoy reading said good night to mama 说 Enjoy reading put on pajamas 睡衣睡衣Enjoy readingEnjoy reading took a bath brushed their teeth fell fast asleep. ( ) ( ) ( ) said good night to their mama put on their pajamas ( ) ( )15432 What do you think of these monkeys? 你觉得这些小猴怎样?你觉得这些小猴怎样?headWhat happened to the monkeys? 猴子们发生什么事情了呢?猴子们发生什么事情了呢?Enjoy reading享受阅读第享受阅读第2 2步:带着问题看故事步:带着问题看故事What happened to the monkeys? 猴子们发生什么事情了呢?猴子们发生什么事情了呢?Enjoy reading Five little monkeys jumped on the bed! 跳 fell off and bumped head. 跌落 撞 The mama called the doctor. The doctor said, 打电话 说 No more monkeys jumping on the bed!“ 不要再What happened to the monkeys? 猴子们发生什么事情了呢?猴子们发生什么事情了呢?A.They fell off and bumped their heads. 跌落 撞B. They were ill. 病的 有趣的是,小猴们一个接一个地摔破脑袋,医有趣的是,小猴们一个接一个地摔破脑袋,医生不停地重复这句话,让我们一起来感受医生语气生不停地重复这句话,让我们一起来感受医生语气的变化吧!的变化吧!Enjoy readingListen and imitate 享受阅读第享受阅读第3 3步:跟读模仿,体会情感变化步:跟读模仿,体会情感变化 同同桌两人试桌两人试着模仿医生着模仿医生5次说这句话次说这句话时的不时的不同语气,体同语气,体会会单词重读的变化单词重读的变化,感受医生,感受医生的的情绪,加情绪,加上表情和动作会更棒上表情和动作会更棒哦!哦! little monkeys jumping on the bed! 跳 fell off and bumped head. 跌落 撞 Mama called the doctor . The doctor said, 打电话 说 No more monkeys jumping on the bed!“ 不要再One/Fivehis/Lets chant little monkeys jumping on the bed! 跳 fell off and bumped head. 跌落 撞 Mama called the doctor . The doctor said, 打电话 说 No more monkeys jumping on the bed!“ 不要再One/_/享受阅读第享受阅读第4 4步:创编歌谣,感受诗歌韵律美步:创编歌谣,感受诗歌韵律美四人小组活动:四人小组活动: 选择一个场景,试着编一编这首儿歌吧,加上选择一个场景,试着编一编这首儿歌吧,加上动作会更好哦!动作会更好哦!Make a chant little monkey jumping on the bed! 跳 fell off and bumped head. 跌落 撞 Mama called the doctor . The doctor said, 打电话 说 No more monkeys jumping on the bed!“ 不要再One/FivehisFourThreeTwoOneherShe/sWhat do you think of these monkeys now? 现在觉着这些小猴怎样呢?现在觉着这些小猴怎样呢? naughty 淘气淘气Say the chantTry to imagineNow I can go to bed!现在我可以睡觉了!现在我可以睡觉了!Try to imagineThank goodness! 谢天谢地谢天谢地 享受阅读第享受阅读第5 5步:大胆想象,续编故事步:大胆想象,续编故事 假如你是这些小猴的妈妈,你接下来可能假如你是这些小猴的妈妈,你接下来可能会做什么呢?会做什么呢? 课后,你可以试着在绘本上将想到的情景画下来哦! Try to think What do you learn from this story?你从这个故事中明白了你从这个故事中明白了什么道理?什么道理?Have good habits before bedtime.要有好的睡前习惯 Keep safe anytime and anywhere!任何时间、任何地点,都要注意安全!享受阅读第享受阅读第6 6步:再读故事,制作绘本,享受乐趣。步:再读故事,制作绘本,享受乐趣。 再读故事,同桌合作,把句子和图片贴纸贴在再读故事,同桌合作,把句子和图片贴纸贴在绘本的方框里,让我们一起动手制作这本有趣的绘绘本的方框里,让我们一起动手制作这本有趣的绘本吧!本吧! Make the bookFive little monkeys Eileen ChristelowMake a card 享受阅读第享受阅读第7 7步:填写阅读卡,学有所获步:填写阅读卡,学有所获让我们一起完成阅读卡吧!让我们一起完成阅读卡吧! 有趣的情节和喜欢的角色可以用英语写,也可以有趣的情节和喜欢的角色可以用英语写,也可以用笔画出来哦!用笔画出来哦! Read the bookRead the bookRead the bookRead the bookRead the book 绘本故事绘本故事FiveFive littlelittle monkeysmonkeys教学设计教学设计课外阅读:绘本Five little monkeys二、教学对象:二、教学对象:四年级学生三、教学目标:三、教学目标:A.知识与技能目标:知识与技能目标:1.学生能够根据图片读懂并理解绘本内容;2.学生能够会读并理解动词(过去式)词组:took a bath, put on their pajamas, brush their teeth, said good night to their mum, jumped on the bed, fell off, bumped head, called the doctor, fell fast asleep3.学生能够理解并跟着节奏熟练说出绘本主体部分的歌谣。B.过程与方法目标:过程与方法目标:学生在自主探究、小组合作等学习活动中,能树立自主探究意识,能在小组合作中与其他同学积极配合,遇到困难能大胆求助,积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。C.情感态度价值观目标:情感态度价值观目标:学生在课堂学习活动中乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语,积极参与各种课堂学习活动。能通过绘本的学习养成良好的睡前习惯和注意日常行为的安全。四、教学重、难点:四、教学重、难点:1.学生能够根据图片读懂并理解绘本内容;2.学生能够理解并跟着节奏熟练说出绘本主体部分的歌谣。五、教具准备:五、教具准备:课件、图片、绘本六、教学过程:六、教学过程:1. Free talk & lead in Hello, boys and girls. Today Im your new English teacher. First, I want to know something about you . Q1: Can you jump? (Yes) Show us ,OK?Q2: When can you jump? In class? Before school ? After school? Or anytime you want to jump? Q3: Where can you jump? At home? In the playground? Can you jump on the sofa? Can you jump on the bed?Today, Ill bring you a story. Its about jumping on the bed. Who are jumping on the bed? Lets have a look. Look, (出示猴子们的图片)Who are they? (Monkeys) Oh, theyre so lovely! Three brothers and two sisters.Today, well read the story . 2. New teaching It was bedtime. bedtime, it means its time for bed. See? What did they do before bedtime? Look at these pictures, try to put them in orders. Tips for you: first read the pictures, then listen. I believe you can. 带领学生运用自然拼读的方法,根据学生已有拼读经验学习动词词组 OK. Your answer is _. Right? Lets put them in orders. took a bath put on their pajamas brushed their teeth said .to their mamafell fast a sleep What do you think of these monkeys? Theyre good children, they have good habits.3. Learn the story Oh, no! Look at their heads!教学 head What happened to them? Lets watch and choose. 教学词组 They fell off and bumped their heads. 教学 Fell off bump Because they Jumped on the bed. Jump What did mama do then? Called the doctor And the doctor said 教学 said No more monkeys jumping on the bed! 教学 No more The monkeys bumped one by one, the doctor had to repeat 5 times. Listen 跟读,说时加动作 oh, poor doctor4. Chant Ok. Time to chant. 师带读两遍,做动作 Can you make a chant? Work in groups. 生说,师演示 Stand up. Lets chant and danceWhat do you think of these monkeys? 教学 naughty5. 教学最后一段So many naughty monkeys. Poor mama. Now, they fell fast asleep.Mama said- 教学 thank goodness Mama was happy. If you are their mama ,what will you say? And what will you do then? (生回答,可以用中文) Good job! Can you draw something about mama after class? 6. 做绘本 Now, bring out your stickers. Lets make the book. Work in pairs. Check. Here they are. 7. 情感教育Do you like this story? What do you learn from the story?(Have good habits before bedtime. Keep safe anytime and anywhere.) 8. Today we read a story: Five little monkeys. It was written by Eileen Christelow Which places are interesting?Whos your favourite one ? Mama ?doctor? Or little monkeys?Can you make the reading card now? You can write or draw.9. 阅读推荐Herere another six stories about little monkeys? You can enjoy them after class.Dont forget to make a card. If you met the new words, you can surf the internet.10.Homework1.Make a reading card.2.Share this story.3.Read more stories about the monkeys.
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