Unit 1 In class-Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:f0042).zip

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Unit1 In classEnjoy a song a doora windowa blackboarda bookMagic eyesLook and actsit downstand upbookdoorwindowtheLook and actbookdoorwindowtheLook and act story time retelling Mr RobotLook and sayMr Robot, pleaseLook and saystand upsit downopen/close the dooropen/close the windowopen/close the booklook at the blackboardLets playMr RobotPlease stand up.Please close the door.Please close the window.Please sit down.Please open the window.Please look at the blackboard.Please open the door. Cartoon timeWhat can you see in the picture?BobbySamdogpigrubberrulerrobotparrotWhats this?Its a robot. Cartoon time?Its a rubber . True or FalseTFF(1)The parrot is the teacher.(2)Sam is right.(3)Theyre in class.鹦鹉鹦鹉Dont listen to the parrot. (中文意思中文意思)不要听鹦鹉的话。Dont 不要不要dont = do not造句:造句: 不要在课堂上说话。不要在课堂上说话。Dont talk in class.reading timeIts a rubber.Robot!Role play三个同学为一个小组,分角色朗读三个同学为一个小组,分角色朗读,看谁读得最好!注意语音语调哦,看谁读得最好!注意语音语调哦words spelling sta_d up ( ) s_rry ( ) w_nd_ _ ( ) b_ _k ( ) in cl_ss ( ) come in ( ) bl_ckb_ _rd ( ) cl_se ( ) d_ _r ( ) _p_n ( ) pl_ _se ( ) words spelling stand up ( 起立起立) sorry (对不起对不起 ) window ( 窗户窗户) book (书本书本 ) in class (在上课在上课 ) come in (进来进来 ) blackboard ( 黑板黑板) close (关上关上 ) door (门门 ) open (打开打开 ) please ( 请请) 英译汉英译汉 Sit down, please. Stand up, please. Open the door, please. Close the door, please. Im sorry. Open your book,please. Close your book,please.Homework 1. 模仿录音,朗读读课文模仿录音,朗读读课文3遍,并背诵卡通部分。遍,并背诵卡通部分。2. 抄写卡通部分的句子两遍,翻译一遍。抄写卡通部分的句子两遍,翻译一遍。Unit 1 In class学情分析:学情分析: 在本单元 story time 部分,同学们已经学习了本课出现的一些单词如 door, window, open, close, book, rubber 等,以及词组 stand up, sit down 及句型 Open the., Close the.。故,在 fun time 部分采用游戏等各种有趣的形式进行复习,重点利用 Mr Robot 来复习story time 部分的知识点。对于 Cartoon time 的内容,学生已经接触了句型 Whats this? Its ,因此 Cartoon 部分带领学生巩固此句型,并做到充分理解和使用否定句型:Dont 教材分析:教材分析: 本单元的主题是“在上课” ,要求学生能够认识人物 Mr Green,知道 Mr 的意思;能认知教室内的物品 door, window, blackboard;能够理解并说出指令 stand up, sit down, open the., close the.;能够理解并运用课堂日常用语 Im sorry,come in;能够养成习惯使用礼貌用语 please。Fun time 是对 story time 所学知识的巩固,能熟练使用各个指令短语,并且利用 Mr Robot 进行表演练习。Cartoon time 是结合一个有趣的故事进行教学的,在学生理解故事内容的基础上进行进一步的知识点讲解,学会使用 stand up, sit down, open the., close the.等指令,并且会灵活使用 please。教学准备:教学准备:挂图,卡片,课件,学生自制机器人头饰教学目标教学目标知识目标:1能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读对话。2能正确地听、说、读单词 robot,rubber ,parrot技能目标:1. 能感知动画时间的趣味性,理解句子 Dont listen to the parrot.2. 能够背诵并表演 Cartoon time 的对话。情感态度目标:1、能与别人相互合作,共同完成学习任务。2、培养学生学英语的兴趣,运用英语的意识。教学重点1能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读对话。2能正确地听、说、读单词 robot,rubber ,parrot.3. 能够背诵并表演 Cartoon time 的对话。教学难点1能正确地听、说、读单词 robot,rubber ,parrot.2. 能够背诵并表演 Cartoon time 的对话。教学过程教学过程【导入导入】Step1 Warming up1.Greetings:Good morning. Nice to meet you.How are you?2.Sing a song: Hello song.【温故温故】 Step 2 Revision 1.Revision some phrases Game 1. Magic eyes: a blackboard, a window,a book, a door ,open ,closeGame 2. Listen and act:stand up/sit down/ close/ open the window/door/book2.Retell the story time出示 story time 的对话图片,给学生两分钟时间快速复习,然后学生齐声背诵,把握好语音语调。3.Group work挑一组学生进行角色扮演,并给出评价和奖励。【讲授讲授】 Step 3 Fun Time -Presentation and practice1.Look and sayT: Look! Whats this?(出示机器人的图片, 并教授单词 robot) You can ask robot to do sth.Like this:Mr Robot ,pleasestand upsit downopen/close the window/ the door /the booklook at the blackboard2.Lets playT: I need a student to be a robot. Anyone?(Student A) And who wants to give orders? (Student B) T: Now, lets enjoy a game. B need do as what A said. Are you ready? 学生通过角色扮演,把肢体语言加进去,对强化记忆这些口令短语是非常有帮助的,不仅有趣而且高效。Step 4 Cartoon time 1. Learning new word T: (出示卡通部分的图片) What can you see in the picture?S: Sam, Bobby, a pig, a dog, a blackboard, a robot a rubber, and a rule. (让学生说出图片内容)T: Whats this?(指着橡皮问学生)S: Its a rubber. T:(教授单词 rubber, 拼读,开火车读)2. Watch and answer A. T or F(1)The parrot is the teacher.(2)Sam is right.(3) Theyre in class.B. Dont listen to the parrot. (中文意思)T: Whats the meaning of this sentence?(询问学生句子 Dont listen to the parrot.的意思。)And dont= do not ( 教读 dont ,并且练习 Dont 句型)3. Reading time(1)Read after the tape.(模仿录音的语音语调)(2)Read after me/ the little teacher.(3)Role play.【练习练习】Step 5 Consolidation1.words spelling sta_d up ( ) s_rry ( ) w_nd_ _ ( ) b_ _k ( ) cl_ss ( ) come in ( ) bl_ckb_ _rd ( ) cl_se ( ) d_ _r ( ) _p_n ( ) pl_ _se ( ) in cl ss ( )2.英汉互译Sit down, please. Stand up, please. Open the door, please. Close the door, please. Im sorry. Open your book. Close your book.【作业作业】Step6 Homework1. 模仿录音,朗读读课文 3 遍,并背诵卡通部分。2. 抄写卡通部分的句子两遍,翻译一遍。
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