Unit 2 It’s Show Time!-Lesson 8 Marco Polo and the Silk Road-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-(配套课件编号:c483c).doc

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Unit 2 It’s Show Time!-Lesson 8 Marco Polo and the Silk Road-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-(配套课件编号:c483c).doc_第1页
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1、冀教版冀教版 七年级下册七年级下册LessonLesson 8 8:MarcoMarco PoloPolo andand thethe SilkSilk RoadRoadTeachingTeaching ObjectivesObjectives:KnowledgeKnowledge objectivesobjectives:Master the following words and expression:age, goods, Europe, Asia, journey, king, coal, discover, invent, other, at the ageof, be new to

2、.AbilityAbility objectivesobjectives:Students can use the past tense to introduce thefamous person, including the peoples personal information andachievement.MoralMoral objectivesobjectives:Students realize China has long historyandculture ,China is the original place of ancient civilization ,sowe s

3、hould love china ,dont be crazy about foreign things.TheThe ImportantImportant andand difficultdifficult points:points:1. Master the key words and phrases in this lesson.2. StudentsStudents cancan useuse thethe pastpast tensetense toto introduceintroduce famousfamous personperson ,know,knowaboutabou

4、t irregularirregular verbs.verbs.TeachingTeaching aidsaids:PPT,mp3TeachingTeaching methodsmethods:Task-based teaching methods, situational teaching methodsLearningLearning methodsmethods: DiscussionpairworkTeachingTeachingprocedures:procedures:StepStep 1 1 Lead-in(about 5 min)1. Teacher show a video

5、 to students,let them watch and think about:Who is the man?What did he do? (show the title)2. Teacher shows Marco Polos picture and make students say something abouthim (Encourage them to try to use English as much as possible).3. The teacher say something about Marco Polo ,and teach some newwords.(

6、Europe, ItalyAsia , Journey, goods)StepStep 2 2Listening(about 6 min)1. Listen to the tape, find out the time you hear.2. listen to the tape again, and tick the correct answers.(P textbook21exercise1)( Explain :at the age of , coal, goods)StepStep 3 3Reading1. Let students read and analyze the passa

7、ge about Marco Polo and the SilkRoad in pairs. Try to answer the following questions:(1) What country did Marco Polo come from?(2) How did he and his brother travel?(3) When did he travel to Peking?(4) How long did his journey last?(5) What did he bring back to his home country? (Explain last , brin

8、g back)2 . Read the passage again, and finish the timetable. Then retell the passage.(Explain discover, invent , be new to )3. Make students analyze Irregular Verbs. Teachers add more details.StepStep 4 4Summary1. Let a group sum up the usage of Simple Past Tense.Moral promotion:Students realize Chi

9、na has long historyandculture ,China is the original place of ancient civilization ,sowe should love china ,dont be crazy about foreign things.StepStep 5 5 Groupwork(about 8 min)Teacher gives students a similar passage which about a famous person, andlet students choose one of them, work in groups.

10、Write some informationabout him or her, introduce a famous person like that . They must use SimplePast Tense.At last, present it in the class.StepStep 5 5 Homework(about 2 min)1. Write about a passage abouta famous person.2. Preview Lesson 9.BlackboardBlackboard DesignDesign六、教学反思六、教学反思在本节课结束之后,我将回顾

11、反思,对于设计和实施有出入的地方进行改进。对于有效的地方则要在以后的相应课型中进行推广。综观整节课的设计思路,是以口语训练为主要教学任务,通过本文的学习及口头翻译一篇结构类似的篇章,让学生熟悉如何做课题报告,最后让他们熟练用一般过去时做一个名人事迹的报告,最后再作为作业写下来。利用这种方式,除了让学生更加熟悉动词的一般过去时的变法,更加培养了他们实际运用语言的能力。Lesson8I. New words and expressions:II. Structures:ItalydiscoverHello, everyone!ageinventMy project is about.goodshope.EuropeotherThank you!AsiajourneyBy: XXkingcoalDate: at the age ofbe new to


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