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1、reading comprehension一Indian Army Tweets About Yeti EvidenceOn Tuesday, the Indian Army found mysterious large footprints in the snow. Themilitary group, on an outing in Nepal, took pictures and later put them on Twitter.Their conclusion: the footprints belong to the Yeti, also known as the abominab

2、lesnowman.Most experts in the scientific community say the Yeti is a myth, animaginary story.The man-like creature is part of Nepali tradition and is said to livehigh in the Himalayan mountains.In the tweet, the Indian army said it found thefootprints close to a camp near Mount Makalu on April 9. Th

3、e footprints measured 81centimeters by 38 centimeters.The tweet did not explain how a mythical beast couldleave footprints.Reactions on social mediaThe Indian armys Twitter post has drawncriticism by some on social media. One user, for example, put an image ofa pothole in Bombay and noted that Yeti

4、footprints could be found there.Other usersnoted that the supposed Yeti tracks appeared to be a single foot line. One usersuggested the Yeti may have been riding a kind of strange bicycle.Mount Makalu, where the Indian Army took the photographs, is one of thehighest mountains in the world. It stands

5、 near the Makalu-Barun valley, an area veryfar from human population.The area has already been explored by researchers lookingfor the Yeti.Daniel C. Taylor is one of them. He wrote a book on the mystery of theYeti. Taylor noted that the footprints likely came from a bear.1. Who took pictures and lat

6、er put them on Twitter.?A.communityB.military groupC.the IndianD.Taylor2. What do most experts say about the Yeti?A.normalB.goodC.the Yeti is a myth, an imaginary storyD.kindly3. When do the Indian armyfound the footprints ?A.April 9.B.April 10.C.April 11.D.April 12.4. Mount Makalu, where the Indian

7、 Army took the photographs, is one of themountains in the worldA.maximumB.coldestC.warmestD.highest二Chinas economyChinas economy picked up speed in the fourth quarter of 2020 to end theyear with a growth rate of 2.3 percent.The growth could make China the only majoreconomic power to expand following

8、 worldwide business shutdowns caused by thecoronavirus crisis.Growth in the three months ending in December rose to 6.5 percentover a year earlier, official data released this week showed. The growth was driven inlarge part by the Chinese public returning to stores, restaurants and movie theaters.In

9、the first quarter, economy activity fell 6.8 percent, as the ruling Party decided to shutdown most of its economy to fight the coronavirus. In the second quarter, Chinabecame the first major economy to expand. It reported 3.2 percent growth during thatperiod. That rate came after officials declared

10、victory over the virus in March andpermitted factories, stores and offices to reopen.Today, restaurants are filling up with people again. So are movie theaters andsome major stores. Crowds are still thin at large shopping malls, however, whereguards take the temperature of visitors to identify possi

11、ble coronavirus cases.Tourism within China has also started to come back. However, some Chinesecities are reporting a rise in new infections. Because of this, Chinas government hasurged the public to stay home during the Lunar New Year holiday in February. TheLunar New Year holiday is normally the b

12、usiest part of Chinas travel season.1. In the second quarter, China became themajor economy to expand.A.firstB.secondC.thirdD.fourth2.How much do they It report about growth during that period?A.fewB.3.2 percentC.manyD.2percent3.However, some Chinese cities are reporting a rise ininfections.A.fewB.n

13、ewC.manyD.some4.The growth could make China the only major economic power to expand followingworldwide business shutdowns caused by thecrisis.A.economyB.newC.someD.coronavirus三Presidents AddressToday in America, a teacher spent extra time with a student who needed it,and did her part to lift America

14、s graduation rate to its highest level in more than threedecades. An entrepreneur flipped on the lights in her tech startup, and did her part toadd to the more than 8 million new jobs our businesses have created over the past fouryears.A farmer prepared for the spring after the strongest five-year s

15、tretch of farmexports in our history. A rural doctor gave a young child the first prescription to treatasthma that his mother could afford. (Applause.) A man took the bus home from thegraveyard shift, bone-tired, but dreaming big dreams for his son. Tonight, thischamber speaks with one voice to the

16、people we represent: It is you, our citizens, whomake the state of our union strong. (Applause.)And here are the results of your efforts: The lowest unemployment rate in overfive years. (Applause.) A rebounding housing market. (Applause.) A manufacturingsector thats adding jobs for the first time si

17、nce the 1990s. (Applause.) More oilproduced at home than we buy from the rest of the world - the first time thatshappened in nearly 20 years. (Applause.) Our deficits - cut by more than half.(Applause.) And for the first time in over a decade, business leaders around the worldhave declared that Chin

18、a is no longer the worlds number one place to invest;America is. (Applause.)Thats why I believe this can be a breakthrough year for America. After fiveyears of grit and determined effort, the United States is better positioned for the 21stcentury than any other nation on Earth.1. An entrepreneur fli

19、pped on the lights in her tech startup, and did her part to add tothe more thannew jobs our businesses have created over the past four years.A. 800 thousandB. 900 thousandC. 9 millionD. 8 million2.Who gave a young child the first prescription to treat asthma that his mother couldafford.A. AdoctorB.AteacherC.AfarmerD. Anurse3.Thats why I believe this can be ayear for America.A. worstB. luckyC. breakthroughD.good4.Who make the state of our union strong?A. citizensB. peopleC. farmerD.teacherAnswers:一、BCAD二、ABBD三、DACA


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