Revision 1-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)--公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册(编号:303f1).zip

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Play a game:Jobs: actor artist baker cartoonist cook clown cowboy dentist driver dancer designer detective doctor engineer fireman farmer guide housewife model movie star musician nurse professor pilot policeman postman salesman scientist singer teacher writer waiter worker Play a game:Adjectives:Play a game:Lizaagefamily membersjobsothershobbycountryReview the facts of Liza:Review the facts of Liza:Review the facts of Liza:Review the facts of Liza:Liza is an outgoing girl from Australia. She has got big brown eyes and brown hair. There are four people in Lizas family. Her father is Australian. But he can speak a little Chinese. Because her mom is Chinese. He learnt from her mother. Lizas dad is a doctor, and her mum is a nurse. They work at the same hospital. Her brother Bill is an eight-month-old baby. So he cant speak. Liza likes music. She started playing the piano at four. Ma Tao is Lizas cousin. His father is Lizas uncle. They had a happy Spring Festival together. cousinfathermotheruncleauntgrandfathergrandmotherbrotherAbout her country and hometown:Australia is the worlds sixth biggest country.Its capital is Canberra.Its between Sydney andMelbourne.There are many Chinese Australians in the country.Sydney is the biggest city of the country .Its also the most beautiful city in Australia. Sydney Opera House is famous around the world. There are many gardens and parks around the city.The facts about koalas:livelikearelookshaseatssleepsHomework:Write about your family in your notebook.Im _. I was born in _. There are _ people in my family. They are my _,_ and _.教学备课表教学备课表外研社版join in六年级下册 Revision 1 主备人: 日期:20190508单单 元元Revision 1课课 时时1课课 题题PartPart 1,2,31,2,3 & & 1010课课 型型Revision教学目标教学目标(一)(一)知识与技能知识与技能1.复习食物和家庭成员的单词;2.能听懂、读懂 My cousins and I 的话题信息;3.能正确运用相关句型交流关于家庭的简单信息。(二)(二)过程与方法过程与方法1以小组合作与情景教学为主,根据学生相互讨论,促进学生的相互合作能力和探究能力;2指导学生通过听音获取正确的信息,掌握一定的听音技巧。(三)情感、态度与价值观(三)情感、态度与价值观通过对My cousins and I 内容的复习,促进家庭幸福感。教学重点教学重点能听懂、读懂My cousins and I话题信息。教学难点教学难点关于 My cousins and I 的话题的听力和相关问题。学习材料学习材料关于澳大利亚的知识点教学准备教学准备教学材料教学材料教材相配套的录音带,PPT,卡片。师师 生生 双双 边边 活活 动动二次备课二次备课(教学调整、学生精彩发言与教师精彩点拨、教学困惑、学生典型错误记录等)StepStep 1:1: WarmingWarming upup1.Greeting:1.Greeting: HowHow areare youyou feelingfeeling today?today? AreAre youyou excited?excited? KeepKeep thisthis feelingfeeling untiluntil thethe classclass ends,ends, ok?ok?2.2. WeWe areare soso happy.happy. LetLets s playplay a a WeWe dividedivide intointo twotwo groups,groups, whichwhich groupgroup win,win, andand I Illll givegive youyou somesome prize.prize.(使用(使用互动课堂分组功能,激励学生积极思考。)互动课堂分组功能,激励学生积极思考。)ShakeShake thethe dice.dice. ReviewReview somesome questions.questions. ReviewReview thethe wordswords ofof ReviewReview somesome adjectives.adjectives.StepStep 2:2: PresentationPresentationPlay a game:InIn WuhanWuhanInIn thethe hospitalhospitalAtAt homehome1.Read1.Read thethe words.words. ThenThen circlecircle inin matchingmatching colours.colours. WhatWhat areare foodfood andand drinks?drinks? GoodGood LetsLets checkcheck thethe answers.answers. (使(使用互动课堂随机点人或者抢答功能,督促每个孩子都认真思考起来,用互动课堂随机点人或者抢答功能,督促每个孩子都认真思考起来,复习旧知。复习旧知。 )2.This2.This classclass wellwell reviewreview UnitUnit 1.Whats1.Whats thethe tittletittle ofof UnitUnit 1?1? WhoWho isis LizasLizas cousin?cousin? DoDo youyou rememberremember thethe factsfacts ofof Liza?Liza? LetsLets talktalk aboutabout黑板上开始板书,利用思维导(黑板上开始板书,利用思维导图逐步复现关于图逐步复现关于 LizaLiza 的知识点。的知识点。 )3.About3.About LizasLizas TryTry toto completecomplete thethe text.text.4.Study4.Study LizasLizas familyfamily tree.tree. ThenThen fillfill inin thethe correctcorrect words.words. 5.We5.We reviewreview LizasLizas NowNow letslets reviewreview aboutabout herher countrycountry andand hometown.hometown. WhereWhere waswas sheshe born?born? CanCan youyou saysay somesome factsfacts aboutabout Australia?Australia?6.How6.How aboutabout herher hometown?hometown?7.There7.There isis a a famousfamous animalanimal inin Australia.Australia. WhatsWhats it?it? WhatWhat Lizaagefamily membersjobsothershobbycountryAustralia 10Doctor nurse The same hospitalOutgoing musicAbout her country and hometown:Australia is the worlds sixth biggest country.Its capital is Canberra.Its between Sydney andMelbourne.There are many Chinese Australiansin the country.dodo youyou knowknow aboutabout koala?koala?8.8. LookLook andand fillfill inin thethe blanks.blanks.(使用互助课堂发送练习功能,(使用互助课堂发送练习功能,在复现旧知后进行练习巩固。在复现旧知后进行练习巩固。 )StepStep 3:3: ProductionProduction1.You1.You knowknow soso manymany thingsthings aboutabout Liza.Liza. CanCan youyou introduceintroduce yourselfyourself toto us?us?2.Lets2.Lets drawdraw ourour familyfamily tree.tree.(使用互助课堂提交作业功能,(使用互助课堂提交作业功能,检查大家完成的进度。检查大家完成的进度。 )3.Pairwork:3.Pairwork: showshow youryour familyfamily treetree toto youryour partner,partner, andand telltell him/herhim/her aboutabout youyou andand youryour TryTry toto askask somesome questions.questions.(使用互动课堂直播功能,了解小组内同学的讨论情况。(使用互动课堂直播功能,了解小组内同学的讨论情况。)eg:eg: WhereWhere werewere youyou born?born? WhenWhen werewere youyou born?born? WhatWhat doesdoes youryour fatherfather do?do? HowHow oldold isis she?.she?.4.4. Showtime.Showtime. StepStep 4:4: SummarySummaryThatsThats allall forfor I I thinkthink allall ofof youyou gotgot a a veryvery happyhappy PleasePlease bebe kindkind toto youryour familyfamily andand alwaysalways lovelove them.them.StepStep 5:5: HomeworkHomeworkWriteWrite a a texttext aboutabout youryour Summer Olympic GameSydney is the biggest city of the country .Its also the most beautiful city in Australia.Sydney Opera House is famous around the world. There are many gardens and parks around the city.A A citycity byby thethe seasea作业作业设计设计A A类题(基础题)类题(基础题)WriteWrite a a texttext aboutabout youryour WriteWrite moremore sentencessentences youyou can.can. B B类题(选做题)类题(选做题)板书板书设计设计教学教学思考思考本节课重点是复习第一单元的知识点,因此我将复习单元本节课重点是复习第一单元的知识点,因此我将复习单元part1,2,3&10part1,2,3&10的课程进行的课程进行整合,从游戏导入课堂,既复习了几个重点句型,也让学生们体验了一次玩中学的整合,从游戏导入课堂,既复习了几个重点句型,也让学生们体验了一次玩中学的乐趣,激发了学习的乐趣,课堂中依次从乐趣,激发了学习的乐趣,课堂中依次从LizaLiza的的family-country-hometownfamily-country-hometown等方面复等方面复现重点句子,巩固了旧知,相对应的完成了课本练习,做到边学边练,最后生成小现重点句子,巩固了旧知,相对应的完成了课本练习,做到边学边练,最后生成小组活动,让学生们自己画组活动,让学生们自己画familyfamily treetree,然后和,然后和partnerpartner一起聊聊家庭情况,学生们一起聊聊家庭情况,学生们也都乐于分享自己的家庭情况,正好进行情感渗透,也都乐于分享自己的家庭情况,正好进行情感渗透,FamilyFamily areare moremore importantimportant thanthan dreams.dreams. BeBe kindkind toto youryour familyfamily andand lovelove themthem forever.forever.整节课寓教于乐,整节课寓教于乐,学生们掌握不错。学生们掌握不错。
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