Unit 3 Mary’s diary-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册(编号:70ad0).zip

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Marys diaryUnit 3Whats the date today/yesterdayis wasgo went write wroteeat ategive gaveget gotfeel felthave had不规则动词的过去式形式需要牢记一般过去时look and matchlook and matchgoiseatwritewrotewaswentateWhat is it?What is it?What is it?What is it? diaryMarys diaryMary writes a diary.She likes writing.She writes a diary every day.Mary keeps a diary every day.Listen to Mary Im Mary. I live in Scotland. My home town is a beautiful place, and theres a big castle on the lake .I like reading and writing very much. I keep a diary every day. In my diary I write about my family,my good friends ,my feelings and my dreams.”keep a diary,and someday itll keep you.”Thats my favourite saying.NameMaryHome townScotlandHobbyreading and writingWhat she does every daykeep a diaryDiary write aboutFavourite sayingKeep a diary, and someday itll keep you.When to start keeping a diaryat sevenNameHome townHobbyWhat she does every dayFavourite sayingWhen to start keeping a diaryShe writes about her family, her good friends, her feelings and her dreams.ScotlandMary lives in Scotland.Scotlandbagpipeplaid skirtcastleThere s a big castle on the lake. Im Mary. I live in Scotland. My home town is a beautiful place, and theres a big castle on the lake .Listen to Mary Im Mary. I live in Scotland. My home town is a beautiful place, and theres a big castle on the lake . I like reading and writing very much. I keep a diary every day. In my diary I write about my family,my good friends ,my feelings and my dreams.In my diary I write about .Listen to Mary ”keep a diary,and someday itll keep you.” Thats my favourite saying.itll=it willListen to Mary Im Mary. I live in Scotland. My home town is a beautiful place, and theres a big castle on the lake .I like reading and writing very much. I keep a diary every day. In my diary I write about my family,my good friends ,my feelings and my dreams.”keep a diary,and someday itll keep you.”Thats my favourite saying.Important sentences1.I keep a diary every day. I keep.every day.(我每天保持.)2. I write abaut my family,my good friends ,my feelings and my dreams. I write abaut.(我写关于.)3.Keep a diary,and someday itll keep you. Keep a.,and someday itll keep you.(保持.也许有一天,它将成就你)Read and circle: Why Mary was sad? Group work:1.say why Mary was sad in groupyou can use the sentence in the text 2.Who is peter?Who will help her?Be good at subjectBe good for dancing1.Red food ( ) you heart A. is good at B is good for C is good to 2.Jack ( )mathsA. is good for B.are good at C.is good at3.My cousins Mary and Tony( )singingA.is good at B.are good at C.are good forMy favorite My favorite saying:saying:we should work harder and harderDo you want to see which diary about me?ok this is my friend lets listen my friendLike me talk about your family or your friends or your dreamsCooperate and write a diary in groupsHomework:1.Listen and read the text.1.Listen and read the text.2.Record your life with a diary2.Record your life with a diaryMarys diaryUnit 3Whats the date today/yesterdayis wasgo went write wroteeat ategive gaveget gotfeel felthave had不规则动词的过去式形式需要牢记一般过去时look and matchlook and matchgoiseatwritewrotewaswentateWhat is it?What is it?What is it?What is it? diaryMarys diaryMary writes a diary.She likes writing.She writes a diary every day.Mary keeps a diary every day.Listen to Mary Im Mary. I live in Scotland. My home town is a beautiful place, and theres a big castle on the lake .I like reading and writing very much. I keep a diary every day. In my diary I write about my family,my good friends ,my feelings and my dreams.”keep a diary,and someday itll keep you.”Thats my favourite saying.NameMaryHome townScotlandHobbyreading and writingWhat she does every daykeep a diaryDiary write aboutFavourite sayingKeep a diary, and someday itll keep you.When to start keeping a diaryat sevenNameHome townHobbyWhat she does every dayFavourite sayingWhen to start keeping a diaryShe writes about her family, her good friends, her feelings and her dreams.ScotlandMary lives in Scotland.Scotlandbagpipeplaid skirtcastleThere s a big castle on the lake. Im Mary. I live in Scotland. My home town is a beautiful place, and theres a big castle on the lake .Listen to Mary Im Mary. I live in Scotland. My home town is a beautiful place, and theres a big castle on the lake . I like reading and writing very much. I keep a diary every day. In my diary I write about my family,my good friends ,my feelings and my dreams.In my diary I write about .Listen to Mary ”keep a diary,and someday itll keep you.” Thats my favourite saying.itll=it willListen to Mary Im Mary. I live in Scotland. My home town is a beautiful place, and theres a big castle on the lake .I like reading and writing very much. I keep a diary every day. In my diary I write about my family,my good friends ,my feelings and my dreams.”keep a diary,and someday itll keep you.”Thats my favourite saying.Important sentences1.I keep a diary every day. I keep.every day.(我每天保持.)2. I write abaut my family,my good friends ,my feelings and my dreams. I write abaut.(我写关于.)3.Keep a diary,and someday itll keep you. Keep a.,and someday itll keep you.(保持.也许有一天,它将成就你)Read and circle: Why Mary was sad? Group work:1.say why Mary was sad in groupyou can use the sentence in the text 2.Who is peter?Who will help her?Be good at subjectBe good for dancing1.Red food ( ) you heart A. is good at B is good for C is good to 2.Jack ( )mathsA. is good for B.are good at C.is good at3.My cousins Mary and Tony( )singingA.is good at B.are good at C.are good forMy favorite My favorite saying:saying:we should work harder and harderDo you want to see which diary about me?ok this is my friend lets listen my friendLike me talk about your family or your friends or your dreamsCooperate and write a diary in groupsHomework:1.Listen and read the text.1.Listen and read the text.2.Record your life with a diary2.Record your life with a diary个人教学设计备课组:英语备课组备课组:英语备课组设计人:设计人:教学内容教学内容六下六下 Unit3Unit3 MarysMarys diarydiary 第一课时第一课时教学目标教学目标知识技能:知识技能:1.能听懂,会读重点单词,词组句型,利用课文语句介绍 Mary 的相关信息2.听懂、读懂 Mary 的 2 篇日记。在复习以前所学的动词过去式的基础上,归纳掌握动词过去式的变化规则。3.初步了解日记的书写格式,能模仿范文,尝试创作自己的日记。情感态度价值观:情感态度价值观:1.了解异国文化,拓展视野。 2.明白好习惯要坚持,培养勇于克服困难的好品质。 3.在小组活动中培养学生合作精神。教学重难点教学重难点1. 不规则动词过去式2. 句型运用I keep a diary everyday.In my diary I write about. Keep a diary, and someday itll keep you.That is my favourite saying.3. 尝试创作自己的日记教学过程教学过程设计意图设计意图Step1.Step1. WarmingWarming up.up. 1.T:1.T: LookLook atat thethe calendar,calendar, whatswhats thethe datedate today/yesterday?today/yesterday? WhatsWhats thethe weatherweather today/yesterday?today/yesterday? ReviewReview thethe pastpast tensetense looklook andand matchmatch Is-wasIs-was go-wentgo-went write-wrotewrite-wrote have-have-hadhadfeel-feltfeel-felt get-gotget-got2.Show2.Show a a diary,diary, T:T: WhatsWhats this?this? learnlearn thethe wordword “ diarydiary ”i-/ai/.”i-/ai/. WhatsWhats thethe date/date/ HowsHows thethe weatherweather inin thethe diary?diary? Look,Look, date-date-write-write here,here, andand writewrite thethe weatherweather 通过自由谈话导入主题,与通过自由谈话导入主题,与学生问候天气、日期,增进学生问候天气、日期,增进师生情感,营造愉悦的教学师生情感,营造愉悦的教学氛围氛围; ;在教学中自然无痕渗在教学中自然无痕渗透养成写日记、保持运动等透养成写日记、保持运动等观念观念; ;同时巧妙设计出日记同时巧妙设计出日记的基本格式。的基本格式。here.here.Step2.Step2. Presentation.Presentation.1.1.T:T: WeWe cancan writewrite a a diarydiary onon QQ/QQ/ WeChat?WeChat? MyMy friendfriendMary(Mary(相片相片) ) keepskeeps a a diarydiary onon notebook.notebook. SheShe likeslikes writingwriting veryvery much.much. SheShe keepskeeps a a diarydiary everyevery day,Iday,I writewrite a a diarydiary onon Monday.Sunday.Monday.Sunday. keepkeep a a diarydiary means:means: writewrite a a diarydiary everyevery day.itsday.its a a goodgood habit.habit. DoDo youyou havehave anyany goodgood habit?habit? keepkeep readingreading (books)(books) keepkeep (playing)(playing) sportssportsThisThis isis MarysMarys firstfirst diary,diary, sheshe wrotewrote itit atat sevenseven yearsyears oldold . .2 2 DoDo youyou wantwant toto knowknow moremore aboutabout Mary?Mary? NowNow listenlisten toto Mary.Mary. LetsLets hearhear whatwhat MaryMary say?say?整体感知阅读篇章,通过简整体感知阅读篇章,通过简单的问题,引导学生听和思单的问题,引导学生听和思考篇章梗概。考篇章梗概。UnderlineUnderline thethe keykey sentencessentences andand fillfill inin thethe table:table: NameNameHomeHome towntown HobbyHobby WhatWhat doesdoes sheshe dodo everyevery daydayDiaryDiary writewrite aboutaboutFavoriteFavorite sayingsayingMaryMary liveslives inin ScotlandScotland. . PPTPPT 呈现苏呈现苏格兰风光。格兰风光。 ItsIts a a beautifulbeautiful place,place, itsits MarysMarys homehome town.town. WhatsWhats it?it? Castle.Castle. ScotlandScotland isis famousfamous forfor itsits beautifulbeautiful castles.castles. WhereWhere isis thethe castle?castle? OnOn thethe lake.lake. ThereThere isis a a bigbig castlecastle onon thethe lake.lake. 3.3.T:T: TherereTherere mymy favouritefavourite sayingsaying表格的设计,将篇章的脉络表格的设计,将篇章的脉络理清,充分发挥学生的学习理清,充分发挥学生的学习自主性,完成表格,理解篇自主性,完成表格,理解篇章大意;并通过情景设置、章大意;并通过情景设置、丰富的图片引导学生学习新丰富的图片引导学生学习新词、新句和短语词、新句和短语. . CanCan youyou read?read?ThisThis isis MarysMarys favoritefavorite sayingsaying ListenListen andand read.read. (itll=it(itll=it will)will)UnderstandUnderstand thisthis sentences.sentences.CheckCheck thethe answer,answer, readread passage.passage. 4.Marys4.Marys 2nd2nd diary,diary, readread andand thinkthink aboutabout andand thenthen circlecircle thethe sentence:sentence: WhyWhy MaryMary waswas sad?sad? GroupGroup wordword :saysay whywhy MaryMary waswas sadsad inin groupgroupCanCan youyou telltell meme youyou cancan useuse thethe sentencesentence inin thethe text.(text.(多答几组)多答几组)WhoWho willwill helphelp her?Whoher?Who isis peter?peter?PeterPeter isis MarysMarys friendfriend hehe isis goodgoodatat maths,hemaths,he isis goinggoing toto helphelp memeBeBe goodgood atat subject/besubject/be goodgood forfor dancing.(usedancing.(use picture)picture)RedRed foodfood isis goodgood forfor youyou heartheart 学生从听、读、到一句句的学生从听、读、到一句句的跟读,到自主阅读,渗透读跟读,到自主阅读,渗透读文的技巧,渗透重读连读等文的技巧,渗透重读连读等阅读微技巧。阅读微技巧。WeWe areare notnot goodgood atat somethingsomething wewe shouldntshouldnt bebe afraidafraid ofof wewe shouldshould workwork harderharder andand harderharderMyMy favoritefavorite sayingsaying “we“we shouldshould workwork harderharder andand harder”harder”Step3.Step3. PracticePractice1.1.ThisThis diarydiary w writesrites aboutabout MaryMary .she.she writeswrites recently.recently. whatwhat thethe datedate isis it?Whatsit?Whats thethe weather?weather? readread thethe datedate andand thenthen askask whatwhat thethe datedate isis itit today?today? ThereThere areare threethree diariesdiaries aboutabout MaryMaryLetsLets seesee thesethese diariesdiariesDoDo youyou wantwant toto seesee whichwhich diarydiary aboutabout me?me? (friend.family.dream)Ok(friend.family.dream)Ok thisthis isis mymy friendsfriends letslets listenlisten mymy friends.friends.LikeLike meme talktalk aboutabout youryour familyfamily youryour dreamsdreams andand youryour friendsfriends CooperateCooperate andand writewrite a a diarydiary inin 参照范本,同时通过小组合参照范本,同时通过小组合作写日记的方式,创造性地作写日记的方式,创造性地让学生现场完成一篇动态日让学生现场完成一篇动态日记。记。groups.groups. 2.2. ReadRead youryour diary.diary.StepStep 4 4 :Homework:Homework 1.Listen1.Listen andand readread thethe text.text. 2.2. RecordRecord youryour lifelife withwith a a diarydiary . .
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