新译林版(三起) 五年级下英语单元检测-Unit 3 Asking the way(B).doc

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1、第三单元评估检测题(B 卷)( 时间:时间:40 分钟分钟总分:总分:100 分分 )听力卷(听力卷(30 分)分)I. 听录音,选出你所听到的内容听录音,选出你所听到的内容。 (每题(每题 2 分,共分,共 10 分分)()1.A.a hospitalB. a cinemaC. a shop()2.A.turn leftB. turn rightC. go along this street.()3.A.take a busB. take a metroC. take a plane()4.A.trafficB. trainC. tree()5.A.lightB. rightC. HighI

2、I. 听录音,选择合适的答语听录音,选择合适的答语。 (每题(每题 2 分,共分,共 10 分)分)()1.A. Yes, we do.B.Yes, I do.C. No, he isnt.()2.A. By bus.B. No, we dont.C. Yes, we are.()3.A.He lives in London.B.Sorry, Im new here.C. By train.()4.A.USAB. UKC.China.()5.A. The white one.B. I dont know, too.C.Yes, it is.III. 听下列短文,判断正误听下列短文,判断正误。

3、(每题(每题 2 分,共分,共 10 分)分)()1.Ben and David go to the park.()2.They also want to to go to the cinema.()3.The man in the park tells them the way to the cinema.()4.David and Ben takes a taxi in front of the cinema.()5.The taxi driver doesnt know how to get to the cinema.笔试部分(笔试部分(70 分)分)IV. 判断划线部分读音是否相同,

4、相同的写判断划线部分读音是否相同,相同的写 T,不相同的写,不相同的写 F。 (每题(每题 1 分,共分,共 6 分)分)()1. bagcake() 2.cinemahospital()3.zoobook() 4.rightmilk()5.streettree() 6.moonafternoonV. 汉译英汉译英。 (每题(每题 1 分,共分,共 10 分)分)1.到家_2. 该选哪个 _3.在街上_4.靠近,接近 _5.寻求帮助_6.右转_7.在红绿灯路口_8.在你的右边_9.看一部电影_10.等候,等待_VI. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 (每空 1 分,共 10 分)1.Bobby wo

5、uld like_(ride)to school.2.There_(be) a library and three shops in the street.3.Tina lost her keys, she is looking for it ,but she cannot_(find)it.4.Lets hurry. Dad is waiting for_(we).5.When they get to the cinema, the film_(be)over.6.Let_(they)_(get)up early.7.The old man asks_(she))for help, beca

6、use he cant find his way home.8.The two_(visit) want to _(visit))Hong Kong.VII. 单项选择单项选择。 (每题(每题 1 分,共分,共 10 分)分)()1.My brother_late every day.A. get upB. getsupC. getting up()2.Nancy goes to school_.A. with footB. by footC. on foot()3.Nancy_play computer games.A. Want toB. wants toC. would like to(

7、)4.Jims sister likes_nice food.A. cookB. tocookC. cooking()5._Jim and Tom live in Shanghai.A. IsB. DoC. Does()6._Sam_photos on Sundays?A.Does; takingB. Do; takeC. Does; take()7.My parents usually_music on Saturdays.A. listen toB. listens toC. Listen()8.Turn left_the second crossing.A.atB. inC.at()9.

8、My house is next_our school.A. onB.toC. in()10.How_your sister_ to Beijing Cinema?A.does; getB. do; getsC.does, gets.VIII. 选出合适的介词选出合适的介词。 (每题(每题 1 分,共分,共 4 分)分)1.They get _(to / on)the cinema by taxi.2.You can turn left_(at / in)the second traffic light.3.Yang Ling comes_(out / in)from the shop. No

9、w, she is in the street.4.Go_(along / to)this street.IX. 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子(每题根据汉语提示,完成下列句子(每题 2 分,共分,共 10 分)分)1.Turn left_(在第二个红绿灯处).2._(等等他) ,He is running.3.We want to_(看一部电影).4.They wait for the bus_(在公共汽车站).5.We cant_(乘车).X. 从从 B 栏中选出栏中选出 A 栏中相应的答句栏中相应的答句。 (每题(每题 1 分,共分,共 10 分)分)AB()1.What does your

10、 mother do?a. Because I dont have breakfast.()2. Where does Simon go?b. Yes, he does.()3.Why are you so hungry?c.Yes, there is.()4.Is there heavy rain?d.He often write emails.()5.Does Nancy have breakfast?e.He goes to Beijing.()6.What does Mr Green often do after dinner?f.It is Sunday.()7.What day i

11、s it today?g.She can jump.()8.Whats the matter?h.They are playing a game.()9.What can she do?i.Ive got a cold()10. What are they doing?j Shes a teacher.XI. 阅读短文,判断正误阅读短文,判断正误。 (正确的写(正确的写 T,错误的写,错误的写 F)Mummy rabbits and Baby Rabbits lives in the forest. There is a wolf in the forest too. Oneday, Mumm

12、y Rabbit wants to pick some mushrooms. “stay at home. Close the door and thewindow. Dont let the wolf come in.” says Rabbit Mother.“OK, Mum”said Baby rabbit.At lunch time, the wolf comes, he was very hungry. He knocked at the door. “Im yourMummy, my lovely baby. Open the door for me,” the wolf shout

13、ed. Baby rabbit looked out of thewindow. He looks out of the window. He sees the big wolf.The wolf is happy. He shows Baby Rabbit his tail. Just then, Baby rabbit quickly closed thedoor. The wolf cries “Ouch!” and run away.Mummy Rabbit is back home. Baby Rabbit tells her the story. Mummy rabbit is v

14、ery happy.She gives him a big mushroom.()1. Baby Rabbit lives in the forest with his parents.()2. The wolf wants to eat Baby Rabbit.()3.Baby rabbit lets the wolf come in.()4.The wolf runs away because hie tail hurts very much.()5. Baby rabbit is clever.Adog has large piece of meat in his mouth. When

15、 he is walking on a small bridge, helooks down and sees himselfin the water. He thinks it is another dog. That dog has also a largepiece of meat in his mouth. He says to himself, I want to get his meat. Then I can have two piecesof meat. He opens his mouth to bark the dog in the water ,and his meat falls into water.()6.The dog has a small piece of meat.()7.He wants to get two pieces of meat.()8.He finds another dog in the water.()9.The dog is standing on the grass.()10.He has no meat at last.


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