Module 5-Unit 1 Will you take your ball tomorrow -ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-部级优课-(编号:11454)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip

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NSE Book k 6 MModulele 5 Uninit 1Willill you takeake your ballall tomorrow?LeLets enenjoy.NSE Book k 6 MModulele 5 Uninit 1Willill you takeake your ballall tomorrow?Ta ask kL Look k anand Sa ayWha at cancan you seeee inin the e picicture e?L Look k anand Sa ayDo you ha ave e anany que esti ion ns?Wa atc ch, a ask k anand An nswe er1. Whenen willill the ey ha ave e a a picnicicnic? The ey willill ha ave e a a picnicicnic on n Sa aturda ay.1. Whenen willill the ey ha ave e a a picnicicnic?Wa atc ch, a ask k anand An nswe er Wa atc ch, a ask k anand An nswe er2. a a. Wha at willill Amy takeake tomorrow? ? ? 2. b. Willill she e takeake a a ?Wa atc ch, a ask k anand An nswe er? ? Why not?Wa atc ch, a ask k anand An nswe er Why not?Tomorrow is Friday. Were going on Saturday!Wa atc ch, a ask k anand An nswe erDi isc cuss On n a a picnicicnic:A: Wha at willill you takeake? A: Wha at willill you do wi ith your?B: I I willill takeake_.B: I I willill_.Ga ame e: On n a a PicnicPicnicA: Willill you takeake your ?B: Ye es, I I willill. / No, I I won nt. I I willill takeake my A: Wha at willill you do wi ith your ?B: I I willill LiListenen anand Re epeaeatP Pron nuncianciati ion nInIntonanati ion nPaPay a attenenti ion n to:LiListenen anand Re epeaeatOn Saturday, were going to have a picnic!LiListenen anand Re epeaeatOn Saturday, were going to have a picnic!Yes! Thats a good idea.LiListenen anand Re epeaeatWill you take your kite to the picnic tomorrow?LiListenen anand Re epeaeatNo, I wont.LiListenen anand Re epeaeatOh. Will you take your ball tomorrow?LiListenen anand Re epeaeatNo, I wont.LiListenen anand Re epeaeatWhy not?Tomorrow is Friday. Were going on Saturday!Ha haReaead anand Un nde erlineline32Willill you takeake your kikite e to the e picnicicnic tomorrow?Willill you takeake your ballall tomorrow?Reaead or Ac ct1234On SaturdayWill you?Will you?Why not?Tomorrow No, I wont.No, I wont.Sa ams PicnicPicnic PlanPlan _, Sa am willill ha ave e a a picnicicnic wi ith hi is fa amil ily. The ey willill go to a a _. The ey willill takeake_. The ey willill _. The ey willill be e ha appy.Story Ti ime eStory Ti ime eStory Ti ime eStory Ti ime eStory Ti ime eStory Ti ime eStory Ti ime eStory Ti ime eStory Ti ime eStory Ti ime eWill they put in the basket?Ta ask k Ful lfil ilmenent: MakeMake a a PicnicPicnic PlanPlan MMy PicnicPicnic PlanPlan _I I willill ha ave e a a picnicicnic wi ith my fa amil ily. We e willill go to_. We e willill takeake_ . We e willill_. We e willill be e _.tomorrowWhy n not?Summa aryWords:Enjoy the sunshine!Enjoy your life!Home ework k1. Re eme embe er the e words anand reciecite e the e te ext.2. MakeMake a a picnicicnic planlan. Goodbye e!精选教学内容,构建乐学课堂,促进学生发展科科 目:英语目:英语教教 材:外研社版材:外研社版新标准小学英语新标准小学英语Book 6 课课 题:题:Module 5 Unit 1 Will you take your ball tomorrow?授课教师授课教师单单 位授课年级:小学三年级位授课年级:小学三年级授课日期:授课日期:- 1 -目目 录录教学基本信息教学基本信息. .2教材复印页教材复印页. .2一、指导思想与理论依据一、指导思想与理论依据. .4二、教学背景分析二、教学背景分析. .5三、教学目标(含重、难点)三、教学目标(含重、难点). .6四、教学准备四、教学准备. .6五、教学流程示意图五、教学流程示意图. .7六、教学过程六、教学过程. .8七、板书设计七、板书设计21八、教学特点说明八、教学特点说明22附件附件 1:课堂活动纸:课堂活动纸附件附件 2:绘本:绘本 The Picnic- 2 -教学基本信息教学基本信息课题课题Module 5 Unit 1 Will you take your ball tomorrow?学科学科英语年年 级级三年级本课主题本课主题A Picnic Plan教材教材外研社版新标准小学英语 (供一年级起始用)第六册研究主题研究主题精选教学内容,构建乐学课堂,促进学生发展教材复印页教材复印页 - 3 -教材复印页教材复印页 - 4 -一、指导思想与理论依据一、指导思想与理论依据1、 英语课程标准英语课程标准 (2011 年版)年版) 工具性:培养学生基本英语素养和发展学生思维能力工具性:培养学生基本英语素养和发展学生思维能力英语课程要求我们发展学生思维能力,语言本身也是思维的工具,发展思维能力是语言课程的基本任务。中小学生正处于思维能力发展关键时期,英语教育可以为学生带来新的思维方式,构建新的思维优势。通过英语课使学生掌握基本的英语语言知识,发展基本的英语听、说、读、写技能,初步形成用英语与他人交流的能力为今后继续学习英语和用英语学习其他相关科学文化知识奠定基础。 人文性:提高学生综合人文素养人文性:提高学生综合人文素养 通过英语课能够使学生开阔视野,丰富生活经历,发展创新能力,形成良好的品格和正确的人生观与价值观。 2、 “小学英语教育发展核心素养小学英语教育发展核心素养”相关理论相关理论英语学科素养是指通过英语课程的实施,提升学生未来生活与工作中必须具备的知识、能力、道德水准和形象气质。英语学科核心素养是由语言能力、文化品格、思维品质、学习能力这四个核心要素构成的。英语学习是学生主动构建意义的过程。在这一过程中,学生以探究主题意义为目的,以语篇为载体,在理解与表达的语言实践中,融合知识学习和技能发展,通过感知、预测、获取、分析、概括、比较、评价、创新等思维活动,形成结构化知识;在分析问题和解决问题的过程中,发展思维品质,塑造文化品格,学会学习,形成正确的价值观,促进英语学科核心素养的形成与发展。3、“任务型教学任务型教学”相关理论相关理论 以学生为主体,通过多种小组互动、合作的课堂活动,激发学生的学习兴趣。 在完成任务的过程中,将语言知识和语言技能相结合,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。- 5 -二、教学背景分析二、教学背景分析1 1、本课教材分析、本课教材分析本课是外研社新标准小学英语 (供一年级起始用)Book 6 Module 5 Unit 1 Will you take your ball tomorrow? 本模块话题涉及“计划”与“野餐” 。本单元的情境是爸爸告诉Sam 和 Amy 周六要去野餐,两人很高兴。Sam 马上询问 Amy 明天会不会带风筝,Amy 说不带。Sam 接着问 Amy 是否带皮球,Amy 仍说不带。Sam 觉得很奇怪,于是问 Amy 为什么不带。Amy 告诉他,明天是周五,不是周六,自己当然不会带这些东西。原来 Sam 因为过于激动,误认为明天就是周六了。“计划”这个话题学生并不陌生,在教材中多次出现。关于“野餐” ,则主要涉及到季节及天气、食物、活动等方面,详见下图。2 2、学情分析、学情分析(1)学生的学习特点本节课的授课对象是三年级 7 班的学生。他们从一年级开始学习外研社版新标准小学英语 (一起)教材,具有一定的英语基础,积累了一定的词汇量。他们能够听懂老师的课堂指令,并根据指令做事情,能够用简单的英语语句表达自己的观点。通过两年学习习惯的培养,学生已经养成课前预习,课后复习的习惯,在课堂教学中主动参与,能够顺利地开展小组活动,具有与他人共同完成任务的合作意识,英语学习兴趣浓厚。(2)就本单元话题而言我通过问卷的形式对学生的相关知识和经验进行了调查。通过调查,我发现学生对 plan这一话题很熟悉,但是对 picnic 知之甚少,因此本单元重点扩充学生对 picnic 的认识。(3)就本单元知识点而言- 6 -在外研社新标准小学英语 (供一年级起始用)Book 5 Module 9 和 Module 10 中,学生学习了 be going to do 的用法,知道可以用其表示将来的计划;在本册书第二、三、四模块中,学生学习了 will 的用法,知道用 will 也可以表示将来的计划。三、教学目标(含重、难点)三、教学目标(含重、难点)1、教学目标、教学目标(1)能听说、读写以下单词:tomorrow, why, Why not?。(2)能听、说并在恰当的语境中运用询问和描述假期计划的功能句型。-Will you take your kite to the picnic tomorrow? -No, I wont.-Will you take your ball tomorrow? -No, I wont.(3)能借助依据本课提炼出来的思维导图,讲述 Sam 的野餐计划。(4)能在讲述 Sam 野餐计划的基础上,利用思维导图向他人介绍自己的野餐计划。(5)通过学习本课,使学生感知野餐文化与意义,从而更加热爱生活。2、教学重点、教学重点(1)能听说、读写以下单词:tomorrow, why, Why not?。(2)能听、说并在恰当的语境中运用询问和描述假期计划的功能句型。-Will you take your kite to the picnic tomorrow? -No, I wont.-Will you take your ball tomorrow? -No, I wont.(3)能借助依据本课提炼出来的思维导图,讲述 Sam 的野餐计划。3、教学难点、教学难点能在讲述 Sam 野餐计划的基础上,利用思维导图向他人介绍自己的野餐计划。四、教学准备四、教学准备教师准备:教师准备:课本、课件、课文光盘、四线格单词磁卡、头饰、课堂练习纸、皮球、风筝学生准备学生准备: 外研社新标准小学英语 (一起)Book 6,课堂练习纸,自制阅读书,文具五、教学流程示意图五、教学流程示意图I. Warming Up (1)Sing a song with the students. 活跃气氛,激发兴趣学科整合,激发兴趣- 7 -Watch a VCR about “The Picnic”. II. Leading In (1) Make a picnic plan. 明确任务III. Task Presenting (0.5)1. Read the pictures. 3. Watch, ask and answer. Learn the new words.1. Listen and repeat the dialogue.层层深入,学习新知。设置开放性问题,培养问题意识,提高英语思维能力。IV. Text presenting &New Language Learning (12)通过合作学习,逐步形成语言框架,发展语言能力。1. Read a story and learn more about “picnic”.活跃课堂气氛,为呈现任务做铺垫。2. Make a picnic plan.3. Read or act.4. Talk about Sams picnic plan. Then check.V.Language Practising (13) & Consolidating依据思维导图,按课文内容填空,检查学生对课文的理解。 2. Read and underline.2. Ask some questions. 4. Think about more questions. VI. Task Fulfillment (10)语音输入,加强记忆,合作学习,提高能力5. Play a game to practice the sentence structure.1. Summarize.gVII.Summing Up &Assigning Homework (2.5)明确本课重难点,深化、升华主题。2. Sublimate the emotion.g- 8 -六、教学过程六、教学过程教学过程教学过程教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图I. Warming Up (1)Greet the students.Sing “Hello” song togetherGreet the teacher.Sing “Hello” song together师生以歌曲的形式相互问好,学科整合,活跃课堂气氛。II. Leading In (1)II. Leading In (1.5)Let the students watch a VCR about the picnic.“Lets enjoy a VCR and please tell me what it is about. OK?”“Good! Lets enjoy!”“What is it about?” “Great!”“Today we are going to learn Module 5 Unit 1. Lets read the title together.”Watch a VCR about the picnic.“OK!”“Picnic!”“Will you take your ball tomorrow?”通过观看同学野餐时的视频,活跃课堂气氛,迅速调动他们学习本课的兴趣,为直接导入本课任务 “Make a picnic plan” 做铺垫。贴主题图(遮盖住 plan)3. Assign the homework.g4. Sing “Goodbye”song.g- 9 -III.Task Presenting (0.5)Present the task.“After you learn this lesson, I hope you can make a picnic plan for the coming weekend.”Remember the task.交代本节课的学习任务,使学生明确学习目标,激发学习动机。(思维导图揭开Plan)IV.Text presenting &New Language Learning (12)1. Show the students a picture and ask them to say something about it. “Please look at the picture.”“What can you see in the picture?”2. Let the students ask some questions about the picture.“You know so much about the picture. Do you have any questions?”“Good questions!”3. Let the students watch the VCR, ask and answer the questions. Teach the new words.1. Look at the picture and say something about it. “There are 3 people in the picture.”“They are Sam, Amy and their father.”“Sam and Amy are very happy.”2. Ask more questions.“What are they talking about?” “What will they do?”“Why are they so happy?”3. Watch the VCR. Ask and answer the questions. Learn the new words.借助主题图引入学习情境,培养学生读图能力。借助主题图,培养学生问题意识和发散性思维。(边提问边将问题板书)- 10 -IV.Text presenting &New Language Learning (12)(1) Let the students watch the VCR.“Now lets watch the VCR and try to answer your questions.”(2) Let them answer their questions. “Thats all. Now can you answer your questions?”“What are they talking about? You, please.”“What will they do?”“Why are they so happy?”“Well done!”(3) Let the students think about more questions. Watch, ask and answer. Learn the new word.“I have a question. Who can read it for us?”“You, please.” (1) Watch the VCR.(2) Answer their questions.“They are talking about the picnic.”“They will have a picnic.”“Because they will have a picnic.”(3) Think about more questions. Watch, ask and answer. Learn the new word.“When will they have a picnic?”第一次通看无字幕课文视频,整体感知课文内容,培养学生自我学习和寻找梗概信息的能力。培养学生自主解决问题的能力。逐图学习,分析课文思维导图贴When- 11 -IV.Text presenting &New Language Learning (12)“Thank you so much.”“Now, lets watch and answer.”“Who knows? You, please.”“Good.”“Where will they have the picnic? Will they have the picnic in a shop?”“Will they have the picnic at school?”“Where? Can you guess?”“You, please.”“I agree with you.”“Here is another question. What will Amy take tomorrow?”“Do you know the word tomorrow?”“Good! What day is today?”“What day is tomorrow?”“They will have a picnic on Saturday.”“No, they wont.”“No, they wont.”“They will have the picnic in a park.”逐图问答,分析课文思维导图贴Saturday思维导图贴Where渗透 Will 引导的一般疑问句的否定答法思维导图贴park- 12 -IV.Text presenting &New Language Learning (12)“Great! Youve got it!”“This group, please read it one by one.”“Good. What will she take tomorrow? Look at the two pictures. Will she take a Please work in pairs. Ask and answer according to this sentence.”“Which pair wants to ask and answer? You, please.”“She wont take a kite. She wont take a ball. Why not? Please look at this picture. What day is today in the picture?”“What day is tomorrow?”“Yes!”“Today is Friday.”“Tomorrow is Saturday.”“Tomorrow”“Will she take a kite?”“No, she wont.”“”“Will she take a kite?”“No, she wont.”“Will she take a ball?”“No, she wont.”“Its Thursday.”通过师生对话,学习领会新单词tomorrow 含义。设置开放性问题,培养学生根据课文图片推理猜测的能力。学习 Will 引导的一般疑问句的问答单词贴Why not?培养读图能力通过师生自然的交流,理解领会Why not 的意思。- 13 -IV.Text presenting &New Language Learning (12)“Wonderful! You can get the answer from the picture.”(4) Let students think more about the picnic.“We know what Amy will take for a picnic. Now lets discuss in pairs. If you were on a picnic, what will you take?“You two, please.”“Next pair.”(5) Let the students play a game to practice the sentence structure.“Would you like to play a guessing game?”“Are you ready?” “Stop!”“Ah! Its you! I will ask you two questions. Will you take “Tomorrow is Friday.”“They are going on Saturday.”(4) Discuss in pairs.“What will you take?”“I will take my camera.”“What will you do with your camera?”“I will take pictures.”“”(5) Play a game.通过开放性问题,培养学生发散性思维,丰富思维导图,突出本课重点通过有代表性的名词与动词词组,逐步完善思维导图中 Whattake与 Whatdo 分支,并对学生说出的物品进行词语分类。以游戏的形式操练本单元功能句型并加以延展,活跃课堂气氛,让每个孩子都参与到课堂中。- 14 -IV.Text presenting &New Language Learning (12)your I PAD for a picnic?”“What will you do with your IPAD?”“But, for me, I wont take my IPAD. I want to play with my friends. ”“OK. Next one. Ready?” “Ha! Its you! Who will ask?You, please.”“The last turn. Ready?”“Im very proud of you! Yes, after we have a picnic, we should tidy up.”“Yes!”“Go!”“Yes, I will.”“I will play games.”“Go!”“Stop!”“Will you take your?”“”“Go!”“Stop!”“Will you take your plastic bag?”“Yes, I will.”“What will you do with it?”“I will put the rubbish in it and take it away.”教师示范,使学生明确游戏规则。渗透环保与社会公德意识1. Ask the students to open the books. Listen and repeat the dialogue.“OK. You are so happy. Now, listen and repeat. Pay attention to your pronunciation and your intonation. Clear?”1. Listen and repeat the dialogue together.对课文的整体语音输入提出跟读时明确- 15 -V.Language Practising (13)“Please open your books. Turn to page 26. Begin!”2. Ask the students to read the dialogue together and underline the sentences with “will”. “Good. Now lets read the whole dialogue together Please take out your pencil. Underline the sentences with will.”“How many sentences do you find?”“Who will read one? You, please.”“Next one.”“All of you did a great job!”3. Tell the students to work in a small group. Read it or act it out. Ask the volunteer “Yes!”2. Read the dialogue together and underline the sentences with “will”.“Two!”“In picture 2”“In picture 3”3. Work in a small group. Read or act it out. Then the volunteer groups come 的语音、语调要求再次对课文语音整体输入的同时,找出带有 will 的句子,即明确本课功能句。依据个人程度选择并完成任务- 16 -V.Language Practising (13)groups to come to the front and show.“Now work in a group. Lets read or act.”“Which group will show us?”“Your group, please.”“Read or act?”“OK, begin.”“Great! How about their job?”“They have a good pronunciation, and they pay attention to their intonation. So they did a great job.”“Which group will act it out? Your group, please.”“How about their job?”4. Let the students talk about Sams picnic plan according to the mind map.(1)Talk about Amys picnic plan as an example.“Just now we have learned the dialogue. Now can you talk about Sams picnic plan according to the mind map? Dont worry. Before that I will talk about Amys picnic plan as an example.”to the front and show.“We will read it.”“Im Amy. Im Sam”“Super! Their intonation is very good.”“Im Amy. Im Sam”“Wonderful!”4. Talk about Sams picnic plan according to the mind map.(1)Listen carefully and learn the example.生生评价依据思维导图,谈论 Sam 的野餐计划,为突破难点做铺垫。总结课文内容- 17 -V.Language Practising (13)“On Saturday, Amy will have a picnic with her family. They will go to a park. They will take a kite and a ball. They will fly a kite and play with the ball. They will be excited.”“Clear?”(2)Let the students talk about Sams picnic plan. “Please take out your worksheet and talk about Sams picnic in your group.”“Which group will share with us?”“Your group, please.”“How about their job?”“Yes!”(2) Talk about Sams picnic plan. “”“On Saturday, Sam will have a picnic with his family. They will go to a park. They will take a kite and a ball. They will fly a kite and play with the ball. They will be excited.”“Excellent! ”教师以 Amy 为例,谈论 Amy 的野餐计划,为学生独立谈论 Sam 的野餐计划做铺垫。检查课文理解程度和思维导图的运用能力,突出本课重点,为突破难点做铺垫。多人参与(每人读一句,最后一句齐读)生生评价1. Let the students learn more about a picnic. (1) Let the students read a story.“Would you like to read a story?”“OK. Please take out your story book. Lets enjoy the 1. Learn more about a picnic.(1) Listen to the story.“Yes, we do!”通过有声绘本阅读的方式,学习更多关于 picnic 相关知识,扩充词汇,为制定自己的野餐计划做铺垫。- 18 -VI.TaskFulfillment (10)story.”(2) Let students check what they will put in the picnic basket on their story books.“Very interesting!”“Please read the story in your group.”“Time is up. Which group will show us? Your group, please.”“Thank you so much!”“There is a basket. There are many things around the basket. What will they put in the basket? Will they put pears in the basket?”“Who can ask a question according to the sentence?”“Why is the mouse in th
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