Module 6-Unit 2 There is a small monster.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:804f3)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip

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Listen and chantThereThere is is a a pandapanda . . ThereThere areare fivefive birdsbirds. .ThereThere is is a a catcat onon thethe bedbed. . T ThereThere areare twotwo booksbooks onon thethe desk.desk. Listen and chantpostermonstermonsters s ThereThere is is a a smallsmall areare twotwo bigbig monsters.monsters.ThereThere areare twenty-fourtwenty-four hands.hands.ThereThere areare fifteenfifteen arms.arms.ThereThere areare sixsix legslegs andand sixsix feet.feet.Listen and judge or 1、There is a big monster.2、There are two small monsters.3、There are twenty-four hands.4、There are fifteen arms.5、There are six legs and five feet.Listen and repeatListen and repeatRead and choose A or B1、_three children at the park. A.There is B.There are2、_three books on the desk. A.There is B.There are 3、_a crayon in the pencil-case. A.There is B.There are4、_eight ducks in the lake.A.There is B.There areLookLook andand saysayIts sunny/hot today. In the park, there are two brown dogs. . Useful words: grass(草草), some(一些一些),mountain(山),山),many(许多许多)lots of(许多许多)lake(湖湖) river(河河)Game: Find the differences between the two pictures.(找(找茬)茬)Find and say:1、Its sunny today. At school, there are five girls, theyre running. Theyre tired. . 1、Its hot today. In the park, there are five boys, theyre playing basketball. Theyre excited. .Useful words: excited(兴奋的),tired(累的),enjoyable(令人享受的)In Picture1In Picture2HomeworkHomework1 1、ListenListen andand readread thethe texts.texts.2 2、BringBring a a photophoto ofof youryour roomroom toto introduce,introduce, usingusing “there“there is.”is.” or“thereor“there are.”.are.”.ThankThank you!you!新标准小学英语一年级起点第八册新标准小学英语一年级起点第八册ModuleModule 6 6 UnitUnit 2There2There isis a a smallsmall教学设计教学设计 一、教材分析本课是外研社版新标准小学英语一年级起点第八册,Module 6 Unit 2 There is a small monster ,本模块的话题是说明存在和数量。本模块在语言上主要是学习 “There is/There are”结构。 “There is/are”结构表示存在,学生在之前的学习中已经有所接触。这一句型有一定难度,教师可以向学生简单介绍一下句型的基本结构,但是无需要求学生完全掌握,可在以后的学习中逐渐纠正错误、巩固知识。本课的具体内容是:Daming 向同学们展示他们小组设计的怪物。招贴画上有两个怪物,一个小怪物。三个怪物共有 24 只手,15 条胳膊,6 条腿和 6 只脚。三年级学生经过两年多的英语学习,已经初步具备一定的听说读写能力。他们活泼好动,好奇心强,表现欲旺盛,对于新鲜的知识有浓厚的兴趣,对于本课涉及到的关于异国文化和习俗的话题,学生们非常乐于去了解和探索。三、教学目标(一)语言知识目标1.能听说认读单词 poster,monster, hand, ,arm,foot-feet,face;句子 There are his hands .There is a small monster.在活动中提高听说读写译能力。2.使用句型:There is/are.来描述某地有某物新 课 标 第 一 网3.能体会到学习英语的乐趣,养成良好的英语学习习惯。(三)情感与态度目标帮助孩子们建立学习英语的自信心,提升英语学习的成就感,使他们敢于、乐于张口说英语,增强其学英语的积极性。在学习过程中能体会到学习英语的乐趣,在学习和日常交际中,能初步注意到中外文化异同。(四)教学策略与学习策略基于本课的特点,我在教法设想和学法指导上坚持以情景话题为核心,以功能、结构为主线,以任务型活动贯穿教学始终,运用直观教学法,情景教学法,交际法,多媒体辅助教学法等教学方法,帮助学生在视听说读唱玩演等饶有趣味活动中,相互合作,体验参与,自主的、愉快的学习英语,发展能力,维持兴趣。学生提前做好课文预习,带着轻松开朗的心境进入新授课文的学习中,积极参与课堂活动。认真倾听,主动思考,回答问题。有效参与小组内学习活动,与同学互助交流合作。自我检测和反馈,遇到问题和困难能够在小组内,或者向老师寻求帮助解答。四、教学重难点(一)教学重点全体学生能够掌握句 There is . There are (二)教学难点全体学生能运用已学语言说明存在和数量五、教学准备教学用书、教学卡片、CAI、六、教学过程.Warmer 话题导入话题导入 激发兴趣激发兴趣【操作方式】开课教师亲切和学生问候,以游戏的方式引入“I say you do”,即复习了五官和肢体为后面的课程打下基础,又活跃了气氛,接着欣赏和演唱学生学习过的一首 chant。1. Greeting: 2. Games (I say you do): touch your nose, touch your eyes, touch your mouth, touch you face, touch your hand, clap your hands, touch your arms, touch your legs, stamp your foot, stamp your feet.3.Listen and chant. One hand, two hands, clap, clap, clap. One foot, two feet, stamp, stamp, stamp.T:Look, how many?【设计意图】选用以前学习过的歌曲热身启动,为学生营造轻松愉悦的英语学习氛围,同时复习与本课相关的肢体和五官的单词,为本课继续学习 There be 结构打下基础。 “Guess , how many?”复习数字,为后面的课程做好铺垫。. Presentation 任务呈现任务呈现 学习新知学习新知Lead in 导入导入How many are there? 【操作方式】教师在“Guess”活动之后,出示熊猫图片、小鸟图片,教师以“How many are there”来提问学生,让学生学习用“There is/There are”来回答,从而引入新知,再出示小猫和输的图片,让学生进而会用“There be” 结构来描述物体在哪里。引出介词“on”,从而导入课文第一部分 Listen and chant.T:How many pandas are there?S: There is a panda.T: How many birds are there?S: There are five birds.T:How many cats are there on the bed?S: There is a cat on the bed.T: How many books are there on the desk?S: There are two books on the desk. T:Do you know whats on my face? S:There is a nose on your face.S: There are two eyes on your face.S: There is a mouth on your face. T:Follow me:“There is a nose on your face. There are two eyes on your face. There is a mouth on your face. They are all on your face.” T:Face to your deskmate, Now lets listen and chant. T: Yeah, There are two eyes on my face. Look at my body, whats on my body? S: There are two hands. / There is a hand.S: There are two arms.S: There are two legs./ There is a leg.S: There are two feet./ There is a foot.T: Whats on the poster? (教授 poster)S: There are three monsters.(教授 monster)1)T:How many small monsters? S: There is a small monster.2)T: How many big monsters? S: There are two big monsters.3)T: How many hands? S: There are twenty-four hands.4)T: How may arms? S: There are fifteen arms.5)T: How many legs and feet? S: There are six legs and six feet.【设计意图】在出示图片让生用“There is/There are ”结构描述物体的数量,再出示小猫在床上、书在桌上,引导学生用“There be”来描述物体的位置,从而引出课文,教师用 Whats on the poster? 引出课文内容,以五个问题呈现课文。教授并学习新词:poster 、monster。Text learning 课文学习课文学习(1)Listen and judge【操作方式】播放视频,学生带着问题整体感知课文,并判断正误T:Today Daming take us a poster, whats on the poster? There is a small monster. There are two big monsters. There are twenty-four hands. There are fifteen arms. There are six legs and six feet. Now, lets listen and judge!【设计意图】在任务的驱动下初步感知课文,回答老师的问题。(2)Listen, point and repeat【操作方式】教师运用 CAI 播放课文录音,学生边听边指书上课文,逐句跟读模仿课文内容,引导学生关注自己的发音和语调。(3)Read the text by themselves【操作方式】学生自主练习朗读课文内容,可以在小组内寻求帮助。(4)Read and act.【操作方式】引导学生分角色有感情地朗读课文,注意问句和答句不同的语气和语调。【设计意图】在分析课文时,通过五个问题,引发学生思考,操练重点句型“There is/There are”最后通过听音模仿和分角色朗读表演课文,让学生体会主人公在使用语言的心情和状态,体现英语的人文性。. Practice 巩固操练巩固操练 应用新知应用新知1Read and choose “A” or “B”【操作方式】出示白班呈现这一页的内容,给学生两分钟让学生在纸上完成选择,同时叫四位学生选择并读出答案。1 1、 threethree childrenchildren atat thethe park.park. A.ThereA.There isis B.ThereB.There areare2 2、 threethree booksbooks onon thethe desk.desk. A.ThereA.There isis B.ThereB.There areare 3 3、 a a crayoncrayon inin thethe pencil-case.pencil-case. A.ThereA.There isis B.ThereB.There areare4 4、 eighteight ducksducks inin thethe lake.lake. A.ThereA.There isis B.ThereB.There areare【设计意图】学生在看图说话中已经熟练地掌握了“There is/ There are” ,以句型的形式让学生练习写,不仅可以巩固句型用法,还可以将课文知识延伸到考试中,让学生将课本知识和应试教育相结合2.Look and say【操作方式】教师出示一副图片让学生仔细观察,结合已给出的例子, 用“There is one/There are”来描述图片上的人和物。T:Look! There is a picture, whats the weather like? S:Its sunny/hot. Where is it? In the park. How many boys are there? There are two boys. What color are they? Theyre brown. So, Its sunny today, in the park, there are two brown dogs教师将提示词和短语一一贴到黑板上,最后连成一句话。Now, Ill give you an example and some useful words, talk about this picture with your partner, Ill give you two minutes .let begin!给学生两分钟让学生两两按照例子讨论说其它的人物,然后展示S:There are two girls.S: There are three white cats.S: There are six pink flowers.S: There are eight yellow ducks.S: There are many grey mountains.S: There is some green grass.S: There is a blue lake.【设计意图】在语境中操练本课的功能语句。先由教师问,学生思考回答。过渡到学生之间互相讨论,学会正确使用“There is/There are”3. Find and say (Game: Find the differences between the two pictures 找茬儿找茬儿)【操作方式】出示两幅图,让学生讨论并运用本节课的重点句型来练习说两幅图的区别有哪些。T:Look, there are two pictures, look at P1, Whats the weather like? Its sunny/hot. Where is it? At school. How many girls are there? There are five girls. What are they doing? Theyre running. 出示第二张白班,Now,Ill give you two examples and some useful words,talk about these pictures with your partners, Ill give you three minutes.1、Its sunny .At school, there are five girls ,theyre running, theyre happy.2、Its sunny. In the parkl, there are two boys ,theyre reading books, theyre enjoyable.3、Its sunny. At school, there is a boy ,hes flying a kite, hes happy.4、Its hot. In the park, there are five boys, theyre playing basketball, theyre excited.5、Its hot. At school, there are six boys ,theyre playing football, theyre excited.6、Its hot .In the park, there are seven girls ,theyre playing hide-and-seek, theyre happy.【设计意图】教师在情境中设找茬,让学生运用句型来说两幅图的不同,从而巩固复习了本节课的重点也复习了进行时态,突破本课的重难点知识,让知识具有延展性。3Lets enjoy a music: Three Green Parrots. Production 拓展运用拓展运用 提升能力提升能力. Cooler 总结评价总结评价 布置作业布置作业1. Summary 总结评价总结评价2. Homework 布置作业布置作业必做:Listen and recite the text. 选做:Take a photo of your room introduce it , using“There is /There are” 【设计意图】 总结本课的学习内容,完成形成性评价,布置分层作业,全体学生听磁带,练习复述课文内容。同时,鼓励有能力有精力的学生尝试去做选做作业,搜集一些室内照片,把英语学习由课内扩展到课外,从而达到学以致用。七、板书设计 Module 6 Unit 2 There is small monster. There is There arewhether where how many what color doing feelingsunny in the park two brown running excitedhot at school three white playing basketball tired five happy
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