新人教版八年级英语下册 Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came单元学案(无答案).doc

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新人教版八年级英语下册 Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came单元学案(无答案).doc_第5页
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1、=【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 课题: Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? (第一课时 ) 【学习目标】 一、 学会 用过去进行时讲述过去某个时间的事情。 二、 初步了解 when 以及 while 的用法。 【学习重点】 1. 过去进行时: What were you doing at the time of the rainstorm? I was doing my homework. What was she/he doing? She/He was. 【学习难点】 过去进行时。 【自主预习】 一 、 预习课本 P33

2、-P34,找出下列汉语表达的相应英文表达。 1在图书馆 _ 2. 在街上 _ 3. 等公交车 _ 4. 走回家 _ 5. 在 的时候 _ 6. 闹钟发声 _ 7. 洗热水澡 _ 8. 在厨房 _ 9. 接电话 _ 10. 再打电话 _ 11. 当你打电话时,我正在洗澡。 _ 12. 当你睡觉时,我给 Jenny 打电话了。 _ 二、根据例子把句子改为否定句以及一般疑问句。 1 I was having an exam at the time of nine yesterday. I wasnt having an exam at the time of nine yesterday. Were

3、 you having an exam at the time of nine yesterday? Yes, I was./No, I wasnt. 2. She was doing her homework when the rainstorm came. 教师二次备课 备课教师: 3. He was waiting for the bus when the rainstorm came. _=【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = _ 【课堂 探究 】 一、 完成 1a,1b 学习后,根据例子写句子。 Picture A: Where was the girl when the rainstor

4、m came? She was in her house. What was she doing when the rainstorm came? She was doing her homework. _ 二、 完成 2a,2b 任务 后,根据听力内容,完成对 错 题。 1. The boy didnt wake up until seven thirty because his alarm didnt work. ( ) 2. He arrived at school at eight. ( ) 3. He still didnt catch the bus although he ran

5、 to the bus stop. ( ) 4. While he was waiting for the bus, it suddenly started to rain heavily. ( ) 5. While he was busy looking for the umbrella in his schoolbag, a car came and got water all over him. ( ) 【 拓展提高 】 一、 情景交际。 1. What _ the girl _ (doing) at the time of the rainstorm? She was reading

6、books in the library. 2. What were you doing when I called you? I _ (help) my mother cook in the kitchen. 3. What _ (happen) yesterday morning? My alarm _ (do) go off so I _ (get) up late. 课题: Unit5What were you doing when the rainstorm came? (第二课时 ) =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 【学习目标】 1. 能讲述过去发生的事情。 2. 能区分 whi

7、le 以及 when 的用法。 【学习重点】 1. 语言知识的梳理及在真实语境中的运用。 2. 阅读能力和阅读 技巧的培养。 【学习难点】 1. When 以及 while 的用法。 【自主预习】 一、在 P35 中找出下列词组,并完成以下词组翻译。 1. 感觉像 _ 2. 首先 _3. 入睡 _ 4. 逐渐变弱 _5. 确信 _6. 醒来 _ 7. 一团糟 _ 8. 清洁 _ 9. 互相帮助 _ 10. 在困难时期 _ 11. Ben 正帮他妈妈做晚饭,这时雨开始猛烈地敲打窗户。 Ben _ _ _ his mom make dinner when the rain began to bea

8、t _ _ the windows. 12. 当他醒来时,太阳正在升起。 When he woke up, the sun _ _. 13. 乌云使天空一 片漆黑。 Black clouds were _ the sky very _. 二、写出下列动词的 ing 形式。 take_ play_ clean_ shop_ sleep_ buy_ leave_ turn_ kid_ hit_ 三、 翻译两个句子,总结其区别。 1. 他正在班级扫地。 _ 2. 他昨天这时候正在班级扫地。 _ 【课堂学习】 教师二次备课 备课教师: 一、 阅 读 3a, 回答问题。 1 What was the w

9、eather like before the heavy rain started? _ 2 What was the neighborhood like after the storm? 二、用 when, while 填空。 1._ May was talking on the phone, her sister walked in. =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 2._ Rita bought her new dog, it was wearing a little coat. 3._ I saw Carlos, he was wearing a green shirt. 4._ I

10、 was dancing, he was singing loudly. 5. _ Linda finally saw Davy , he was jumping with a dog . 6. I was cleaning my room _ the fire broke out . 三、 根据例子写句子。 John Marry take photos buy a drink play the piano leave the house clean his room turn on the radio shop take the car to the car wash 1.While Joh

11、n was taking photos, Mary bought a drink. John was taking photos when Mary bought a drink. 2._ 3._ 4._ 【 拓展提高 】 用所给动词适当形式填空。(注意现在进行时与过去进行时) 1 _ Mary _(draw) a picture when the teacher came in? No, she _. 2 _ you _(have) dinner at that time? 3. Jack _(not do) his homework at nine yesterday evening. 4

12、. We _(watch) TV when suddenly the telephone _(ring). 5. Her mom _(cook) while her father _(read) a newspaper. 教师二次备课 备课教师: 课题: Unit5What were you doing when the rainstorm came? (第三课时 ) 【学习目标】 1. 听力中培养能提取重要信息以及时间先后顺序的把握。 2. 学习一般过去时和过去进行时的搭配使用。 3. 遇到重大的突发事件,要懂得保护自己。 【学习重点】 =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 1. 一般过去时和过

13、去进行时的搭配使用。 【学习难点】 运用一般过去时和过去进行时这两种时态描述事件。 【自主预习】 一、在书本 P37-38 中找出以下词组并记住。 1. 在历史上 _ 2. 默默地 _ 3. 篮球比赛 _ 4. 讲实话 _ 5. 做 .感到吃惊 _ 6. 做某事有麻烦 _ 7. 如此 .以致 _ 8. 世贸中心 _ 9. 最初,首先 _ 10. 剩下的 _ 11. 从窗户往外看 _ 12. 路过 _ 二、在 2b 中找出以下句子,翻译。 1人们常常记得当他们听到历史上的重大事件时他们在干什么。 People often remember _ they _ _ _ they heard the

14、news of important events _ _. 2.这是美国历史上的重大事件。 This was _ _ _ in American history. 3当我们在广播上听到这个消息的时候,我们正在厨房吃晚餐。 We _ _ dinner in the kitchen _ we heard the news on the radio. 4. 她记得当时自己正在距两座塔楼不远的办公室工作。 She _ _ in her office near the two towers. 5.甚至这一天 2001 年 9 月 11 日 对大多数美国人具有某种意义。 Even the date September 11,2001 _ _ _


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