- A Special Pet 课件.pptx--点击预览
- Clever Parrots 微课.flv
- Crying Animals 微课.flv
- Special Pets 微课.flv
- 教案b0b90.docx--点击预览
- 热身Animal Song.flv
- 课文CD-ROM自制.flv
A Special PetA Special PetA Special PetA Special Pet外研版 新标准英语一起点 五下 Reading for PleasureWarming-up!Pre-readingAnimal Animal SongSongFree talk!Pre-readingaccompanyaccompanywork for work for the masterthe mastermmake thake the kid happye kid happy Who has a pet? Free talk!Pre-readingPets!Pets!Special PetsKnow more!Pre-readingLead-in!HowHow can we get a pet? can we get a pet?Pre-readingLead-in !WhatWhat did Amy buy at last?did Amy buy at last?While-readingTry to find!Amy pulled the string. “Hello!” said the parrot.“Wow!” said Amy. “Now pull the other string,” the woman said. Amy pulled the other string.“Goodbye,” said the parrot. “Thats great!” said Amy.“Do you want to buy the parrot?” asked the woman.“Oh yes!” said Amy. “But what will happen when I pull both strings?” she asked.“I will fall off my perch, of course!” said the parrot.白板笔划出信息While-readingDetails! Why didnt she want a kitten or a dog?Why didnt she want a kitten or a dog?CD-ROMWhile-readingKnow more!kittenkittenpuppypuppybunnybunnypigletpigletWhile-readingTry to do!Be responsible for animals. 对对负责负责Keep them well from beginning to end! Dont Abandon(遗弃)!While-readingadopt adopt 领养领养Think and choose!Why didnt she want a goldfish?Why didnt she want a goldfish? A. Its not beautiful. B. She has got one. C. Her brothers got one. D. Goldfish is really special.While-readingDetails!Why is it special with two Why is it special with two strings?strings?How did Amy know?How did Amy know?Why is the parrot special?Why is the parrot special?What will happen What will happen when Amy pulls both strings?when Amy pulls both strings?While-readingKnow more!Why is Why is this parrot cleverthis parrot clever? ?Clever Parrots!While-readingRead loudly!While-readingSHOW TIME!SHOW TIME!Act out!While-readingBut what will happen when I pull both strings? I will fall off my perch, of course!said the parrot.Think deeply!Was the parrot Was the parrot happy?happy?Guess!Guess!Post-readingThink deeply!Crying AnimalsCrying AnimalsPost-reading What What have we learnthave we learnt today? today? Summing-upPost-readingrespectlove carefeelingcomfortcare feelingtruth respect truthWe have learnt -We have learnt -Summing-upPost-readingcomfort be kind lovebe kind WhichWhichteamteam is the winner? is the winner?新标准英语新标准英语一起五下一起五下 Reading for Pleasure A Special Pet基于学科核心素养的教学设计基于学科核心素养的教学设计执教者:执教者:课题:课题:A Special Pet单元名称:单元名称:Reading for Pleasure教材版本:教材版本:外研社 新标准英语一起点授课年级:授课年级:五年级下册课型:课型:New Teaching 阅读教学,综合语用课教材分析:教材分析:这是一篇轻松有趣却又值得深思的小故事,讲述了 Amy 到宠物店选宠物的过程,非常贴近学生们的日常生活。为什么现如今,养宠物的人越来越多了呢?引发学生们思考了解,除了生活水平提升了,人们的精神需求越来越高了外,宠物可以和人互相陪伴安慰、宠物可以为人们做许多事情、宠物更是小孩子们的最好玩伴使其开心有安全感感知人们亲密的伙伴“宠物”的价值,唤醒学生“关爱宠物绝不抛弃,要养宠物就要负责到老,以领养、喂养流浪动物代替购买”等意识,学会做一个有爱心和责任感的人。深入挖掘教材文本背后的内涵,问题串层层递进、深入了解 Amy 挑选宠物的全过程,不要店员惯常思维推荐的小猫、小狗或金鱼,而是想要一个特别的宠物,最后动手实践后,买了一只会说话的鹦鹉,可见,Amy 是一个有独立思想的人。再进一步引领学生们“仔细观察最后一幅图片、猜想深入思考”:鹦鹉开心吗?(Amy 不小心开玩笑地拽绳子,使惊慌的鸟儿羽毛掉落) ,也许很多时候人们无意识的一些行为会给动物造成了伤害。学情分析:学情分析:五年级的学生已经具备了一定的词汇积累和阅读能力,同时,也学会了借助词典和工具书自主自学的能力,所以,对于他们来说,本文的文本阅读难度不是很大。但是,阅读拓展语篇中会出现一定量的生词,因此,老师制作拓展阅读资源各个微课的过程中,从学生的实际认知能力出发,充分考虑学生的接受能力,有意识地提出要点呈现,并在难点词汇处给出汉意,便于学生的深入阅读了解;并且在教育教学的过程中,结合文本和拓展内容情节的发展,引导学生全面而深入地思考问题,养成良好的英语思维习惯,培养正确的认知和爱心,并在潜移默化中提升学生的人文素养和社会责任感,做一个有良知、有爱心的人。设计思路:设计思路:1. 综合对教材和学情的详细分析,将本节课分为:阅读前、阅读中、阅读后三个大环节。在各环节中,关注学生的学习和思考过程,引导学生深度思考细节要点,并将所学内容迁移到生活中,关注社会现象和问题的实质,增强社会责任感。以学生的“学”为主体,充分考虑到学生们的发展需求,通过开展“学生自学小组互学全班展示学习”的三个阶段及三个层次的学习过程,最大限度地培养各个层次学生的认知并满足不同层次学生的个体需求。过程中,通过老师不断深入地点拨引领,学生们充分体验英语学习和思考的真正乐趣和魅力。2. 针对语言能力循序渐进发展生成的特点,渗透了阅读方法策略的指导(快速整体阅读获取主要信息,深入阅读思考细节等方式促进英语思维能力的发展) ,提高了学生自主学习的能力。与此同时,通过引领学生观察图片进一步思考等环节,发展学生的观察思考力、逻辑思维能力以及语言表达力。边学习边运用、边学习边思考,设计的层层递进的开放性问题,鼓励学生积极大胆参与,自主探究、合作交流和创新想象,进一步促进学生们综合能力的提升。3. 挖掘教材背后的意义,通过这个故事主人公 Amy 选择购买宠物的过程,明白人应该有自己的想法,不盲目随从;也通过对宠物的深入交流讨论,加深对宠物与人之间互爱、互为疗愈的积极作用,善待自己的宠物,热爱生命,关注保护流浪动物;最后一幅图引发的思考:无意之举可能对动物造成的伤害!拓展延伸到我们的生活中,引申关注:比如我们经常观看的马戏表演,只看到了舞台上动物们的精彩纷呈的表演,却不知背后动物们遭受到的苦难,通过微课“揭示精彩背后的秘密” ,了解 Crying Animals 的有违动物自然特性的非人虐待,产生情感共鸣:知道了精彩表演背后的哭泣动物们的苦难,你还想看动物表演吗?提升认知:拒绝观看动物表演就是爱护那些受虐动物们最好的方式,彻底解放动物,让其回归大自然,享受他们本该拥有的自由生活!4. 通过环环相扣地深入启发思考、提供微课资源更多地了解,促进反思、引发共鸣,进而培养并提升学生的学科核心素养,做一个有完整人格、身心全面发展的人。教学目标教学目标1. 语言知识语言知识:功能:能整体理解故事,听、说、读、演故事,语音正确; 理解并运用有关“猜测、惊喜”的语言表达形式。词汇:能听懂、会说单词 pet, kitten, goldfish, pull, string, perch语法:一般过去时的用法,注意动词过去式各种形式的变化。语音:注意 u 和 er 字母及字母组合的发音。2. 语言技能语言技能:听:能听懂故事,并通过图文资源的帮助,捕捉主要信息。说:能用一般过去时讲故事,能用一般现在时演故事。读:能用正确的语气、语音和语调,熟练朗读故事中的精彩情节。写:能正确书写文中的重点词汇。演:能正确使用本课中单词和句式,按照自己的合理创意合作表演故事。3. 学习策略学习策略:学会借助图片和文本获取主要信息,根据上下文进行合理预测;能借助生词表、词典、教材全解等工具自主学习;养成自主预习的学习习惯,以及积极与他人合作的学习精神。4. 情感态度情感态度:体会故事阅读的乐趣;敢于表达自己的观点,积极参与合作;拓展延伸到我们的生活中,倡议大家关心爱护我们最好的朋友无论家养的宠物,还是表演的动物!潜移默化渗透:爱动物,就是爱我们自己!拒绝观看动物表演,爱护宠物和动物从我做起,增强社会责任感,激发善良和博爱之心!5. 文化意识文化意识:在英语口语交际中,了解和使用常用的手势、体态语和表情等;了解宠物文化是现代社会发展进步的标志,初步了解精彩动物表演后的心酸训练过程对动物天性的摧残,拒绝马戏表演,也是世界文明进步的缩影。教学重难点教学重难点1. 能学会观察细节问题,并根据逻辑思维进行合理推理。2. 能学会在使用和表达语言时,注意语法的正确使用。3. 小组合作创编故事,积极合作表演。教学准备:教学准备:PPT, 微课,蓝牙,白板,词句磁条,图片卡,道具等。教学流程:教学流程:I.Pre-reading1. GreetingsGood morning, everyone! Good morning, Kathy!【设计意图】跟坐着的孩子们亲切互问候,营造轻松愉悦的学习氛围。2. Sing a song. Sing a song “Animal Song”.【设计意图】演唱和主题相关的动物歌曲,唤醒认知,调动学生的学习热情,培养学生“感知并关爱动物”的核心素养。3. Free talk and know more.What animals are there in the song? (There is a kangaroo, a panda, a lion, a parrot, a puppy and a bear. )Some animals are kept at home, the house animal, we call- “pet”. Nowadays more and more people keep pets. I had a lovely dog, too. (板书立体设计开始)Why do so many people like to keep pets?Because they can accompany the elder or patients, they can be comforted. And they can do lots of things for their owners, such as helping with taking things. Of course, they are also childrens best partners; they can make the kids happy.Who has a pet in our class? Can you introduce it?Who has any different ideas about pets? You can have different ideas, but you can also have a try. Now lets watch a video about pets. You will find different pleasures! Maybe youll change your opinions. (Special Pets-Micro Lesson) After watching, free talk with the kids who have different ideas about pets.Do you like the pets now? What about you? What do you think about it?【设计意图】了解家养的动物宠物的价值文化,鼓励学生了解文本的背景知识。鼓励学生们说真话,大胆表达自己的思想和观点,结合生活中饲养宠物的经历体验,以及没养宠物的原因陈述,清楚现代社会的进步标志精神生活的追求越来越多,人和宠物、动物间的关系越来越紧密;同时,也知道了不同家庭的家庭文化和节奏。并通过“宠物微课”来进一步感受各种宠物给人们带来的快乐,观看后再追问一下没养宠物的孩子们的新想法,看看有没有思想转变和行动的改变,培养学生“认知社会、人文积淀”的核心素养。II.While-reading1. Free talkWhat pets did you see in the video? Are there any special pets? Different feelings, different pleasures! If we want a pet, how can we get a pet?【设计意图】进一步回顾微课内容,加深对宠物的认知;鼓励孩子们积极大胆表达,不怕说错,尤其说出自己认为的特殊宠物并表达出自己的思想观点,给予学生恰当的帮助使其体验成就感,也同时加深“特殊”的概念认知,为新课做好铺垫。2. Lead-in.What did Amy buy at last? Please open your book, read quickly and silently to find the answer. How do you get the main information in the text? Come here and underline the sentences!【设计意图】以快速阅读的方式,迅速思考查找,获得主旨问题的答案,并请到前面在白板上划出关键信息句,引领阅读中泛读获取信息的方法策略。3. Lets think. Watch the CD-ROM (Micro Lesson) about the text. Then finish the blackboard design by asking some questions about details. Why didnt Amy want a kitten or a dog? Here “kitten” is a baby cat. Baby dog, we call “puppy”, baby rabbit is a bunny, and baby pig is a piglet. If we want to keep pets, keep them well from beginning to end. Treat them carefully like our family members. Dont abandon them. Even we can adopt pets from shelters. Be responsible for them. Because all animals need good care!【设计意图】通过观看课文微课,帮助学生进一步深入感知课文的大意,同时引出板书主线,以追问细节问题的方式构建板书,通过立体生动的板书帮助学生梳理课文主要内容,并进行深入思考。同时,更多了解宠物的幼崽的专业术语,扩展知识面,借此也自然渗透“对待宠物的正确方式善待负责始终、绝不遗弃、喂养或从收容所领养流浪宠物” ,达成共识:因为所有的动物都需要我们好好对待,尊重生命。4. Think more.Why didnt she want a goldfish? Choose the answer!C. Her brothers got one.Why is the parrot special? Why is it special with two strings? How did Amy know?What will happen when Amy pulls both strings? 【设计意图】进一步追问思考细节,捋清故事发展的脉络,培养学生的英语思维能力,环环相扣,全面而细致。与此同时,这也是引领学生独立阅读文本的深入自学的方法策略。5. Think deeply.Why is the parrot clever? Can parrots only speak? What else can they do? From this video, you will know more. (Clever Parrots- Micro Lesson)After watching, ask more:What can the parrots do in the video?【设计意图】引导学生在对文本中的特殊宠物鹦鹉的“特殊”感知:不同的脚被拽绳子,就说不同的话,真聪明!启发已有认知,鹦鹉只会说话吗?还会做些什么呢?通过微课进一步了解“聪明的鹦鹉”能做的出乎意料的事情,体验了这种宠物的可爱之外,更加认识了鹦鹉的“聪明”是因为“善于学习” ,无声地渗透培养学生“乐学并好学不倦”的核心素养。6. Practice reading by themselves, then read in groups. 【设计意图】蓝牙接听音频跟读一遍之后,学生自主朗读课文,有问题的地方可以询问。在学生充分练习读之后对其朗读情况进行检测,纠音并强调语音语调。培养学生良好的朗读习惯。III. Post-reading1. Practise acting. Then act it out.【设计意图】本课的故事是学生们比较容易理解的内容,因此,给学生充分的时间,加入自己的创意表演课文内容,更好地感知英语 ,提升想象力,培养学生“勇于创新”的核心素养。2. Think deeply.Now watch this picture carefully! Guess!Was the parrot happy? If you are the parrot, what will you say to Amy? Look! The parrots feathers fell down!We should care about the pets feelings, yes?Perhaps sometimes carelessness can cause harm to pets.【设计意图】引领学生仔细观察文本的最后一幅图,追问思考“猜猜看:英语开心吗?如果是你,你会对 Amy 说些什么?”将文本背后的意义充分挖掘, “有时人类的一些无意之举也许就会对动物造成伤害” ,培养学生“理性思考、学会照顾动物或他人的情绪”的核心素养。3. Talk about “Crying Animals”.Like watching the circus, we often see the wonderful shows, but we dont know the animals suffering behind the magic shows? They are crying, do you know? (Crying Animals-Micro Lesson)Have you seen the animals crying? Their necks are tied with iron chains(铁链). They are kept in the small house or cages since they were very little. When we go to the circus, we can always watch the animal shows. And we were all very excited and happy. We used to say, “Great!” “Wonderful!” “Amazing!” But do you know what they are suffering behind the show? If animals do not listen or do well, they will be beaten or whipped heavily. Even with sharp hooks into the flesh. What a sharp hook! Their necks or legs are firmly locked in chains. Look at the terrible deep scars. Hanging around his neck, the bear had to stand upright for a long time. Dont forget animals walk naturally on four legs(四肢行走). Sometimes monkeys are humiliated(羞辱羞辱). Sometimes animals are sick and insist on performing. They want to be free, but they cant escape. Now that you know the truth, do you still want to see the animal shows? I think I dont. Never buy a ticket; never go to the circus again. Its everyones job to resist animal shows.After watching, ask more:How do you feel after watching the video?【设计意图】引导学生活跃思维、调动已有知识和生活实际,并联系英语学习,真正实现英语语言的实际运用,并引发情感共鸣,培养学生“尊重生命、爱动物,拒绝观看动物表演、真正解放动物”的爱心和社会责任感。4. Summarize: What have we learnt today?【设计意图】学生自主总结,各抒己见,回顾本课所学,从知识、技能、情感和价值观等方面提炼归纳,培养学生“勤于反思、归纳梳理”的核心素养。5. Homework:Read more books about pets or animals.【设计意图】通过老师推荐的方式,引导学生勤于阅读,培养良好的读书习惯,培养学生“自主开拓视野”的核心素养。6. Summarize “Which team is the winner?”课前分两组进行比赛,一环环获得小宠物,最后获胜的小组,将得到从宠物店任选宠物的权利。赞扬获胜者,并鼓励未获胜的小组继续努力。【设计意图】评价方式契合主题。通过竞赛的方式,更好地调动学生的参与意识,同时通过赞扬和鼓励的方式,使学生们获得成功的体验和学习的乐趣。Blackboard Design: (见下图)