Module 3-Unit 2 You can use the computers.-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册-(编号:2205f).zip

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You can use the computers.DoDo youyou knowknow him?him?I will give you some riddles (谜语)谜语)about places! Can you guess?We go there from Monday to Friday, we can study together with many students and teachers. We like there.schoolschoolThere are many different things, such as food, drinks, fruits and so on ,We can by many things from there.shopshopThere are many animals, you can see tigers, monkeys, wolves, lions its a good place. We like there!zoozooIts a shop, there are many books in this shop, but we cant borrow, we can by many interesting books in this shop! bookshopbookshopIts a good place! We can see a lot of beautiful flowers and tall trees! In this place,We can jump ,we can fly kites, we can play with our friends.parkparkThere are many different good books, we can borrow books, videos and CDs, but we must return them on time.librarylibraryDo you know what you cancan do in English libraries and what you cantcant do in English libraries ?You_ borrow books videos and CDs.You_ use the computers.You_ do your homework.You_ talk to your friends.cancantcancancancantThere are different rules in different places, in the following places .What can you do and what cant you do ?schoolschoolYou can.You cant.shopshopYou can.You cant.zoozooYou can.You cant.bookshopbookshopYou can.You cant.parkparkYou can.You cant.librarylibraryYou can.You cant.Well doneSo you must obey(遵守)(遵守) the rules in different public places!Pair work Do you know your class rule? eg. we/I can we/I cant. Write down your shcool rules!We can.,we can.,we can.We cant,we cant.,we cant.外研社一起五年级下册外研社一起五年级下册 M3 U2You can use the computers.教案教案教学内容分析教学内容分析本节课是新标准小学英语五年级下册,第三模块,第二单元 Unit 2 You can use the computers.在教学过程中,根据课标要求,全体学生能运用已学语言,介绍图书馆的资源和使用规则;能初步借助简单的工具书学习英语。在本课的学习中, 我将新单词和新句型的呈现与学习结合本节课的文本和学生的生活实际,创造情境让学生在学习中运用,在运用中学习。学生情况分析学生情况分析五年级学生已有一定的英语基础知识,大部分学生的求知欲和好奇心强,但是有部分学生有畏难心理,因此在教学设计方面,应考虑学生的水平差异,设计适合大部分学生的学习水平的活动。教学目标教学目标A.语言知识目标能从语句中辨别,并正确使用、朗读出如下单词及目标语句:borrow; You can use the computers.B.语言技能目标1.能够在图片的帮助下,听并读懂课文;2.在老师或同伴的帮助下,尝试模仿在图书馆借书。C.情感态度目标鼓励学生热爱读书,并学会遵守规则。教学重点:教学重点:辨别,并能正确使用、朗读如下单词及目标语句:borrow; You can use the computers.教学难点:教学难点:学会使用所学目标语句。教学准备:教学准备:图片、录音机、单词卡片、纸条课时课时: 第二课时教学流程:教学流程:I. Warm-up (热身活动):(热身活动):1. Greet each other.2. Free Talk on how to borrow a book from others or a library.II. Presentation (介绍新语言项目):(介绍新语言项目):1.师生间自由问答: “Have you got?” “Can you ?”为新课做好铺垫。2.教师提问:“ This afternoon, I will go to a place, can you guess where I will go?” 引导出“library”以及其复数形式“libraries”,并板书。3.教师向学生介绍:“In the library, you can do lots of things, and there is something you cant do. Write can and cant on the blackboard. Can you tell me what can you do? Or what you cant do?”III. New-teaching(课文教学):(课文教学):1.小组自学重要单词与短语:read and circle the new words and important phrases, then read five times and translate, check in groups.2.教师利用单词卡和板书检查生词词组的学习情况: can, cant, borrow books, use the computers, do your homework, talk to your friends.3.请学生看图,说一说图书馆里的孩子们在做什么。4.播放录音,学生边听边看课文回答问题:What you can do and what you cant do in English libraries?5.播放课文录音,请学生跟读课文;小组内朗读,然后检查朗读:集体读,小组读,个人读;6.检查上面二问题的答案,并鼓励学生通过发散思维利用课本外的有关图书馆规定的知识回答。IV. Practice (练习):(练习):1.小组合作探讨:每组抽取一个写有公共场合名字的纸条,教师给予示范。教师提问:“What you can do or what you cant do in a park?”找一学生简要回答。请学生模仿例句,结合学生用书活动 2 图片,说一说在纸条上指的这些公共场所可以做和不可以做的事情,提醒学生在公共场所一定要注意公共道德。2.请学生看学生用书活动 3 的图片,播放录音,请学生边听边试着理解诗歌大意。3.播放录音,并跟着录音感受诗歌的节奏和韵律,尝试跟读。4.小组活动:将学生分成四人一组,完成学生用书活动 4 的游戏,游戏前由教师和三名学生做示范。V. Production (任务完成):(任务完成):1.全班活动:制定本班的学生守则,首先小组内讨论,再全班汇报,由教师板书,最后全班讨论通过,并练习认读。2.做课堂活动用书练习 1。首先为学生讲解题目要求,请学生看图,并完成句子,最后全班订正答案。3.做课堂活动用书练习 3。学习小组内完成调查表,请两组学生到讲台前做汇报。VI. Summary and Homework (小结与作业)(小结与作业):个别完成:请各学习小组在组长的带领下,准备一些简单的道具,编排表演图书馆里发生的情节。Blackboard design Module 3 Unit 2 You can use the computers.Library borrow You can borrow books in a library. You cant talk to your friends.
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