Unit 1 Time-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计-外研剑桥版四年级下册(配套课件编号:e06cf).doc

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1、Unit 1 Time教案一、教学目标掌握单词:half, homework, minute, watch,get up,go to school,have lunch,go home,watch TV,go to bed与相关句型: whats time.? I get up at seven oclock.教学重难点:学习如何说明每日的作息时间安排。二、教学重难点1、词汇:half, homework, minute, watch, go to school, have lunch, get up, go to bed, watch TV, go home2、能运用所学介绍自己的每日作息时

2、间安排。三、教学过程Step 1 Warming upGreetingsSing an English song: Ten little fingers.Step 2 Lead-in1. T and Ss have a free talk. T: Good morning. How old are you? / How many? / Whats this?S1: Good morning. Im ten. S2: Six. / Its a door.T: Whats this? (出示钟表。) 自答: Its a clock. 教读,分组读(形式:整组齐读,同桌齐读,四人小组齐读等)2. P

3、PT出示:Whats the time? 自答:Its three oclock. 让学生跟读three oclock.教学oclock.3. 出示课件图片练习时间的表达方法:4 oclock, 6 oclock, 9 oclock, 12 oclock.4. 让学生找出整点时间的表达规律:数字+oclock构成.5. 课件出示图片,问:Who is he? He also learnt the clock at school.创设情境引入 Today well talk about Hes a day. M5u1 I get up at seven oclock.Step3 Presenta

4、tion 1. Listen to the text carefully and then say the time you hear.认真听课文然后说说你听到的时间。指学生说at seven oclock at eight oclockat twelve oclock at four oclock at six oclock at nine oclock课件出示,着重强调at 用法,并让学生尝试总结时间表达方式:at +时间+oclock2. Listen again and find out what he does at 7 oclock.课件出示起床图A出示图片,教学get up (板

5、书)B教读get up(形式:全班读,点同学读,纠正读音)C教读I get up at seven oclock.(分组,由慢-快读)3. Listen and find out what he does at 8 oclock.课件出示上学图A 出示图,让能干的学生自己说go to school 然后老师纠正,带读B 出示句子,I go to school at eight oclock. 老师带读(动作由快到慢)4. Listen and find out what he does at 12oclock.课件出示午餐图A教读 have lunch(全班读,小组读,个人指名读)B四人小组练

6、说I have lunch at twelve oclock. 教师巡堂帮助。C 请四人小组起身读,老师纠正D 老师再次示范带读(全班读,分组大小声读)5. Listen and find out what he does at 4 oclock.课件出示回家图A 出示go home分别教读,请能干的孩子拼读,然后老师带读go home(个别读,全班读)B 同桌练说I go home at four oclock.C 请几对同桌起来读,后老师示范,全班读6. Listen and find out what he does at 6 oclock. 课件出示看电视图A 出示看电视图,请能干的孩

7、子尝试说 watch TVB 让学生上台做小老师教读 watch TV(全班跟读)C同桌互相帮助,练习说:I watch TV at six oclock.D 请能干的同桌上台做小老师教全班说(跟读)7. Listen and find out what he does at 9 oclock.课件出示睡觉图A 出示睡觉图,go to bed ,四人小组尝试读一读,然后四人小组起身齐读,老师纠正B同桌练说一说I go to bed at nine oclock.C 请会说的孩子起立读8. Game : 火眼金睛。依次出现新学的短语让学生读出来。9. Listen and repeat.四、作业四人一组,小组练习P13页there are.句型。


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