Unit 1 Extended reading ppt课件(含视频+音频)-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第二册 -.rar

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汤姆汤姆汉克斯汉克斯(Tom Hanks),),1956年年7月月9日生于美日生于美国加州康科德,美国影视演员。国加州康科德,美国影视演员。汤姆汤姆汉克斯的表演生涯是从高中的戏剧表演开始。汉克斯的表演生涯是从高中的戏剧表演开始。汉克斯在汉克斯在1994年在影片年在影片阿甘正传阿甘正传中的演绎使汉克中的演绎使汉克斯又一次赢得了奥斯卡最佳男主角奖。斯又一次赢得了奥斯卡最佳男主角奖。1995年,他开始为年,他开始为玩具总动员玩具总动员系列主角系列主角之一的之一的胡迪胡迪配音。配音。1999年,他参演了影片年,他参演了影片拯救大兵瑞恩拯救大兵瑞恩。2001年年10月,汤姆月,汤姆汉克斯获汉克斯获美国电影学院美国电影学院颁颁发的终身成就奖。发的终身成就奖。2009 - 天使与魔鬼天使与魔鬼 演出演出2008 - City of Ember 微光城市微光城市 制片制片2008 - Mamma Mia! 妈妈咪呀妈妈咪呀 制片制片2008 - The Great Buck Howard 伟大的巴克霍华德伟大的巴克霍华德 演出演出/制片制片2007 - Chalie Wilsons War 查理的战争查理的战争2006 - The code of Dan Vince 达芬奇密码达芬奇密码2004 - TheTerminal 幸福终点站幸福终点站2004 - The Polar Express极地特快极地特快2004 - Ladykiller 师奶杀手师奶杀手2002 - Road to Perdition 毁灭之路毁灭之路2002 - Catch Me If You Can 猫鼠游戏猫鼠游戏2002 - My Big Fat Greek Wedding 我的希腊婚礼我的希腊婚礼 制片制片2001 - Band of Brothers (mini) 兄弟连兄弟连 导演导演/制片制片/编剧编剧2000 - Cast Away 荒岛余生荒岛余生 演出演出/制片制片1999 - Toy Story 2 玩具总动员玩具总动员21999 - The Green Mile 绿色奇迹绿色奇迹1998 - Saving Private Ryan 拯救大兵瑞恩拯救大兵瑞恩1998 - Youve Got Mail 电子情书电子情书1998 - “From the Earth to the Moon” (mini) 从地球到月球从地球到月球 导演导演/制片制片/编剧编剧 1996 - That Thing You Do! 挡不住的奇迹挡不住的奇迹 演出演出/导演导演/音乐音乐/编剧编剧 1995 - Apollo 13 阿波罗阿波罗13号号1995 - Toy Story 玩具总动员玩具总动员1994 - Forrest Gump 阿甘正传阿甘正传 1993 - Philadelphia 费城故事费城故事1993 - Sleepless in Seattle 西雅图不眠夜西雅图不眠夜1993 - Fallen Angels 堕落天使堕落天使1992 - Radio Flyer 海阔天空海阔天空1992 - League of Their Own, A 女子棒球队女子棒球队1990 - The Bonfire of the Vanities, 虚荣的篝火虚荣的篝火1990 - Joe Versus the Volcano 魔岛仙踪魔岛仙踪1989 - The burbs 邻居邻居1989 - Turner & Hooch 福星与福将福星与福将1988 - Big 大人大人1988 - Punchline 头条笑料头条笑料1987 - Dragnet 法网法网1986 - Every Time We Say Goodbye 战火爱火(也译此情可待)战火爱火(也译此情可待)1986 - Nothing in Common 对头冤家对头冤家1986 The Money Pit, 钱坑钱坑1985 - Volunteers 志愿者志愿者1985 - The Man with One Red Shoe 穿一只红鞋的男人穿一只红鞋的男人1984 - Splash 现代美人鱼现代美人鱼1984 - Bachelor Party 疯狂今晚夜疯狂今晚夜1982 - Mazes and Monsters (TV) 虚幻游戏虚幻游戏 1980 - He Knows Youre Alone 血红溅白纱血红溅白纱 Scene headingOne line description of the location and time of dayDialogueThe lines of speech your character saysActionThe description of the actions in a sceneCharacterIdentifies the character who is speakingScan the script and answer what is the script composed of?DialogueNarrationVoice-over0The script is composed of the “narration” (the italicized words which are a description of events, setting, etc.), the “dialogue” and the “voice-over”.DialogueNarrationVoice-over0Extended readingRead the introduction to the film ForrestWhat kind of person is Forrest Gump?Extended reading What kind of person is Forrest Gump?Extended reading What kind of person is Forrest Gump?He has a low IQ, but he is a simple man with a warm personality.Extended readingListen to the introduction to the film Forrest Gump and answer the questions.1. Can you find evidence from the script demonstrating Forrest Gumps personality?2. How did the other students treat Forrest Gump? How did he react to this?1. Can you find evidence from the script demonstrating Forrest Gumps personality?1. Can you find evidence from the script demonstrating Forrest Gumps personality?“Simple”: when Mrs Gump, his mum, sees him off at the bus stop and encourages him, he simply replies, “I sure will, Momma”, with no consideration of what difficulties might be waiting for him. 1. Can you find evidence from the script demonstrating Forrest Gumps personality?1. Can you find evidence from the script demonstrating Forrest Gumps personality?“Simple”: when the bus arrives and the door opens, he simply walks to the steps of the bus and looks at the bus driver instead of getting on the bus immediately.He does this because he remembers his mums words of not taking rides from strangers. After he and the driver know each others name, Forrest thinks they are not strangers anymore, and he steps up into the bus.“Warm”: through the reflection in the voice-over, we find that Forrest Gump is really a warm person. His recollections are tender. e.g. when he remembers the first time he heard the sweetest voice in the wide world, he is referring to Jenny, whom he believes was like an angel. He has warm feelings for Jenny simply because she offered him the seat next to her and they had a conversation all the way to school.2. How did the other students treat Forrest Gump? How did he react to this?2. How did the other students treat Forrest Gump? How did he react to this?The other students rejected him as they did not want him to sit next to them. Forrest Gump did not care about that. On the contrary, he focused on the positive response he got from Jenny. 2. How did the other students treat Forrest Gump? How did he react to this?2. How did the other students treat Forrest Gump? How did he react to this?Although the other students did not treat him well, he remained optimistic and appreciated the beautiful moments in his life.Extended readingSettingCharacters personalities, relationships between them PlotView the excerpt, find information about each of the following aspects of the film excerpt and complete the table.SettingCharacters(relationshipsbetween them, their personalities, etc.)Information about each of the following aspects of the film excerpt and complete the table.Extended readingSettingCharacters(relationshipsbetween them, their personalities, etc.)mainly inside a school busInformation about each of the following aspects of the film excerpt and complete the table.Extended readingSettingCharacters(relationshipsbetween them, their personalities, etc.)Forrest Gump: He is _ to his mum as he talks about her and what she _ a lot. He is a bit _ , which can be seen from his _to the bus driver and to Jenny.mainly inside a school busInformation about each of the following aspects of the film excerpt and complete the table.Extended readingSettingCharacters(relationshipsbetween them, their personalities, etc.)Forrest Gump: He is _ to his mum as he talks about her and what she _ a lot. He is a bit _ , which can be seen from his _to the bus driver and to Jenny.mainly inside a school busInformation about each of the following aspects of the film excerpt and complete the table.closeExtended readingSettingCharacters(relationshipsbetween them, their personalities, etc.)Forrest Gump: He is _ to his mum as he talks about her and what she _ a lot. He is a bit _ , which can be seen from his _to the bus driver and to Jenny.mainly inside a school busInformation about each of the following aspects of the film excerpt and complete the table.closesaysExtended readingSettingCharacters(relationshipsbetween them, their personalities, etc.)Forrest Gump: He is _ to his mum as he talks about her and what she _ a lot. He is a bit _ , which can be seen from his _to the bus driver and to Jenny.mainly inside a school busInformation about each of the following aspects of the film excerpt and complete the table.closesayssimpleExtended readingSettingCharacters(relationshipsbetween them, their personalities, etc.)Forrest Gump: He is _ to his mum as he talks about her and what she _ a lot. He is a bit _ , which can be seen from his _to the bus driver and to Jenny.mainly inside a school busInformation about each of the following aspects of the film excerpt and complete the table.closesayssimplereactionExtended readingCharacters(relationshipsbetween them, theirpersonalities, etc.)Characters(relationshipsbetween them, theirpersonalities, etc.)Jenny: Kind and direct. She is the only one to _ Forrest a seat, and then _ herself and _ Forrest questions. Characters(relationshipsbetween them, theirpersonalities, etc.)Jenny: Kind and direct. She is the only one to _ Forrest a seat, and then _ herself and _ Forrest questions. offerCharacters(relationshipsbetween them, theirpersonalities, etc.)Jenny: Kind and direct. She is the only one to _ Forrest a seat, and then _ herself and _ Forrest questions. offerintroducesCharacters(relationshipsbetween them, theirpersonalities, etc.)Jenny: Kind and direct. She is the only one to _ Forrest a seat, and then _ herself and _ Forrest questions. offerintroducesasksCharacters(relationshipsBetweenthem, theirpersonalities, etc.)Characters(relationshipsBetweenthem, theirpersonalities, etc.)Mrs Gump: She loves and _ about Forrest. She has a great _ on Forrest, who always _ what she says or does.Characters(relationshipsBetweenthem, theirpersonalities, etc.)Mrs Gump: She loves and _ about Forrest. She has a great _ on Forrest, who always _ what she says or does.caresCharacters(relationshipsBetweenthem, theirpersonalities, etc.)Mrs Gump: She loves and _ about Forrest. She has a great _ on Forrest, who always _ what she says or does.caresinfluenceCharacters(relationshipsBetweenthem, theirpersonalities, etc.)Mrs Gump: She loves and _ about Forrest. She has a great _ on Forrest, who always _ what she says or does.caresinfluencementionsPlotPlotForrest _ the school bus on the first day of school. The children _ him except Jenny, who offers him a seat. They sit together and have a _all the way to school. Soon they become great _.PlotForrest _ the school bus on the first day of school. The children _ him except Jenny, who offers him a seat. They sit together and have a _all the way to school. Soon they become great _.takesPlotForrest _ the school bus on the first day of school. The children _ him except Jenny, who offers him a seat. They sit together and have a _all the way to school. Soon they become great _.takesare mean to PlotForrest _ the school bus on the first day of school. The children _ him except Jenny, who offers him a seat. They sit together and have a _all the way to school. Soon they become great _.takesare mean to conversationPlotForrest _ the school bus on the first day of school. The children _ him except Jenny, who offers him a seat. They sit together and have a _all the way to school. Soon they become great _.takesare mean to conversationfriendsExplain some difficult expressions in the script.Line 21: walk down the busLine 42: My legs are just fine and dandy.Explain some difficult expressions in the script.Line 21: walk down the busLine 42: My legs are just fine and dandy.adj.非常好的非常好的,极佳的,极佳的Explain some difficult expressions in the script.Line 21: walk down the busIt means walking towards the back seats of the bus.Line 42: My legs are just fine and dandy.adj.非常好的非常好的,极佳的,极佳的Explain some difficult expressions in the script.Line 21: walk down the busIt means walking towards the back seats of the bus.Line 42: My legs are just fine and dandy.There is nothing wrong with his legs.adj.非常好的非常好的,极佳的,极佳的In the script, Line 57, Forrest Gump said “We was always together. Jenny and me was like, why “was” is used here instead of “were”?In the script, Line 57, Forrest Gump said “We was always together. Jenny and me was like, why “was” is used here instead of “were”?Maybe its because Forrest Gump uses it mistakenly due to his low IQ. Or maybe it is said so because Forrest Gump thinks he and Jenny are like one person.peas and carrotspeas and carrotsn.豌豆豌豆peas and carrotsPeas and carrots are two ingredients that western people always mix when cooking, which people think cant be separated. This phrase is used to indicate the intimate relationship between Forrest Gump and Jenny.n.豌豆豌豆My favorite lines are as follows:What are your favorite lines from the script and share your reasons.My favorite lines are as follows:Reason: In Forrest Gumps mind, strangers are those who dont know each others name. His simple and direct thoughts warm my heart because they are so innocent. Reading those lines makes me smile, if only more people could be like Forrest Gump.What are your favorite lines from the script and share your reasons.My favorite lines are as follows:My favorite lines are as follows:Reason: When Jenny, as well as others, questions his stupidity, he always responds without hesitation, with the same answer. His IQ is lower than most people, so they perceive him to be stupid, but he never takes notice of this. And it does not affect his belief in himself. He lives in his own world, comfortable in his own reality, but at the same time he impresses those he meets in very surprising ways. I admire his determination and confidence.HomeworkKKL上上 “ Extended Reading ” 部分的练习。部分的练习。
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