Unit 4 Exploring literature Reading (II)ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第二册 (2).pptx

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1、Unit 4 Exploring literature Reading ()1. Let a little song appeal to the ear, or a great book to the heart, and we discover a new world, a world of dreams and magic. (para. 2, lines 89)让一首小曲愉悦我们的耳朵,让一部巨著触动我们的心灵,这样我们便会发现一个全新的世界,一个充满梦想和魔力的世界。appeal to v. to attract or interest sb 对有吸引力,使感兴趣 appeal to

2、n. a quality that makes sb/sth attractive or interesting吸引力,感染力,魅力 The second quality of literature is its appeal to our feelings and imagination. (para. 4, line 21)文学的第二个特质是它能激发我们的情感,启发我们的想象力。verbnounappealv. 上诉,申诉;呼吁上诉,申诉;呼吁 She appealed to the high court against her sentence. 她不服判决而向高等法院上诉。 The p

3、olice appealed to the crowd not to panic. 警方向群众呼吁不要惊慌。n. 申诉;呼吁申诉;呼吁 My lawyer said the courts decision wasnt correct and that we should file for an appeal. 我的律师说法院的判决不当,我们应该提起上诉。 The police made an appeal to the public to remain calm. 警方呼吁公众保持镇静。2. The first step is to determine some of its signific

4、ant qualities. (para. 2, line 14)第一步是确定它的一些重要特质。determine vt. 确定 Have you determined the date for the wedding? 婚礼日期你确定了吗?determinev. 决心;查明决心;查明 He determined that his son shall have a good education. 他下决心要让自己的儿子接受良好的教育。 It is determined that this chemical has negative effects on humans. 已查明这种化学品对人会产

5、生有害影响。From the _ expression on his face, we knew that he _ to take up the job, which needed great patience and _.VerbAdjectiveNoundeterminedetermineddeterminationdetermined determined determination有决心的,坚决的决心significant adj. 有重要意义的,显著的 The first step is to determine some of its significant qualities.

6、 第一步是确定它的一些重要特质。AdjectivesAdverbsNounssignificantsignificantlysignificance1. We have all invested a _ amount of time in the task.2. Health problems can be _ reduced by careful diet and regular exercise.3. The issue of health and safety has great _ to/for the general public.significantsignificantlysi

7、gnificance3. The first quality of literature is its description of truth and beauty. (para. 3, line 15)文学的第一个特质是它对真与美的描写。description n. 描述,形容,说明 Police have issued a description of the man. 警察发布通告,描述了那个人的样貌特征。 give/provide a brief/short/full/complete description of. 提供简短的/短的/详尽的/完整的描述 fit/match a de

8、scription of. 与对的描述相符 be beyond description 无法形容,难以形容1. I applied for the position after reading the job _.2. She has a talent for _ writing.3. I cant wait to _ to you what senior high school life is like. VerbAdjectiveNoundescribedescriptivedescription描写的,叙述的描述descriptiondescribedescriptive4. Some

9、truth and beauty remain unnoticed until a sensitive human soul brings them to our attention, just as the shell reflects the unnoticed sounds. (para. 3, lines 1517)有些真与美一直不为人所察觉,直到一个敏锐的人类灵魂让它们引起我们的注意,这就正如贝壳把那些被人忽视的声音呈现出来一样。reflect vt. 反射(光,声,热等) The windows reflected the bright afternoon sunlight. 窗户

10、反射着午后明媚的阳光。Good literature reflects the most basic of human nature love and hate, joy and sadness, fear and hope. (para. 5, lines 2829)好的文学作品反映了人性最基本的内涵爱与恨、喜与悲、恐惧与希望。It also takes on a personal style no writer can describe human life without reflecting his own life and experiences. (para. 5, lines 2

11、930)它也带有个人风格没有哪个作家能够在描写人类的生活时不反映其个人生活和经历的。reflect vt. 反映,显示 Your choice reflects your good taste of beauty. 你的选择反映了你对美的好品味。reflect vi. 沉思 She needs time to reflect on your suggestion. 她需要时间来考虑你的建议。5. One who reads it is capable of seeing the beauty that was hidden from his eyes before. (para. 3, lin

12、es 1920) 读到这句诗的人可以发现曾视而不见的美。capable adj. 有能力,有才能 I am perfectly capable of looking after myself. 我完全有能力照顾自己。6. To achieve this, it should contain two elements: universal interest and personal style. (para. 5, lines 2627)要实现这一点,它须包含两个要素:广泛的关切和个人的风格。contain vt. 包含,含有,容纳 The missing bag was claimed to

13、contain a number of different books. 据称,丢失的包里有许多不同的书。 The museum contains a lot of famous paintings. 这家博物馆藏有许多名画。contain vt. 控制,克制,抑制(感情) She was unable to contain her excitement. 她无法抑制内心的激动。vt. 防止蔓延(或恶化) The government has made great efforts to contain the epidemic. 政府付出了巨大努力来遏制疫情。element n. 要素,成分

14、Cost is a key element in our decision. 成本是我们决策时考虑的一个重要因素。elementa(n)essentialimportant.vital“总之”表达知多少in summaryin general in shortin conclusionto concludeon the whole7. In summary, literature is the expression of life in forms of truth and beauty, the written record of mans thoughts and feelings, an

15、d the history of human soul. (para. 6, lines 3132)总之,文学是以真和美的形式对生命的表达,是人类思想和感情的写照,是人类灵魂的历史。summarize vt. & vi. VerbNounsummarizesummary1. The author _ his views in the introduction.2. They gave a _ of their progress in building the bridge.summarizessummary总结,概括,概述description containsignificant be ca

16、pable ofelement reflectin summary appeal toB1 The passage below is about a classic work of literature. Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words and phrases in the box below.reflectsappeal tosignificantdescriptioncontainsare capable ofelementsIn summarydescription contain significant

17、be capable ofelement reflect in summary appeal toSynonymsAntonymswords with the same or nearly the same meaningFind the synonyms and antonyms in the article and think of more on your own.B2 words with the opposite meanings Learning synonyms and antonyms is very useful for your English study. It can

18、help remember the words you are trying to learn. It can also help you express yourself better by making your speech or writing richer and more colourful.SynonymsAntonymslowfaintloveenjoy unnoticedhiddensignificantimportantnewold lovehate importantunimportantattractionappeal joysadnessExamples are us

19、eful in that they support your argument or help explain an idea that may be difficult for the reader to understand. Try to give proper examples when you express an opinion.The article gives examples to explain ideas more clearly to the reader. Find the examples in the article and give an example to

20、support the idea below.B3 Some truth and beauty remain unnoticed until a sensitive human soul brings them to our attention, just as the shell reflects the unnoticed sounds. A hundred men may pass a field and see only dead grass; but a poet stops, looks deeper, sees truth and beauty, and writes, “Yes

21、terdays flowers am I.” One who reads it is capable of seeing the beauty that was hidden from his eyes before.Its attraction lies more in what it awakens in us than what it says. When Christopher Marlowes Doctor Faustus asks in the presence of Helen, “Was this the face that launched a thousand ships?

22、” he opens a door through which our imagination enters a new world, a world of love, beauty and heroism.Some people believe that classics are old and boring and have nothing to do with life today. However, this is not true. _ For example, Leo Tolstoys Anna Karenina can still teach us not to build our own happiness on someone elses pain.HomeworkChoose one adjective from the text and look it up in the dictionary to find out relevant phrases, adverb form, noun form, synonyms and antonyms.


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