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    • Unit 1 Extended reading, Project, Assessment & Further study 随堂检测-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高一必修第三册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 1 Grammar and usage & Integrated skills 随堂检测-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高一必修第三册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 1 Welcome to the unit & Reading 随堂检测-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高一必修第三册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 2 Extended reading, Project, Assessment & Further study 随堂检测-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高一必修第三册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 2 Grammar and usage & Integrated skills 随堂检测-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高一必修第三册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 2 Welcome to the unit & Reading 随堂检测-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高一必修第三册.docx--点击预览


Unit 1 Nature in the balance Extended reading, Project, Assessment & Further study2021-2022 学年高一英语牛津译学年高一英语牛津译林版(林版(2020)必修第三册随堂检测)必修第三册随堂检测一、填空题1.The ending of the book was _(entire) predictable.2.The title will be _(official) given to me at a ceremony in London.3.If plastic and rubber are burnt, theyll give off _(poison) gases.4.Kids tend _(be) more motivated to learn organization skills if they see organization as a challenge to overcome, rather than a fault to repair.5.Sports stars like those in NBA contribute to the national _(economic) by benefiting the sports industry as well as the advertising industry.二、翻译题6.这家公司有很多人级别比我高。Many people _ _ _ me in this company.7.她生命中最重要的是孩子们的健康和安全。_ _ _ in her life _ her childrens health and safety.8.我不断收到关心孩子游戏习惯的家庭的来信。I continue to hear from families who _ _ _ their kids gaming habits.9.我希望我们的生活条件引起你的注意。I wish _ _ _ _ _ our living conditions.10.虽然电子产品真的很有趣,但它们也会消耗很多能量。_ electronics are really fun, they also _ a lot of energy.三、阅读理解 Kiwis are unique in a lot of interesting ways. They have many characteristics that are not found in any other bird. It is assumed that the kiwis ancestor was able to fly and reached New Zealand. Once on the island, it lost its ability to fly and eventually became the kiwi known today. Kiwis have feathers that look like hair and very strong and muscular legs. They rule the ground instead of the air. They can smell very well. Kiwis are quite shy and usually only come out at night. Kiwis can live a long time, between 25 and 50 years. A female kiwi carries a huge egg about its body size. The kiwi is about the same size as a chicken but its egg is actually six times as large as a chickens egg. The reason for this is that the kiwi doesnt have to fly, so there arent any limits on its weight. The female has to eat three times as much as usual to help the egg develop. Right before the egg is laid she cant eat anything because the egg presses against her stomach, leaving no room for food. All kiwi species are endangered. On average, twenty-seven die each week. They have been affected most by deforestation and invasive mammals. Before humans came to New Zealand, the only mammals on the island were bats and seals. The kiwi never had to worry about predators before, but now since it cannot fly, and lays its eggs on the ground, it is pretty defenceless against invasive mammals such as rats and stoats. Stoats kill a lot of the chicks, while dogs kill a lot of adult birds, usually by accident, because they are quite delicate (脆弱的) .1.Which is kiwis unique characteristic?A.They cant fly with no wings.B.They can live more than 50 years.C.They rule the air instead of the ground.D.They seldom or never come out in the daytime.2.Why does a female kiwi carry a huge egg?A.It eats three limes as much as usual.B.It focuses too much on developing its egg.C.Its body weight will increase without limit.D.The egg presses against her stomach.3.Which kind of mammal does no harm to kiwis?A.The bat.B.The rat.C.The stoat.D.The dog.4.Which is a suitable title for the passage?A.Endangered Kiwi SpeciesB.Kiwis- Unique BirdsC.Get Close to the Bird WorldD.Why Cant Kiwis Fly?四、选择题请以Soil pollution为题写一篇英文短文。内容包括: 1. 分析土壤污染的成因; 2. 如何减少和预防土壤污染。注意: 1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:pesticide 杀虫剂; chemical fertilizer 化肥; residue 残留物; substance 物质Soil pollution_答案以及解析答案以及解析一、1.答案:entirely解析:句意为:那本书的结局完全是可以预见的。此处需要副词,修饰空后的 predictable,故填entirely。2.答案:officially解析:句意为:这个头衔将在伦敦的一个仪式上被正式授予我。此处需要填入副词,修饰句子的谓语部分 will be given to,故填 officially,表示“官方地;正式地”。3.答案:poisonous解析:考查词形转换。句意: 要是塑料和橡胶被焚烧, 它们就会释放出有毒的气体。分析句子结构可知, 空处修饰名词, 故填形容词 poisonous。 4.答案:to be解析:考查不定式。固定搭配:tend to do sth.往往会做某事。故填 to be。句意:如果孩子们将系统性视为一种要克服的挑战,而不是要弥补的缺陷,他们往往会更有动力去学习系统性技能。5.答案:economy解析:考查名词。分析可知空格处作 contribute to 的宾语,需用名词,且空前有 the,故填economy。句意:像是 NBA 中的那些体育明星为国家经济做出了贡献,为体育产业以及广告业带来了好处。二、6.答案:are senior to7.答案:What matters most; is8.答案:are concerned about9.答案:to draw your attention to10.答案:While/ Although/ Though; take三、答案:1-4.DCAB解析:1.细节理解题。文章的第二段提到几维鸟的翅膀退化,所以几维鸟不是因为没有翅膀而不能飞,A 错误。几维鸟可以存活 2550 年,不是 50 多年,B 项错误。地面是几维鸟的天下,C 项错误。它们很胆小,通常只在晚上活动,D 项正确。2.细节理解题。由第三段中的 The reason for this is that the kiwi doesnt have to fly, so there arent any limits on its weight. 可知,几维鸟不会飞,所以体重会无限增长,进而生出巨大的蛋。故选 C 项。3.推理判断题。由第四段可知,在人类到来之前岛上已经有蝙蝠和海豹,但是几维鸟以前从不担心捕食者,由此可以推断出蝙蝠和海豹对几维鸟无害。故选 A 项。4.主旨大意题。文章为我们介绍了几维鸟的由来、习性和特症,用“几维鸟独特的鸟”作标题最合适。故选 B 项。 四、答案:Soil pollution Soil pollution is caused for various reasons. First, the overuse of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in farming causes harmful chemical residues to be left in the soil. Second, wastewater, gases and solids in industry are illegally poured into or piled on the soil without being scientifically treated. All of these are causing more and more serious pollution and damage to the soil. To prevent the soil pollution from becoming more serious, we must take a lot of measures. First, we should ask people to pay attention to it and change their bad habits. Second, our government is supposed to make stricter laws to punish those businesses which illegally emit waste water or gases. Last, scientists should try to develop harmless pesticides and chemical fertilizers to reduce soil pollution.Unit 1 Nature in the balance Grammar and usage& Integrated skills2021-2022 学年高一英语牛津译林版(学年高一英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第三)必修第三册随堂检测册随堂检测一、汉译英1.We regret to inform you that your _(申请 ) has not been successful.2.This cultural relic represents the Tibetan civilization, which is the reason why it appears on this travel_(小册子).3.You can be involved in any manner; even volunteering for an _(组织 ) can help you be more social.4.He said this would help Chinese businesses better adapt to the current _(全球的) business environment.5.The new technology involves the _(应用) of 5G, big data and cloud systems.二、填空题6.You shouldnt go to his party unless _ (invite).7.Press the enter key and the _(apply) form will be displayed on the screen.8.You cant imagine what difficulty we had _(walk) home in the snowstorm.9.She opened her mouth as if _(say) something.10.At age 16 Lucy lived with her _(devote) aunt Iris in Waltham, Massachusetts.三、阅读理解 As the school year barely starts in Denver, French teacher Melanie is filled with worry that her students are always absent-minded. Yet, the problem isnt messaging, enjoying video games or delivering notes. Surprisingly, the problem is about the ongoing heat wave in Denver. Today was a little bit hot, so I noticed that kids were very sleepy and they had to get up to drink water quite often, said Melanie, who works at Denvers East High School. If you lose too much water, you have to keep going to the water fountain, which can take away from their classroom experience. While nodding off in class on a warm day may seem acceptable for average teens, Melanies observation carries a bigger consequence than dry lips. There have been quite a few media reports about teachers noticing that students werent able to focus on hotter days, said R Jisung Park, a researcher. Does a hotter climate during the school year actually affect the rate of learning? The drop in academic achievements couldnt be explained by hotter weekends or hotter summers, but the trend was connected to higher temperatures on school days alone. The connection between lost learning and a greater number of hot days is one more example of how climate change is already affecting our lives-and its an alarm bell for what we stand to lose in the future. Humans still have time to lessen the negative consequences of continued global warming. Without any important changes in the next 10 years, the globe will be trapped in an unavoidable era of heat waves that were unprecedented for human beings.1.What may cause students to be absent-minded according to the text?A.Video games.B.Text messages.C.Heat waves.D.Classroom notes.2.What can be inferred from the second paragraph?A.Kids often go to the water fountain for lack of water.B.Extreme heat may lower a kids ability to learn.C.Nodding off in class is a sign of respecting teachers.D.Kids are more interested in drinking water than sleeping.3.How does the author feel about dealing with the future global warming?A.Optimistic.B.Uncertain.C.Worried.D.Indifferent.4.What does the text mainly talk about?A.The way that global warming continues.B.The reasons why kids are absent-minded in class.C.The hotter it grows, the more focused kids become.D.The hotter it grows, the harder it will be for kids to learn.四、语法填空 A lot of people feel overwhelmed when trying to make changes that help the planet. Conservation psychologist Janet Swim from the Pennsylvania State University says people often think their actions wont have enough of an impact on matters. Its like, What can I do? Its just me. _ it does matter a lot. Its just like voting, _ psychologist says.I vote. Im only one person. But that is an important step _ (take). We work together as a collective to do things. And theres the multiplier effect. Small behavior matters particularly, especially when _ (accumulate), Swim says. Household behavior _ (actual) can make a substantial difference in _ (reduce) greenhouse gas emissions, according to researchers from Michigan State University and Vanderbilt University. Most of that potential comes from adopting energy-efficient behavior. Their research lists the most practical 17 steps _ each American can take, including carpooling, weatherizing houses and driving fuel-efficient _ (vehicle). If every American _ (take) these steps, according to these researchers, the total U.S. household emissions will be cut by 20% over ten yearsan amount equal _ the entire emission output of France.答案以及解析答案以及解析一、1.答案:application2.答案:brochure3.答案:organization4.答案:global5.答案:application二、6.答案:invited解析:考查状语从句的省略。分析可知 his party 后边是状语从句的省略形式,其完整形式为unless you are invited,省略了 you are,故填 invited,句意:除非受到邀请,否则你不应该去参加他的聚会。7.答案:application解析:考查名词。固定搭配: application form 申请表。故填 application,句意:按回车键,申请表格将显示在屏幕上。8.答案:walking解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:你无法想象我们在暴风雪中步行回家有多么困难。have difficulty in doing sth.中的介词 in 可以省略,故填 walking。9.答案:to say解析:考查省略。句意:她张开嘴好像要说什么。as if to say something 是 as if she was going to say something 的省略。10.答案:devoted解析:考查形容词。分析可知空格处在句中作定语修饰名词 aunt,需用形容词,再根据语境可知此处表达“挚爱的”,故填 devoted,句意:16 岁时,露西和深爱着她的姑姑艾丽斯一起住在马萨诸塞州的沃尔瑟姆。三、答案:1-4.CBCD解析:1.细节理解题。依据第一段最后一句 Surprisingly, the problem is about the ongoing heat wave in Denver. 可知,导致学生心不在焉的是炎热的天气。故选 C 项。2.推理判断题。根据第二段可知,天气热的时候学生们在上课期间会昏昏欲睡并增加起身去喝水的次数,由 which can take away from their classroom experience 可知,这会影响他们对课堂的投入程度。由此可推断髙温会降低学生的学习能力。故选 B 项。3.推理判断题。由最后一段最后两句可知,作者认为人们依然有时间去降低持续的全球变暖带来的恶果,但如果未来十年内没有重大的改变,整个地球将会无可避免地陷入“热浪时代”。由此可知,作者对未来人们如何应对全球变暖这一问题是持担忧态度的。故选 C 项。4.主旨大意题。文章以丹佛为例,阐述了高温天气使得学生的学习精力被分散,学习能力下降的事实。故选 D 项。 四、答案:But ; the ; to take ; accumulating ; actually ; reducing ; that ; vehicles ; takes ; to解析:考查连词。根据语境可知空格处前后之间为转折关系,故填 But,句意:但这确实很重要。 考查冠词。此处特指上文提到的保护心理学家 Janet Swim,故应用定冠词 the。考查非谓语动词。分析可知空格处作定语修饰名词 step,表示“一个需要采取的重要措施”,step 后常用不定式作定语,故填 to take。句意:但那是一个需要采取的重要措施。考查省略。分析可知 when _ 为状语从句的省略形式,其完整形式为 when (it is) accumulating。故填 accumulating。句意:小的行为尤为重要,尤其是当这种行为积聚时。考查副词。分析可知空格处作状语,应用副词形式,故填 actually。句意:密歇根州立大学和范德堡大学的研究人员称,家庭行为在减少温室气体排放方面实际上可以产生重大影响。考查非谓语动词。介词 in 后应用动名词,故填 reducing。句意同上。考查定语从句的引导词。分析可知空格处引导定语从句,修饰先行词 steps,在从句中作宾语,且先行词前有形容词最高级修饰,关系代词应用 that。句意:他们的研究列出了每个美国人都可以采取的最实用的 17 项措施,其中包括拼车、为房屋进行保温以及驾驶节能汽车。考查名词的数。vehicle 为可数名词,前面没有冠词,需用复数形式。故填 vehicles,句意同上。考查动词的时态及主谓一致。分析可知空格处是从句的谓语,主句是一般将来时,从句应用一般现在时表将来,且从句的主语 every American 是单数,故填 takes 句意:这些研究人员称,如果每个美国人都采取这些措施,美国家庭的总排放量将在 10 年内减少 20%,相当于法国的总排放量。考查介词。固定短语: be equal to 与相等,相当于。故填 to,句意同上。Unit 1 Nature in the balance Welcome to the unit& Reading2021-2022 学年高一英语牛津译林版(学年高一英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第三册随堂检)必修第三册随堂检测测一、填空题1.However, the two zookeepers didnt want to see the _(extinct) of this precious species.2.The _(disappear) of dinosaurs is not necessarily caused by astronomical incidents.3.The official says the main aim is to provide low-cost methods to deal with wild animals without _(harm) them.4.Being better at those things meant a greater chance of _(survive).5.Anger seems simple when we are feeling it, but the causes of anger are _(vary).二、翻译题6.我感谢那些困难的日子,因为我得到了成长。I _ _ _ the difficult times, because I have grown up from those times.7.我没有足够的勇气告诉她我对她的看法。I wasnt _ _ _ _ _ what I thought of her.8.我在我的手提包底部找到了几枚硬币。I found several coins _ _ _ _ _ _.9.被邀请参加晚会是极大的荣幸。_ _ a great honor _ _ _ to the evening party.10.这比我预料的要多。This is _ _ I have expected.三、阅读理解 Year 2020 seems to be the year of healthy eating. People are choosing to follow a vegetarian diet, and some have even given up animal products entirely. But Joe Rogan, the most popular podcast host in the US, was against this trend and called January 2020 world carnivore (食荤的人) month. In his recent podcast, he reviewed his experience with the carnivore diet. Starting in January, he ate only meat for 30 days without any vegetables or fruit. The podcaster tried the diet after the famous psychologist Jordan Peterson claimed that the diet could promote energy levels and mental health, according to Business Insider. Rising to the challenge, Rogan posted regular updates on his diet on the popular social platform Instagram. With the average day consisting of just 2 meals, breakfast would be 6 eggs or a steak, and dinner would include either another steak, such as beef, fish or liver. After 30 days, Rogan said he felt amazed. He also wrote, I lost 12 pounds. Lots of pains went away. My energy is constant, and I have improvements in my stomachache. I went into this thing, thinking that this carnivore diet was kind of strange, but this is as good as Ive felt in a long time. It has positive results, but some have pointed out the diets limitations. Speaking to CNBC, Linda Horn,a health expert at Northwestern University, said that studies show that a high-quality diet with a variety of nutrients is connected with a better quality of life, long life and reduced risk of chronic (慢性的) diseases. She added that the energy people claim to feel from the carnivore diet is probably not because of the meat. Instead, she said kicking carbohydrates(含碳水化合物的食物) causes weight loss and it makes people feel better. While the carnivore diet may offer you some benefits, having a balanced diet will afford you more healthy benefits than consuming a single food group, according to Healthline.1.How did Rogan respond to the vegetarian trend?A.He helped promote it on his podcast.B.He gave up animal products entirely.C.He started to eat only meat for 30 days.D.He suggested a world carnivore month.2.What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?A.How Rogan benefited from the carnivore diet.B.Why Rogan tried the carnivore diet in the beginning.C.How the carnivore diet helped people improve their health.D.Why Rogan kept posting updates on his diet on Instagram.3.Why do people feel better from the carnivore diet according to Linda Horn?A.They get more energy from it.B.The diet helps them reduce their aches and pains.C.The meat in the diet improves their mental health.D.The
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