
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:2344942 上传时间:2022-04-06 格式:PPT 页数:38 大小:974KB
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1、Prepositions 一一. .表示时间介词表示时间介词三三. .表示方位介词表示方位介词二二. .表示地点介词表示地点介词四四. .表示方法、手段表示方法、手段五五. .常见介词的搭配常见介词的搭配prepositiontimeplacemovementusages 介词 + 名./ 代. (宾格)/ 动词-ing2010Marchspringthe morningthe future7:30nightthe age of 19first/lastthe momentMondayMarch 5March 5th,2010Monday morningholidayChildrens Day

2、inonat Prepositions of time 时间介词时间介词Conclusion: 总结 表示较长时间如:表示较长时间如:世纪、年代世纪、年代 、年份、年份、月份、季节、上午月份、季节、上午/ /下午下午/ /晚上晚上以及一些习以及一些习惯用法中要用介词惯用法中要用介词inin。 inthe 19th century; 2010; March; spring; the morning; the future 表示某一时间点如:表示某一时间点如:钟点、节日、年龄、钟点、节日、年龄、中午中午/ /夜晚夜晚/ /子夜、就餐时间子夜、就餐时间或其它的习惯或其它的习惯用法中要用用法中要用at

3、at。 at 7.30; the age of 19; noon/ night/ midnight; lunchtime; first/ last; at ChristmasonMonday; March 5th; March 5th, 2010; Childrens Day; a cold morning; holiday 表示某一天或者特定的时间如:表示某一天或者特定的时间如:星期、某星期、某月某日、某年某月某日、月某日、某年某月某日、含含DayDay的节日的节日、有修饰上午有修饰上午/ /下午下午/ /晚上晚上以及一些习惯用法以及一些习惯用法中要用介词中要用介词 onon。 1. Mar

4、y is flying to France soon. She will arrive in Paris _ the morning of July 9. A. on B. in C. at2. The twins were born _ a Friday evening. A. in B. on C. at3. We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived _5 oclock _ the morning. A. on, in B. at, in C. at, in4. We finish our lessons _ 11:30 and then ha

5、ve a rest _ noon. A. in , in B. at ,at C. in, at2. 1. Mr Brown has gone to Canada. He will be back _ two weeks. A. for B. after C. in 2. Our manager came back _ an hour. A. in B. after C. at 3. Ill be back 5:00pm. A. for B. after C. in在在之后(内)之后(内)用于将来时用于将来时in + 时间段时间段在在之后之后 用于过去时用于过去时 after +时间段时间段a

6、fter +时间点时间点for和和 since的区别的区别 1.He has been a teacher _ 10 years.2._ 2000, Tom has studied English.3.Jack and John have been away from Shanghai _ five years ago. forSince since since: (自从自从) 后加后加时间点时间点 for: 后加后加时间段时间段3. for + 时段 since + 时段 + ago since + 时间点 since + 一般过去时句子常用于现在完成时常用于现在完成时1.He came h

7、ere _ 1992, and he has lived here _ 1992. A. in, for B. in , since C. since, since2.I have known Li Lei _ over five years. A. in B. since C. for3. It has been three years since he _ here. A. come B. came C. comes4. The old man has been away _ two years ago. A. in B. since C. for4. before 在在之前之前 (后接后

8、接时间点时间点或或从句从句) 常用于常用于一般将来时一般将来时和和过去完成时过去完成时 by 到到时为止时为止,不迟于不迟于(=not later than)1.He wont come back _ five . A. before B. after C. by2.The work must be finished _ Friday. A. at B. by C. after3.We had three meetings _ last Friday. A. in B. before C. by 表示持续一段时间用介词表示持续一段时间用介词 : 表示表示“自自以来以来”, ,从过去某一时刻到现

9、在从过去某一时刻到现在, ,用介词用介词 ,用于现在完成时。用于现在完成时。 表示从一点时间到另一点时间的一个阶段用表示从一点时间到另一点时间的一个阶段用介词介词 。 表示表示“在在的期间的期间”要用介词要用介词 , 表示表示在特定的时间里。在特定的时间里。 表示某动作或者状态延续到某一时间终止表示某动作或者状态延续到某一时间终止, ,用介词用介词 。Conclusion:forfor段时间段时间sincefrom to duringtill / until until可用于句首可用于句首,而而till通常不用于句通常不用于句首首, 不可延续的则用不可延续的则用 not until二二. .表

10、示地点和方位的介词表示地点和方位的介词 1.on 在在的上面的上面,与表面接触与表面接触 over 在在的正上方的正上方,不接触表面不接触表面 under 在在下面下面(是是on, over的反义词的反义词)1.Look!There is a bridge _the river. A. on B. over C. above2.Can you see the egg _ the plate? A. on B. in C. over3.The light_ us is very bright. A. over B. under C. on 2. above 在在上方上方 below 在在下方下方

11、,是是above的反义词的反义词1. The temperature will fall_ zero at night. A. below B. above C. over2.Suddenly there is a loud voice _ the tree. A. below B. above C. on3.There is a clock on the wall. Its _ the blackboard. A. on B. in C. above in front of 是在物体是在物体 的前面的前面 例如例如: 教室前有个花园。教室前有个花园。 e.g. There is a gard

12、en in front of the classroom. in the front of 是在物体是在物体 的前面的前面 例如例如: 教室前有张桌子。教室前有张桌子。 e.g. There is a desk in the front of the classroom.外部外部内部内部in front of 和和 in the front of的区别的区别 at一般指小地方;一般指小地方;in一般指大地方或某个范围内一般指大地方或某个范围内。 over, above和和on均表示均表示“在在上面上面”,over反义反义词是词是under; above反义词是反义词是below; on指两个物

13、体指两个物体表面有表面有接触接触。 in front of 表示表示“在在前面前面” 其反义词是其反义词是behind; in the middle of 表示表示“在在的中间的中间” 。 between表示在表示在两者两者之间之间, among表示表示“在在中中”数目为数目为三者或三者以上三者或三者以上, around表示围表示围绕在四周。绕在四周。 beside表示表示“在旁边在旁边”, inside表示表示“在在内内”, outside表示表示“在在外外” 。 Conclusion: near/by/next to表示表示“在在旁边旁边” 。 opposite表示表示“在在对面对面” 。

14、 B is _ the east of A. D is _ the east of A. C is _ the east of A.1. Japan is _ the east of Asia.2. Japan is _ the east of China.3. Korea is _ the northeast of China. northsouthwesteastABCDintoonintoon三三. .方位介词方位介词1.in 在某范围之内在某范围之内 to 在某范围之外在某范围之外 on 与某地相邻、接壤与某地相邻、接壤 1.China lies _the east of Asia a

15、nd _the north of Australia. A. in, on B. in ,to C. to, in 2.Mongolia is _the north of China. A. in B. on C. to三三. .方位介词方位介词Task 3: Run quickly!throughacrossupdownoverround四、四、Prepositions of movement 运动介词运动介词横穿横穿从内部穿过从内部穿过 cross / across 表面穿过表面穿过 through 中间穿过中间穿过 1.The sunshine come into the room _

16、the window. A. across B. through C. past 2.You can go _ the road here. A. across B. through C. past 3.Can you swim _ the river. A. across B. through C. past表示表示方式方式或或手段手段的介词的介词by, in, on, with用,用, 以以方式方式 1. by: + 加不加冠词的交通工具加不加冠词的交通工具 + 某种手段,方法等某种手段,方法等 2. on: + a / the / sbs +交通工具交通工具 + the+ 通讯工具通讯工

17、具 3. in: + a/ the / sbs + car / taxi + 声音,声音, 语言语言by bus / air/ train / plane on the bus, on my bike in my car, in a taxi in a high voice, in Englishby reading aloudon the phone 4. with: +某种具体的工具某种具体的工具 with a knife stone + 人的某种器官人的某种器官 with my right hand 表伴随状态(一个主要动作表伴随状态(一个主要动作+次要动作)次要动作) He came

18、with a cup of tea in his hand.1. The boy usually writes _ a red pen.2. I can write a letter _ English.3. He often goes to school _ bike.4. She always talks _a low vice.5. They talked _ the telephone.6. He went to school _ his bike.7. We hear _ our ears and see _ our eyes.8. He succeeded _ good luck/

19、 working hardwithinbyinononwithwithby1.She came up to me, _ a smile _ her face. A. with; in B. like; on C. with; on D. without; at2.Is the girl _ red _ duty today? A. with; on B. on; for C. of; at D. in; on 其他介词:其他介词: 1. besides except 2. with, without 3. against, for for: 为了为了(目的),去(方向),对于,由于目的),去(

20、方向),对于,由于 已有已有时间了时间了 4. along 5. around 除了之外还有除了之外还有. 除了除了沿着沿着 在在周围周围/附近,大约附近,大约 其他介词:其他介词: 1. All the students went out _ Yehong. 2. The earth moves _ the sun. 3. They walked _ the river. 4. Are you _ or _ the plan? 5. _ a student , I must study hard. She bought the umbrella _ you. They had left _

21、Beijing. except around along against for As for for 其他介词:其他介词: 7. Jim is very much _ his father. _ his help , I passed the exam. He doesnt look _ his father. She went to work _ heavy breakfast. She went to work _ breakfast. I wish I can swim _ a dolphin. He ran _ a bank on his way home. likelikelike

22、 With with withoutpast3.I cant walk _ the door _ this piece of wood , because it is too large. A. across; without B. through; with C.over; on D. through ; by4.John cut the pear _ four pieces _ a knife. A. in; by B. into; with C. with; by D. to; inon 作介词的短语作介词的短语(时间时间) 1. 在一个下雨的在一个下雨的晚上晚上 2. 准时准时 3.

23、值日值日 4. 在经商,商务在经商,商务活动中活动中 on a rainy evening on time on duty on business at 作介词的短语作介词的短语(时间时间) 1. 在在.岁时岁时 2. 同时同时 3. 在在.结束时结束时 4. 在在.开始时开始时 5. 在那一刻在那一刻 6. 在中午在中午/ 晚晚上上 at the age of at the same time at the end of at the beginning of at that moment at night / at noonin 作介词的短语作介词的短语(时间时间) 1. 及时及时 2.

24、在某人的生命里在某人的生命里 3. 在晚上在晚上/早上早上 4. 在春天在春天 5. 匆匆忙忙地匆匆忙忙地 6. 处于麻烦中处于麻烦中 in time in sbs life in the evening / morning in spring in a hurry in trouble in 作介词的短语作介词的短语 (时间)时间) 7. 处于危险中处于危险中 8. 最终,最后最终,最后 9. 在过去(的几年里)在过去(的几年里) 10. 在课堂上在课堂上 11. 在班级里在班级里 12. 在教室里在教室里 in danger in the end in the past ( few yea

25、rs) in class in the class in the classroom From的用法的用法 1. from- to- count from 1 to 100 from my house to my school 2. from now on :从现在起从现在起(将来时将来时) 3. from then on: 从那时起从那时起(过去过去时时) by 的短语的短语 1. 坐飞机坐飞机 2. 偶然偶然 3. 错误地错误地 4. 顺便说顺便说/问一下问一下 5. (时间)流逝,经过(时间)流逝,经过 6. 经过经过 by air by accident by mistakes by the way go by pass by


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