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20212022 学年高一英语北师大版学年高一英语北师大版(2019)第一单元第一单元 Life Choices 语法专练语法专练动词不定式专练动词不定式专练1、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Tom hurried home, only _ (find) that he had lost the key to the door.2. One of the main tasks of Tianwen is _ (search) for signs of life on Mars. 3. Im curious _ (know) how many satellites have been sent into space up to now.4. My elder brother found it hard _ (pass) this monthly exam.5. All the students _ (attend) the opening ceremony tomorrow should wear uniforms.6. We arranged _ (meet) at the station but she didnt turn up.7. Eating junk food while stressed is more likely _ (cause) weight gain.8. Ill open more channels for you _ (voice) your opinions.9. The novel is difficult for me _ (understand).10. I happened _ (sleep) when you called.11. She was made _ (do) a lot of work because she needed money.12. Shops are no longer allowed _(raise) their prices whenever they want.13. If you want to become fit, my advice is _ (try) different sports to see which one you enjoy the most.14. Henry Norman Bethune was a Canadian doctor with a very creative mind and determination _(help) people.15. John left for Shanghai _ (seek) his fortune after he graduated from university.16._ (help) us prepare for the exam, the teacher suggested reading through our notes.17. I was watching the clock all through the meeting, as I had a train _ (catch).18. When the invited foreign guest entered the classroom, all of the students rose _(greet) him warmly. 19. With a lot of difficult problems _(solve), the newly elected president is having a hard time. 20. Who will you get _(design) the project for us?二、根据语境及括号内的汉语提示补全句子。1. Andy and Ruby were the first _ (到达山顶), out of breath.2. His first book _(将要出版)next week is actually a biography.3. _(为了实现你的梦想), youd better take advantage of your limitedtime to work hard.4. If given the chance _(在贵公司工作), I will spare no effort.5. I dont know why she _ (假装没有看到我) when I passed by.6. She managed _(克服了她的恐惧) with the teachers help.7. I advise you _(要告诉他这个糟糕的消息).8. They hurried to the station, only_(被告知火车已经开走了).9. I have signed up for the competition _(下周三举办).10. He resigned from the company _(去从事一项更具有挑战性的工作).11. There were many people standing in line, just waiting _(做体检).12. The Student Union has made a decision _(推迟会议) until next week.13. It remains _(拭目以待) whether we can finish it in one month.14. Thanks to Alipay or Wechat Pay, it is _ convenient for us (出门不带现金).15. My question is _(在哪里找到答案).三、用动词不定式改写句子。1. He was so young that he could not go to school by himself. _2. We are looking for an apartment that we can live in. _3. He ran fast all the way so that he could catch the first bus. _4. I have no idea what I should do next. _5. You were lucky that you won first prize in the Chinese speech contest. _6. Ill buy you some food that you may eat on the journey. _7. Its our school rule that we should go out with the permission of the headmaster. _8. The meeting which will be held tomorrow is sure to succeed. _9. He is old enough and he can take care of himself. _10. The father was asked that he should prepare a gift for his sons birthday. _四、用不定式翻译下列句子。1. 要举办的这个活动对你的健康有益。 _2. 这次比赛的目的是增强公众对中国传统文化的意识(awareness)。 _3. 在冬天,玩雪是很有趣的。 _4. 你离开房间时,别忘了关灯。 _5. 我在考虑如何将这句话翻译成英语。 _五、用括号内动词的适当形式填空。When we talk about environmental protection, were referring to practices that do not change the environment. The aim is to keep the environment unchanged so as 1._(leave) it unharmed.Nowadays, science and technology is becoming more and more advanced. A lot has been invented over the years. Many of these inventions tend 2._(be) harmful to the environment, though they are expected 3._(make) human life better. Factories have been built in so many places around the world. Trees are being cut down 4._(create) space for more land. Almost everyone is thinking about 5._(buy) a car to get around conveniently. Water pollution is also a big problem because polluted water has a bad influence on soil, which makes it difficult 6._(grow) plants.Its time for us 7._(live) in a better world. On the one hand, we need to plant more trees and factories should try to go green. On the other hand, it is important 8._(educate) people on the importance of environmental protection. From now on we should do our best to protect our home.动词不定式专练动词不定式专练参考答案参考答案一、1. to find 2. to search3. to know4. to pass5. to attend6. to meet7. to cause8. to voice 9. to understand 10. to be sleeping 11. to do 12. to raise 13. to try 14. to help 15. to seek 16. To help 17. to catch 18. to greet 19. to solve 20. to design二、1. to get to the top of the hill2. to be published3. To realize your dream4. to work in your company5. pretended not to see me6. to overcome her fearing7. not to tell him the terrible news8. to be told the train had left9. to be held next Wednesday10. to take a more challenging job11. to have a physical examination12. to put off the meeting13. to be seen14. to go out without bringing cash15. where to find the answer三、1. He was too young to go to school by himself.2. We are looking for an apartment to live in.3. He ran fast all the way to catch the first bus.4. I have no idea what to do next.5. You were lucky to win first prize in the Chinese speech contest.6. Ill buy you some food to cat on the journey.7. Its our school rule for us to go out with the permission of the head master.8. The meeting to be held tomorrow is sure to succeed.9. He is old enough to take care of himself.10. The father was asked to prepare a gift for his sons birthday.四、1. The activity to be held is good for your health.2. The aim of the competition is to increase public awareness of traditional Chinese culture.3. It is very interesting to play with snow in winter.4. Dont forget to turn off the light when you leave the room.5. Im considering how to translate the sentence into English.五、1. to leave 2. to be 3. to make 4. to create 5. to buy 6. to grow 7. to live 8. to educate20212022 学年高一英语北师大版学年高一英语北师大版(2019)第三单元第三单元 Celebrations 语法专练语法专练被动语态专练被动语态专练1、根据语境,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Have you heard about that fire in the market?Yes, I have. Fortunately, no one _ (hurt).2. Experiments of this kind _(conduct) both in the US and Europe before the Second World War.3. Shakespeares play Hamlet _(make) into at least ten different films over the past years.4. What are your rules for carry-on luggage, Madam?You _(allow) to take only one piece of luggage on the plane, Sir.5. If your order is ready, the T-shirt _ (deliver) to you as soon as possible. 6. We cant play on the football field now because the grass _(cut) at the moment.7. The young couple had to rent a car, because their car _(repair) in the shop.8. Whats that noise? Oh, Im sorry to tell you the new machine _(test) in the lab.9. We are sure that this situation _(improve) by our further efforts soon. 10. We need one more week before all the work _(finish).11. Do you know the famous painting which _ (show) at the art gallery at present?12. The train has started and _(expect) to arrive in Shanghai at 10: 00 am tomorrow.13. A dam _ (build) in my hometown at this time last winter.14. Yesterday, he _ (praise) by the officer because of his good deeds.15. If nothing _ (do), the lake will turn into a desert in a few years.2、将下列句子变为被动句,并保持句意不变。1. We will discuss the question at the next meeting._2. They will return your car in three days. _3. I have booked the room on the Internet. _4. Jack gave me two film tickets yesterday. _5. They take good care of the children in the center. _6. You must hand in your homework next Monday. _7.Everyone considered Tom to be the best student in the class._8. The school is setting up a special class to help poor readers._三、根据括号内的提示,使用被动语态的形式翻译下列句子。1. 他正在接受医生的检查。(examine) _2. 众所周知,2022 年冬奥会将在中国举办。(hold) _3. 令我高兴的是,我被从几百名申请人中选出来参加开幕式。(choose) _4. 这本科幻小说(science fiction)已被翻译成 10 多种语言。(translate) _5. 因为雨太大了,运动会不得不推迟到明天了。( put off) _6. 我们骄傲的是中国在科技方面正在取得巨大的进步。(make) _四、用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。Thanks to the rapid development of modern technology, great changes 1._(take place) in my hometown in the past decades. On the one hand, the public facilities 2._(improve) greatly and the roads 3._(widen). At the same time more bridges 4._(build) recently. On the other hand, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theaters 5._ (spring up) one after another since peoples basic material needs were satisfied. Besides, more attention 6._(give) to the environmental protection by the government in recent years. Many trees and flowers 7._ (plant) in the city and several big parks have also been set up for people to relax. The water in the rivers and lakes as well as the air 8._ (become) clean again. As many people say, it 9._ (seem) that we are now living in a big park. These changes also mirror the economic development of our country. Without the progress of our country, my hometown would not have changed so much All in all, our life 10._ (get) better now and I hope my hometown will be changed into a better place in the future. 被动语态专练被动语态专练参考答案参考答案一、1. was hurt2. had been conducted3. has been made 4. are allowed 5. will be delivered 6. is being cut 7. was being repaired8. is being tested9. will be improved 10. is finished 11. is being shown 12. is expected 13. was being build14. was praised 15. is done二、1. The question will be discussed by us at the next meeting.2. Your car will be returned by them in three days.3. The room has been booked by me on the Internet.4. I was given two film tickets by Jack yesterdayTwo tickets were given to me by Jack yesterday. 5. The children are taken good care of by them in the center.6. Your homework must be handed in next Monday.7. Tom is considered to be the best student in the class.8. A special class is being set up by the school to help poor readers.三、1. He is being examined by the doctor.2. As we all know, the 2022 Winter Olympics will be held in China3. To my delight, I was chosen from hundreds of applicants lo attend the opening ceremony.4. The science fiction has been translated into more than l0languages.5. The sports meet has to be put of till tomorrow because of the heavy rain.6. We are proud that great progress in science and technology is being made.四、1. have taken place 2. have (been) improved 3. have been widened 4. have been built 5. have sprung up 6. has been given 7. have been planted 8. has become 9. seems10. is getting20212022 学年高一英语北师大版学年高一英语北师大版(2019)第二单元第二单元 Sports and Fitness 语法专练语法专练关系代词引导的定语从句专练关系代词引导的定语从句专练一、用适当的关系代词完成句子。1. Zhang Guimei _ has put all her life to girls education in the mountains has earned the respect of us.2. Mr Li wants to talk to the students _ homework hasnt been handed in. 3. Many Westerners _ have come to the West Lake are deeply impressed by the beautiful scenery there.4. Many young people are interested in digital art _ is created by moving the mouse.5. The little problems _ we meet in our daily life may inspire us to make great inventions.6. Yesterday I went to a newly-opened restaurant _ provides different kinds of delicious food.7. _ is mentioned above, all the Chinese people should work hard to develop our traditional culture.8. Our history teacher is a man _ can make his class lively and interesting. 9. This is the very plan _ I want to share with all the people present at the meeting. 10. China Today attracts a worldwide readership, _ shows that more and more people all over the world want to learn about China.11. My eldest son, _ work takes him all over the world, is in New York at the moment.12. Happiness and success often come to those _ are good at recognizing their own strengths. 13. We at last found the shop _ sold beautiful shoes and clothes. 14. He seemed not quite to accept the reason _ Tom explained to him. 15. Is this the factory _ Mr. Smith once visited a few years ago?二、根据汉语意思完成句子。(每空一词)1. 我们应该向那些总是准备帮助别人的人学习。We should learn from those _ _ _ _ _ _ _.2. 这是那位著名作家曾住过的房子。 This is the house _ _ _ _ _.3. 我能清楚地记得我在那个房间所看到的人和一些照片。I can remember clearly the persons and some pictures _ _ _ _ _ _. 4. 我们生活在一个 5G 给我们带来很多便利的时代。We are living in an age _ _ _ _ _ a lot of convenience.5. 你能解释一下你对人工智能技术如此感兴趣的原因吗?Can you explain the reason _ _ _ _ _ _ AI technology?3、选择括号内的正确形式完成句子。 1. Cliff Walkers is the very film (that / which) I want to watch this weekend.2. The Forbidden City is an attractive place (who / that) all of us want to visit.3. Many countries are now setting up national parks (which / where) many rare animals can be protected.4. (As/ Which) is often the case, China still tries its best to develop the economy in rural areas.5. The local government decided to build a small factory (which / where) can provide jobs for the local people.6. All the films (that / which) Chaplin acted in were very funny.7. Kate, (who/ whose) sister I shared a room with when we were at college, has gone to work in America.8. There is no such place (as / which) you dream of in this world.四、将下面两个句子改写成含有一个定语从句的复合句。1. Do you know the lady? She is speaking to our headmaster._2. The film was quite moving. We saw it last night. _3. Rose didnt buy the new apartment. The price of the new apartment was too high. _4. We are collecting money for the old couple. Their house has burned down in a big fire. _5. I cant find the books. I borrowed the books from the school library last week. _6. Mr Chen is a good listener. You can share your secrets with him. _7. Are you going to the concert? The concert will be given by Zhang Xueyou this weekend. _8. Please pass me over the book. The cover of the book is purple. _五、用定语从句的形式翻译下列句子。1. 我放在桌子上的那件外套是蓝色的。 _2. 那位正在和我爷爷下棋的老人是他的一个老朋友。 _3. 所有早年发生的事情都会影响孩子们的余生。 _4. 那个人选择住在一间窗户朝海的房间里。 _5. 作为一名学生,每天早晨你应当做的第一件事就是制定适当的计划。 _六、根据句意,用恰当的关系代词填空。In Mark Twains Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the friendship 1._ formed between Huck Finn and Jim is an important theme of the book, though they appeared to be an unlikely pair. Huck was a poor white boy 2._ father often beat him, while Jim was a black slave 3._ longed to be free. One day, Huck ran away from home to an island. There he met Jim and made friends with him. Then they left the island together on a raft 4. _ they found on the Mississippi River. They headed north to Illinois, a state in which Jim could become free. The high point of the story came when Huck was faced with the decision of whether to hand Jim over to some slave catchers. In the end, Huck decided that Jim was the friend 5._ he needed and valued, and refused to give him up. From this story we can see that friends are people 6._ support you through thick and thin.关系代词引导的定语从句专练关系代词引导的定语从句专练参考答案参考答案一、1. whothat 2. whose 3. whothat 4. whichthat 5. that 6. whichthat 7. As 8. whothat 9. that 10. which 11. whose 12. who 13. whichthat 14. whichthat 15. whichthat二、1. who are always ready to help others 2. where the famous writer lived 2. that I saw in the room 4. when 5G has brought us 5. why you are so interested in三、1. that 2. that 3. where 4. As 5. which 6. that 7. whose 8. as四、1. Do you know the lady thatwho is speaking to our headmaster.2. The film (whichthat) we saw l
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