Units1-3 期末单词复习与检测-(2022)新北师大版高中英语必修第一册.rar

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  • Units1-3 期末单词复习与检测-(2022)新北师大版高中英语必修第一册
    • 新北师大版英语必修一 短语过关(期末复习)
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1北师大版新版(2019)必修一 短语过关*为课本单词表短语Unit1 Topic Talksenior secondary school 高中develop confidence in speaking English 培养对说英语的信心a variety of 各种各样take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事*all in all 总而言之,总的来说differ from 不同于recover from 恢复Lesson 1chat with/to sb. about sth 与某人聊关于某事*surf the Internet 网上冲浪,浏览因特网*search engine 搜索引擎invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事find sb. doing sth. 发现某人正在做某事a wide range of 一系列广泛的,各种各样的such as 例如(后接 n./v-ing)*from time to time 有时*living room 起居室all the time 一直*according to 根据*in person 亲自*social media 社交媒体drag myself away from 从把自己拖离aim to do sth.=aim at doing sth.力求做某事,旨在做某事set out to do sth.开始做某事 *tend to do sth. 易于做某事2at the beginning of 在的开端do well in 擅长于 prepare sb. for. 让某人为做好准备so that 目的是,以便be interested in 对感兴趣make me excited 使我兴奋for example 例如(后接句子)as the popular saying goes 俗话说every minute counts 分秒必争*go ahead 取得进步,获得成功Lesson2*suffer from (身体或精神上)遭受(痛苦)reduce to 减少到reduce by 减少了an expert on. 方面的专家*to be frank 坦白说,坦率地说remove . from. 把从移除at some point 在某个阶段more often than not 通常 in particular 尤其talk to sb. about sth.与某人谈论某事sit around 无所事事地消磨时间;闲坐cope with 处理,对付 *due to 因为to some extent 在某种程度上*in other words 换句话说Lesson3volunteer teacher 支教老师*graduate from 从毕业be inspired by. 受启发3inspire sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事*apply for 申请*sort of 有几分,有点all sorts of 各种各样的 live up to 达到,符合 *give up 放弃give up on sth. 对不再抱希望 *deal with 对付,应付,处理 *be responsible for 对负责be attractive to 吸引*as well as 以及be confident in 对充满信心make him feel satisfied 使他感到满意set up 建立,设立treat sb. as 把当作make a contribution to 对做出贡献intend to do sth. 打算/计划做某事Writing Workshop*adapt to sth.适应某事be different from 与不同*at the moment 此刻,目前,眼下attend a competition 参加比赛give sb. a chance to do sth.给某人一个机会做某事*look forward to doing sth. 期待做某事Reading Club 1combine A with B 将 A 和 B 结合turn.into. 把转变成as a result 结果是come up with 想出(计划、回答)play an important part in 在中起重要作用4provide sth. for sb. 提供某物给某人Reading Club2move from A to B 从 A 搬家到 Bbecause of 因为be full of 充满be close to 靠近by the end of 在的末尾 connect with 与联系cut off 使与外界隔绝be likely to 有可能thanks to 多亏,由于Unit2Topic Talkprefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做 A 而不愿做 B*rather than 而不是up to 多达*in good/bad shape 健康状况良好/不佳have a healthy and balanced diet 一种健康又均衡的饮食Lesson 1have little chance to win 几乎没有赢的可能both of 两者都on ones own 独自make it 获得成功*try out for sth. 争取成为;参加选拔desire (sb.) to do sth. 渴望(某人)做某事be tough on sb. 使某人日子难过;对某人严厉have a strong desire to play for the team 渴望为球队效力find out 查明,弄清楚*crash into 猛撞,猛击*gather around 聚集,聚合5be about to do sth. 正要做某事 *not.anymore 不再give him a shot 让他试一试 *let sb. down 让某人失望rush onto the court 冲上球场*pay off 取得成功;奏效*keep up with 跟上stop doing sth. 停止做某事hit sb. on the shoulder 拍某人的肩膀earn ones place 获得一席之地put.in the right order 把按正确顺序排列note down 记下ones attitude to/towards. 某人对态度/看法Lesson2make an announcement 通知no more than 不超过clue to sth. 某物的线索remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事whats up? 怎么了?turn off the phones or put them on silence 关掉手机或者调成静音wait for 等待prohibit sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事*in case 以防万一*sign up 报名for a while 一会儿*ought to 应该,应当at least 至少Lesson3relieve tension 缓解紧张*immune system 免疫系统6strengthen ones immune system 增强免疫系统*be fed up with 厌烦的,不满的,无法忍受的be a bit fed up with 对有点厌烦all the time 一直suggest (that) sb. (should) do sth. 建议某人做某事response to sb. 对某人的答复*in particular 尤其,特别benefit from/by 得益于keep it up 坚持*be capable of 有能力做worry about 担心prevent disease 预防疾病prevent sb (from)doing sth.阻止某人做某事the risk of 的风险as well as 以及*cheer up (使)高兴/振作起来relief from aches 缓解疼痛in detail 详细地due to 由于warm up 热身cool down 放松draw up 拟订,制订,起草*make sure 确保with satisfaction 满意地Writing Workshopcheer on sb. 为某人加油be ahead of sb. 领先于某人as hard as he can 尽他可能地努力in sight 看得见speed up (使)加速give up 放弃7catch up with sb. 赶上某人slow down 减速be amazed at 对感到惊讶bronze medal 铜牌in response to 作为(的)答复sporting gestures 体育精神*take advantage of sth. 利用某物Reading Club 1martial art 武术more than 超过refer to 指的是deal with 处理 on the other hand 另一方面such as 例如(后接 n./v-ing)catch the attention of. 引起注意defend sb. against/from sb./sth. 保护某人抵御Reading Club 2combine A with B 将 A 和 B 结合work out 锻炼Unit 3Topic Talkon occasion(s) 偶尔*lunar month 农历月secondary school 中学enjoy the moon 赏月write (.)to sb. 给某人写(.)信at the party 在派对上blow out the candles 吹蜡烛make a wish 许愿8Lesson1*put up 张贴*let off 使爆炸be highly valued by sb. 极其受到某人重视的from top to bottom 彻底地;从上到下*sweep away 扫除get ready for 为做准备attach . to . 把固定/贴在上*upside down 颠倒地,倒置地light up (使)光亮with an expectant look on ones face 某人连上带着盼望的神情*scary sb./sth. away 把吓跑as early as possible 尽可能早地take great care in doing sth.做某事时极其小心buy sth. for sb. 为某人买某物the moment 当时候get on 上(大型交通工具)be surrounded by 被包围head .to. 朝(某方向)行进fill sb. in on sth. 向某人提供某事的详情gather around 聚集Lesson2take . into consideration 考虑到;顾及pay attention to 注意be appropriate for/to 适合look ahead to 展望take turns doing sth./take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事thank you for doing sth. 谢谢你做某事*as far as 就而言as far as I know 据我所知*in general 普遍地9on time 准时*make an effort to do sth. 尽力做某事congratulations on 祝贺Dont mention it. 别客气。take up 占用Lesson3in memory of 纪念spend some time with sb. 与某人共度时光*move in 搬来(和某人)一起居住at the time 当时make an effort to do sth. 努力做某事North Pole 北极sit on ones lap 坐在某人大腿上*over and over 再三地,重复地take a seat 就坐put up 搭建at the end of 在的结尾fall asleep 入睡be full of 充满*catch sbs eye 遇到某人的目光;吸引某人的注意put on 戴上so.that. 如此以至于fall off 掉落*pass away 去世think of 想起help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事*no longer 不再believe in 相信come to mind 突然记起(或想起)be based on 以为基础in poor health condition 健康状况欠佳10Writing Workshopdiscuss with sb. 与某人讨论prepare for . 为做准备wake up 醒来get dressed 穿好衣服be nowhere to be seen 哪儿也见不到work on 努力改善(或完成)in their seventies 在他们七十多岁时*calm down 冷静as soon as 一就fill .with.用填满look forward to 期待put.in the right order 把按正确顺序排列Viewing Workshoppaper cuts 剪纸date back to =date from 追溯至at least 至少upside down 颠倒地Reading Club1be full of 充满plenty of 大量的be similar to 与相似stand for 代表Reading Club2adapt from 根据改写或改编if only 但愿be ignorant of sb. 对不了解,无知的after all 毕竟cant help doing sth. 忍不住做某事to be sure 无可否认;固然111北师大版新版(2019)必修一 短语过关*为课本单词表短语Unit1 Topic Talk_ 高中_ 培养对说英语的信心_各种各样_ 轮流做某事_总而言之,总的来说_不同于_恢复Lesson 1_与某人聊关于某事_网上冲浪,浏览因特网_搜索引擎_邀请某人做某事_发现某人正在做某事_一系列广泛的,各种各样的_例如(后接 n./v-ing)_有时_起居室_一直_根据_亲自_社交媒体_从把自己拖离_力求做某事,旨在做某事_开始做某事 _易于做某事2_ 在的开端_擅长于 _让某人为做好准备_目的是,以便_对感兴趣_使我兴奋_例如(后接句子)_俗话说_分秒必争_取得进步,获得成功Lesson2_(身体或精神上)遭受(痛苦)_减少到_减少了_方面的专家_坦白说,坦率地说_把从移除_在某个阶段_通常 _尤其_与某人谈论某事_无所事事地消磨时间;闲坐_处理,对付 _因为_在某种程度上_换句话说Lesson3_支教老师_从毕业_受启发3_鼓励某人做某事_申请_有几分,有点_各种各样的 _达到,符合 _放弃_对不再抱希望 _对付,应付,处理 _对负责_吸引_以及_对充满信心_使他感到满意_建立,设立_把当作_对做出贡献_打算/计划做某事Writing Workshop_适应某事_与不同_此刻,目前,眼下_参加比赛_给某人一个机会做某事_期待做某事Reading Club 1_将 A 和 B 结合_把转变成_结果是_想出(计划、回答)_在中起重要作用4_提供某物给某人Reading Club2_从 A 搬家到 B_因为_充满_靠近_在的末尾 _与联系_使与外界隔绝_有可能_多亏,由于Unit2Topic Talk_宁愿做 A 而不愿做 B_而不是_多达_健康状况良好/不佳_一种健康又均衡的饮食Lesson 1_几乎没有赢的可能_两者都_独自_获得成功_争取成为;参加选拔_ 渴望(某人)做某事_使某人日子难过;对某人严厉_ 渴望为球队效力_查明,弄清楚_ 猛撞,猛击_聚集,聚合5_正要做某事 _不再_让他试一试 _让某人失望_ 冲上球场_取得成功;奏效_跟上_停止做某事_拍某人的肩膀_获得一席之地_把按正确顺序排列_记下_某人对态度/看法Lesson2_通知_不超过_某物的线索_提醒某人做某事_怎么了?_关掉手机或者调成静音_等待_ 禁止某人做某事_以防万一_报名_一会儿_应该,应当_至少Lesson3_缓解紧张_免疫系统6_增强免疫系统_厌烦的,不满的,无法忍受的_对有点厌烦_一直_建议某人做某事_对某人的答复_尤其,特别_得益于_坚持_有能力做_担心_预防疾病_阻止某人做某事_的风险_以及_(使)高兴/振作起来_缓解疼痛_详细地_由于_热身_放松_拟订,制订,起草_确保_满意地Writing Workshop_为某人加油_领先于某人_尽他可能地努力_看得见_(使)加速_放弃7_赶上某人_减速_对感到惊讶_铜牌_作为(的)答复_体育精神_利用某物Reading Club 1_武术_超过_指的是_处理 _另一方面_例如(后接 n./v-ing)_引起注意_保护某人抵御Reading Club 2_ 将 A 和 B 结合_锻炼Unit 3Topic Talk_ 偶尔_ 农历月_ 中学_ 赏月_给某人写(.)信_在派对上_ 吹蜡烛_ 许愿8Lesson1_张贴_使爆炸_ 极其受到某人重视的_ 彻底地;从上到下_ 扫除_为做准备_把固定/贴在上_ 颠倒地,倒置地_ (使)光亮_某人连上带着盼望的神情_ 把吓跑_ 尽可能早地_做某事时极其小心_为某人买某物_ 当时候_ 上(大型交通工具)_ 被包围_朝(某方向)行进_向某人提供某事的详情_聚集Lesson2_考虑到;顾及_注意_适合_展望_轮流做某事_谢谢你做某事_ 就而言_据我所知_普遍地9_准时_尽力做某事_祝贺_别客气。_占用Lesson3_纪念_与某人共度时光_搬来(和某人)一起居住_当时_努力做某事_北极_坐在某人大腿上_再三地,重复地_就坐_搭建_在的结尾_入睡_充满_遇到某人的目光;吸引某人的注意_戴上_如此以至于_掉落_去世_想起_帮助某人做某事_不再_相信_突然记起(或想起)_以为基础_健康状况欠佳10Writing Workshop_与某人讨论_为做准备_醒来_穿好衣服_ 哪儿也见不到_努力改善(或完成)_ 在他们七十多岁时_冷静_ 一就_用填满_期待_把按正确顺序排列Viewing Workshop_剪纸_追溯至_至少_颠倒地Reading Club1_充满_大量的_与相似_代表Reading Club2_根据改写或改编_但愿_ 对不了解,无知的_毕竟_忍不住做某事_无可否认;固然111北师大版新版(2019)必修一 短语过关*为课本单词表短语Unit1 Topic Talksenior secondary school_develop confidence in speaking English _a variety of_take turns to do sth. _*all in all _differ from _recover from _Lesson 1chat with/to sb. about sth _*surf the Internet _*search engine _invite sb. to do sth. _find sb. doing sth. _a wide range of _such as _*from time to time _*living room _all the time _*according to _*in person _*social media_drag myself away from _ aim to do sth.=aim at doing sth. _set out to do sth._ *tend to do sth. _at the beginning of _do well in _ prepare sb. for. _2so that _be interested in _make me excited _for example _as the popular saying goes _every minute counts _*go ahead _Lesson2*suffer from _reduce to _reduce by_an expert on. _*to be frank_remove . from._at some point _more often than not _ in particular _talk to sb. about sth._sit around _cope with _ *due to _to some extent _*in other words _Lesson3volunteer teacher _*graduate from_be inspired by. _inspire sb. to do sth. _*apply for _*sort of _all sorts of _ live up to _ *give up _give up on sth. _ 3*deal with _ *be responsible for _be attractive to _*as well as _be confident in _make him feel satisfied_set up _treat sb. as _make a contribution to _intend to do sth. _Writing Workshop*adapt to sth._be different from_*at the moment _attend a competition_give sb. a chance to do sth._*look forward to doing sth. _Reading Club 1combine A with B _turn.into. _as a result _come up with _play an important part in_provide sth. for sb. _Reading Club2move from A to B _because of _be full of _be close to _by the end of _ connect with_cut off _be likely to _4thanks to_Unit2Topic Talkprefer to do A rather than do B _*rather than _up to _*in good/bad shape _have a healthy and balanced diet _Lesson 1have little chance to win _both of _on ones own _make it _*try out for sth. _desire (sb.) to do sth. _be tough on sb. _have a strong desire to play for the team _find out _*crash into _*gather around _be about to do sth. _ *not.anymore _give him a shot _ *let sb. down _rush onto the court _*pay off _*keep up with _stop doing sth. _hit sb. on the shoulder _earn ones place _put.in the right order _note down _ones attitude to/towards. _5Lesson2make an announcement_no more than _clue to sth. _remind sb. to do sth. _whats up? _turn off the phones or put them on silence _wait for _prohibit sb. from doing sth. _*in case _*sign up _for a while _*ought to _at least _Lesson3relieve tension _*immune system_strengthen ones immune system_*be fed up with _be a bit fed up with _all the time_suggest (that) sb. (should) do sth. _response to sb. _*in particular _benefit from/by_keep it up _*be capable of _worry about _prevent disease_prevent sb (from)doing sth._the risk of _as well as _*cheer up_relief from aches _in detail _6due to _warm up _cool down _draw up_*make sure _with satisfaction _Writing Workshopcheer on sb. _be ahead of sb. _as hard as he can _in sight _speed up _give up_catch up with sb. _slow down _be amazed at _bronze medal _in response to _sporting gestures _*take advantage of sth. _Reading Club 1martial art _more than _refer to _deal with _ on the other hand _such as _catch the attention of. _defend sb. against/from sb./sth. _Reading Club 2combine A with B _work out _7Unit 3Topic Talkon occasion(s) _*lunar month _secondary school _enjoy the moon _write (.)to sb. _at the party _blow out the candles _make a wish _Lesson1*put up_*let off _be highly valued by sb. _from top to bottom _*sweep away_get ready for _attach . to . _*upside down _light up _with an expectant look on ones face_*scary sb./sth. away _as early as possible _take great care in doing sth._buy sth. for sb. _the moment _get on _be surrounded by _head .to. _fill sb. in on sth. _gather around _Lesson2take . into consideration _pay attention to _8be appropriate for/to _look ahead to _take turns doing sth./take turns to do sth. _thank you for doing sth. _*as far as _as far as I know _*in general _on time _*make an effort to do sth. _congratulations on _Dont mention it. _take up_Lesson3in memory of_spend some time with sb. _*move in _at the time _make an effort to do sth. _North Pole _sit on ones lap_*over and over _take a seat _put up _at the end of _fall asleep _be full of _*catch sbs eye _put on _so.that. _fall off _*pass away _think of _help sb. (to) do sth. _*no longer _believe in _9come to mind _be based on _in poor health condition_Writing Workshopdiscuss with sb. _prepare for . _wake up _get dressed _be nowhere to be seen _work on _in their seventies _*calm down _as soon as _fill .with._look forward to _put.in the right order_Viewing Workshoppaper cuts _date back to =date from _at least _upside down _Reading Club1be full of _plenty of _be similar to _stand for _Reading Club2adapt from _if only _be ignorant of sb. _after all _cant help doing sth. _to be sure _10
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