Unit 2 Success Lesson 1 Money vs Successppt课件-(2020)新北师大版高中英语高二上学期选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、Unit 2 SuccessLesson 1 Money vs Success词汇讲解词汇讲解1. appreciateP31 But Jason appreciates this change.但是詹森喜欢这种变化。知识点讲解:(1)vt. 欣赏,赏识You cant really foreign literature in translation.看翻译作品不能真正欣赏到外国文学原著的美妙之处。appreciate(2)感激,感谢appreciate(sb./sb.s)doing感激(某人)做I would appreciate it if (=I would be grateful if

2、.) 如果我将不胜感激。we would you/your letting us know of any problems.有任何问题请告诉我们,我们将不胜感激。(3)vt. 理解,意识到,领会He didnt fully the significance of signing the contract.他没有完全理解签署这份合同的意义。appreciateappreciate2、give away P31 He made the choice to give all his money away.他决定把自己的钱财都捐赠出去。知识点讲解:(1)捐赠,赠送(=donate)The compan

3、y has hundreds of computers away a local school.这家公司已经把数百台电脑捐赠给了当地的一所学校。givento(2)泄露,暴露When you are filling in this form, never your personal information.你填写这个表格的时候,不要泄露你的个人信息。(3)颁发,分发Th mayor the prizes at the meeting.市长在会议上颁发了奖项。give awaygave away3、A few years ago, I was a millionaire, but I knew

4、millions of people died of hunger every year, and there were places with no schools and no teachers. 几年前,我是百万富翁,但我知道每年有数百万人死于饥饿,而且有些地方没有学校和老师。(1)n. U 饥饿,饥荒There is in many parts of the world, even in rich countries.世界上很多地方,甚至在富有的国家里,都存在饥荒。hanger(2)n. sing.(对某事物的)渴求,渴望 vi.渴望a hunger for sth. 对某事物的渴望h

5、ave a hunger to do渴望做hunger for/after渴望得到/渴求Nothing seemed to satisfy their for truth.似乎没有什么能满足他们对真理的渴求。hanger4、 P31 This worried me a lot and I felt very guilty being a rich man without doing anything. 这让我非常担心,作为一位什么也不干的富人,我感到非常内疚。guilty讲解:(1)adj.感到惭愧的,感到内疚的常见搭配:be/feel guilty about对感到内疚I saw my si

6、ster coming out of the room with look on her face.我看见妹妹脸上带着内疚的神情从房间出来。I feel really about not having written to you for so long.这么长时间没给你写信,我感到十分内疚。(2)adj.有罪责的,犯有罪的(反义词为innocent)常见搭配be guilty of.犯有.罪When faced with the hard evidence he had to admit that he was .在确凿的证据面前他只得承认他有罪。a guilty guilty guilty

7、 5、P31 Jason Harley decided to drop out of this kind of lifestyle, and he discovered that having only a little money made him free.詹森哈利决定放弃这种生活方式,他发现只拥有少量的金线使他获得了自由。知识点讲解:drop out是不及物短语动词,常单独使用,如后接宾语,则需加介词of。常见用法:(1)不再参加,退出,脱商If you decide to do something, never halfway.你如果决定做某事,就不要半途而废。(2)退学,辍学When

8、 I was twenty, I had to and wok in a caf to help support my family.二十岁时,我不得不辍学,去一家咖啡馆工作来帮助养家。Sally school for some unknown reason.不知何故,萨莉退学了。drop out drop out dropped out of 6、P31 What I want is to live simply and be helpful to others.我想要简单地生活并能帮助别人。此句中What I want为What引导的主语从句,What在从句中作宾语。what引导名词性从句

9、:(1)当what用作连接代词,引导名词性从句时,可引导主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句等。(2)what在引导名词性从句时有两个重要的特点:一是它在相应的名词性从句中一定有含义,常表示“的东西/样子/事情等”;二是它在相应的名词性从句中一定作成分,常作主语、宾语、表语或定语等。What he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.他在会上说的话使在场的每个人都狠惊讶。(What引导主语从句,并在从句中作宾语)A survey shows people are confused about they should eat to

10、 say healthy.一项调查显示,人们对应该吃什么来保持健康感到困惑。( 引导宾语从句、并在从句中作宾语)whatwhatWarming upWhat do you think is success? Do you think being a millionaire means success? Why or why not? Use the phrases below to help you.to make one happy to achieve ones goal to live in a/anway to give money to homeless people to feel

11、 a kind of satisfaction to buy more things to live comfortably to have no worriesBeing a millionaire means that I have a lot of money and I can use it to live more comfortably and buy more things. This will help me do what I want to and have a successful family life.Task 1 Read the news report based

12、 on an interview with Jason Harley, who used to be a millionaire. Read and find out his attitude towards money.Jason thinks that money doesnt give people a feeling of satisfaction or success. He feels that only having a little money makes him free, and he doesnt want to go back to being rich. He bel

13、ieves that the sense of achievement comes from helping others and finding the meaning in life.Read again. Underline the descriptions of Jasons life in the past and now. Use a graphic organiser to illustrate your understanding.Task 2 millionaire, lifestyle, charity, material, ultimate, dormitory, get

14、 on, guilty, drop out ofTask 3 Pair Work Describe Jasons change of life based on your graphic organiser.Jason Harley was a college professor with a huge six-bedroom house and a fortune of two million dollars 16 years ago. Then he gave away all his money to charities. Today he lives in a small dormit

15、ory room with only second-hand furniture. He appreciates this change. And this brought him happiness.Task 4 Read again. Answer the questions.1. How did Jason feel when he was rich? Why?2. Why did he give away all his money to charities?3. How did he feel after he gave away all his money to charities

16、? Why?Task 5 Read the quotes from Jason Harley. What can we infer from his words?I dont need a lot of money. I dont want to buy more things. I have enough.What I want is to live simply and be helpful to others.A few years ago, I was a millionaire, but I knew millions of people died of hunger every y

17、ear, and there were places with no schools and no teachers. So many people could never go to school. They didnt have the chance to learn and get on in life. This worried me a lot and I felt very guilty being a rich man without doing anything.It was a kind of satisfaction and a real sense of success

18、that I had never felt before.No, Im much happier now, because l am living according to my values.1. He was tired of being regarded as living a successful life and felt very guilty, because he had everything while many people had nothing.Answers2. He knew millions of people died of hunger every year

19、and there were places with no schools and no teachers. Many people could never go to school. They didnt have the chances to learn and to get on in life. He hoped his money could help the poor people to get something they need.Task 4 3. He felt it was a kind of satisfaction that he had never felt bef

20、ore. He was much happier, because he had discovered that having only a little money makes him free and he is living according to his values.Task 5 We can infer that Jason appreciates the change he made. He feels happy to give up the lifestyle of a rich man. And he is pleased to help others.Group Wor

21、k Think and share.1. Do you think Jason made a good decision? Will you make a similar choice?2. Do you think Jason is successful? In which aspects is he successful/unsuccessful?1. I think he made a good decision because now he lives in a simple way and this brought him happiness. He felt a kind of s

22、atisfaction that he had never felt before.2. He is successful because he is happy and he is helping others.Activity: Homework一、语法填空 Having considered all the solid evidence, the court found him not (guilt). I still feel guilty things I said to my mother when I was a teenager. Although he had a hunge

23、r success, lack of work experience led to his failure. I have a hunger (find) a job in the city so that I can support myself.二、判断下列句子中划线词的含义 Oh, I gave those recipe books away to Aunt Rosie. Shes more interested in them than I ever was. We have invited a famous actor to give away the prizes. Not bei

24、ng content with the judge, three players dropped out of the match.三、判断下列句子中what引导的从句类型 This is what my father has taught meto always face difficulties and hope for the best. What is known to us is that tobacco contains nicotine (尼古丁) and other harmful substance, so you should give up smoking. Do you have any idea what is actually going on in the classroom?参考答案参考答案一、语法填空1. guilty 2. about 3. for 4. to find二、判断下列句子中划线词的含义1. 赠送 2. 颁发 3. 退出三、判断下列句子中what引导的从句类型1. 表语从句 2. 主语从句 3. 同位语从句


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