Unit 5 Humans and Nature TopicTalk ppt课件-(2020)新北师大版高中英语必修第二册.pptx

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1、UNIT 5 HUMANS AND NATURE Section Topic Talk We make the world we live in and shape our own environment.Listening 1hurricane n 2landslide n. 3volcanic adj. 4eruption n. 5wildlife n. 6comment n. Pre-listeningTranslate the following words and phrases. 飓风7crowded adj. 8landscape n. 9living adj. 10weed n

2、. 11deer n. 12insect n. 滑坡;塌方火山的;由火山作用引起的爆发野生动植物;野生生物评论;意见拥挤的;挤满人的风景;景色活的;活着的野草;海藻鹿昆虫13whale n. 14dolphin n. 15kangaroo n. 16climate n. 17ecology n. 18shock vt. 19lecture n. 20overuse vt. 21million n. 22greenhouse n. 23turn ones back (on sb./sth.) 24title n. Pre-listeningTranslate the following word

3、s and phrases. 鲸海豚袋鼠气候生态;生态学使震惊;使难以置信讲座;讲课;演讲过度使用;滥用百万温室,暖房对(某人/某事)置之不理,对(某人/某事)撒手不管题目,标题 While-listeningFinish Exercise 2 on Page 28. While-listeningFinish Exercise 4 on Page 29. Post-listeningListen to Activity 2 again and fill in the blanks.(PPresenterSHSarah Hughes)P:And you are now on Radio Ric

4、hmond. Weve got Sarah Hughes from West London Wildlife. Sarah, do you teach people about in this part of London?SH:Yes, were lucky. Actually, the whole city is quite green. About 66 percent of the city water or green space. Amazing, isnt it? And there are private gardens.P:Three million? Wow!SH:Yes.

5、 Its great for wildlife. You can see different kinds of birdsthere are .And there are other interesting animals too, like deer. My animals are deer. Weve got them here in Richmond Park.P:Talking about nature, what about the Thames River?natureis covered withthree millionover 350favourite Post-listen

6、ingListen to Activity 2 again and fill in the blanks.(PPresenterSHSarah Hughes)SH:Well, theres less now than fifty years ago. In fact, there are about 120 different kinds of fish in the river.P:And climate change?SH:I think our climate is definitely changing. And the greenhouse effect is quite For e

7、xample, the winters arent as cold these days and we dont get snow very often.P:And other ? SH:The biggest environmental problems are air pollution and noise pollution from cars and airplanes. Nearly forty days a year in London dangerous levels of pollution. Thats very worrying.P:OK, thanks a lot, Sa

8、rah, for with us.water pollutionobviousenvironmental problemssuffer fromsharingTalking Brainstorming Talk about what comes to your mind when you see the word “Nature”Rivers,gardens,water,parks,woods,fields,mountains,green,space etc.Make sentences after the model.1Actually, the whole city is quite.事实

9、上,整个城市都很【仿写】事实上,整个城市都很漂亮/安静/绿色/繁忙/拥挤。Actually, the whole city is quite beautiful/quiet/green/busy/crowdedMake sentences after the model.2About 66% of the city is covered with.约66%的城市被覆盖。【仿写】约66%的城市被水/绿地/花园/湖泊/公园/河流/森林覆盖。About 66% of the city is covered with water/green space/gardens/lakes/parks/rive

10、rs/forestsMake sentences after the model.3Its great for wildlife. You can see different kinds of.这对野生动植物很好。你可以看到不同种类的【仿写】这对野生动植物很好。你可以看到不同种类的植物/树/花/动物/鸟/鱼/昆虫。Its great for wildlife. You can see different kinds of plants/trees/flowers/animals/birds/fish/insectsMake sentences after the model.4Theres l

11、ess.now than fifty years ago. The biggest environmental problems are.and.现在比五十年前有更少的最大的环境问题是和【仿写】现在比五十年前有更少的噪音污染/空气污染/水污染。最大的环境问题是干旱/气候变化/地震/山崩和洪水/森林火灾/飓风/暴风雨。Theres less now than fifty years ago. The biggest environmental problems are .noise pollution/air pollution/water pollution drought/climate c

12、hange/ earthquake/ landslide and flood/forest fire/hurricane/storm关于人与自然的常用语关于人与自然的常用语1We should get along with the nature harmoniously.我们应该和自然和谐相处。2It is the responsibility of everybody to protect the nature.保护大自然是我们每个人的责任。3Because of great damage to nature we will get punishment from nature.我们对自然的

13、破坏会得到大自然给予的惩罚。关于人与自然的常用语关于人与自然的常用语4Lets protect the endangered animals and care for the natural environment.让我们保护濒危动物,保护自然环境。5Only if/when we care for the nature can we take better care of our own living environment.只有我们爱护自然,才能更好的保护好我们的生存环境。关于人与自然的常用语关于人与自然的常用语6Nature is very powerful, bringing us h

14、appiness as well as misfortune.自然的力量是强大的,会给我们带来幸福,也会带来灾难。7We must be fully aware of the two sides of nature and protect the natural environment.我们要充分了解自然的双面性,保护自然环境。Language foucs1flood n洪水,水灾 vt. & vi.淹没;(洪水般地)涌进;涌出The River Nile used to be in flood regularly every year.尼罗河以前每年都定期泛滥。There was a flo

15、od of complaints about the bad language after the show.演出结束后,人们对其语言之拙劣议论纷纷。After the news was broadcast,telephone calls came flooding in from all over the country.消息播出后,全国各地的电话像潮水般打来。The market in the area is often flooded with cheap or false goods.这个地区的市场常充满廉价或假冒的商品。 flood在泛滥a flood of 大量的flood. .

16、使充满(常用被动语态)flood in/into 大量涌入(某处)within2comment n评论;意见 vi.& vt. 表达意见;评论comment的用法和意义:I wont comment on this matter.我对此事不予置评。He commented that it was an excellent film.他评论说这部电影很精彩。He made/give a comment on/about my performance.他对我的表现进行了点评。comment 对评论comment . 评论说make/give comments sth. 评论某事on/aboutth

17、aton/about3Actually, the whole city is quite crowded.事实上,整个城市都很拥挤。crowded adj.拥挤的;挤满人的crowd n人群;大众;一伙;一堆 vt. & vi.挤;把塞进crowd及其派生词的用法和意义:The great hall was crowded with audience that day.那天大厅里挤满了听众。I crowded (myself) into the crowd to see the famous star.我挤进人群去看那位明星。They noticed a crowd of/crowds of

18、people shouting and cheering.他们看到一大群人在喊叫欢呼。be crowded .挤满,拥塞crowd. 把挤进a crowd ofcrowds of 一群,一堆,许多intowith4The two students were shocked at the lecture on nature.这两个学生对关于自然的讲座感到震惊。shock vt.使震惊;使难以置信shocked adj.震惊的;震撼的shocking adj.令人惊愕的shock的用法和意义:It shocks you when something like that happens.发生那样的事情,你会觉得难以置信。The news was a great shock to her.这个消息使她大为震惊。They were shocked when they saw the Norwegian flag.当他们看到挪威国旗时,感到非常震惊。The public were shocked by/at this plane crash.公众被这起飞机失事震惊了。be shocked . 被震惊by/atBye-bye!


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