Unit 5 On the road 重点短语和句型检测-(2019)新外研版高中英语高三必修第二册.docx

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1、必修二 Unit Five On the road 重点短语和句型:P4952 Understanding ideas1. 前五名旅游胜地 _2. 对感到满意 _3. 去度假 _4. 自己(做) _5. 沿途 _6. 理想住宿 _7. 拥有一流设施的奢华酒店 _8. 到达一个新城市 _9. 到达机场 _10. 乘大巴旅行 _11. 出发 _12. 邀请你到我家吃饭 _13. 在那种情况下感到不舒服 _14. 只有在情况下 _15. 没门,不可能 _16. 拓宽思维 _17. 支持你的观点 _18. 环境保护 _19. 想从生活中得到更多 _20. 在那个时候 _21. 在我的博客上发图片 _2

2、2. 把它看作一个爱好 _23. 付钱让某人做 _24. 下定决心做 _25. 使自己的梦想成真 _26. 职业摄影博主 _27. 有挑战的工作 _28. 每月三周 _29. 爱上 _30. 尤其是 _31. 全职地工作 _32. 抓住每个机会 _33. 欣赏自然世界 _34. 初升的太阳 _35. 落日 _36. 逼迫进入 _37. 我希望如此。_38. 对人们有影响 _39. 涉及到,提及到 _40. 环境问题 _41. 把照片贴在网上 _42. 对做出评论 _43. 习惯于 _44. 熟悉 _45. 时间长了,渐渐地 _46. 使别人意识到 _47. 对有意识 _P53 5548. 在国

3、外旅行 _49. 排在路线两旁 _50. 看到极致美景的机会 _51. 毫无疑问的是 _52. 回归自然 _53. 不停地工作 _54. 看一下 _55. 终生难逢的冒险经历 _56. 坐船旅行 _57. 尝试一下 _58. 穿上 _59. 活火山 _60. 订酒店,定住宿 _61. 申请签证 _62. 做预算 _63. 在网上查询 _64. 根据评论 _65. 登记入住 _66. 登机牌 _67. 提前 _68. 收拾行李 _69. 兑换货币 _70. 现金 _71. 定航班 _72. 从事冒险活动 _73. 有网络连接 _74. 问路 _75. 指路 _76. 在当地旅行咨询中心 _P56

4、59 Developing ideas 77. 官方语言 _78. 做成了 _79. 设法做成 _80. 等不及 _81. 取车 _82. 方向感 _83. 迷路 _84. 在GPS的帮助下 _85. 在第八天 _86. 接电话 _87. 让开心 _88. 后面紧接着 _89. 加拿大的最东边 _90. 沿海岸 _91. 轮到某人做 _92. 生气,变疯狂 _93. 寄给某人 _94. 还有 _95. 保持联系 _96. 和某人练习法语 _97. 指代之前的信息 _98. 被用来做 _99. 此刻 _100. 到目前为止 _重点句型:Blogging Australia1. 在不到18个月的时

5、间里就有20多万人看了我的博客! 2. 一开始,我只是把这件事当作爱好,但逐渐开始有公司愿意付费请我拍照并出版我拍的照片。 3. 如今我每个月用三周时间旅行,在线关注我的粉丝超过46.4万人。 4. 我尽量把握每一个机会到户外感受大自然。 5. 我喜欢拍摄日出,所以我每天早起,让自己融入自然。 6. 我通过照片影响他人,尤其是涉及环境问题的时候。 7. 我在网上发布照片时会附上评论,告诉人们投喂野生鳄鱼是非常糟糕的行为。 8. 这条鳄鱼已经习惯了船上游人们的投食,并且正在不断熟悉人类。Coast to Coast9. 我们从温哥华出发,在那里取到了这次旅行的交通工具-一辆房车。 10. 直到那

6、时我才意识到她的座位是空的。 11. 妈妈太兴奋了,结果把手机掉进了海里,这下轮到爸爸生气了! 12. 我们会保持联系,所以现在有人陪我练法语了。短语答案:1. the top five tourist destinations 2. be pleased with3. go on holiday4. doon ones own5. along the way6. the ideal type of accommodation7. a luxury hotel with great facilities8. arrive at a new city9. arrive at the airpor

7、t10. take a bus tour11. set off / set out / start off / start out12. invite you to my home for dinner13. feel uncomfortable in that situation14. only if15. no way16. broaden ones / the mind17. support your opinion18. environmental protection 19. want more out of life20. at that time21. post pictures

8、 on my blog22. regard it as a hobby23. pay sb. to do24. be determined to do25. make my dream come true / realize my dream26. a professional photo blogger27. a challenging job28. three weeks out of every month29. fall in love with30. in particular31. work full time32. take every opportunity to do33.

9、admire the natural world34. the rising sun 35. the setting sun36. force sb. into37. I hope so.38. make an impact on people39. when it comes to40. environmental issues41. post the picture(s) online 42. make a comment / comments on/about 43. be / get / become used to sth.44. be / become / get familiar

10、 with45. over time46. make others aware of47. be aware of48. travel abroad49. line the route50. a chance to see incredible views51. Theres no doubt that 52. go back to nature53. work around the clock54. take a look at55. a once-in-a-lifetime adventure56. go on a boat trip57. give it a go58. put on (

11、you hiking boots)59. an active volcano60. book accommodation61. apply for a visa62. make a budget 63. do research online64. according to the reviews65. check in66. boarding pass67. in advance68. pack luggage69. exchange currency70. in cash71. book a flight / flights72. engage in risky activities73.

12、have net connection74. ask for directions75. give directions76. at the local tourist information centre77. an official language78. made it79. manage to do80. cant wait to do81. pick up the vehicle82. (have) a sense of direction83. get / be lost84. with the help of GPS85. on the eighth day86. answer

13、the phone87. cheer sb. up88. be followed by89. the very eastern part of Canada90. along the coast91. its ones turn to do92. get mad 93. send sth. to sb. 94. whats more95. keep in touch / contact (with sb.)96. practise French with sb.97. refer (back) to previous information98. be used to do99. at the

14、 moment100. so far句型答案:1. In less than 18 months, there were over 200,000 people following my blog!2. At first, I only regarded it as a hobby, but companies started paying me to take photos and publish them.3. Now I spend three weeks out of every month traveling, and have over 464,000 fans following

15、 me online.4. I try to take every opportunity to get outside and admire the natural world.5. I love to photograph the rising sun, so I force myself into the natural world by waking early each day.6. I use my photography to make an impact on people, especially when it comes to environmental issues.7.

16、 When I post the picture online, I will make a comment about how bad it is to feed wild crocodiles.8. This crocodile is used to passengers throwing food from boats and now she is becoming familiar with humans.9. We started from Vancouver, where we picked up our vehicle for the trip - a home on wheels.10. It was then that I realised her seat was empty.11. Mum was so excited that she dropped the phone into the sea. This time it was Dads turn to get mad!12. Were going to keep in touch, so I now have someone to practise French with.学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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