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1、Made byMade by:TiffanyTiffany20172017年年4 4月月2020回到首页1.1.分类:分类: 基数词和序数词基数词和序数词2. 2. 用法:用法:(1 1)时刻的表达法)时刻的表达法(2 2)年、月、日的表达法)年、月、日的表达法 数词数词数词概述数词概述1. 1. 表示数目多少或顺序表示数目多少或顺序先后的词叫数词。先后的词叫数词。2. 2. 数词分为基数词和序数词分为基数词和序数词。数词。3. 3. 基数词表示数目或数基数词表示数目或数量多少。量多少。4. 4. 序数词表示顺序和等序数词表示顺序和等级。级。magic-boxonetwothreefourfi

2、vesixseveneightnineteneleventwelve基数词基数词1. The first ball is grey.2. The second ball is pink.3. The third ball is red.4. The fourth ball is black.5. The fifth ball is green.6. The sixth ball is blue.序数词序数词基数词基数词序数词序数词基数词基数词序数词序数词基数词基数词序数词序数词onefirsteleveneleventhtwosecondtwelvetwelfthtwentytwentieth


4、h基数词与序数词对比表基数词与序数词对比表你发现了什么?你发现了什么?回到首页巧学妙记口诀巧学妙记口诀基变序,有规律,词尾加基变序,有规律,词尾加上上-th-th。一、二、三,单独记,词一、二、三,单独记,词尾字母尾字母t, d, dt, d, d。八去八去t t,就去,就去e e,veve要用要用f f替替。整十基数变序数,整十基数变序数,tyty变成变成tietie,词尾加上,词尾加上thth。若是遇到几十几,十位基若是遇到几十几,十位基数个位序。数个位序。基变序,有规律,词尾加上基变序,有规律,词尾加上-th。如:如:four fourth six sixth ten tenth ele

5、ven eleventh一、二、三,单独记,词尾字母一、二、三,单独记,词尾字母t, d, d。one first(1st)two second(2nd)three third(3rd)八去八去t,就去,就去e,ve要用要用f替。替。eight eighth(8th)nine ninth(9th)five fifth(5th)twelve twelfth(12th)整十基数变序数,整十基数变序数,ty变成变成tie,词尾加上,词尾加上thtwenty twentieththirty thirtiethforty fortiethfifty fiftiethsixty sixtiethseven

6、ty seventietheighty eightiethninety ninetieth若是遇到几十几,十位基数个位序。若是遇到几十几,十位基数个位序。twenty-one twenty-first(21st)twenty-two twenty-second(22nd)thirty-five thirty-fifth(35th)ninety-nine ninety-ninth(99th)找找朋朋友友 one one secondsecond eight eight ninthninth two two firstfirst five five eightheighth nine nine t

7、welfthtwelfth twelve twelve fifthfifth返回首页返回首页超超级级变变变变变变一一. . 写出下列基数词所对应的序数词。写出下列基数词所对应的序数词。 1. one - 1. one - 2. three - 2. three - 3. five- 3. five- 4. nine- 4. nine- 5. ten- 5. ten- 6. twenty- 6. twenty- 二二. . 写出下列序数词所对应的基数词。写出下列序数词所对应的基数词。 1. sixth- 1. sixth- 2. twelfth- 2. twelfth- 3. twenty- s

8、econd- 3. twenty- second- 4. fifteenth- 4. fifteenth- firstthirdfifthninthtenthtwentithsixtwelvetwenty-twofifteen三三. . 根据实际情况用适当的数词填空。(填写英文)根据实际情况用适当的数词填空。(填写英文) 1. There are _ days in a week. 1. There are _ days in a week. 2. Sunday is the _ day of a week. 2. Sunday is the _ day of a week. 3. There

9、 are _ months( 3. There are _ months(月份月份) in a ) in a year.year. 4. July is the _ month of a year. 4. July is the _ month of a year. 5. There are _seasons in a year. 5. There are _seasons in a year. 6. There are _ hours( 6. There are _ hours(小时小时) ) in a day.in a day.sevenfirsttwelveseventhfourtwen

10、ty-four数词的基本用法数词的基本用法一、时间表达法一、时间表达法1. 1. 所有的时刻都可以直接用所有的时刻都可以直接用“小时数(基小时数(基数词)数词) + + 分钟数(基数词)分钟数(基数词)”表达。表达。如:如:7 7:25 seven twenty-five25 seven twenty-five 9 9:16 nine sixteen16 nine sixteen 8 8:53 eight fifty-53 eight fifty-threethree2. 整点用“小时数(基数词)+ oclock”来表示,oclock可省略。如:6 six (oclock) 5 five (o

11、clock)3. 用past表示“几点过几分”,结构:不超过30分钟的,用“分钟数 + past + 小时数数”,半点可用“half + past + 小时数”如:8:12 twelve past eight 4:08 eight past four 10:30 half past ten4. 用to表示“几点差几分”,结构:超过30分钟的,用(60 - 分钟数)+ to (小时数 + 1)如:12:50 ten to one 11:45 fifteen to twelve数词的基本用法数词的基本用法二、年、月、日的表达二、年、月、日的表达英语年月日的顺序:日英语年月日的顺序:日 月,年月,年

12、 或或 月月 日,年日,年如:如:20172017年年4 4月月2020日日 :20th April20th April,20172017 April 20th April 20th,201720171. 年份表达用基数词,先读前两位数,再读后两位数。用阿拉伯数字来写。1989 nineteen eighty-nine2008 two thousand and eight2017 twenty seventeen2. 月份表达首字母要大写,也可以采用缩写形式。March 或 Apr.September 或 Sept.Homework:Homework:总复习总复习 P29-P30P29-P30返回首页返回首页回到首页


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