Unit 3 Presenting ideas &amp Reflection 教案-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册.doc

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1、2019外研版选择性必修一 Unit 3 Presenting ideas & Reflection板块教学设计(建议时长4045分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)课型Speaking主题语境人与自我运动竞技领域实现“更快、更高、更强的体育精神”内容分析Presenting ideas板块要求学生首先阅读两条观点,思考在体育比赛过程中,是参与比赛更为重要还是赢得比赛更为重要。然后寻找充足的论据支撑自己的观点,并组成正反方进行辩论。本板块通过观点的思考与表达,促进学生在真实的情境下综合运用语言,相互合作,展示个性,进一步加深对单元主题意义的理解,发展学生的思维品质,完成对所学内容的迁移

2、和创新。Reflection引导学生从文本、语言、文化、学习策略和方法、分析和解决问题的能力等多方面进行自我评价和总结,并写出自我反思日志。教学目标在本板块学习结束时,学生能够:1. 通过本单元的学习,对“体育精神”这一话题有更深入的理解,形成自己的体育观;2. 辩证地看待问题,客观地对不同的观点进行评价;3. 了解英语辩论的基本方法,使学生能够运用恰当的表达方式进行辩论。教学重点引导学生运用恰当的表达方式进行辩论,同时结合所学的表达阐述自己对体育精神的理解并举例证明,提高综合语言运用能力,锻炼逻辑思维能力。教学难点1. 发展学生的思维品质,完成对所学内容的迁移和创新;2. 引导学生对自己的学

3、习行为和效果做出评估和分析,对自己的优缺点和得失做出反思。教学策略任务型教学法、交际教学法Teaching contentsProceduresPurposes Teachers activityStudents activityPresenting ideasActivity 11. Teacher asks students to read the two points of view about winning and understand the meanings. 2. Teacher divides students into groups to discuss the two p

4、oints of view and take sides.1. Students read the two points of view about winning and understand the meanings.2. Students work in groups to discuss the two points of view and take sides. To encourage students to think actively and express themselves bravely. Activities 2-41. Teacher regroups the cl

5、ass according to students points of view.2. Teacher asks students to discuss in groups, think of arguments to support their points of view and make notes. 3. Teacher directs students to prepare for a debate.4. Teacher asks students to team up with a group with the opposite point of view and hold the

6、 debate.1. Students present their points of view. 2. Students discuss in groups, think of arguments to support their points of view and make notes.3. Students prepare for a debate.4. Students team up with a group with the opposite point of view and hold the debate.To have students use the language,

7、cooperate with others and show personality in real situations.ReflectionReflection1. Teacher asks students to recall what theyve learnt in this unit. 2. Teacher asks students to write a reflection based on the six tips.Students summarise what theyve learnt and  write a reflection based on the six tips. To help students evaluate their performance, review the unit, and think about ways to improve.


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