Unit 5 Uderstanding ideas 教案-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册.doc

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1、Understanding ideas板块教学设计(建议时长3035分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)课型Reading主题语境人与自然认识与探索自然内容分析该板块为本单元主体课文,体裁为记叙文,文章以时间及行程路线为线索,介绍了著名的生物科学家达尔文著名的发现之旅,此次旅行,达尔文做了大量考察研究并获取了许多关于生物进化的信息及发现,并基于此次之旅,发表了后期改变世界的著名的物种起源一书。读前的导入活动旨在帮助学生激活关于生物进化的相关知识及储备相应的词汇,为课文介绍达尔文及其重要发现进行学习铺垫。读中活动引导学生通过文本解读更深入地解读文章标题,理解文章内容。读后活动包括判断主旨大意、理

2、解文章结构和细节和开放性问答等活动,引导学生进一步理解、赏析文本,体会达尔文具有重大历史意义的发现之旅,进一步探究主题意义,感受达尔文探索科学、追求真理之路的艰难与险阻,同时,也激励学生以其为榜样,学习他不畏困难,大胆质疑,勇于探索的科学精神与创新精神。教学目标在本板块学习结束时,学生能够:1. 熟悉话题语境,获取文章的主旨大意;2. 感知叙述类文本语篇结构及语言特点,并按照事情发展顺序梳理达尔文关于生物进化的发现之旅; 3. 在语篇中学习和掌握与话题相关词汇并能运用所学词汇进行交流;4. 从达尔文的故事中体会探索的艰辛,学习科学家的不畏艰难、大胆质疑、勇敢探究的科学精神和创新精神;汲取积极的

3、科研态度,指导实际学习生活。教学重点1. 引导学生读懂语篇,理解作者的写作意图,并了解尔文关于生物进   化的发现之旅;2. 引导学生了解叙述类文本语篇结构及语言特点。教学难点1.  引导学生把握动名词与动词不定式做宾语用法并运用其进行表达;2.  引导学生深度思考探索的艰辛,学习科学家的不畏艰难、大胆质疑、勇敢探究的科学精神和创新精神。教学策略P-W-P模式Teaching contentsProceduresPurposes Teachers activityStudents activityActivity 11. Teacher guides studen

4、ts to brainstorm the words about plants and animals. Teacher collects answers and presents them on the blackboard.2. Teacher guides students to look at the pictures and answer Question 1, reviewing old words and learning new words.3. Teacher asks students to discuss in groups and answer Question 2.1

5、. Students brainstorm the words about plants and animals.2. Students observe the pictures and answer Question 1, reviewing old words and learning new words.3. Students discuss in groups and answer the question.1. To understand the pictures and lead in the topic.2. To review old words and learn new w

6、ords.Activity 21. Teacher asks students to read the passage quickly and predict the content, referring to pictures and topic.2. Teacher asks students to discuss the topic in groups.3. Teacher asks students to check answers in groups and share effective ways of reading.1. Students read the passage qu

7、ickly and predict the content.2. Students discuss in groups.3. Students check answers in groups and share effective ways of reading.To get the main idea of the passage. Activity 31. Teacher asks students to read the passage individually and choose the main idea of the passage.2. Teacher invites some

8、 students to share their answers with the class.1. Students read the passage individually and choose the main idea of the passage.2. Some students share their answers with the class and give the reason.1. To train students ability to summarize.2. To help students understand the structure of the pass

9、age, thus preparing for Activity 4.Activity 41. Teacher guides students to pay attention to the title of the puzzle pieces and try to understand the intention.2. Teacher asks students to put the puzzle pieces in right order. 3. Teacher asks students to read the passage carefully and complete the det

10、ailed information. 4. Teacher checks the answers with the class.5. Teacher asks the students to retell the passage according to time.1. Students try to understand the intention.2. Students put the puzzle pieces in right order. 3. Students read the passage carefully and complete the detailed informat

11、ion. 4. Students check the answers with the teacher.5. Students retell the passage according to time.To examine how much the students have grasped the detailed information, and cultivate students analyzing abilities. Think & Share1. Teacher asks students to discuss and answer the questions in gr

12、oups.2. Teacher asks individual students to answer the questions.Teacher comments and lead students to think about Darwins scientific spirit.1. Students discuss and  answer the questions in groups.2. Students answer and talk about how to study and inherit the spirit.To deepen understanding the passage and raise their awareness of getting along well with nature.


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