Unit 1 Laugh Out Loud 重点短语检测-(2019)新外研版高中英语高三选择性必修第一册.docx

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1、选择性必修一 Unit One Laugh Out Loud 重点短语:P1 Starting Out:1. 喜剧表演 _2. 因为而道歉 _3. 某人的幽默感 _4. 走开 _5. 邀请某人去探索一个新的城镇 _6. 用一个笑话振奋情绪 _7. 保持积极 _8. 找到回去的路 _9. 因为而笑 _10. 觉得受了伤害 _11. 摔倒 _12. 以戏剧性的方式 _13. 使某人感觉好一些 _14. 避而不提他摔倒的事 _P2-4 Understanding Ideas:15. 私家花园 _16. 游乐场 _17. 穿着我的白大褂走近医院 _18. 戴上彩虹色的卷曲假发 _19. 名字的牌 _2

2、0. 走过几扇门 _21. 紧张枯燥的氛围 _22. 坐在塑料椅子上 _23. 浏览旧杂志 _24. 安慰紧张啼哭的孩子 _25. 是正常大小的两倍_26. 值班护士 _27. 匆匆送某人到医院 _28. 从自行车上掉落 _29. 由于疼痛而哭 _30. 使某人感觉好一些 _31. 做得不错 _32. 为而设计 _33. 很多时间觉得害怕而且非常枯燥 _34. 医疗保健机构 _ 35. 和医疗专业人员一起工作 _36. 在平日 _37. 使人振奋 _38. 经常,常常 _39. 变魔术 _40. 想笑 _41. 提供最新情况 _42. 有成效 _43. 集中精力做 _44. 通过变魔术吸引她的

3、注意力 _45. 反过来;轮流 _46. 对于某人来说 _47. 摘下假发 _48. 面带灿烂微笑 _P5-7 Using language:49. 必要信息 _50. 额外信息 _51. 获得积极心理状态 _52. 维持健康心理状态 _53. 享受美景和安宁的环境 _54. 激活大脑中的化学物质 _55. 设想未来_56. 使梦想成真_57. 失去耐心 _58. 搭起帐篷 _59. 被吵醒 _60. 仰望星空 _61. 尽管如此 _62. 在其它行星上 _63. 满意他的回答 _64. 环顾你的四周 _65. 笑得合不拢嘴 _66. 狂笑不已 _67. 满面笑容 _68. 值得再有一次机会

4、_69. 不开心的表情 _70. 踩上香蕉皮 _71. 笑料 _72. 轻轻一笑 _73. 愚人节 _74. 互相开恶意玩笑 _75. 拿某人开玩笑 _76. 进行评论 _P8-10 Developing Ideas:77. 由于他关于旅行的记叙文而获得国际声誉 _78. 历险故事 _79. 被看作 _80. 闲适而老练的写作风格 _81. 使人们更加了解敏感的和易引发争议的问题 _82. 因有能力用幽默方式表达严肃信息而著称 _83. 删掉错词 _84. 在巡回演讲中 _85. 以他的机智幽默的评论著称 _86. 在他和人们的日常交流互动中 _87. 走进理发店 _88. 有演讲的票 _89

5、. 因其独特的幽默风格著称 _90. 将幽默的概念引入中国想带文学 _91. 幽默大师 _92. 使某人难堪 _93. 做演讲 _94. 思维敏捷果断 _95. 把喂给 _96. 摇头 _97. 哄堂大笑 _98. 斥责 _99. 使个体凝聚在一起 _100. 幽默感 _101. 在日常生活中 _102. 对生活有轻松地态度 _P11 Writing:103. 同时代最优秀的喜剧演员之一 _104. 五官 _105. 心地善良的人 _106. 在生产线上工作 _ 107. 工作落后 _108. 追上,赶上 _翻译句子:The Best Medicine:1. 当我穿着白大褂向医院走去时,我看起

6、来和其他医生没什么两样。2. 我穿过门进入等候区,在那里有一种熟悉的无聊和紧张的气氛。3. 人们别扭地坐在塑料椅上,翻阅着旧杂志,所有这些杂志以前都读过几百遍。4. 焦虑的父母尽其所能安慰紧张哭闹的孩子。5. 在这一特定场景的中间,我发现了一个小女孩,她的脚踝是正常大小的两倍。6. 我与值班护士交谈,她告诉我,劳拉从自行车上摔下来后,她的父母立即把她送到了医院。7. 虽然是医生和护士来治疗她的伤势,但让她感觉好起来是我的工作。8. 而我的神奇药物似乎确实起到了作用。The Importance of Humour:9. 尽管这些笑话现在对我们来说可能不像当时那么有趣,但它们的作者明白,幽默不仅

7、可以娱乐大众,还可以为敏感或情绪化的问题带来新的启发。10. 你只需把用错的字去掉就可以了。11. 当吐温回答说他不想去时,理发师告诉他,如果他想去看演出,就必须站着,因为剧院里已经没有座位了。12. 像吐温一样,但在世界的另一端,林语堂很快就以他独特的幽默而出名。13. 有一次,他被邀请参加一所大学的晚宴,当校长突然要他发表演讲时,他感到很为难。14. 然后来了一只老虎。15. 林语堂的听众哄堂大笑。林语堂用这个小笑话使得人们大笑,同时也委婉地表达了对校长的不满。重点短语和句型答案: 1. a comedy show2. apologise (to sb.) for sth.3. ones

8、sense of humor4. walk off / walk away5. invite sb. on an adventure to explore a new town6. lift ones / the mood with a joke7. stay positive8. find ones way back9. laugh about sth.10. feel hurt11. fall over12, in a dramatic way13. make sb. feel better14. avoid mentioning his fall15. a private garden1

9、6. an amusement park17. approach the hospital wearing my white coat18. put on the curly rainbow wig19. name badge20. walk through the door(s)21.an atmosphere of boredom and tension22. sit on plastic chairs23. look through magazines24. comfort nervous and crying children 25. twice the normal size26.

10、the on-duty nurse27. rush sb. to the hospital28. fall off the bicycle29. cry in pain30. make sb. feel better31. do a good job32. be designed for33. feel frightened and more than a little bored34. health care facilities35. work together with medical professionals36. on a typical day37. cheer up38. mo

11、re often than not39. do magic tricks40. feel like laughing41. keep sb. updated42. do the trick43. concentrate on doing44. get / draw her attention by doing a magic trick45. in turn46. as for sb.47. take off ones wig48. wear a big smile49. essential information50. extra information51. achieve a posit

12、ive state of mind52. maintain a healthy mind53. enjoy the beautiful views and a peaceful atmosphere54. activate chemicals in ones brain55. picture the future56. make ones dream come true / a reality57. lose patience58. put up a tent59. be woken up by60. look up at the stars61. even so62. on other pl

13、anets63. be pleased with his answer64. look around you65. grin from ear to ear66. laugh ones head off67. be all smiles68. deserve a second chance69. long face70. step on a banana skin71. laughing stock72. crack a smile73. April Fools Day74. play practical jokes on each other75. play tricks / a trick

14、 on sb. 76. make comments / remarks77. acquire international fame for his travel narratives78. adventure stories79. be regarded as80. informal and sophisticated style of writing81. throw new light on sensitive or emotive issues82. be remembered for his ability to combine humour with more serious mes

15、sages83. cross out the wrong words84. on a lecturing tour85. be well known / famous for his witty remarks86. in his everyday interactions with people87. go into a barbers shop 88. have a ticket to the lecture89. be / become famous for his unique brand of humour90. bring the concept of humour to mode

16、rn Chinese literature91. a master of humour92. put sb. on the spot93. make / give a speech94. think on ones feet95. feedto96. shake ones head97. roar with laughter98. tell off99. bring individuals together100. a sense of humour101. in daily / everyday life102. have / take a light-hearted attitude to

17、wards life103. one of the best comedy actors of his time104. facial features105. a man with a kind heart106. work on a production line107. fall behind (with ones work)108. keep up (with sb./sth.)1. As I approach the hospital wearing my white coat, I look just like any other doctor.2. I walk through

18、the doors into the waiting area, where theres a familiar atmosphere of boredom and tension.3. People sit uncomfortably on plastic chairs, looking through old magazines, all of which have been read hundreds of times previously.4. Anxious parents do what they can to comfort nervous and crying children

19、.5. In the middle of this particular scene I spot a small girl whose ankle is twice its normal size.6. I speak with the on-duty nurse, who tells me that Laras parents rushed her to the hospital after she fell off her bicycle.7. Although its the doctors and nurses who will treat her injury, its my jo

20、b to make her feel better.8. And my magic medicine does indeed seem to do the trick.9. While these same jokes might not be as funny to us now as they were then, their authors understood that humour could not only entertain but could also throw new light on sensitive or emotive issues.10. All you hav

21、e to do is cross out the wrong words.11. When Twain replied that he didnt, the barber told him that if he wanted to go to the event he would have to stand, as there were no seats left in the theater.12. Like Twain, but on the other side of the world, Lin Yutang was soon to become famous for his uniq

22、ue brand of humour.13. Once, having been invited to dinner at a university, he was put on the spot when the president suddenly asked him to give a speech.14. Then along came a tiger.15. Lins audience roared with laughter. With this little joke, Lin was able to make people laugh, while gently telling off the president.学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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