Unit 6 Nurturing nature understanding ideas ppt课件-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、新标准新标准英语英语高中选择性必修第一册高中选择性必修第一册Qinghai-tibet Railway (English name :Qinghai-Tibet Railway), short for Qingzang Railway, is a national Railway class I Railway connecting Xining city of Qinghai Province to Lhasa City of Tibet Autonomous Region. It is one of Chinas four major projects in the new century

2、. It is the first Railway to the hinterland of Tibet, and also the highest altitude and longest plateau Railway in the world.青藏铁路(英文名称:Qinghai-Tibet Railway),简称青藏线,是一条连接青海省西宁市至西藏自治区拉萨市的国铁级铁路,是中国新世纪四大工程之一,是通往西藏腹地的第一条铁路,也是世界上海拔最高、线路最长的高原铁路。The qinghai-Tibet Railway was completed in two phases. The fir

3、st phase of the railway started in 1958 from Xining city in Qinghai Province to Golmud city in the west and was opened to traffic in May 1984.The second phase of the project, starting from Golmud of Qinghai Province in the east and ending in Lhasa of Tibet Autonomous Region in the west, began constr

4、uction on June 29, 2001 and opened to traffic on July 1, 2006.青藏铁路分两期建成,一期工程东起青海省西宁市,西至格尔木市,于1958年开工建设,1984年5月建成通车;二期工程,东起青海省格尔木市,西至西藏自治区拉萨市,于2001年6月29日开工,2006年7月1日全线通车。Qinghai-tibet Railway from Xining station to Lhasa station;The total length of the line is 1,956 kilometers, including 814 kilomete

5、rs from Xining to Golmud, and 1,142 kilometers from Golmud to Lhasa.There are a total of 85 stations with a designed maximum speed of 160 km/h (Xining to Golmud) and 100 km/h (Golmud to Lhasa).As of March 2015, the qinghai-Tibet Railway operates at 140 km/h (xining to Golmud) and 100 km/h (Golmud to

6、 Lhasa).青藏铁路由西宁站至拉萨站;线路全长1956千米,其中西宁至格尔木段814千米,格尔木至拉萨段全长1142千米;共设85个车站,设计的最高速度为160千米/小时(西宁至格尔木段)、100千米/小时(格尔木至拉萨段)。截至2015年3月,青藏铁路的运营速度为140千米/小时(西宁至格尔木段)、100千米/小时(格尔木至拉萨段)。Activity 1 Work in pairs and complete the quiz. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer. 1. What can we infer from

7、the passage?A. It was very hard to build the Qinghai-Tibet Railway.B.Tibetan antelopes are totally aware of the trains.C. We damaged some wetlands by accident.D.Tanggula Station was built to protect wild animals. 2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the 6th paragraph?A.We built s

8、ome bridges to protect Cuona Lake.B. We built a wall to prevent the animals from wandering near the lake.C.There are no wild animals around the lake because it is close to the railway.D. I take pride in the twenty-kilometre wall along the lake. 3. Which challenge railway workers were facing is NOTme

9、ntioned in the 5th paragraph?A.Thin air. B. Wild animals. C.Changeable weather. D. High levels of UV radiation.Activity 2 A. I am proud of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. B. Why we built some bridges. C. While building the great railway,we managed to protectthe protect ecosystem. D.I was about to travel

10、along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. E. What was done to protect railway workers. F. What was done to protect Cuona Lake.Para. 1Para. 2Para. 3-4Para. 5Para. 6Para. 7Read the passage and match the main idea to each part.Activity 3 Activity 4 Thirty-three passagesmove safely and freely in their natural ha

11、bitatprevent damage to wetlands and grasslandsa total length of about 160 kilometresmoved to a new areaSeveral oxygen-making stationsregular breaksprotect Cuona Lakebuild a twenty-kilometre wallprotect it from construction waste After reading the passage,please fill in the following blanks. 1._(sit)

12、back in my seat,I cant quite believe that Im about to travel along the railway that many foreign experts claimed was “impossible”. The train 2._ (race) along steadily since it left Xining.I was one of the people who came from all parts of China to work 3._ this railway.When we built the great railwa

13、y, how 4._ ( protect) the ecosystem was among the top concerns.The first landmark 5._(catch) my eye is the splendid Qingshuihe Bridge,6_is the worlds longest bridge built over permmafrost.Such bridges were built to allow the animals to move safely and freely in their 7._ ( nature) habits.There are o

14、ther bridges built to prevent damage to wetlands and grasslands.To make sure that railway workers stay healthy,several oxygen-making stations 8._( construct). The railway workers also could enjoy regular breaks in lower areas. 9._ (use) thousands and thousands of sandbags, we built a long wall along

15、 Cuona Lake to protect it from construction waste. I am proud that we built our impossiblerailway in the world with 10._ care the environment deserves.Activity 5 天路天路1.Sitting back in my seat, I cant quite believe that Tmabout to travel along the railway that many foreignexperts claimed was impossib

16、le”.The train has beenracing along steadily since it left Xining.All this time,the song Sky Railway” has been playing inside myhead.The words“railways like massive dragons are winding among the mountains seem particularlyvivid as I travel across the “roof of the world.靠坐在火车的座位上,我仍然不敢相信,我将要沿着许多外国专家声称

17、“不可能建成”的铁路开始一段旅程。火车从西宁出发,向前平稳行驶。一路上,我的脑海中不断回响起天路这首歌曲。当火车开过“世界屋脊”时,“一条条巨龙翻山越岭”的歌词变得更加生动鲜活起来。2. I was one of the people who came from all partsof China to work on this railway.Taking years tocomplete, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway is a recordof all of our efforts to overcome the most difficult engineering

18、 challenges.How to protectthe delicate ecosystem was among thetop concerns.修建青藏铁路的工人来自全国各地,而我就是其中之一。它历时数年建成,凝聚着我们攻克种种工程难题的全部心血。其中,如何保护脆弱的生态系统是需要我们高度重视的问题之一。3. The first landmark to catch my eye is the splendid Qingshuihe Bridge, the worlds longestbridge built over permafrost.Look! A group ofTibetan

19、antelopes is moving under the bridge,with some stopping to eat grass at their leisure.Thirty-three passages have been built underthe railway to allow the animals to move safelyand freely in their natural habitat. Wild animalssuch as these Tibetan antelopes have now been using these passages for year

20、s.They seemtotally unaware that we are speeding past atover 100 kilometres an hour.最先映入眼帘的地标性建筑是壮观的清水河大桥,它是世界上最长的高原冻土铁路桥。看!群藏羚羊正从桥下走过,有的则停下来悠闲地吃草。铁路桥下修建了三十三条野生动物通道,让动物得以在自然栖息地中安全自由地通行。就像现在的这群藏羚羊样,野生动物们使用这些通道已有数年,它们似乎完全没有意识到我们正以每小时100多千米的速度呼啸而过。4. To prevent damage to wetands and grasslands,675 bridg

21、es with a total length of a bout 160kilometres were built between Golmud andLhasa. We even moved 140,000 square metresof wetland to a new area in order to protect itsdistinct ecosystem.为了避免破坏湿地和草原,我们在格尔木和拉萨之间建造了675座大桥,总长度约160千米。我们甚至将一块14万平方米的湿地迁往一个新的区域,以保护其独特的生态系统。5. The journey has been flying by,

22、and before I know it, we have reached Tanggula Station. Located at over 5,000 metres above sea level,this is the highest railway station in the world.In locations such as tbis, the thin air changeabieweather and high levels of UV radiationpresented perhaps the greatest challenge forrailway workers.T

23、o make sure we stayedhealthy, several oxygen-making stations wereconstructed. We were also able to enjoy regularbreaks in lower areas.火车一路疾驰,还没等我反应过来,就已经到达了唐古拉车站。它位于海拔5,000多米的地方,是世界上海拔最高的火车站。在这样的高海拔环境中,氧气稀薄,天气多变,还有强烈的紫外线辐射,这些恐怕是我们铁路工人面临的最大挑战。因此建造了多个制氧站以确保工人的身体健康,我们还会定期到低海拔地区休整。6. As we pass Cuona La

24、ke, l feel a sense ofpride and achievement.Using thousands andthousands of sandbags, we built a twenty-kilometre wall along the lake to protect itfrom construction waste.Cuona Lake is soclose to the railway that I want to reach outand touch its pale blue mirror-like surface.Water birds playing in th

25、e lake,and cattleand sheep wandering the grasslands bring thescenery to life.火车经过措那湖时,一股自豪感和成就感在我心中油然而生。当年,沿着措那湖边,我们用成千上万个沙袋筑起了一道二十千米的保护墙,使它免受建筑废料的污染。现在,措那湖离火车这么近,我好想伸出手去摸一摸它那镜面似的浅蓝色湖面。在湖面上嬉戏的水鸟,在草原上游荡的牛羊,让这片风景充满勃勃生机。7.The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has been arrahankspeoples admiration for centuries.Now,

26、 thanksto our efforts,passengers from all over the country have been enjoying these magicallandscapes.I am proud that we built our “impossible” railway, and did so with the carethat the environment deserves.It truly is anextraordinary “Sky Railway.几个世纪以来,青藏高原是无数人向往的地方。如今,由于我们的付出,来自全国各地的旅客都能亲眼观赏到这片神奇的土地。我们建成了一条“不可能建成”的铁路,并且给予当地环境充分的保护,我为此感到骄傲和自豪。青藏铁路真是一条了不起的“天路”。


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