Unit 4 Meeting the Muse Starting out ppt课件-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、教学材料:外研版高中英语新教材选修第一册教学内容:Unit 4 Meeting the Muse第一课时:Starting Out执教人: Words and Expressionsquote n. a quotation from a a quotation from a text or speechtext or speechRead after me and speak out the Chinese immediately.Muse: (in ancient Greek and Roman stories) one of the nine goddesses who encourage

2、d poetry, music and other branches of art and literature 缪斯缪斯(古希腊和罗马神话中执古希腊和罗马神话中执掌诗歌、音乐和其他文学艺术分支的九位女神之一掌诗歌、音乐和其他文学艺术分支的九位女神之一)现指现指 a person or spirit that gives a writer, painter, etc. ideas and the desire to create things (作家、画家等的作家、画家等的)灵感;创作冲动灵感;创作冲动的源泉的源泉 Make a prediction: Whats the topic of t

3、his unit?The inspiration of artists or worksWhat famous artists do you know in the world?Leonardo da Vinci (画家达芬奇画家达芬奇)Pablo Picasso (画家毕加索画家毕加索)Auguste Rodin (雕塑家罗丹雕塑家罗丹)Tan Dun(作曲家谭盾作曲家谭盾)Yang Liping(舞蹈家舞蹈家)Florentijn Hofman (视觉艺术家视觉艺术家 弗洛伦泰因弗洛伦泰因霍夫霍夫曼曼)Watch and say1. Which artist is the video ab

4、out? Which of his works are mentioned?2. What inspired the artist? Watch the video and answer the questions.P37 11. The video is about Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci. Mona Lisa and many drawings and notes of his ideas for his inventions including a parachute(降落伞降落伞), a form of helicopter and a str

5、ange flying machine with flapping(挥动挥动 的的) wings.2. The natural world, such as birds and their mysterious power of flight.Look at the pictures and read the Look at the pictures and read the quotes. Answer the questions.quotes. Answer the questions.1. What do you know about these people?P37 2Richard

6、Wagner was a world-famous German composer; Mo Yan is the first Chinese writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature; Auguste Rodin was a world-famous French sculptor; Pablo Picasso was a world-famous Spanish painter. Richard Wagner was a German composer (作曲家作曲家) best known for his operas(歌剧歌剧). Wagne

7、r began learning the piano when he was very young, and was soon able to write musical compositions. Wagners music is renowned(闻名的闻名的) for its complex nature, its harmonies and the way in which individual characters, places, ideas or plot elements in his operas are associated with musical themes.理查德理

8、查德 瓦格纳瓦格纳(1813-1883)爱情的禁令爱情的禁令(Das Liebesverbot)漂泊的荷兰人漂泊的荷兰人(The Flying Dutchman)三幕歌剧三幕歌剧 仙女仙女(Die Feen)尼伯龙根指环尼伯龙根指环(Der Ring des Nibelungen)Richard Wagners representative works(代表作代表作) 奥古斯特奥古斯特 罗丹罗丹(1840-1917) Auguste Rodin was a French artist, whose work had a great influence on modern art. His mo

9、st original sculptures are of the human body. They show realism and celebrate characteristics of the individual. Rodins first original human sculpture was inspired by a visit to Italy in 1875. Later he explored his personal style and gained his reputation as a sculptor at the age of 40. Today, Rodin

10、 remains one of the few sculptors widely known worldwide.思想者思想者(The Thinker)吻吻(The Kiss)手手(The Hand)地狱之门地狱之门(The Gates of Hell) 行走的人行走的人(The Walking Man)塌鼻男人塌鼻男人(The Man with the Broken Nose)Auguste Rodins representative works(代表作代表作) 莫言莫言 Mo Yan was born in Gaomi, Shandong Province. He is a novelis

11、t and short story writer. He is well-known for his imaginative and humanistic fiction. In 2011, Mo Yan received the Mao Dun Literature Prize(茅盾文学奖茅盾文学奖). In 2012, Mo Yan became the first Chinese writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature(诺诺贝尔文学奖贝尔文学奖). His writing often uses older Chinese li

12、terature and popular oral traditions as a starting point, combining these with contemporary(当代的当代的) social issues.Mo Yans representative works(代表作代表作) Red SorghumFrog Life and Death Are Wearing Me OutSandalwood DeathBig Breasts and Wide HipsThe Republic of WinePablo Picasso was one of the most influ

13、ential artists of the 20th century. Born in Spain, Picassos artistic talent was evident from a very early age. His works are often categorised into periods, for example the Blue Period and the Rose Period. Among his most famous paintings is the cubist(立体派的;立体主义的立体派的;立体主义的). Picassos later works ofte

14、n combined elements of his earlier styles.巴勃罗巴勃罗 毕加索毕加索(1881-1973)亚威农少女亚威农少女Les Demoiselles dAvignon格尔尼卡格尔尼卡Guernica 哭泣的女人哭泣的女人The Weeping Woman人生人生La Vie拿烟斗的男孩拿烟斗的男孩garon la pipePablo Picassos representative works(代表作代表作) 2. What is your understanding of the words “imagination”, “inspiration” and “

15、rediscover ”? How do they help your understanding of the quotes?imagination: the ability to form pictures in the mind 想象力想象力inspiration: someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something. 给人以灵感的人(或物)给人以灵感的人(或物) rediscover: to find something or someone again after losing or forgetting about it, him, or her for a long time 再发现;重新发现;重新找到再发现;重新发现;重新找到 Share your ideas:I agree withmost, becauseI agree withleast,because3.Which quote do you most or least agree with? Give your reasons.Talk in pairs1. Find more information about artists.2. Preview What inspires you? on pages 38-40.H


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