Unit 1 Words and expressions ppt课件-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册高一下学期.pptx

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1、选择性必修选择性必修1 1words and expressions1mood n. 心情,心境心情,心境 moody adj. 情绪多变的,喜怒无常的情绪多变的,喜怒无常的 be in a good/bad mood 心情不错心情不错/心情不好心情不好 be in the mood for sth./ to do sth. 有心情做有心情做 be not in the mood for sth./ to do sth. 没心情做没心情做 = be in no mood for sth./ to do sth. 一句多译一句多译我没有心情去兜风。我没有心情去兜风。Im not in the m

2、ood _.Im not in the mood _.for a rideto go for a rideIm not in the mood for a long discussion about this.我不想耗费太多时间讨论这个问题。He was in no mood to celebrate.他没心情庆祝。She was obviously in a mood.她显然心情不佳。First set the mood with music.首先,用音乐营造气氛。2amusement n. 娱乐,amuse v. 逗笑,逗乐amused adj. 被逗乐的 amusing adj. 有趣的

3、,逗人笑的 amuse yourself with sth用某物自娱自乐 amuse yourself by doing sth通过做某事来自娱课堂巩固 The film can really _ everybody since it is so _ and everyone is _. Watching it is undoubtedly an _. amuseamusingamusedamusement3entertain v. 招待,款待;使快乐 entertain sb. 招待某人; 使某人快乐 entertain sb. as 把某人作为款待 entertain sb. with 用

4、款待某人 entertain oneself (with) 以.自娱填空 1. I like to entertain friends _ music and refreshments at home. 我喜欢在家里用音乐和茶点招待朋友。2. Mr. Li entertained the stranger _ an old friend. 李先生把这个陌生人当成一位老朋友款待。withas选词填空 entertain, entertainment, entertainerCircus is a sort of _ where you will see many professional _ _

5、 the audience.entertainmententertainersentertaining4impress v. 使印象深刻impress sb. with sth. 用使某人印象深刻 be impressed with/by sth. 对印象深刻impress sth. on/upon sb. 使某人铭/明白的重要性leave/make/create/give a/an adj. impression on sb. 给某人留下的印象 填空 1. The manager impressed _ the employee the importance of his work. 2.

6、The girl impressed her friends _ liveliness and humor.We were deeply impressed _ his deeds.The new employer made a reliable impression _ the staff.onwithwith/byon选词填空 impress, impression, impressed, impressingMy first _ of London was amazing. The whole city _ me with its beauty and vigor. River Tham

7、es, in particular, left a deep _ on me. Totally _ with this _ city, I hope to visit it again.impressionimpressedimpressionimpressedimpressing5deserve vt. 值得, 应受到 deserve sth. 值得/应受到 You deserve a better job. deserve to do sth. 值得做某事 Those who work deserve to eat. deserve to be done 值得/应被 = deserve d

8、oing The man deserves to be punished./ punishing.填空 1. They didnt deserve _(win). 他们不该赢。 2. This cruel man deserve _ (send) to prison. 这个残忍的人应当被送进监狱。to winto be sent/sending6spot n.场所,地点;斑点,污点on the spot 在现场,当场The question put me on the spot. 这问题当场就把我难住了。spot v. 使产生污渍,玷污;看见,发现, 注意到 spottedspot/find

9、sb. doing sth. 发现某人正在做某 be spotted/found doing sth. 被发现正在做某事写出下列句子中spot的含义 1. His boots were spotted with mud. _She spotted her friend in the crowd。 _This is the spot where the two trucks crashed._使产生污渍看见地点7.conclude vt.& vi. 结束,终止;推断;议定结束,终止;推断;议定What do you conclude from that?你能从中推断出什么?你能从中推断出什么?S

10、o what can we conclude from this debate?那么我们从这次那么我们从这次辩论中可以得出什么结论辩论中可以得出什么结论The concert concluded with the National Anthem.音乐会以演奏国歌结束。音乐会以演奏国歌结束。Larry had concluded that he had no choice but to accept Pauls words as the truth.拉里断定自己别无选择,只能当保罗的话是真的。拉里断定自己别无选择,只能当保罗的话是真的。Conclusion n. 结论;结局;推论结论;结局;推论

11、reach a conclusion得出结论得出结论draw a conclusion下结论;得出结论下结论;得出结论come to the conclusion that 得到的结论是得到的结论是Its too early to draw any conclusions.现在下结论还为时过早现在下结论还为时过早Over the years Ive come to the conclusion that shes a very great musician.这些年来,我得出的结论是她是一个非常了不起的音乐这些年来,我得出的结论是她是一个非常了不起的音乐家。家。in conclusion 最后总

12、之最后总之jump to a conclusion贸然下结论;草率断定贸然下结论;草率断定In conclusion, I would like to wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year.最后,我祝大家新年幸福、兴旺发达。最后,我祝大家新年幸福、兴旺发达。Forgive me. I shouldnt be jumping to conclusions.原谅我吧,我不应该妄下结论。原谅我吧,我不应该妄下结论。8remark v. 谈论;注意到,发觉谈论;注意到,发觉 n. 评论,评论,意见,注意意见,注意I remarked the unpl

13、easant smell as soon as I entered the house.我一进屋就发觉了那股怪味。我一进屋就发觉了那股怪味。This is nothing worthy of remark.这不是什么值得注意的事。这不是什么值得注意的事。9. employ vt. 雇用;使用,利用雇用;使用,利用n. 受雇;服务;工作受雇;服务;工作 be employed in sth受雇于受雇于be employed in doing sth忙于做某事忙于做某事be employed as sth被雇为被雇为 be employed to do sth受雇做某事受雇做某事 employ y

14、our time doing sth | to employ your time in doing sth花费时间做某事花费时间做某事The factory employs 600 people.这家工厂雇用了600人。More than 3,000 local workers are employed in the tourism industry.3,000多名当地从业者就职于旅游业。She is employed as headmistress at a Brisbane girls school.她被聘为布里斯班一所女子学校的校长。I have employed my time sin

15、ce breakfast writing to Mother.我利用早餐以后的时间给母亲写信。Your time could be usefully employed in attending to professional matters.你可以有效地利用时间处理一些专业问题。10.Essential adj. 基本的;必要的;本质的;精华的基本的;必要的;本质的;精华的n. 必需品必需品;基本要素;必不可少的东西;基本要素;必不可少的东西it is essential to do sth做某事是必要的做某事是必要的it is essential that 必须必须;有必要;有必要Its e

16、ssential to bring warm clothes.有必要带些厚衣服。有必要带些厚衣服。It is essential that you take legal advice.有必要听取法律建议。有必要听取法律建议。Accuracy is essential.精确性至关重要。精确性至关重要。11. play a practical joke on sb.对某人搞恶作剧;捉弄某人对某人搞恶作剧;捉弄某人,They used to play practical jokes on visitors.(他们过去常他们过去常常捉弄游客。常捉弄游客。)12.fame n.名声;名望名声;名望 vt

17、.使出名使出名rise to fame成名;声名鹊起成名;声名鹊起at the height of sbs fame正当某人名声如日中天之时;某正当某人名声如日中天之时;某人最当红之时人最当红之时pose vt. 组成,构成;调解;组成,构成;调解;印刷印刷排(字);使安定排(字);使安定 vt.& vi. 创作(乐曲、诗歌等);为创作(乐曲、诗歌等);为谱曲谱曲 Vivaldi composed a large number of very fine concertos.维瓦尔第创作了很多优美的协奏曲。维瓦尔第创作了很多优美的协奏曲。I spent the morning composing

18、 a letter of apology to Frank.我花了一个早上的时间给弗兰克写道歉信。我花了一个早上的时间给弗兰克写道歉信。She quickly composed herself as the car started off.汽车启汽车启动后,她迅速平静了下来。动后,她迅速平静了下来。be composed of sth由某物组成由某物组成=be made up of =consist ofThe force would be composed of troops from NATO countries.部队将由来自北大西洋公约组织成员国的军队组成。部队将由来自北大西洋公约组织成

19、员国的军队组成。14.fall behind v.落下;倒下;来临落下;倒下;来临 n.秋天;落下;瀑布秋天;落下;瀑布 fall behind sb/sth落后于;不能按时完成落后于;不能按时完成He missed school and fell behind.他因未去上学把功课落他因未去上学把功课落下了。下了。He faces losing his home after falling behind with his mortgage payments.他没能按时还按揭贷款,面临着失去房子的危险。他没能按时还按揭贷款,面临着失去房子的危险。Boris is falling behind a

20、ll the top players.鲍里斯落后于所鲍里斯落后于所有顶级选手。有顶级选手。Construction work fell behind schedule.建筑进度落后于工建筑进度落后于工期。期。15.Whisper vt. 低声说;私语;密谈低声说;私语;密谈n. 低语,耳语;飒飒声;低语,耳语;飒飒声;He whispered something, but I couldnt hear it.他他低声地说了些什么,可是我听不见。低声地说了些什么,可是我听不见。Keep your voice down, I whispered.“小声点儿。小声点儿。”我轻声说。我轻声说。She

21、whispered his name.她悄声说出了他的名字。她悄声说出了他的名字。to whisper sth to sb悄声把某事告诉某人悄声把某事告诉某人He whispered the message to David.他悄声把这他悄声把这个消息告诉了戴维。个消息告诉了戴维。 练习题1. His m_ change quickly.2. Yesterday the firemen e_ the ground carefully, but were not able to find any broken glass.3. It is e_ that we should take immed

22、iate actions.4. That accident i_ on me the necessity of traffic regulations.5. These people d_ our help.6. You should warn your kid not to get close to that dangerous s_.7. She r_ that wed better solve the problem as soon as possible.oodsxaminedssentialmpressedeservepotemarked选词填空选词填空mood, amusement

23、, entertain, employer, essential, deserve, remark, whisper, interaction, put sb. on the spot.1.Lily rather _ the boss _by asking him when he was going to give us a pay-rise.2.You _ a reward for being so helpful.3.I would never choose to watch cricket as an _.4.There should be a lot more _ between th

24、e social services and local doctors.5.I like to _ friends with music and refreshments at home.6.I had neve seen Ann in such a good _ before.7.Concentration is _ if you want to do a good job.8.He sued his _ for wrongful dismissal.9.They made rude _ about her appearance.10. The children were _ in the corner.put on the spotdeserveamusementinteractionsentertainmoodessentialemployerremarkswhispering HomeworkGrasp the words and phrasesFinish the test paper


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