Unit 5 基础检测综合复习-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册.docx

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1、选择性必修三Unit5基础检测Starting out understanding ides I.根据句意及括号内的汉语提示,用单词的适当形式补全句子。1.In the beginning, we wanted to build a temple on top of that grassy _(土丘),but later we changed our mind,2.Jim is a naughty boy and he is always_ (模仿)Miss Li in class, making her quite angry.3.Although _ (白蚁)are small insec

2、ts, they can destroy large buildings.4.Look!The_ (瓦片)are so dirty, so lets clean them this afternoon, shall we?分析所给句子中划线部分的结构,并根据汉语意思进行仿写。1.In fact, we are so used to them that we may even take them for granted without realising.(P50)Jenny的哥哥经常帮助她,但她却认为她哥哥的帮助是理所应当的。_2.it wasnt the umbrella that insp

3、ired the flower or the roof that inspired the pine cone.(P50)事实上,并不是我的妈妈惩罚了我,或者我的老师批评了我;我只是心情不好。_3. Visitors are often amazed to find themselves in an urban building.(P51)游客们惊奇地发现自己置身于一片广袤的花海之中。_4.The building therefore not only responds to.,but also reduces damage to.(P51)我周末不仅会做一些志愿工作,而且会为家人做一顿饭。_

4、III.从方框中选择合适的单词并用其适当形式补全短文,其中有两项多余。convert; algae; lotus; superb; waterfront; dioxide; architect; plumbingAlthough we may take trees, plants and flowers for granted without realising howmuch inspiration they have given us, nature indeed has inspired many famous designsin architecture. Today,(1) _con

5、tinue to take inspiration from nature. People who are interested in exploring the relationship between art and science may enjoy Singapores ArtScience Museum. The museum resembles a(n)(2) _ flower, and appears to float above the (3) _ promenade and the water that surrounds it. The rainwater collecte

6、d by its roof is recycled through the buildings (4) _ system. The museum truly captures the beauty of natural forms.Harares Eastgate Centre is a(n)(5) _ example of biomimicry. Inspired by the way that termites construct their nests, Mick Pearce created the Centre. Thanks to its special design, the b

7、uilding uses less energy and costs less to run.The worlds first algae-powered building is in Hamburg, Germany. The surface of the apartment building is covered in panels containing algae. The panels can capture heat from the sun and(6) _ it into energy that powers the building. The algae inside the

8、panels can be harvested and used to produce fuel.Section2 Using language1.结合括号内的提示,写出下列汉语句子的英文表达。1.对青蛙来说,没有什么地方比池塘更舒服的了。(nowhere; pond)_2.你应该自己寻求解决问题的方法,而不是等别人来帮助你。(be supposed to do sth;seek solutions to)_3.一天,Jackson从蜘蛛身上获得灵感,成功地解决了那个项目中的难题。(take inspiration from; spider; succeed in doing sth)_4.R

9、obert是一个有着大智慧的人,他利用自己的智慧在那次可怕的火灾中存活了下来。(wisdom; with which)_根据语境用括号内所给词语的适当形式补全短文。Hello, everyone. Im Mary, a middle-aged woman with two kids. Im glad to be hereto share my daily life with you. I usually get up at around 6 oclock in the morning and after (1) _ (get up),I usually spend half an hour(2

10、) _ (take) exercise outdoors, which makes me feel energetic. Then I will prepare breakfast for my family and at around 7:30 am, well have breakfast together. Im very (3) _ (satisfy)when my kids say that they like the dishes I make.After breakfast, I will drive to work. Although I have morning meetin

11、gs every day. I try (4)_ (keep)them short and to the point so as not to waste everyones time. In the afternoon, I usually stay in my office, doing lots of paperwork or working on my computer. On my way home after work, I enjoy (5) _ (listen to)some music while driving. Aftera days work, I usually fe

12、el very tired, but I prefer to cook by myself because (6) _(prepare)dinner for the whole family is a great pleasure for me.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。As the Northem Hemisphere(半球)moves deeper into autumn, the daylight hours get(1) _ (short)and the weather gets colder. But does this mean that th

13、e gardening season is ending? Well, not so fast.Lee Reich is a gardener who writes for The Associated Press. He(2) _ (share)his thoughts on growing plants at home last year. One day in the middle of last October, Reich was cleaning up his garden in northern New York State (3) _he heard a weather rep

14、ort on the radio. The announcer warned that freezing temperatures were coming, whichwould put an end(4) _the gardening season. The weather reporter may know about weather conditions,(5) _ he is not a gardener, said Reich. To Reich, colder weather doesnt mean (6) _ (end)the gardening activity. He adm

15、its that his more tendervegetables and flowering plants will freeze to (7) _ (die)when temperaturesdrop to 1.6 degrees Celsius. However in his story, Reich writes that even in the late autumn, there are still leaves on the trees(8) _ (turn)red, yellow and orange. His butterfly bush is still producin

16、g(9) _ (flower).Therefore, Reich believes colder weather doesnt (10) _ (real)mean that the garden should look empty and dead. Section 3 Developing ideas -Presenting ideasI.根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式补全句子。1.When I asked Tom whether he had finished his report, he shook his head slowly and_ (deliberate)2. _ (eva

17、luate)the price of the old house, Mr Smith asked several questions about its history.3.After the performance, Alice _ (bow)to the audience and left thestage elegantly.4.What made me angry was that Jim_ (depart)for London last night without telling anyone.5.To be honest, I felt _ (reject)when I visit

18、ed the Smiths forthe first time根据语境及括号内的汉语提示补全对话。N=Nancy P=PeterN:Who is your favourite Chinese poet, Peter?P:TaoYuanming.Actually,(1)_(他是中国最伟大的诗人之一)N:Oh,I know him.He is described as a poet of fields and gardens, who spent much of his time in the countryside,(2) _(种田,读书,喝酒以及写诗)P:Youre right. I like

19、 his poems very much. Every time I read them, I feelas if I were surrounded by the beautiful scenery. N:But do you know why he was called a recluse?P:Well,at that time, Mr Tao was dissatisfied with his life at court, so he quit the service of the court for good. And in order to live a peaceful life,

20、(3) _ _ _ _ (他从城市生活中抽身而退)and moved to the countryside.N:I guess(4) _ _ _ _ (他那样做需要相当大的勇气)P:I think so,but (5) _ _ _ (他有权利选择他想要的生活)参考答案:Section 1I.1.mound2.mimicking3.termites4.tilesII.1.Jennys brother often helps her, but she just takes her brothers help for granted.2.In fact.it wasnt my mother that

21、 punished me or my teacher that criticized me; Im just in a bad mood.3.The tourists were amazed to find themselves in the middle of a vast sea of flowers.4.I not only do some voluntary work on the weekend, but also cook a meal for my family.III.1.architects 2.lotus 3.waterfront 4.plumbing 5.superb 6

22、.convertSection 2I.1.For frogs, nowhere is more comfortable than the pond.2.Youre supposed to seek solutions to the problem by yourself rather than wait for someone to help you.3.One day, Jackson took inspiration from spiders and succeeded in solving the difficult problem in that project.4.Robert is

23、 a man of great wisdom, with which he survived that terrible fire.II.1.getting up 2.taking 3.satisfied 4.to keep 5.listening to 6.preparingIII.1.shorter2.shared3.when4.to5.but6.ending7.death8.turning9.flowers10.reallySection 3I.1.deliberately2.To evaluate3.bowed4.departed5.rejectedII.1.he was one of Chinas greatest poets2.farming,reading.drinking wine and writing poems3.he withdrew from the city life4.it took him considerable courage to do so5.he had the right to choose the life he wanted学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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