(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册Unit 3 Ddeveloping ideas Lianda a place of passion belief and commitment ppt课件.pptx.rar

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  • (2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册Unit 3 Ddeveloping ideas Lianda a place of passion belief and commitment ppt课件.pptx--点击预览


LIANDA A Place of Passion, Belief and CommitmentDeveloping ideasWhat s the definition of “war”?Real war is never romantic as it brings suffering and immense challenges. For most of the great thinkers, their academic struggles have often been romantically referred as being like “war”, which has been purely symbolic.The formation of Lianda.The three universities joined together in Kunming as National Southwest Associated University, otherwise known as Lianda.timeIn 1937.backgroundthe aggression of the Japanese army Universities involvedChinas three great universities: Peking University and Tsinghua University were occupied by Japanese troops, while Nankai University was completely destroyed by bombing.aimTo save their educational and intellectual heritagefounding南开大学校长张伯苓清华大学校长梅贻琦北京大学校长蒋梦麟The hardships the professors and students suffered from They made an epic journey over a distance of more than 2000 kilometres , most of them on foot.journey“中国教育史上最伟大的长征”Their bed was the dusty road and their roof was the open sky, often lit up by exploding Japanese bombs.Conditions were little better once they reached the remote and mountainous south-west part of China. They had to live in rough buildings, packed 40 to a room, like sardines. conditions There were dire shortages of food, books, and equipment. Furthermore, classes were frequently disrupted due to fierce air attacks and often had to be held before 10 am and after 4 pm.Life and studyLinda has nurtured many outstanding scholarsSome of the prominent professors :陈寅恪,吴有训,梁思成,金岳霖,王 力,朱自清,冯友兰,沈从文,闻一多,钱 穆,钱钟书,周培源,费孝通,华罗庚,朱光潜,赵九章,林徽因,吴 晗,张奚若,卞之琳,李宪之,梅贻琦,张伯苓,刘文典,穆 旦,赵以炳, 徐志摩等。 Despite the immense hardships and the daunting challenges, it was right in this place, over a period of eight long years, that the nations intellectual heritage was not only guarded but fortified by the passion and belief of the worthy academics of Linda .1938年,西南联大部分教授合影,左起周培源、梁思成、陈岱孙、林徽因、金岳霖、吴有训梅贻琦有句名言:“所谓大学,非谓有大楼之谓也,有大师之谓也。” 联大无大楼,但有“大师”,终成大学之“大”。人们用“破破烂烂却精神抖擞”形容西南联大。“ Lianda laid the foundation for every achievement I have made . On windy days, we had to hold down the paper on the desk, which would otherwise be blown away.” Yang recalled.Many of Chinas leading scholars and scientists emerged at Lianda, including the two Nobel Prize-winning physicists, Yang Zhenning(杨振宁) and Li Zhengdao(李政道).一所只存在了8年的学校毕业学生3300余人但走出了2位诺贝尔奖获得者4位国家最高科学技术奖获得者8位两弹一星功勋奖章获得者171位两院院士及100多位人文大师The contribution of Lianda to China at war A great many students at Lianda joined the army to resist the Japanese invaders and defend the honour of the nation. In fact, Lianda provided the largest number of student-soldiers from any campus in China. Of the thousands of college students from all over China who served as interpreters, one tenth were from Liada, including the well-known translators Zha Liangzheng (查良铮)and Xu Yuanchong(许渊冲). 好的译者不仅仅是文字的转换者,他们的文字本身也是智慧的结晶。他们为我们打开了一扇扇窗户,去感受另一种文化,带我们进入另一个时空。“因为他,我们遇见了包法利夫人,遇见了于连,遇见了李尔王;也因为他,西方世界遇见了李白、杜甫,遇见了崔莺莺、杜丽娘。” -董卿 朗读者 许先生从事文学翻译工作长达六十多年,在国内外出版中、英、法文著译数本,包括诗经楚辞李白诗选西厢记红与黑包法利夫人追忆似水年华等中外名著,被誉为“诗译英法唯一人”。 查良铮是穆旦先生的本名,于1940毕业于西南联大外文系。他有个叔伯兄弟叫查良镛,也就是大名鼎鼎的武侠小说家金庸。 作为诗人的穆旦现在被推为现代诗歌第一人,一首哀国难惊醒了无数同胞。 从 1954 年开始,他用业余时间进行诗歌翻译工作并署名查良铮,翻译了普希金、济慈、雪莱等诗人经典作品,并被认为是“迄今为止中国诗歌翻译史成就最大的一人”。Softly, on the hillside forgotten by all,A misty rain falls in a gentle breeze;There is no trace of the footprints of history;Where brave souls once stood, breathing new life into the trees.The spirit of Lianda A product of the war, Lianda is now physically gone. But it has become the crowning glory of Chinas modern universities, not only because of it s prominent professors and talented students, but also because of the schools strong spirit of perseverance and dedication.People today still admire the spirit of Lianda More than eighty years on, the priceless contribution of Lianda still needs to be reaffirmed. It has become part of the collective memory of the Chinese nation, with its spirit as the blueprint for all universities in China in the modern era.Choose the ideas that are conveyed in the passage. Find evidence to support your choices.2, 4, 61 Lianda was the best university in Chinese history.2 The story of Lianda shows Chinese intellectuals academic pursuit and patriotism.3 Only under difficult circumstances can students succeed.4 Lianda has nurtured many outstanding scholars.5 Lianda was a great success only because it had prominent professors and talented students.6 People today still admire the spirit of Lianda. Similes and metaphors are two commonly used, but easy to confuse, figures of speech. Similes compare and show similarities in typically different things. Similes usually use connecting words such as like, as , so and resemble. For example, He is as cool a s a cucumber. Unlike similes, metaphors make direct comparisons without using connecting words. For example, She has a heart of a lion.Learning to learnFind out what figures of speech are used in the sentences and discuss how they help to express the authors emotions.1 Their bed was the dusty road and their roof was the open sky, 2 They had to live in rough buildings, packed 40 to a room, like sardines.Think & Share1 What difficulties did the professors and students of Lianda encounter? How did they deal with these?1 They had to travel a long distance to reach Lianda. Throughout the journey, they had no accommodation and had to survive extreme conditions. Also, the conditions in Lianda itself were very harsh. They did not have enough food and studied in rough buildings. Furthermore, their study was often interrupted by air attacks. They had to adapt to these challenges, for instance, by holding their classes when they were not likely to be bombed.2 What contribution did Lianda make to the education of the nation?3 In what ways is the theme of war and peace presented differently in the two reading passages in this unit?2 Many of Chinas leading scholars and scientists came from Lianda, including two Nobel Prize winners. Lianda s spirit has become the blueprint for all universities in China in the modern era.3 The passage on the D-Day landings focuses on war as a military operation, and on how dead soldiers are memorialised. The passage on Lianda focuses on how war affected Chinas students and academics, and how they were able to achieve excellence in spite of the great difficulties.1.What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?A. Lianda has nurtured many outstanding scholars.B. Lianda has become a base for Nobel Prize.C. Lianda has survived immense challenges.D. Lianda has become intellectual heritage.2.What does Zhas poem reflect?A. The romantically academic struggles.B. The honour of fighting for the nation.C. The difficulty of interpreters in the war.D. The contributions of Lianda students made.Reading comprehension3.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?A. Famous professors made Lianda successful.B. People today still admire the spirit of Lianda.C. The contribution of Lianda is ignored by people.D. Lianda is a model for all the modern universities. Due to the aggression of the Japanese army in 1937,Peking University , Tsinghua University and Nankai University 1. (join) together in Kunming as National Southwest Associated University, otherwise 2. (know)as Lianda. Both professors and students walked more than 2,000 kilometres as Japanese bombs fell on the way . Though conditions were little 3. (good) once they reached the remote and mountainous southwest part of China , they were faced with lack of food , books and equipment and sometimes air attacks.joined knownbetter直击高考 In spite of the immense hardships and the daunting challenges,4. nations intellectual heritage was not only guarded but fortified 5. the passion and belief of the worthy academics of Lianda.With a sense of commitment , a great many joined the army 6. (fight) against the Japanese invaders . One tenth of the thousands of college students from all over China who served as 7. (interpret) were from Lianda. Though Lianda is now 8. (physical) gone, it has become the crowning glory of Chinas modern universities because of its prominent professors and 9. (talent) students and its strong spirit of perseverance and dedication . More than eighty years later , the 10. (contribute) of Lianda is still valuable.thebyto fightinterpretersphysicallytalentedcontributionComplete the diagram with your ideas and the examples that support them.Give your talk to the class.Writing about a war heroRead the introduction to Yang Jingyu and answer the questions.1 Who was Yang Jingyu?2 Why did Yang decide to let small groups of his men break through the encirclement?3 What did the Japanese find when they killed Yang?Yang Jingyu was an anti-Japanese hero, who died in a fight against Japanese troops.Because at that time there was a critical lack of supplies.They found only tree bark, cotton and grass roots, instead of rice in his stomach.Work in groups. Talk about other war heroes and choose one to write about.Organise your ideas by completing notes below. Do more research if necessary.Now write an introduction to the war hero you chose.参考范文 Dong Cunrui was born into a poor peasant family in Huailai County, Hebei Province on 15 October 1929. In 1945 he joined the Eighth Route Army and in March 1947 he joined the Communist Party of China. On 25 May 1948, the battle for the liberation of Longhua began, and the soldiers of the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) flooded towards Longhua Middle School, the headquarters of the enemy. Six jets of fire from a bridge blocked the path of the PLA troops. The bridge was a fortress built by the enemy, and the PLA troops were stuck under a small slope. At the critical moment, they needed a soldier to blow up the bridge and open a new road for the whole army. “Captain, let me blow it up!” Dong Cunrui said, and his request was granted. Under the cover of another soldier, he rushed to the bridge, but could not find a place to put the explosives. Dong Cunrui then lifted the explosives in his left hand, lit the blasting fuse and blew up the enemys fortress. In doing so, he died a hero. The story of Dong Cunrui, who gave his life to create a way forward, has been told all over China until today, and has inspired thousands of young people to make sacrifices in defence of our countrys and peoples interests. LIANDA: A Place of Passion, Belief and Commitment
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