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  • (2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册高二上学期期末(下学期期初)考试英语试题
    • 天津市部分区2021-2022学年高二上学期期末(下学期期初)考试英语试题.docx--点击预览
    • 高二英语答案.pdf--点击预览


学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司高二英语参考答案高二英语参考答案第第 1 1 页页(共共 3 3 页页)2022021 12022022 2 学年度第一学期期末考试学年度第一学期期末考试高二英语参考答案高二英语参考答案听力听力:1-5 BCCBA6-10 CBCAA11-15BBACA单选:单选:16-20 ABDCD21-25 ABCDB26-30 CBCAD完型:完型:31-35 DABCD36-40 ACBCD41-45ABDCA46-50 CBABD阅读:阅读:A 篇篇 51-55 ACBDCB 篇篇 56-60 BADCBC 篇篇 61-65 DAABD阅读表达阅读表达66. Because she wanted to ask the man if he needed a free haircut.Or: To ask the man if he needed/ wanted a free haircut.67. He told them his experiences about his life.68. He felt good/glad/ happy/ excited/ pleased.69. The way you act / work/ appear / behave in the world makes a difference.Or: How you act / work/ appear / behave in the world is important.70. Open71. 书面表达书面表达When it comes to the person I respect most, I would say my father, a senior highschool teacher, is the one without hesitation.To begin with, it is his devotion to his students and the sense of responsibility thatmake all his students admire him. Besides, He is so humorous that he brings sunshine tothe people around him. More importantly, when I come across problems, he will listen tome patiently and encourage me to get over the difficulties bravely.Without his love and encouragement, I wouldnt have accomplished my goals. Myfather is such an admirable and respectable person that I will model myself after him andbe a person like him.高二英语参考答案高二英语参考答案第第 2 2 页页(共共 3 3 页页)听力稿听力稿Text 1M: May I help you?W: Yes. Do you have these shoes in size 7?M: Im not sure. Let me have a look.W: Thanks. Id like to try on a pair if you have them.Text 2M: Professor White asked me to go to his office after class. So I cant go to the theater at 6:00.W: Dont worry. We can go and see the movie tomorrow.Text 3M: Happy birthday, honey!W: Wow, so beautiful! Thank you. Youre always so sweet.M: Well, I wanted to buy you a fruit cake and some apple pies from Collin Street Bakery, buttheyre all sold out, so I bought you these flowers.Text 4M: What do you think of the blue shirt, Mary?W:Actually, I prefer the white one with the yellow buttons.Text 5M: Are you going anywhere for Christmas?W: I thought about going to my sisters in New York. How about you?M: Ill probably just stay at home.Text 6M: Have you ever been to Beijing before, Kate?W: Of course, a couple of times.M: Great. Can you tell me something about the city? I dont know anything about the city. Mywife and I are planning a trip to Beijing.W: Well, then, you really ought to go in autumn. The weather is perfect at that time of the year.M: But we dont speak Chinese.W: You dont have to worry about that.A lot of people speak English in China.M: Are three days enough to see most of the city?W: Three days? To really appreciate the city you should stay for a week.高二英语参考答案高二英语参考答案第第 3 3 页页(共共 3 3 页页)Text7W: Uh, Mike? What are you doing? Its already 7:30.M: Im thinking. I need a big change. Im going to get a haircut.W: Oh. Thats a really big change.M: A haircut is just the beginning. Im going to give up some of my bad habits, too.W: Uh-huh. How is it possible?M: Im not kidding! I really want to change. And when Im rich and famous.W: Really? Oh, I remember, youre going to become a famous race car driver.M: No. That was last week.W: Youre going to be a rock star?M: No way! I cant sing. Im going to write a book that sells a million copies.W: That sounds great. So whats it going to be about?M: I dont know yet. But I know it starts with a guy who wants to get a haircut. And then maybehe becomes a super cool movie star or.W: I really cant stand those daydreams(白日梦) any more. Maybe I need a change first.Get out of bed now or you need me to get you out?Text 8After you enter high school, many of your old friends go to different schools. You maywant to make some new friends. Here are some tips.First, you can join clubs. In big high schools, this is the easiest way to meet new people.You have a common goal and it is a great way to find people who have the same hobbies andinterests as you. So if you are looking for a new friend, join a club in your school.Second, join a sports club or fine arts. Sports are a great way to meet people and your teamwill become a family. If you are not quite good at sports, you can join the fine arts such asdrama, speech, debate, yearbook, newspaper and band. Doing so can help you make somevery good friends. Believe me; many students join them because they want to make new friends.Third, get a part-time job. Working in high school will also be a great way to meetpeople. Some students like making friends with those who like making money on their own.
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