Unit 3Times change! 分层训练-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第二册高三一轮复习.docx

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1、Unit 3Times change!【基础训练】.单句语法填空12020新高考全国卷 Historical accuracy is important but so is entertainment.Museums must compete _ peoples spare time and money with other amusements.22020浙江卷It is not my _ (intend) to point out the central theme of each of the plays in this collection, for that would, indee

2、d, ruin the pleasure of reading, discussing, and thinking about the plays and the effectiveness of the playwright.32020全国卷On Thursday in an article published in Cell, a team _ researchers reported a new kind of adaptationnot to air or to food, but to the ocean.42020天津卷He _ (convince) the police depa

3、rtment to allow him to set up a couple of “chat benches” in two of their local parks.52020江苏卷There are no more continents and no more moons to search _, little left to discover.At least it seems that way.6I am only able to glance at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very _ (dust) windows.

4、7In contract to convenient food, my grandmother prefers handmade, local and _ (organ) food.8They were in _ (compete) with each other for the host city and as a consequence, London won.9Every time she drops _ on the elderly, they will have a facetoface talk intimately.10Ladies and gentlemen, please r

5、emain _ (seat) until the plane has come to a complete stop.连词成句focus on, due to, search for, at the touch of, in different categories, occur to, instead of, expand upon, replace with, have an advantage over1A helicopter with heatseeking equipment has been called in to help _ a missing man.2Are there

6、 new thoughts you are willing to _ the old ones? 3Unfortunately, _ unforeseen circumstances, this years show has been canceled. 4The windows slide down _ a button, which is very convenient to old people. 5The president used todays speech to _ remarks he made last month.6Emojis used in messages come

7、_, such as plants and animals, food and drink and so on.7_ being jealous of those who are more excellent than us, we should learn from them. 8If you have a good command of english and computer skills, you will surely _ others in finding a job.9Dont bother about those trifles. You should _ your study

8、.10It _ him that he had forgotten to take his briefcase.语篇语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The day I heard that the Rainbow Bookstore was closing after 50 years of business, I was heartbroken. The bookstore was a place 1._ anyone could drop in and connect through their love of books.I hurried to

9、the store and had a long chat 2._ Casey, the stores elderly owner. 3._ (sigh) deeply, he told me how it was becoming difficult 4._ (run) an independent bookstore. Most young people preferred 5._ (read) ebooks on tablets. Childhood memories came back to me so clearly, as if the events 6._ (happen) on

10、ly yesterday.A few months later, I was 7._ (surprise) to see that the Rainbow Bookstore was still there and open for business. 8._ (clear), the Rainbow Bookstore was in good, creative hands.I joined Casey, who was looking up at the screen on which readers comments kept popping up. “Well, as you can

11、see, corporate knowledge combined with 9._ (creative) has brought my humble bookstore into 10._ 21st century!”【能力提升】.阅读理解2021福州市高三质量检测Fire Capt. Kevin Lloyd arrived at the scene of a car accident in West Point, Utah, north of Salt Lake City. A pregnant woman and her screaming 2yearold daughter were

12、trapped in the car.While his partner, Allen Hadley, was tending to the driver, Lloyd couldnt get the frightened girl to calm down. He saw she was holding several bottles of nail polish, and then he had a better idea. He asked her if she wanted to paint his nails. Soon her eyes lit up. At the same ti

13、me, Hadley showed up to check on the scene.Lloyd had calmed her down and was in the process of getting his fingers painted. Then Hadley just put his hand in there. The girl began to color his nails pink. By this time, she was not only calm, but she was also happy.The girls mother was not injured. Sh

14、e thanked them for helping her daughter feel better, and they all chuckled,_looking at the nails, and took some photos.The firefighters brought the photos back to the headquarters and showed them around. The department put them up on the social media, and thousands of people responded, with many tha

15、nking the firefighters for going out of their way to calm down a frightened girl.Fire Chief Mark Becraft said he had been surprised at all the attention. He said he was proud of his firefighters, and added that he had known members of the department who had done many things that werent part of the j

16、ob.After the fact, Lloyd and Hadley had a small matter to tend to: the layers of polish on their nails. They bought a bottle of nail polish remover, and used almost all of it.1Why was the 2yearold girl frightened?AShe was caught in an accident.BHer mother was badly injured.CHer nails were hurt by th

17、e bottles.DShe was afraid of seeing firefighters.2Which is the closest in meaning to the underlined word “chuckled” in Paragraph 4?ASighed. BShouted.CLaughed. DHugged.3Which of the following can best describe the two firefighters?AKnowledgeable. BCaring.CHumorous. DCourageous.4What is the purpose of

18、 the text?ATo ask us to learn to calm down in times of danger.BTo speak highly of the warmhearted firefighters.CTo introduce the little girl who likes painting nails.DTo praise the two firefighters who learn to decorate nails.完形填空2021临沂市高三模拟We walked slowly through the wet grass, our eyes searching

19、for the enemy. Suddenly, machinegun fire broke the quiet. We hit the ground, _1_ from the shots by a low stone wall. As I ordered two soldiers to help me locate and _2_ the machine gun, I heard _3_ and then I was on my back.“Lieutenant (中尉)! Lieutenant! Youve been hit!” one soldier cried. Two medics

20、 rushed me to an aid _4_. A doctor slapped a bandage on my bloody knee; then the medics drove me to a _5_ field hospital. They carried me into a tent where dozens of _6_ soldiers were lined up on the ground. I watched the nurses working _7_ things went black. When I woke up, I was lying on a bed wea

21、ring nothing but a blanket.“Wake up, Lieutenant!” a nurse shouted. “Youve got to get on a planeyoure _8_ to a hospital in England!” I _9_. All my worldly possessions lay in a mountainous heap of equipment. I could replace everything _10_ the photo of my new bride, Ellen, which I always carried with

22、me.“Im not going until I get my wifes picture,” I said. “Its in the gas mask cover you _11_ from me.” I knew the nurse could make me go, _12_ instead she said, “OK, Ill see if I can find it,” then ran out to search through the _13_. Time stood still until finally she came running _14_ back. “Ive got

23、 it!” she shouted, waving the picture in her upraised hand. That photograph _15_ me through tough times. Now69 years laterit sits on my bedside table.1A.escaped BshelteredCremoved Dprevented2A.knock out Bsearch forCstay away Drun towards3A.a thunder Ba screamCa crash Dan explosion4A.school BstationC

24、program Dadvisor5A.ruined BfamousCnearby Dadvanced6A.wounded BbraveCdead Dcured7A.because BthoughCafter Dbefore8A.driving BconnectingCflying Dengaging9A.hesitated BopposedCpanicked Dwhispered10A.with BbyCfor Dexcept11A.took away Bcarried outCcleared up Dkept back12A.so BandCor Dbut13A.tents BhillsCp

25、iles Dbeds14A.beathlessly BdisappointedlyCnervously Dmysteriously15A.benefited BcomfortedCreminded Dchallenged.读后续写阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。No Time2021济宁高三一模With a broad smile on her lips, 15year old Sirin rushed to her mom to show off her new painting. But mom raised her eyebrows with

26、 eyes wide open, and spoke in an impatient tone, “No time, baby. Right now I am busy with an important talk. Just wait for some time, OK?”Holding her oil painting, she frowned (皱眉), and then searched for her dad.“Dad, see what I have done,” Sirin announced aloud in a thrilling voice. Her dad turned

27、around while adjusting his tie, grinned at her, and showed his thumbs up!Immediately, blowing her two cheeks, Sirin replied angrily, “Dad, you havent seen it yet.”He smiled at her saying, “No time, baby. I will see it later.” He just patted her back lovingly, kissed her forehead, and rushed for his

28、office.She was not a kid to be pleased with simple gesture or smile. She stood there for a few seconds, and then stormed off to her own bedroom. Hot air was blowing from her nostrils (鼻孔); her face turned into apple red. She threw the painting on the table, slammed (把砰地关上) the door and threw herself

29、 on her bed.“Why is everybody so busy?” She recalled thousands of incidents that hurt her in preschool, middle school and even in high school too! She assumed at least her own family members would give some values to her thoughts, but they were no exception. Unconsciously, her eyes were filled with

30、tears.The knocking sound on the door put a sudden brake to her thought. Her mom was calling her for dinner. Sirin deliberately came late to join them. She kept silent and didnt look at anyone, scratching the table mat with her nail. Her mom was puzzled at the unusual behavior. Suddenly, the morning

31、incident clicked in her mind. Softly, she asked, “Honey, did I do anything wrong?”注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2请按如下格式作答。At this very moment, Sirin could no longer resist her anger._When back from school the next day, Sirin was surprised to see her beautifullydecorated painting on the wall._参考答案【基础训练】.单句语法填空1fo

32、r2.intention3.of4.convinced5.for6.dusty7.organicpetition9.in10.seated.连词成句1search for2.replace with3.due to4.at the touch of5expand on6.in different categories7.Instead of8.have an advantage over9.focus on10.occurred to.语篇语法填空1where2.with3.Sighing4.to run5.reading6had happened7.surprised8.Clearly9.c

33、reativity10.the【能力提升】.阅读理解1A考查细节理解。根据第一段第一句中的“a car accident”以及第二句中的“A pregnant woman and her screaming 2yearold daughter were trapped in the car”可知,小女孩之所以害怕是因为她遇到了车祸。故选A。2C考查词义猜测。根据第三段中的“color his nails pink”“she was also happy”以及画线词所在句中的“She thanked them for helping her daughter feel better”和“look

34、ing at the nails”可推知,当时那位母亲没有受伤,她感谢消防员安慰自己的女儿;看着被涂了指甲油的指甲,他们都笑了,而且拍了一些照片。故选C。3B考查推理判断。根据第三段最后一句“By this time, she was not only calm, but she was also happy.”以及第五段第二句中的“thousands of people responded, with many thanking the firefighters for going out of their way to calm down a frightened girl”可知,消防员通

35、过让小女孩给自己涂指甲不仅使她镇静了下来,而且使小女孩很开心;在社交媒体上,很多人感谢消防员们设法安慰那个受了惊吓的小女孩。由此可推知,这两个消防员是关心他人的。故选B。4B考查主旨大意。文章讲述了两位消防员为了使一个两岁的受了惊吓的小女孩镇静下来,就让她给自己涂指甲油,这一做法在社交媒体上广受好评;这本来是他们的分外之事,但是他们却想方设法来帮助他人。由此可推知,本文的目的是称赞热心肠的消防员。故选B。.完形填空1B考查动词辨析。A项意为“逃跑”;B项意为“躲避(风雨或危险)”;C项意为“去掉”;D项意为“阻止”。根据空格后的“from the shots by a low stone wa

36、ll”可知,“我们”趴在一堵低矮的石墙后躲避子弹。故选B。2A考查动词短语辨析。A项意为“破坏”;B项意为“寻找”;C项意为“远离”;D项意为“朝跑”。根据上文可知,“我们”在搜寻敌人时听到了枪声,那么枪声应是敌人发出的。因此此处指找到并破坏机关枪。故选A。3D考查名词辨析。A项意为“雷声”;B项意为“尖叫声”;C项意为“碰撞声”;D项意为“爆炸声”。根据下文中的“Youve been hit!”可知,“我”听到了爆炸声,并被子弹击中了。故选D。4B考查名词辨析。A项意为“学校”;B项意为“站,所”;C项意为“项目”;D项意为“顾问”。根据空格前的“aid”可知,“我”被医护人员紧急送到一个救

37、助站。故选B。5C考查形容词辨析。A项意为“毁坏的,荒废的”;B项意为“著名的”;C项意为“附近的”;D项意为“先进的,高级的”。根据空格前的“drove me to”和语境可知,医生对“我”的伤口做了紧急处理之后,护理人员开车把“我”送到附近的一家战地医院。故选C。6A考查形容词辨析。A项意为“受伤的”;B项意为“勇敢的”;C项意为“死的,失去生命的”;D项意为“被治愈的”。根据空格前一句中的“field hospital”及空格后的“on the ground”可知,战地医院里有许多受伤的士兵。故选A。7D考查连词辨析。A项意为“因为”;B项意为“尽管”;C项意为“在之后”;D项意为“在以

38、前”。根据空格后的“things went black”和语境可知,此处指昏过去之前“我”看着护士工作。故选D。8C考查动词辨析。A项意为“驾驶”;B项意为“连接”;C项意为“(乘飞机)飞行”;D项意为“参加”。根据空格前的“plane”可知,护士说“我”正飞往英国的一家医院。故选C。9C考查动词辨析。A项意为“犹豫”;B项意为“反对”;C项意为“恐慌”;D项意为“低语”。根据空格后的“All my worldly possessions lay in a mountainous heap of equipment. I could replace everything _10_ the ph

39、oto of my new bride”可知,“我”很恐慌,因为“我”所有的东西都在成堆的设备中,其中包括那张“我”如视珍宝的照片。故选C。10D考查介词辨析。根据空格后的“which I always carried with me”和语境可知,“我”可以更换任何东西,除了新婚妻子的照片。D项意为“除了”,符合语境。故选D。11A考查动词短语辨析。A项意为“拿走”;B项意为“实施”;C项意为“清理”;D项意为“保留某物一部分”。根据常识可知,“我”现在在飞机里,防毒面罩被摘下拿走了。故选A。12D考查连词辨析。根据空格前的“I knew the nurse could make me go”

40、和空格后的“instead she said, OK, Ill see if I can find it”可知,“我”以为护士会让“我”离开,但她说她去找找看。空格前后句是转折关系,应用转折连词but。故选D。13C考查名词辨析。A项意为“帐篷”;B项意为“小山”;C项意为“成堆的东西”;D项意为“床”。根据上文第三段中的“a mountainous heap of equipment”可知,护士在成堆的东西中寻找照片。故选C。14A考查副词辨析。A项意为“气喘吁吁地”;B项意为“失望地”;C项意为“紧张地”;D项意为“神秘地,故弄玄虚地”。根据空格前的“running”可知,护士气喘吁吁地跑

41、回来了。故选A。15B考查动词辨析。A项意为“使受益”;B项意为“安慰”;C项意为“提醒”;D项意为“挑战”。根据空格后的“through tough times”和语境可知,那张照片在困难的时候给了我安慰。故选B。.读后续写参考范文:At this very moment, Sirin could no longer resist her anger. “Why is everybody so busy?” she roared, tears streaming down. She assumed that her mom and dad would feel proud of her gr

42、eat talent, would appreciate her painting but she was disgusted with everybody having “no time” for her. “I hate you!” She screamed, grabbed the painting on the table and tore it in half. Shocked, mom threw her arms around her tightly, announcing regretfully and firmly, “Baby, I am so sorry! I promise this mistake will not be repeated.”When back from school the next day, Sirin was surprised to see her beautifullydecorated painting on the wall. It was beautifully framed and just below the painting, it was written “We are so proud of you, our lit


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