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1、【核心素养核心素养】2020-20212020-2021年新高考备考策略年新高考备考策略【高考先锋高考先锋】2020-20212020-2021年新高考专题研究年新高考专题研究【独门秘籍独门秘籍】2020-20212020-2021年新高考满分指导年新高考满分指导【原创领军原创领军】2020-20212020-2021年新高考命题预测年新高考命题预测应用文写作技巧高考大纲 “贴近生活” “注重实际运用能力” 不是考写作能力 1考老师,2考记忆力虎头 猪肚 凤尾1问候5包含要点1 8 客套2自我介绍 6包含要点2 +3背景7包含要点3 格式4目的连接成分洋八股开头段落开头段落1. 问候:How

2、are you doing? How is everything going?2. 自我介绍(同位语定从/分词)I am LiHua, a 17-year-old boy currently studying inXinhua high school/who studies in. Born in a family of writers, Im keen on reading novels and writing poems.喜欢sb. is fascinated withsb. is immersed insb. is in love withsb. is crazy aboutsb. is

3、 addicted tosb. is devoted to开头段落3. 故事背景(我之所以写信,是因为)我得知.(湖北)我从网上得知你们学校提供食宿。(天津)我从老师那儿得知你将来我校交换。(安徽)我从你的来信中得知你近日容易发脾气,使正常的学习和生活受到了影响。开头段落开头段落3. 故事背景(我之所以写信,是因为)I was informed by sb/sth that(内容)I was kept up to date on(内容)I learned in your micro-blog(微博) that.替换website4. 目的(我想申请/邀请/道歉/求助)Im writing th

4、is letter to 书信体作文 单一应用型(90%以上,简单述说型(欢迎稿, 通知,演讲),功能混合型 建议信 申请信 感谢信 道歉信 邀请信 求助信 咨询信 告知信建议信I am writing this letter to offer you some suggestions.give you a hand=do you a favor申请信I am writing to apply for the job/position/chance/opportunity.感谢信I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude/appreciatio

5、n to you.道歉信I am writing to express my heartfelt apology to you.邀请信I am writing to invite you to join the.求助信I am writing to ask you to do me a favor. I have no choice but to turn to you for help.咨询信I am writing to ask you for some relevant questions.告知信I am writing to inform you of some relevant de

6、tails.1. 建议信(考频高)开头段:I am writing these letters to offer you some suggestions.中间段:Here are several suggestions for you.(1) You are supposed to do sth.(2) Why not do sth.?(3) If I were you, I would do sth.(4) It is high time that you did sth.结尾段:Hopefully, these suggestions would be helpful/of help f

7、or you. If there is anything else I can do for you, please let me know.学校图书馆需要购置一批新书,现向学生征求意见。假如你是李越,你认为学校图书馆最需要购置科普类图书(popular science books)和文学类图书(literary books)。请你用英语给图书馆王老师写一封100-120词的信,推荐这两类书,并分别说明推荐理由。注意:信的抬头与落款已给出(不计入词数)。Dear Mr. Wang,_Yours sincerelyLi Yue建议信。不需要打招呼和自我介绍。 学校图书馆需要购置一批新书(背景),

8、现向学生征求意见。假如你是李越, 你认为学校图书馆最需要购置科普类图书(popular science books)和文(目的) 学类图书(literary books)。请你用英语给图书馆王老师写一封100-120 词的信,推荐这两类书,并分别说明推荐理由。(要点) 注意:信的抬头与落款已给出(不计入词数)。 Dear Mr. Wang, _ _ Yours sincerely Li Yue建议信。不需要打招呼和自我介绍。Dear Mr. Wang,(故事背景+写信目的)1)I was Informed that our library is going to buy books. I am

9、 writing this letter to offer some suggestions.2)Informed that our library is going to buy books, I am writing thisletter to offer some suggestions.提建议:To begin with,What we need most are popular science books,owing toIn addition to reading for knowledge, we read for fun andinspiration. That is why

10、I recommend another category of books:literary books. As for the reasons,safe and sound,healthy and wealthy结尾段:Hopefully, these suggestions would be helpful for you. If there is anything else I can do for you, please let me know.Yours sincerely,Li Yue 2. 申请信(考频高) 开头段:I am writing to apply for the jo

11、b/position/ chance/opportunity. 中间段: I have the confidence that I can handle the job well. As for the reasons, for one thing, for another, ,in addition 申请项目:志愿者、支教老师、夏令营、记者 申请理由: (1) 经验类: Living in Ottawa/Seattle for half a year as an exchange student, I do well in English speaking and writing. In 2

12、008, I served as a volunteer in the Beijing Olympic Games,therefore, I was equipped with adequate relevant experience and social skills.(2) 知识类: Once I won the second prize in the CCTV national English speaking contest.(适用于所有要申请的工作) In my spare time, I used to communicate with my foreign friends thr

13、ough the Internet, exchanging ideas on cultural difference andcurrent affairs.分词做状语(3) 性格类: Im also the vice monitor of my class, which has equipped me with a strong body and the ability of leadership.领导能力 Being the team leader of our school basketball team, I get along well with my teammates, enjoy

14、 many outstanding awards and a harmonious interpersonal relationship in my team.性格好结尾段:Hopefully, the chance would be offered to me. If so, I would devote all my effort and wisdom to your company/this activity.3. 感谢信开头段:I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude/appreciation to you.感谢你(Low)Thank

15、 you for make sincere thanks and gratitude to sb.并列结构表达法: worthy and wealthy有价值的 pleasant and precious珍贵的 safe and sound安全的 memorable and meaningful值得纪念的 honorable and respectable值得尊敬的 colorful and wonderful美好的中间段:Whenever I recall those days, I just cant help thinking you.(客套) It was so kind of you

16、 to do sth. Besides, you did sth, which really moved me.Nothing would be able to erase our wonderful memories and I willcherish them forever.(客套)结尾段:Thanks for reading my letter.(感谢信结尾不需要再客套)4.道歉信开头段:I am writing to express my heartfelt apology to you.中间段:表达歉意,解释理由,恳请谅解How I wish I had (not) done st

17、h!(虚拟、感叹句)However, I cant help but dodue to.(解释原因)As a result, I have no choice but to do sth. I believe that if you were me,you would make the same decision.不得不做have no choice but tocant help but do结尾段:Hopefully, you would accept my apology and understand my situation.你给英国朋友Chris写一封信,内容包括:1.你们原计划7月

18、份一同去云南旅游;2.由于脚部受伤,你无法按原计划前往;3.表达你的歉意并建议将旅行推迟到8月份。你给英国朋友Chris写一封信,内容包括:(需要问候)1.你们原计划7月份一同去云南旅游;(背景)2.由于脚部受伤,你无法按原计划前往;(原因)3.表达你的歉意并建议将旅行推迟到8月份。Dear Chris,How is everything going?I am writing to express my heartfelt apology to you.I remember we planned to visit Yunnan in July but I have no choice butt

19、o change the plan due to my injured foot. I believe that if you were me,you would make the same decision.Can I suggest that we put it off until early August? I wish you could understand. Hopefully, you would accept my apology and understandmy situation.Im sincerely looking forward to your early repl

20、y.Yours,Joe5.邀请信:参加 聚会,加入社团,参加志愿活动开头段:I am writing to invite you to join the.中间段:Here are several relevant details about this activity.The activity will be in(地点) on the afternoon of (时间)The theme/subject of the activity is XXX, which is undoubtedly both meaningful and entertaining. (定从)Not only wil

21、l we do 1, but we will also do 2 and 3.(倒装句)结尾段:If you need any further information, please send an email to XXX orcall me at XXX. And I am longing for your presence.6.求助信开头段:I am writing to ask you to do me a favor.I have no choice but to turn to you for help.中间段:to begin with ,In great need of, Im

22、 eager toI am wondering if you would like towhatmore,Being lack of and, Im now in a dilemma thatI beg you to.根据需求列清要点结尾段:Thanks for reading my letter.I am sincerely looking forward to your early reply.求助信Dear_, 1.Im writing _写信目的. I have met difficulty in _(求助内容). 2.First, I find _(困难1). Besides, _(

23、困难2). Whats more, _(困难3).Faced with so much difficulty, I have to ask you for some help. Would you like to _(委婉提出请求)?In the meanwhile, I beg you to_ (请求内容) so that _(请求目的). Also, I would like you to _(请求内容).3.Im sure that I can make great progress in _(表达期待).Yours,Li Hua7.咨询信开头段:I am writing to ask

24、you for some relevant questions.中间段:1.咨询公开透明化信息I tried to search the Internet, but found no clear answer. Would you please be so kind/nice as to tell me sth.?Besides, I also need some information about sth.2.咨询某人近况How is everything going with sb./sth.?3.咨询对方能否帮小忙If it is convenient for you, would yo

25、u please tell me sth.?结尾段:Thanks for reading my letter.I am sincerely looking forward to your early reply.假定你是李华,计划暑假期间去英国学习英语,为期六周。下面的广告引起了你的注意,请给该校写封信,询问有关情况(箭头所指内容) 假定你是李华,计划暑假期间去英国(自我介绍) 学习英语,为期六周。下面的广告引起了你的注意,(背景) 请给该校写封信,询问有关情况(箭头所指内容)注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文流畅3参考词汇:住宿-accommodationDear Sir/

26、 Madam,I am LiHua, a 17-year-old Chinese student currently hoping to go to Britain to attend a summer school during the vacation.Having seen your ad, Id like to know some more relevant details about your six-week English course.Firstly, Besides, I also need some information about If it is convenient

27、 for you, would you please tell me ?Thanks for reading my letter. I am sincerely looking forward toyour early reply.8.告知信开头段:I am writing to inform you of some relevant details.中间段:罗列具体要点假设你是李华,你的美国笔友Sam来信关心你参加高考的情况,请根据以下要点回信告知。考试日期与科目;考试准备情况;考试吋的状态;4. 对试题的感受;可能的考试结果。结尾段:If you need any further info

28、rmation, please send an email to XXX or call me at XXX. 通知通知(notice)是上级对下级、组织对成员布置工作、传是上级对下级、组织对成员布置工作、传达情况或告诉公众某种事情等时使用的一种应用文体,通达情况或告诉公众某种事情等时使用的一种应用文体,通常分为口头通知和书面通知两种。常分为口头通知和书面通知两种。 1口头通知是面对面地把信息传达给对方。这种通知口头通知是面对面地把信息传达给对方。这种通知开头应有称呼语开头应有称呼语,正式场合用,正式场合用Ladies and gentlemen(女士女士们、先生们们、先生们), 有时也可以用

29、有时也可以用Boys and girls或或Comrades and friends(同志们、朋友们同志们、朋友们)等。等。开头还常有提醒听众注意的开头还常有提醒听众注意的开场白,开场白, 如如Attention, please.或或May I have your attention, please?或?或I have an announcement to make.等;等;返回目录返回目录9.9.通知通知结尾常说结尾常说Thats all. Thank you.或或Thank you for listening.等,等, 以示礼貌。口头通知无需说明发布通知的日期和发布以示礼貌。口头通知无需说

30、明发布通知的日期和发布通知的人通知的人(单位单位)。 2写书面通知时,应明确写出发出通知的单位和日期。写书面通知时,应明确写出发出通知的单位和日期。一般情况下,一般情况下,书面通知的首行中央写上书面通知的首行中央写上Notice。通知的发通知的发布单位常写在正文结束的右下角布单位常写在正文结束的右下角,也可以写在,也可以写在Notice 的上的上方或前面,发布通知的日期一般写在正文的左下角方或前面,发布通知的日期一般写在正文的左下角(在落在落款的下一行款的下一行)或写在通知正文的右上角或写在通知正文的右上角(在在Notice的下一行的下一行)。口头通知和书面通知都是宣布即将发生的事情及其具体内

31、口头通知和书面通知都是宣布即将发生的事情及其具体内容,因而多用将来时,一般用祈使句来强调。通知的语言容,因而多用将来时,一般用祈使句来强调。通知的语言要简洁明了,条理清晰,准确无误,特别是时间概念很重要简洁明了,条理清晰,准确无误,特别是时间概念很重要,必须写得十分明确,不容丝毫含糊。要,必须写得十分明确,不容丝毫含糊。返回目录返回目录 词句模板词句模板 1段首常用语:段首常用语:(口头通知)口头通知) (1)May I have/call your attention, please? (2)Attention, please, everybody! (3)I have an announc

32、ement to make. (4)I have something to tell you.返回目录返回目录 2段中常用语:段中常用语: (1)There will be a talk this afternoon. (2)The Student Union has decided that (3)We shall have a lecture on (4)It has been decided that well pay a visit to 3段尾常用语:段尾常用语:(口头通知)(口头通知) (1)Please be there on time and dont be late. (2)

33、I hope you can have a good time. (3)Thats all. Thank you. 返回目录返回目录 4书面通知格式模板:书面通知格式模板: In order to _, _ is to be held on _ (day), _ (date), at _ (time)in _ (place). Whoever is interested in it is welcome to attend _. Those who want to take part in _ please sign up at the Student Union. Please rememb

34、er: _ Time: _ Place: _ 返回目录返回目录 5口头通知格式模板:口头通知格式模板:Ladies and gentlemen, Your attention,please. I have something to tell you.具体内容具体内容:_ Please remember: Thank you for listening.返回目录返回目录【活学活用】【活学活用】你校学生会将召开选举新主席的大会。假如你是某班你校学生会将召开选举新主席的大会。假如你是某班班长李华,请你用英语在班里宣布一个口头通知,班长李华,请你用英语在班里宣布一个口头通知,要点如下:要点如下:1时间

35、:下周五下午时间:下周五下午3:005:00; 地点:图书馆三楼讲座厅;地点:图书馆三楼讲座厅;2参选的同学先作自我介绍和五分钟演讲,最后进行参选的同学先作自我介绍和五分钟演讲,最后进行投票;投票;3希望全体同学参加,不要迟到或缺席;希望全体同学参加,不要迟到或缺席;4报名的同学要准备一份自我简介和简短演讲稿。报名的同学要准备一份自我简介和简短演讲稿。返回目录返回目录注意:词数注意:词数100左右;开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总左右;开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。词数。参考词汇:学生会:参考词汇:学生会:the Student Union 报报名:名: enter for 选举:选举: el

36、ect投票:投票: voteBoys and girls, May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make._ Thats all. Thank you!返回目录返回目录Boys and girls, May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. Next Friday afternoon, from 3:00 to 5:00 pm, in the lecture hall on the third floor of the

37、 school library, the Student Union will hold a meeting to elect a new chairman.for one thing, all the students who want to enter for the election will give a selfintroduction, followed by a fiveminute speech.for another, the voting will be carried out.返回目录返回目录Everybody is required to attend the meet

38、ing.Be sure not to be late or absent.By the way, remember to prepare an introduction of yourself as well as a short speech if you want to have a go. Thats_all. Thank_you! 返回目录返回目录2018全国卷你受学生会委托为校宣传栏“英语天地”写一则通知,请大家观看一部英文短片Growing Together,内容包括:1. 短片内容:学校的发展;2. 放映时间、地点;3. 欢迎对短片提出意见。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以

39、适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Notice In order to have a better understanding of our school,(目的) an outstanding English short movie about our school will be shown in the library from 2:30 to 4:00in the afternoon on June 9th.(时间地点) It is organized by the Student Union.Here are some relevant details about it. To begi

40、n with, the name of the movie is Growing Together, which is about the development of our beloved school.(内容1)As we all expect, it will be not only eaningful but also interesting. Whats more, everyone of you will be welcome to take part (participate) in it, enjoying the movie, having a heated discuss

41、ion afterwards and giving your own comments.(内容2) The Student Union June 8, 2018 (114) Hello everyone! It is a great honour for me to make a speech here Hello everyone! It is a great honour for me to make a speech here on behalf ofon behalf of our club. our club. The English club we organized two mo

42、nths ago turned out to be an The English club we organized two months ago turned out to be an amazing success. So far we have done some unforgettable things, one amazing success. So far we have done some unforgettable things, one of which was talking with foreigners in the Central Park. As you of wh

43、ich was talking with foreigners in the Central Park. As you know, it is a place where many foreigners live. And to our delight, know, it is a place where many foreigners live. And to our delight, we all did a good job.we all did a good job. Thanks to the club, we benefited a lot from the activities.

44、 Thanks to the club, we benefited a lot from the activities. Firstly Firstly, , we practised our oral English a great deal, which helped us learn we practised our oral English a great deal, which helped us learn more cultures about other countries and enlarge our horizons. more cultures about other

45、countries and enlarge our horizons. Whats moreWhats more, during the communication we showed our friendship to , during the communication we showed our friendship to the foreigners and made them love China more and more. Therefore, the foreigners and made them love China more and more. Therefore, we

46、 are so proud of ourselves.we are so proud of ourselves. Thanks for your listening!Thanks for your listening!【例2】(书面表达)假设一美国学生访问团到你校参观访问,你代表校方致辞,内容如下:1. 对接受邀请表示感谢,对来访表示欢迎2. 你校的简介3. 希望中美学生交流学习经验,特别是怎样学习英语4. 希望美方在访问期间过得愉快。【例1】欢迎词,演讲稿模板Ladies and gentleman,First of all, on behalf of all the members of

47、our school, Idlike to express our heartfelt gratitude/appreciation to you for your accepting our invitation and warmly welcome to our school. 假设你是李华,你的美国笔友Sam来信 关心你参加高考的情况,请根据以下要点回信告知。 考试日期与科目; 考试准备情况; 考试吋的状态; 4. 对试题的感受; 可能的考试结果。虎头 猪肚 凤尾1问候5包含要点1 8 客套2自我介绍6包含要点2 +3背景7包含要点3 格式4目的连接成分洋八股 书信体作文:应用为主,传情为辅 开门见山,直奔主题 不简单罗列要点,用好高级连接词 分词、倒装、强调、从句等语法点依然可以灵活运用。


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