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1、Discovering Useful StructuresThe present continuous tense used to express the future meaningUnit 2 Travelling aroundEnjoy an audio entitled “Im babysitting on Thursday” and fill in the blanks:Lead inWhats the lady doing on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/ Friday?She is babysitting on Monday. She i

2、s doing laundry on Tuesday.She is working overtime on Wednesday. She is working out on Thursday.She is visiting relatives on Friday. 请问本段声频材料主要含有什么时态,表达什么意义? 现在进行时态表示将来The Present Continuous Tense for Future Actions现在进行时态表示将来The Present Continuous Tense can be used to express a plan or an arrangemen

3、t.现在进行时态可用来表示一个在最近按计划或打算要进行的动作;表示将来意义的现在进行时态由句中表示将来时间的词语或上下文表明。语法知识讲解. The Present Continuous Tense for Future ActionsBetty is leaving for Guangzhou by plane tomorrow.Bob is going to the airport by taxi next week.Im seeing the dentist this afternoon.Are they staying here for long?am/is/are + v.-ing形

4、式与表示将来的时间状语连用,可以表示按照计划或安排在不久的将来将要发生的动作,含义是“打算要做”。能用于进行时态表将来的动词常常是瞬间动词,位移动词或去向动词(并非所有动词),如:go, come, leave, start, arrive, reach, sleep, stay, play, do, have, take, get to, see off, etc.小结:A newspaper reporter is interviewing Wang Wei about her plans for the trip along the Mekong River. Please comple

5、te their conversation.R: Miss Wang, I hear that you _(travel) along the Mekong River. Have you got everything ready?W: Almost.R: So when _ you _(leave)?W: Next Monday.R: How far _ you _(cycle) each day?are travellingareleavingarecycling既学既练W: Its hard to say. If the weather is fine, I think well be

6、able to ride 75km a day.R: What about the weather in Qinghai Province?W: The weather forecast is not good so we _(take) a large parcel of warm clothes with us.R: Where _ you _(stay) at night?W: Usually in our tent, but sometimes in the villages along the river bank.are takingarestayingR: What happen

7、s if you have an accident?W: Dont worry. I had some medical training at my college. Besides, we _(take) out insurance to cover any problems.R: Well, it sounds fun. I hope youll have a pleasant journey. Thank you for your time.are takingTranslate the following sentences:1. 玛丽和我下个星期天去钓鱼。 2. 我明天将什么东西也不

8、做。 3. 他下个月将去美国吗? 4. 你在西安要待多久? Mary and I are going fishing next Sunday.I am not doing anything tomorrow.How long are you staying in Xian?Is he going to America next month ?. The Usage of the Present Continuous Tense现在进行时态的用法 (1)表示现在进行时的动作有两种含义:表示说话的时刻正在进行的动作,常与时间状语now, at the moment等连用。表示现在阶段正在进行的动作

9、,而不一定是说话时正在进行的动作,常与today, this week, this term等连用。深度探究Im sitting on a rock near the river with my friends.我和我的朋友们正坐在河边的一块岩石 Right now it is the summer vacation and Im helping my dad on the farm.现在是暑假,我在农场帮我爸爸干活。Eg:深度探究He is always thinking others.You are constantly complaining.He is always talking b

10、ig.How are you feeling today?赞扬抱怨厌烦亲切.现在进行时代替一般现在时,表示反复性或习惯性的动作,常与副词always, continually,forever, constantly等连用,表示说话人的赞扬,厌恶,不满,遗憾等的感情色彩。表示不久之后肯定将发生,或按计划或安排将要做的事(常与未来的时间状语连用),能这样用的动词多是表示“位移”“停留”的,如come, go, leave, arrive, start, begin等。Mother is taking us home to see my grandma on Sunday.星期天母亲将带我们回老家看

11、我祖母。Eg:. The Forms to Present Future Actions表示将来的时态的形式:He will write you a letter next week.他下个星期会给你写信。 I shall be sixteen years old next month. 下个月我将十六岁了。will/shall+动词原形,表示客观上将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态;或表示自然趋势或非主语意志。将来动作的其他表达方法Sorry, I forgot to post the letter for you.It doesnt matter. I _ post it myself.

12、willwill 还可用来表临时决定。学be going to + 动词原形,表示“就要”,“打算”或将要发生的事。表示眼前主观上要去做的事,或有迹象表明要发生的事,与自己的意志无关。What are you going to do tonight?Im going to watch the football match on TV.Look! Its going to rain.Eg:be to do 表示预定,按计划或安排将发生某事。还可表示“命运”(常用过去时描述过去的事实),即命中注定要发生的事,责任,义务,需要,可能性等。The French President is to visi

13、t China in June.(按计划或安排)You are to be back by 9 oclock. (必须或应该)Eg:be about to do 表示即将要做某事,表示非常近的将来,但不能与表示确切时间的时间状语连用,构成be about to do when.,意为“正要这/那时”We are about to start.I was just about to go to bed when someone called me up.Eg:一般现在时表示将来,有两种情况:通常指客观事实,多指按时刻表或规定要发生的情况。The plane takes off at 10:10.用于状语从句中。New term begins on September 1st.We are going fishing if it doesnt rain tomorrow.Thank you!


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