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1、(Listening Analysis / Active Listening)1l听的目的:用另一种语言完整地表达和复述听到的全部内容。l自主听力: 把握主题及关键信息; 捕捉话语脉络; 预测下文; 判断词义。困难是什么?21. unknown words 生词2. culturally-burdened phrases or idioms 英语中的文化陷阱(容易望文生义)3. illogical flow of thought逻辑混乱4. heavy accent 口音浓重5. unfamiliar topic 不了解主题知识6. too quick a delivery speed 语速过

2、快7. blurred point of view 意思不明确8.numbers数字3the pauses at meaning chunks 意群停顿the context 上下文cultural awareness 文化意识communicatively conscious 交际性be clear of the intent of the speaker 意图sharpen your ears by practice 练耳4How to1. topic/ theme 话题、主题2. context ( textual & situational)语境(上下文本 & 交际情景)3. tone

3、 (语气)4. gestures & facial expressions(手势 & 表情)5.intent (说话人意图)6. Key words (关键词)简而言之,who, what,why, how,when,where5What to do?6 generalization classification cause-effect compare & contrast sequencing simple listing problem-solution7 表达信息的关键词语当属实意词, 即名词、动词、形容词和副词。在英语口语中, 关键词语往往重读。译员抓住了关键词语, 整个段落就如“纲

4、举目张”, 迅速被译员理解。8百老汇- broadway是一条纵贯美国纽约市纽约市的“百老汇大街”,这条大街集中了众多家剧院,电影院,餐馆,酒吧等娱乐场娱乐场所所,每天都有大量的戏剧和娱乐演出戏剧和娱乐演出,百老汇被公认为是纽约戏剧和娱纽约戏剧和娱乐中心乐中心。是美国戏剧和娱乐业的代名词代名词。著名的林肯表演艺术中心林肯表演艺术中心就坐落在百老汇大街上。9Main Idea- brief introduction to BroadwayKey Words- 美国纽约市美国纽约市- 娱乐场所娱乐场所- 戏剧、娱乐演出戏剧、娱乐演出- 戏剧和娱乐中心戏剧和娱乐中心 、代名词、代名词- 林肯表演艺术

5、中心林肯表演艺术中心Logical Listening (what / who/when /where/ how / why)10I am sorry, but weve decided to cancel our order with you. As you know the packaging in the last order wasnt up to standard. This resulted in a high percentage of breakages, which meant we couldnt supply our customers on time. As a res

6、ult, they were dissatisfied with our service and threatened to go else where.Therefore we really had no alternative but to look around for another supplier.Keys: cancel order; packaging not up to standard; high percentage of breakages, look for another supplier11This is a happy and memorable occasio

7、n for me personally as well as for all the members of my delegation. Id like to thank you for the gracious hospitality and the warmth with which we have been received. I am very happy with your arrangement. In accepting your gracious invitation to Shanghai, I have an excellent opportunity to learn a

8、bout the investment environment here. It is my sincere wish that we should reach an agreement on the establishment of joint venture in this most promising city.Key Words: Hospitality, investment environment, agreement, joint venture12词汇层面:名词、动词等实词词汇层面:名词、动词等实词1. 预测词语搭配随着中国综合国力的_和国际地位的_, 中国在国际舞台上越来越令

9、人瞩目。(国力增强enhance the comprehensive national strength,地位提高 improve its international status)类似的搭配有“加快改革开放,打开了解世界的窗户,提高机会,促进发展”等。The United States and China have made great progress in building a relationship that can _ the challenges of our time, _ global prosperity and _ the cause of peace.(meet, pr

10、omote, maintain 应对挑战,迎接挑战,促进繁荣,维护和平)2. 预测表达方式译员听到 “文化在促进国际关系中的作用” , “作用” 这个词英语的习惯表达方式“ to play a role in.。” 又如当听到” 我代表中国政府和人民,对布什总统来华访问表示热烈欢迎”。 译员从“代表。“ 可以预测出英语的习惯表达结构为” On behalf of , I extend myto”13篇章层面1. 预测主要成分从语篇的上下文中预测出说话人将要表达的信息,从而获得相应的语言表达方式或主要成分,如主语,谓语部分。例如: 神州5号的发射是一次壮举,它显示了中国的太空科技已经 _.“达到

11、很高水平,处于世界前列”14 中国国际旅行社为各位安排了富有中国民族文化特色的中国国际旅行社为各位安排了富有中国民族文化特色的_旅游旅游线路。线路。 各位将要游览举世闻名的景点和各位将要游览举世闻名的景点和_,参观雄伟的,参观雄伟的_,观,观赏珍贵的赏珍贵的_。你们还将有机会欣赏中国。你们还将有机会欣赏中国_,品尝,品尝中国中国_。我国人民传统的热情和好客将使各位的访问愉。我国人民传统的热情和好客将使各位的访问愉快而又快而又_。(interesting, places of interest, ancient buildings, interesting, places of interest

12、, ancient buildings, Chinese cultural relics, operas and circus performances, cuisine Chinese cultural relics, operas and circus performances, cuisine and local snacks )and local snacks )15 我非常高兴能在此会见来自大洋彼岸的加拿大商业界的朋友。我非常高兴能在此会见来自大洋彼岸的加拿大商业界的朋友。“_。”这句中国古话可以表达我此刻的心情。这句中国古话可以表达我此刻的心情。 中国政府十分重视同加拿大双边经贸关


14、,赢得中国市场。 (It is always a pleasure to greet a friend from afar; (It is always a pleasure to greet a friend from afar; efforts/endeavors, abundant, a huge market )efforts/endeavors, abundant, a huge market )16Permit me to say again this evening: Let us act according to the principle of mutual respect

15、and_, to the principle of both dignity and fairness.It is certainly in the fundamental interest of our people to trade and be friends with the Chinese people.We are very _ by your modernization program, an ambitious undertaking which makes our future _ relationship very _.China today , I understand

16、, is taking a practical and _ approach and we wish you success and offer you our cooperation in this great endeavor.mutual benefitimpressedcooperationpromisingeffective171, 与经济、金融等相关的数字题:与经济、金融等相关的数字题:失业率、失业数字(jobless, unemployment rate, lay off)通货膨胀、通货紧缩(inflation, deflation)股指(Dow Jones, Nasdaq, S

17、&P(标准普尔500指数)油价(oil price, crude oil, barrel, OPEC(石油输出国组织)房地产市场(real estate)汇率(exchange rate)利率(interest rate)182, 现代人的健康问题现代人的健康问题饮食(diet)运动 (exercises, sedentary (久坐不动的) lifestyle)吸烟等不良生活方式(caffeine, tobacco, nicotine, drug abuse滥用药品, substance dependence 药物依赖)压力(stress)肥胖症(obesity, overeating, c

18、alorie)与家庭成员和朋友相聚 (a family reunion)旅行与度假(travelling and vacation)193, 对现代科技的正反两方面讨论对现代科技的正反两方面讨论电视互联网(addiction, e-commerce, privacy, fraud)社交网站(social networking, anonymity 匿名, virtual reality)通讯设备(convenience, face-to-face communication)新兴媒体(emerging media, advertising)高科技与教育的结合(teenager, adolesc

19、ent, budget, online courses)204, 职场指南职场指南就业市场 (school leaver, recruitment, competition)面试诀窍(interviewing tips)与同事、上级沟通(colleague, supervisor, superior)提高工作效率(efficiency, productivity)5, 自然灾害等突发新闻自然灾害等突发新闻伤亡情况(die, injure, missing, hospitalize, homeless, displace, seek temporary shelter)对交通、电力、学校、商家等

20、的影响(blackout, cripple, paralyze, delay, cancel)交通事故及其原因(road accident, causes)216, 对热点问题的讨论对热点问题的讨论救市 bailout限薪 salary cap创造就业机会 creating job opportunities资源与环保(scarcity, strain, carbon, emission, recycling, waste disposal)移民(immigrant, advocate, liberal, conservative)信用与消费主义(credit, consumerism)自由竞

21、争、市场经济与政府角色(market economy, government control, protectionism)老龄化社会(aging society, pension, social welfare)慈善(charity, charitable organization, poverty relief 脱贫,扶贫, wealth distribution)创业精神(entrepreneurship)22即席讲话者在开口之前, 脑子里就已经形成了一幅粗线条“草图”; 接受采访的人在听到问题之后, 也会迅速构思, 简单地在脑中列出一些“提纲”。但这种草图或提纲是模糊的, 不完整的,

22、需要在讲话过程中逐渐加以完善。讲话者会运用一些标记来提醒自己和听者, 哪些是要点, 顺序如何, 做出什么结论等。译者必须时刻注意这些标记, 以此为辅助线索,“顺藤摸瓜”找到讲话要旨。人们在非正式场合常用的语篇标记可大致分为以下几类:23(1) 时间顺序:In the first p lace, Next, Previously, Secondly, After that, While, Then, Last, When(2) 强调:The point you must remember is. . . Id like to emphasize. . . Let me repeat. The n

23、ext point is crucial to my argument.(3) 解释:In other words, Let me put it this way. That is to say.(4) 举例:For example, For instance, Lets take. . . An example of this was. . .(5) 转换话题:Now lets ( think about, look at, consider, turn our attention to). . .24先后次序:先后次序:first of all, next, previously, sim

24、ultaneously, eventually 并列关系:并列关系:and, too, meanwhile, in the meantime 递进关系:递进关系:also, moreover, in addition, furthermore, besides, not only, on top of that 转折关系:转折关系:but, however, though, whereas, nevertheless, instead, in fact 让步关系:让步关系:although, despite, in spite of, even though 因果关系:因果关系:so, thu

25、s, hence, as a result, consequently, reason, because, for, due to, accordingly, lead to 对照关系:对照关系:like, likewise, similarly, in a similar manner, as well as, in common with, both, compared to 对比关系:对比关系:different from, unlike, by contrast, on the other hand, on the contrary, conversely 解释关系:解释关系:that

26、 is to say, in other words, this means 条件关系:条件关系:if, unless, once, provided that, in case (of), had I known, were this to happen 举例关系:举例关系:for example / instance, in this case, namely, such as, a case in point 归纳总结:归纳总结:on the whole, in brief, to sum up, in conclusion, in summary, to conclude, in sh

27、ort 25Well, I joined the company as a marketing assistant back in 1997 and my duties then were quite different to m y present duties as product manager. Now , Im responsible for both our soap range and hair-care products, whereas before I was getting general marking experience. For ex ample, I assis

28、ted the marketing manager by collecting and analyzing data. In particular, I was involved in market research for our soap products. My responsibilities have changed a lot, of course. In those days , I used to be just a member of a team , but now , Ive got five people working under me and Im complete

29、ly responsible for the launch of a new range of hair products next year. Theres a lot more work. On the other hand , its much more varied. The actual hours I spend in the off ice are nearly the same as before. However, I do tend to take more work home these days. This is something our marketing mana

30、ger, who is directly above me, thinks quite normal.26Well, I joined the company as a marketing assistant back in 1997 and my duties then (时间顺序) were quite different to m y present duties as product manager. Now , (时间顺序) Im responsible for both our soap range and hair2care products, whereas before (对

31、比) I was getting general marking experience. For example, (举例) I assisted the marketing manager by collecting and analyzing data. In particular, (强调) I was involved in market research for our soap products. My responsibilities have changed a lot, of course. In those days , (时间顺序) I used to be just a

32、 member of a team , but now , (转折) Ive go t five people working under me and Im completely responsible for the launch of anew range of hair product s next year. Theres a lot more work. On the other hand , (对比) its much mo re varied. The actual hours I spend in the off ice are nearly the same as befo

33、re. However, (转折) I do tend to take more work home these days. This is something our marketing manager, w ho is directly above me, thinks quite normal.27雅思考试(国际英语语言测试系统)是听说读写四项英语交流能力的测试。它是为那些打算在以英语作为交流语言的国家或 地区学习或工作的人们设置的英语语言水平考试。自1989年以来,雅思考试在世界各地得到验证和信任。它在全球范围内提供了一种可靠并权威的考试方法,以测试考生在真实的语言环境中用英语进行沟通

34、的能力。全球有超过6000所院校机构、政府部门和职业机构认可雅思成绩并将其作为一项权威有效的测试英语沟通能力的方法。每年全球有超过140万人次参加雅思考试,并籍此获得前往英语语言国家的机会。雅思考试在全世界120个国家和地区举行,是世界上增长最快的考试之一。雅思考试为信誉、研究和创新设立了标准。 281. 源语复述源语复述 可以选择一些英文有声资料(最好是现场讲话)或是请练习搭档模拟现场发言。听过一段话后,在不记笔记的情况下用源语(英文)进行复述。注意在听的过程中要把注意力从词句表达上移开,而专注于整段话的逻辑意思。在复述时不要拘泥于原文词句,更不要试图背原话。意思和逻辑关系要尽量复述得准确完

35、整。 292. 提问策略提问策略 在听辨训练的初级阶段,如果还不能完全掌握边听、边分析、边记忆的技能,可采取就所听内容进行提问的方式建立逻辑关系。比如可以将注意力放在WHAT、 WHO、WHEN AND WHERE、HOW AND WHY等几个要素上。通过这种方式增强逻辑分析意识,努力跟上讲话人的思路,从而对所听语篇有一个正确的理解。303. 材料选择材料选择 每段讲话的长度可随熟练程度的增强而逐步增加:比如从听几句话到听一小段,从一小段到一大段,再到数段等。并可以尝试听各种不同风格的讲话。选题也可以从比较熟悉的领域逐步扩展到比较陌生的领域,以培养临场适应能力和综合分析能力。314. 口音适应口音适应 练习听辨能力可以从标准的英语视听资料开始。练习者对标准语音都比较适应,因此听力方面的障碍较小,可以将更多的精力放在分辨、整理讲话内容方面。在对标准英文的听辨练到一定程度之后,可以逐渐引入带有各种口音的英文视听资料。现场工作中,很多时候讲话者的英文带有浓重的地方或个人口音,如果平时练习只针对标准英文发音,在实际工作中遇到“非标准”英语时就会因准备不足而影响口译任务的完成。32


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