1、 研究馆员研究馆员研究馆员研究馆员苏联的解体:苏联的解体: 苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟,简称苏联:1922年12月30日1991年12月26日:俄罗斯国海湾战争科索沃战争阿富汗战争伊拉克战争海湾战争:海湾战争:阿富汗的塔利班“9.119.11事件事件” 美国军费(亿美元)1945年1947年1950年代1960年代1980年代1990年代2009年最高年度开支(按照1990年美元比值计算)4530590195024003300 24289220军费开支:军费开支:美国二战以后,相关年份及年代中最高年度军费开支(预算)表1 1、空袭理论的发展、空袭理论的发展 托夫勒的理论托夫勒的理论 约翰约翰沃顿
2、沃顿提出了著名的提出了著名的“五环五环”理论理论指挥通指挥通信中心信中心第一环第二环第三环第四环第五环指挥、控制和通信系统生产设施,包括石油、电力、军工设施及其相关企业基础设施,包括机场、港口、铁路、公路等交通设施,部队使用的各种军用基础设施以及部分相关企业民心,包括与作战有关的军事与非军事人员野战部队,包括防空系统、军营和坦克部队等五环打击目标名称铁路桥梁公路干线民用机场军(民)用油库炼油能力电力广播电视设施直接经济损失损失12条50座5条5个41%41%(57%57%)100%50%39%2000亿美元 “五环五环”理论在科索沃战争中的运用:科索沃战争中美国为首的北约空袭打击的顺序是:理论
4、被毁;重要经济目标(如汽车制造厂等)、军实为密谋精炸,南联盟的军政首脑机关几乎全部被毁;重要经济目标(如汽车制造厂等)、军工企业、化工企业所剩无几,经济基础和战争潜力遭受重创。如表所示:工企业、化工企业所剩无几,经济基础和战争潜力遭受重创。如表所示: 被摧毁的萨达姆“地宫”入口 We rang, but I guess Saddams out The main dome had enclosed a grand dining room with Romanesque pillars, elevated galleries and friezes that, Iraqis say, placed
5、 Mr. Husseins initials above the word of God cited from the Koran. Now its inner surface is barren and cratered and the gallery is in tatters. 虽然萨达姆在这个单人洞中被抓住,但是对于空中打击来说,萨达姆认为这里要比豪华的地下宫殿安全。Burning OilfieldsBurning Oilfields American American airforceairforce F-15 C F-15 C fighters flying over a Kuwa
6、iti fighters flying over a Kuwaiti oilfield which had been torched oilfield which had been torched by retreating Iraqi troops during by retreating Iraqi troops during the Gulf War. (Photo by MPI/Getty the Gulf War. (Photo by MPI/Getty Images)Images)Returning To BaseReturning To Base 1991: An America
7、n 1991: An American airforceairforce jet jet returning to base in Saudi Arabia returning to base in Saudi Arabia after a raid on Iraqi ground after a raid on Iraqi ground forces during the Gulf War. forces during the Gulf War. 2 2、空袭武器的发展、空袭武器的发展飞机名称飞机名称B-52B-52F-117F-117B-1BB-1BB-2BB-2BF-22F-22F-35
9、使用状态8585架继续服役架继续服役采购采购179179交付交付5050将装备将装备24432443,取代美国空,取代美国空军军F16F16,海军,海军F18F18,海军陆,海军陆战队战队AV-8AV-8生产年份生产年份1952-19621952-1962年年生产数量生产数量744744单位造价单位造价53.453.4百万美元(百万美元(19981998年)年)B-B-52H52H打算服役时间打算服役时间20502050年(理由可发射巡航导年(理由可发射巡航导弹)弹)翼展翼展/ /机长机长/ /机高机高/ /乘员乘员/ /作战半径作战半径/ /续续航时间航时间56.39/49.05/56.39
10、/49.05/12.40/612.40/6人人/ /74007400千米千米/19/19小时小时/ /41.8/44.5/10.441.8/44.5/10.4/4/4人人/5543/5543千米千米/ /13.56/18.9/13.56/18.9/5.08/15.08/1人人/ /作战半径超过作战半径超过10001000千米千米主要设备主要设备AN/ABS-9AAN/ABS-9A火控系统、远距通火控系统、远距通信、导航设备、电子干扰设信、导航设备、电子干扰设备、雷达告警系统等备、雷达告警系统等主动相控阵雷达、主动相控阵雷达、武器装备武器装备1 1门门6 6管机炮、管机炮、2020枚枚AGM-6
11、9AAGM-69A空空地导弹或挂常规炸弹或核弹地导弹或挂常规炸弹或核弹外挂外挂2727吨;内携吨;内携3434吨吨对地攻击:对地攻击:2 2枚枚GBU-32GBU-32联合直接攻击联合直接攻击弹药、弹药、2 2枚风偏修正弹药洒布器、枚风偏修正弹药洒布器、8 8枚枚GBU-39GBU-39小直径炸弹小直径炸弹主要飞机相关性能主要飞机相关性能发射导弹的相关武器平台发射导弹的相关武器平台类型名称用途状态载弹量携弹类型服役时间服役数量天基平台(卫星)包括全球定位系统空基平台(轰炸机)海基平台(舰艇)陆基平台(地地导弹)几种特种炸弹相关性能几种特种炸弹相关性能种类名称用途重量威力精确制导炸弹巨型制导深钻
12、地炸弹电磁脉冲弹石墨炸弹温压炸弹 “全球鹰”无人机实施了一次对敌方高层军事会议会场的直接轰炸,导致上百名中高层指挥人员丧命,一举击溃了塔利班的指挥控制体系。 波音公司为美军开发的“联合直接攻击弹药”,由MK系列自由落体炸弹改装而成。 波音公司的JDAM,美军编号为GBU-32 进行测试的JDAM-ER the 39 missiles Iraq the 39 missiles Iraq aunchedaunched against Israel during against Israel during the 1991 Gulf War are the 1991 Gulf War are dis
13、played. (Photo by David displayed. (Photo by David Silverman/Getty Images)Silverman/Getty Images) 电磁脉冲武器袭击城市示意图 美军BLU-114石墨炸弹可攻击电网 海湾战争科索沃战争阿富汗战争伊拉克战争6.8%34%66%90%信息化弹药的使用量占使用弹药总量的百分比航弹在不同介质中的侵彻深度航弹在不同介质中的侵彻深度 单位:单位:M M弹弹 种种粘土粘土亚粘土亚粘土砂土砂土碎石土碎石土混凝土混凝土钢筋混钢筋混凝土凝土岩石岩石厚壁厚壁爆破爆破弹弹250kg250kg7.717.716.616.61
16、2.032.03 This map shows the locations of terrorist strikes resulting in 100 or more fatalities, based on these listings.3 3、恐怖袭击的威胁、恐怖袭击的威胁恐怖袭击的威胁特点恐怖袭击的威胁特点使用的武器使用的武器武器特征武器特征袭击的目袭击的目标标袭击方式袭击方式袭击影响袭击影响飞机飞机劫持民航飞机劫持民航飞机人质、重人质、重要建筑物要建筑物自杀性自杀性大大炸弹炸弹人体、汽车等人体、汽车等平民人群平民人群或军队等或军队等自杀性自杀性大大枪枪便于携带便于携带随机行为随机行为隐
17、蔽性隐蔽性可大可小可大可小其它其它刀具、火种等刀具、火种等随机行为随机行为随机性随机性可大可小可大可小 美国 911 恐怖袭击Double Bomb Blast Kills At Least 17 In Istanbul(TURKEY OUT) People watch the funeral procession for victims of bomb blasts July 28, 2008 in Istanbul, Turkey. The death toll in two bomb blasts in a crowded square rose to 17 on Monday in a
18、n attack that sharply increased security tensions in the area. This comes as Turkeys top court began deliberating on whether to ban the governing party. It was suggested by Turkish officials that Kurdish militants were a prime suspect in the bombings. (Photo by Ilker Akgungor/Getty Images)Bodies of
19、Pakistan peoples party activists laying on street (EDITORS NOTE: GRAPHIC CONTENT) Volunteers and paramilitary soldiers tend to the bodies of a Pakistani people party activists laying in the street after a powerful suicide car bomb blast was set off near a vehicle carrying former Pakistani Prime Mini
20、ster Benazir Bhutto during welcome parade on October 18, 2007 in Karachi4 4、平时灾害的威胁、平时灾害的威胁各种灾害的威胁灾害分类灾害种类危害程度自然灾害地震海啸飓风人为灾害火灾核化事故China Deals With Aftermath Of Earthquake 5 5、破环效果展示、破环效果展示时期第二次世界大战越南战争 海湾战争弹数9000枚300枚2枚不同时期摧毁一个目标所需弹数美国使用“钻石背”滑翔翼的SDB小直径炸弹打击钢筋砼工事试验 JDAM由普通航空炸弹加装GPS制导组件 打击钢筋砼试验 British
21、 Troops Train In Kuwaiti Desert Hundreds of destroyed vehicles from the 1991 Gulf War are seen March 11, 2003 in the Kuwaiti desert near the Iraqi border. British Prime Minister Tony Blair said that a UN veto threat from France and Russia threatens a transatlantic alliance and sends Iraqi President
22、Saddam Hussein the wrong signal as war opponents press for continued weapons inspections. (Photo by Ian Waldie/Getty Images 位于巴格达阿米里亚区的一个大型掩体,位于巴格达阿米里亚区的一个大型掩体,19911991年被美军两颗激光制导炸弹摧毁,在里面藏身的年被美军两颗激光制导炸弹摧毁,在里面藏身的10001000名名老百姓当场丧命老百姓当场丧命1991年1月22日,在沙特首都利雅得街头,沙特士兵在看守一枚被“爱国者”导弹击落的伊拉克“飞毛腿”导弹残骸。海湾战争期间,伊拉克向
23、以色列和沙特共发射了数十枚“飞毛腿”导弹,造成数十人死亡,几百人受伤。Pre-strike assessment photograph of the Belgrade Federal Ministry Internal Affairs, Serbia Post-strike bomb damage assessment photograph of the Belgrade Federal Ministry Internal Affairs, Serbia Post-strike bomb damage assessment photograph of the Cacak Ordnance Re
24、pair Facility, Serbia Kosovo A Divided SoulThe ruins of a house once lived in by a family of Ethnic Albanians and burned during the 1999 Kosovo war is seen on November 22, 2007 in Mitrovica, Kosovo Province, Serbia. Kosovo is administered by the United Nations after tensions between the provinces et
25、hnic Albanian majority and the Serbian government in Belgrade erupted in violence in the late 1990s. (Photo by Marco di Lauro/Getty Images)Residents displayed what they said was damage from U.S. airstrikes. Correction appended Jan. 17, 2006: A caption Saturday on NYT with a photograph of damage from
26、 a U.S. airstrike in Pakistan misidentified an item in the photograph. Agence France-Presse, the agency that provided the photograph, later changed the caption to report that the item appears to be an unexploded artillery shell, not a piece of a missile from Fridays attack. 一枚“战斧”式巡航导弹从美军导弹巡洋舰“邦克希尔”
27、号上发射。 2003年3月20日破晓,美国攻击伊拉克的战争在“最后通牒”到期一个半小时后爆发。巴格达上空突然响起刺耳的防空警报,巴格达城南随即传来阵阵爆炸声。 2003年3月21日深夜,美军对巴格达进行了开战以来最大规模的轰炸,巴格达陷入一片火海,巴格达市区发生爆炸后起火。(2006年7月15日)黎巴嫩的贝鲁特上空弥漫着以色列空袭后的烟雾 设在贝鲁特的真主党指挥部被以色列炸毁的情景 一名黎巴嫩青年在检查被以军炸毁的位于黎巴嫩东部的一个工厂(2006年7月17日 )巴勒斯坦人站在被以色列空袭炸毁的政府外交部大楼前(2006年7月17日) (2006年7月18日)黎巴嫩的信鸽爱好者从被以色列空军炸
28、毁的建筑下拯救并释放这些鸽子。代表和平的鸽子啊,还是离开这好些. (2006年7月21日)一名77岁的黎巴嫩老妇女举起双手问天上真主:“为什么要我离开家园?!” 以色列救援人员在察看被真主党火箭击中的楼房 National public safety commission Israel rear headquarters Image: A map of Wiltshires Ridge quarry/bunker system; see belowSouthern Water Nuclear Bunker Council Emergency Centre Council Emergency C
29、entre Scotlands secret bunker It was supposed to provide shelter for the government of the Saarland in case of a nuclear strike.Kosovo Operation Allied Force Imagery Imagery used by Joint Staff Vice Director for Strategic Plans and Policy Maj. Gen. Charles F. Wald, U.S. Air Force, during a press bri
30、efing on NATO Operation Allied Force in the Pentagon on May 13, 1999. DoD photo. 以色列民防设施以色列民防设施Israelis Wake Up To Third Day In Bomb SheltersIsraeli children wake up to the morning TV news after a night on the floor of a communal bomb shelter as residents of this town prepare for a third day of livi
31、ng underground July 14, 2006 the northern Israeli town of Nahariya. Two Israeli women were killed, and more than 120 wounded, as scores of Katyusha rockets fired from Lebanon the previous day by the militant Islamic group Hezbollah struck communities all along Israels northern border. (Photo by Davi
32、d Silverman/Getty Images)家庭防尘降掩体家庭防尘降掩体防尘降掩体防尘降掩体尔顿麦卡锡工程公司设计和建造可以使用30年的地下庇护所防尘降掩体防尘降掩体内的设施内的设施 1、威胁的多样化 2、指挥的信息化 3、工程的网路化 4、防护的区域化 5、疏散的就地化 6、观念的新颖化 四、人防的未来四、人防的未来B-52以前的全套挂载武器展示,可见AGM-86空射巡航导弹2008-04-30美军空袭伊拉克萨德尔城,房屋被炸成了一片废墟,45人死2007年09月07日美空袭巴格达居民区炸死14人炸伤10多人Israeli Airstrikes Rock Gaza CityPalest
33、inian students look at a crater left by an Israeli airstrike at the University courtyard on June 29, 2006 in Gaza City, Gaza Strip. Israeli troops rounded up MPs and officials from the ruling Hamas party on June 29 in the West Bank town of Ramallah amid efforts to win the release of an Israeli soldi
34、er held by Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip. (Photo by Abid Katib/Getty Images)Israel Targets Hamas Militants In GazaPalestinian men inspect what is left of a destroyed metal workshop following an Israeli air strike May 20, 2007 in Gaza City, Gaza Strip. According to reports, since May 15 the
35、re have been at least 120 rocket attacks fired from Gaza into southern Israel. Israel has responded with at least 21 airstrikes into Gaza, including targeting a car carrying suspected Hamas militants and militant owned arms factories. Israel Targets Hamas Militants In GazaPalestinian men inspect wha
36、t is left of a destroyed metal workshop following an Israeli air strike May 20, 2007 in Gaza City, Gaza Strip. According to reports, since May 15 there have been at least 120 rocket attacks fired from Gaza into southern Israel. Israel has responded with at least 21 airstrikes into Gaza, including ta
37、rgeting a car carrying suspected Hamas militants and militant owned arms factories. Smoke rises from a destroyed building after an Israeli air strike May 17, 2007 in Gaza City, Gaza Strip. The Israeli military said it carried out an air strike in Gaza City on Thursday and local residents said the ta
38、rget was a building housing Hamas Executive Force. (Photo by Getty Images)Israeli Targets Hamas In GazaIsraeli Targets Hamas In GazaPalestinians inspect a destroyed building after an Israeli air strike May 17, 2007 in Gaza City, the Gaza Strip. According to reports, the Israeli military carried out an air strikes in Gaza City on a Hamas compound and a car carrying Hamas commanders. 在以色列北部城市某住在以色列北部城市某住房内,消防员正在研究一房内,消防员正在研究一枚被卡秋莎火箭损坏的房枚被卡秋莎火箭损坏的房子子真主党导弹击中的以色列火车站真主党导弹击中的以色列火车站 废墟废墟 阿马拉救灾现场 观念的新颖化观念的新颖化