寒假词汇综合练习2 -(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册.docx

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1、寒假词汇综合练习2I.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.My experience of running a shop and working as a designer in Colombia gave me _(confident) to do the job well.2.Mrs.Brown shared her _(wise)and experience with us, and we learned a lot.3.If you are in line with the rules, you are not likely _ (get) into trouble.4.We expl

2、ained our_ (propose) in detail, and at last they accepted it. 5.Mike _(attempt) a joke, but no one laughed.6.In _(compare) with metals, plastics have both advantages and disadvantages.7.The old man passed his knowledge of _(tradition) Chinese medicine down to the younger generation.8.Standing by the

3、 ships rail, I admired the _(beautiful) of the ocean.9.Wildfires may _ (threat) this area in a hot and dry summer.10.Ive always kept my private and _(profession) life separate.11.The three men were taken to the police station because they killed rare animals _(illegal).12.The wolf ran into the woods

4、 before the _(hunt) raised his gun.II.根据汉语提示写出单词的正确形式。1.They were already _(流汗)as the sun beat down upon them.2. _ (电)provides us with warmth and light and all our modern home comforts.3.These toys have been in short _(供应)even since that website featured them.4.Have you filled in the _(申请)form for y

5、our passport yet?5.Tony likes doing things in a _(创造性的)way which is different from everyone else.6.Everything in the house seemed old and untouched, like _(古物)of ancient times.7.David _(下载)some Chinese songs from the Internet and practiced singing themevery day.8. Many parents save up a lot of money

6、 to prepare their children for _ (海外的)education.9.This nature _ (保护区)provides a shelter for the areas wildlife.10.I was fooled by the salesman into buying worthless _ (商品).11.The womans voice was full of _(感情)when she read the letter.12.Why are so many _(数码的)products difficult and unpleasant to use?

7、13.This new product is of high _(质量)and is not expensive either.14.It is _(不寻常的)for Henry, a shy boy, to give a speech in front of so many people.15.He has the ability to deal with _(突发事件)quickly.III.用适当的介词或副词填空。1.In order to improve my English, I applied _an evening school.2.My sons words left me _

8、 shock for several minutes and I didnt know what to say.3. _average, he goes there twice a week.4.The taxi driver is driving _a slow rate.5.I could hardly make anything _ in the thick smoke.6.The colors in the room arent _ harmony with each other.7.The sun sends _light and heat, which makes it possi

9、ble for plants to grow.8.It was _ this reason that Mr. Smith left the office without saying a word.IV.根据括号内的汉语提示,补全下列句子。1.Wu Yishu, a girl with a rich knowledge of classic Chinese literature, _ _ _ _ _ _(给观众留下深刻印象)。2.The little boy decided to _ _ _ _(把书捐给)the organization.3. _ _ _(别管汤姆).He should be

10、 punished for what he did.4.If you are interested in Chinese culture, please _ _ _(报名)the course as soon as possible.5. _ _ _(在我看来),it is very necessary to sort different kinds of rubbish.6.Tose old houses will be pulled down to _ _ _(让步)a new supermarket.7.When you are _ _(处于危险中),the most important

11、 thing for you to do isstay calm.8.Excuse me, can you _ _ _ _(拍一张照)me and Rachel?9.To my great joy, the plant _ _ _(看起来一模一样)what we have been looking for.10.Rose thanked me for making her _ _(意识到)her mistakes in her work.11.In the first few months, Li Mei had some difficulty _ _(适应) the life in Lond

12、on.12. _ _ _ _(一群鹿)sensed the danger and made off into the woods.V.根据汉语及括号内的要求或提示翻译下列句子。1.他来了后除了惹麻烦外什么也没干。(stir up)_2.背部的伤可能使威廉无法参加明天的足球赛。(prevent)_3.即使我妈妈原谅我做的事,我还是感到不开心。(forgive)_4.为了按时完成这个项目,他们在近三周夜以继日地工作。(day and night)_5.只有我们一起努力才能解决这个问题。(only引导的倒装句)_6.警察正沿着海滩搜寻失踪的女孩。(search for)_KeysI.1.confid

13、ence 2.wisdom 3.to get 4.proposal 5.attempted parison 7.traditional 8.beauty9.threaten 10.professional 11.illegally 12.hunterII.1.sweating 2.Electricity 3.supply 4.application 5.creative 6.relics 7.downloaded 8.overseas9.reserve 10.goods 11.emotion 12.digital 13.quality 14.unusual 15.emergenciesIII.

14、1.to 2.in 3.On 4.at 5.out 6.in 7.out 8.forIV.1.made a deep impression on the audience 2.donate the books to 3.Leave Tom alone4.sign up for 5.From my point of view/In my opinion 6.give way to 7.in danger8.take a photo of 9.looks exactly like 10.aware of 11.adapting to 12.A herd of deerV.1.Hes done no

15、thing but stir up trouble since he arrived.2.The back injury may prevent William(from) competing in tomorrows football game.3.Even if my mother forgave me for what I had done, I still felt unhappy.4.To complete the project on schedule, they have been working day and night in the past three weeks.5.Only when we work together can we solve the problem.6.The police are searching for the missing girl along the beach. 5 / 5


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