Unit5 重点单词语言点及练习一-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册 .docx

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Unit5 重点单词语言点及练习一-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册 .docx_第5页
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1、B2U5 单词预习(一)一award v._ n._ award sth to sb=award sb sth 把某物颁发给某人1.Mo Yan _(award) the Nobel Prize for literature, which made all Chinese people proud. 2.The first prize will _(award) to two students of our school for their wonderful performance in the National English Speaking competition.3.My mothe

2、r, a high school teacher, has won a number of teaching _(award) for her devotion to her work. 4.You deserve _award for the role that you played.翻译5.The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts will be rewarded with success in the end.二_ n.指挥;售票员 _ v.指挥; 执行;举止翻译(2018全国I) Why

3、 did Babbitts team conduct the research?翻译(2018浙江) The easiest way is to make sure you conduct yourself as a good student. 翻译The professor is conducting an amazing experiment.翻译(2020全国) A study of travelers conducted by the website tripadvisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the

4、world.三、fall in love with. 爱上(强调动作) be in love with.:爱上(强调状态)1) He fell in love with Mozarts classical music when he was young. 2) They have been in love with each other for a long time. 四、for the first time / the first time观察下面句子区分for the first time / the first time1.He stared at me as if seeing me

5、 for the first time.2.We met for the first time in the small village.3.It was the first time we admited to ourselves that we were tired.4.Naturally, you were nervous when you went on the platform_.5.Its _ weve been to the cinema together as a family.6.The airport road is passable today _in a week.7.

6、It is _ we have been apart for more than a few days.8.It was _I got invited to that fancy club. 五stage n. (1)(发展或进展的)时期;阶段 (2)(多指剧场中的)舞台reach a stage 到达某一阶段stage,case,situation,position, point 定从中做抽象地点名词,且定从中缺少地点状语,定语从句用where 引导。1.The matter has reached a stage _ they have to give in. 2.This is a st

7、age _ is prepared for the teenagers who have special talents. 3.Its helpful to put children in a situation _ they can see themselves differently.六original adj.原来的;独创的;原作的 n.原件;原作_n.起源 _adv. 原来;起初_v.起源1. Festivals have a number of _, such as the seasons, religions and important events.2.He is such a

8、stubborn(固执的) man that its hard to persuade him to change his _ thoughts. 翻译3.The disease is thought to have originated in the US.7 _ adj.逐渐的;渐进的_adv.逐渐地;逐步地1.Over the past 300 years its population grew _ from 800 people to 8 million. 2.As you go further south, you will notice a_change of climate. 3

9、._, factory workers have been displaced by machines.八relif n.(焦虑、痛苦的)减轻或消除;宽慰 _如释重负_令人宽慰的是,_v.缓解;减轻 _ adj. 如释重负的;感到宽慰的;翻译1.Being able to tell the truth at last seemed to relieve her. 2.With all the problems solved, Jenny smiled in _(relieve).3.To his _(relieve), the patient was out of danger .4.List

10、ening to music is a good way for _(relieve) pressure. 5.We are all _(relieve) to be back home. 6.In a way, it was a relief _ (know) exactly what was happening. 九cure (1)vt. 治愈;治好(疾病);解决(问题) (2)n. 药物;治疗;(解决问题、改善糟糕情况的)措施1.Fortunately, the experienced doctor _(cure) him of his disease.2.He found that c

11、reating music was a relief and cure _ his illness. 3.The dentist _ my teeth, but he didnt _ them.(cure/treat)十absorb v.吸收,吸引;使专心 be absorbed in (doing) sth= absorb oneself in doing 专心致志于1.After _(absorb)enough water and sunlight, the plants grow well.2.Rose was so _ (absorb)in her job that she didnt

12、 hear anybody knocking at the door. 3.Tom sat beside the window, _ (absorb)in a novel.十一unemployed adj. 失业的;待业的_ v. 雇佣;使用 _ n. 雇用;就业 _ n. 雇员 _ n. 雇主;老板 hire/employ sb.: 雇佣某人 fire sb.: 解雇某人1.The _(employ) who just graduated from university last year found it hard to satisfy his _(employ) , so he quit

13、 the job.2.Dave quit the job and was _(employ), so he had time to consider what job he really wanted. 3. She has been employed _ a secretary in a big company in Shanghai. 十二impact (1)n. 巨大影响;强大作用;冲击力 (2)v. 影响 have an impact on/upon 对有影响 =have an effect/influence on 对有影响1.Somehow she had a serious di

14、sease, which had a great impact _ her previous life.翻译2.To tell the truth, smoking _(对人的健康有不好的影响). 十三aim n.目标 v. 瞄准,旨在 _ adj. 没有目标的 _adv.漫无目的地翻译1.Teamwork is required in order to achieve these aims.翻译2.The book is aimed at very young children.1.All our projects aim _ (promote) the development of poo

15、r and remote communities.2.Earth Day _ (aim) to raise public awareness about environmental protection.3.She started an organization which was _(aim) at getting rid of homelessness.4.Jane moved _ (aimless) down the tree-lined street, not knowing where she was heading.十四_n. 设备;装备 (不可数名词) _ v.配备;装备 过去式

16、_-过去分词_equip oneself with sth. 给某人配备某物/使有能力 sb. be equipped with sth. 某人配备有.翻译Please equip yourself with a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam. Our laboratory is well _(equip).If it were not for the modern_(equip), such experiments would not be performed. If you want to live in this world, equip

17、_ (you) with a heart that can bare suffering.The students _(equip)with much knowledge will have a bright future._ (equip) himself with much experience in teaching, he is well respected by all his students._ (equip)with much experience in teaching, he is well respected by all his students._(equip)wit

18、h new scientific farming methods, they have been able to use less farmland than in the past.8._(equip) schools with computers is one of the priorities of education.9.The band bought a lot of _ (equip) and set it up in their studio.十五12.talent n. (1)天才,天赋= gift _adj.有天赋的= gifted(1) She is proud that

19、both her children _(有天赋) music and painting. (2) It is believed that Tom will become an outstanding racing driver because he has a talent _ driving. (3) 2019北京卷 Most people believe the best way to build a great team is to gather a group of the most _ (talent) individuals. (4) She showed a talent _ acting at an early age. (5)we all consider him to be a _ musician.学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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