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1、国家开放大学电大本科管理英语 4期末题库及答案 2 (试卷号: 1389)题库一一、交际用语(每小题2分, 共10分)1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下面对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。1.一I think things have been a bit difficult for us the last couple of months.一weve beenworking hard, but still getting behind. A. Youre right. B. Im afraid. C. I don t think so. 2.一How can you explain the late

2、st situation?一1 know it is all my fault.A. Sorry, B. Excuse me, C. Im afraid3. -Do you mind if I use vouchers to spend in a restaurant?A. Yes, please. B. Not at all. Goa head. C. No, thank you.4.一Im going to Beijing for a few days.一1 wish I could go with you.A. It doesnt matter. B. Forget it. C. I r

3、eally envy you. 5. -The Auto Show in the City Stadium has been canceled. -Oh, no!A. What a pity! B. It doesnt matter! C. Its not interesting at all! 二、 词汇与结构(每小题2分,共30分)6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。6. AT&T found that employees with better planning and decision - making skills wer

4、e to be promoted into management jobs. A.more likelyB. more like C. more unlikely7._managers spend most of their time in face-to-face contact with others, but they spend much of it obtaining and sharing information. A.Not onlyB. Do not onlyC. Not only do8.his anger, the employees called him Mr. Thun

5、der, but they loved him,A.BecauseB. In spite of C. Due to9._clearly co111Dunicate with and actively listen to employees is essential to improve their performance. A.Be able toB.Being ableC.Being able to10. I believe that I have a lot to contributea team environment, and am comfortablein both leaders

6、hip and player roles. A.toB. withC. for11. Compared_English, Chinese is generally believed to be more difficult to learn. A. withB. fromC. against12.the importance of English, we should put more effort into it and try to lea工n itwell. A.GaveB.GivingC.Given 13.on the hilltop, you could enjoy the scen

7、ery of the city bathed in the sun.A.StandingB.Standc.Stood14. There is nothe fact that he is the best student in the class. A.denyB.deniesC.denying15. Her desire for the_of a beautiful town reina in ed.A. createB.creationC.created16.Every time I tried to say something, he would_to something else.A.

8、move offB. move onC. move over17. To build the reservoir(水库),thousands of people have to be_.A.relocatedB. RepeatedC.reopened18. Good work good pay.A.deservesB.requestsC.deserts19.At a rough, we will take another four weeks to finish this plan.A.valueB.estimateC.account20. Even the best continually

9、seek ways to_their skills. A. sharpB. sharpenerC. sharpen三、阅读理解(每小题4分,共40分)21-25题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一一个正确答案,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。Passage 1 If there s one word that captures the essence of what is occurring in the world today, it s change. Downsizing, reorganizing, and cutting costs, are now the norm for s

10、urvival. No industry s exempt. Even the most conservative institutions are undergoing significant change just to survive. . Change management has always been an issue of debate amougst scholars: how can employers create suitable conditions for a successful change process? And what can employees do t

11、o get through it? Tips for dealing with change in the workplace. eMake yourself aware that change happens: it happens in personal life, it happens in your professional life. You can not live in the past. so denying that change could occur only makes things more complicated for you. estay alert in th

12、e workplace: know what is happening around you. When you come across c lues that hint change is on the way, acknowledge them! eMaintain open comunicat ion channels: Don t lay back and expect things to pass you by smoothly. You need to get acquainted with the occurring changes. Seek more details from

13、 your management and peers to for man accurate understanding of the matter. Be transparent and honest about your fears: dealing with the unknown is often resented and daunting. Make the picture as clear as you can. Assess yourself: Changei sat imeshenone sconfi denceaboutone sskill sand capabilities

14、gets shaky. Recognize your strengths and where you could bring them into play.At the same time, stay awa工e of your deve lopmental a工eas and work on inproving those. Don t be stiff: It will make the change process much harder if you are rigid. Be flexible enough to look at the different angles of the

15、 change and see where you could apply your existing skills and knowledge, and what nevs skills you need to acquire. estay optimistic: Keepaposi ti veatti tudeanddon tletyoursel fdrowninuncertainty. Involve yourself in the new process; locate yourself properly in the new scena工io. Adjust! You can t g

16、et to the top of Everest by jumping up the mountain. You get to the mountaintop by taking incremental steps. Step by step, you get to the goal, says Robin Sharma, one of the world s most-sought- -after leadership and personal success experts. 21. Enterprises carryout downsizing, reorganizing and cut

17、ting costs in order to_A . surviveB. cut down on the number of workersC. reshuffle the organizat ion22. No industry is exempt means_A.No industry is an exampleB. No industry is an except ionC. Not every industry can be exempted23. The following questions are often discussed among scholars EXCEPT.A.

18、How can bosses create favorable conditions for changeB. How can productivity be increasedC. What can workers do to get through change24. How many suggestions does the author put forward?A. 4. B.5C.625. From the passage, we know that Robin Sharma isA. an expert on leadership, and persona 1 successB.

19、a great leaderC. someone who likes to play the game of Hide and Seek26- 30题:请根据短文内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的写“T 错误的写“F并将答案写在答题纸上。Passage 2 When Jack Welch, the Chairman and CEO at General Electric (GE) retired in 2001, he could look back at a very successful career. He became CEOinl98lat the age of 45. At tha

20、t time, GE had a very complex organizational structure with cons iderably bureaucratic rules. One of his first changes was to initiate a strategy formulation process with the guideline that each of the businesses should be number lor2in the irrespective a工eas. If this was not the case, managers had

21、the options of fixing the problem, selling their particular business, or closing it. In an effort to streamline the organization, Welch removed the sector level andel iminated thousands of salaried and hourly employee posi tions. The restructuring was followed by changing the organizat ional culture

22、 and the managerial styles of GE s managers. One such program was the Work- -Out (群策群力)Groups of managers were assembled to share their views openly in three - day sess ions. At the beginning of the meet ings,the superior presented the challenges for his or her organizat ional unit. Then the super i

23、or had to leave, requesting the groups to find solutions to the problems. Facilitators(会议主持人) helped these di scussions. On the last day, the superior was presented with proposed solutions. He or she then had three choices: to accept the proposal, not to accept it, or to collect more information. Th

24、is process put great pressure on the superior to make decisions. Another program to improve effectiveness and efficiency was Best Practices. The aim was to learn from other companies how they obtained customer satisfaction, how they related to their suppliers, and in what ways they developed new pro

25、ducts. This helped the GE people to focus on the processes in their operations that would improve the company s per formance. Jack Welch was personally involved in developing managers at GE s training center in Crotonville. Leaders, Welch suggested, are not only those who achieve results but also th

26、ose who share the values of the company. 26. Jack Welch retired at the age of 65. T27. Jack Welch insisted that each of the bus inesses should beat least number 3in their respective area. F 28. If the business could not meet Welch s change requirements, its manager had 3choices. T29. The res tructur

27、ing went before changing the organi zational cul ture and the managerialstyles of GE s managers. T 30. The Work Outlasted a week. F31根据要求写作文。了解会议日程的主要内容,根据所给信息制定会议日程安排。The structure of a meeting agenda: (l)Title of the meeting(2)Time of the meeting .(3)Place of the meeting(4)People who will attend t

28、he meting09: 00 09: 40 LO: 05 10: 20 Safi tel JinJ iang Oriental Uotcl 12: 00 Arrival, registration. picking up meeting kits Exhibitor Day One The First Participants leeting of Expo(exposition) , 2010, Shanghai. China Report on the organizational structure and preparatory progress of Expo Tea break(

29、l5m.) (2F Entrance) Wednesday, Oct.20, 2008 Watching Expo image video/film(IOm.) fork Junch(buffet) Meeting Agenda The First Participants Meeting of Expo (exposition), 2010, Shanghai, China Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2008 Day One Sofitel Jin Jiang Oriental Hotel Exhibitor 09: 00 Arrival, registration, pick

30、ing up meeting kits 09: 40 Watching Expo image video/film (10m) 10: 05 Tea break(l5m) (2F Entrance) 10: 20 Report on the organizational structure and preparatory progress of Expo 12: 00 Work lunch (buffet) 题库二一、交际用语(每小题2分,共10分)1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下面对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。1.一Is it possible for you to workout the

31、plan tonight?A. I11 do that. B. I think so. c. Id love to. 2.一How did your meeting go yesterday?-_actually, it was really frustrating.A.Not so good B. Very good C.Nothing special3.一I think things have been a bit difficult for us the last couple of in on ths.一wevebeen working hard, but still getting

32、behind. A. Youre right. B. Im afraid. C. I don t think so. 4.一Will you help me arrange a meeting with Mr. Brown, please?一A.No, no way. B.No, I cant C. Sorry I can t. I have to finish my project right now.5.一Youd better not push yourself too hard. You can ask the team and listen. A. You are right. B.

33、 No, we cant do that. C. 1 think it will kill our time. 二、词汇与结构(每小题2分,共30分)6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。6. The team creates an environment_people are comfortable in communicating,advocatingpositions, and taking action. A. thatB. WhichC. in which7. If I take the time to talk with

34、my manager at the beginning of a project, we_offto a great start on the same page. A.can getB. have gotC.get8. They have co打1e to the conclusion this winter wi 11 be even colder than before.A. thatB. forC. which9.0n hearing the news ofthe major exam again, the girl burst into tears. A. her having fa

35、iledB. she failed C.her being failed10. The reasonhe was absent from class yesterday was that he was ill and hospitalized. A.forB.whyC. that11. In high school, I am equally comfortableas a member of a team and independently. A. to workB.workingC. work12.-Who should be responsible for the accident? -

36、 The boss, not the workers. They just carried out the order_A.as are toldB.as toldC.as they told13.My leather shoes cost me_the last pairs 1 bought.A. three times asB. three time as C.three times as much as14.Without human resources, no organization can the ground, let alone do business andmake prof

37、its. A.get off B.get upC.get on15. We with achievement. A.doneB.are obsessedC.catch up 16. Current opinion among politicians is that she is_, stands for her principles.A. encourageB.courageC.courageous17. Good work good pay. A.deservesB. RequestsC.deserts18. At a rough_, we will take another four we

38、eks to finish this plan.A.valueB.estimateC.account19. To build the reservoir(水库),thousands of people have to be_A.relocated B. RepeatedC.reopened20.We need_conJD uni cation skills: listen carefully, think before you speak and manageconflicts diplomatically. A.outstandingB.plainC.general三、阅读理解(每小题4分,

39、共40分)21-25题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。Passage 1 The meaning of communication goes a lot deeper than people often think. Communicat ion s about conceiving, sending, receiving, and interpreting messages as well as confi rming reception of these messages.A failure at any point in this cha

40、in can result in ineffective communicat ion. Ineffective co皿unication can be di sastrous. There is a famous story of a British Army Commander who sent the message Send reinforcements, we re going to advance. back to his Command Center, through along chain of subordinates. Then the message final ly r

41、eached the Command Center, it hadmutated to become Send three and four pence, we re going to a dance. The reinforcements never arrived. You can demonstrate this same principle, albeit on a less dramatic scale, by trying to play Chinese Whispers wi th more than 20 people. It is highly unl ikely the s

42、ame message you started with wi 11 be the one you end with. In a business, there are three main types of conmunication failure. Each has its own indicative signs. eThe first type is known as allocative failure. This occurs when a firm is not gathering enough intelligence about its market or (most of

43、ten), the information is not reaching the right points. The firm will not be allocating resources in step with the shifts in demand. If demand is rising but the firm is suffering from allocative communication failure, then stocks will fall and there will be understaffing. If the inverse happens, the

44、re will be a surplus of stocks and over staffing. The second type is executive failure , where communication to trigger specificevents/actions is either late, lacking or in error. The symptoms of this area general loss of direction in the company or departments, a loss of co-ordination and an increa

45、se in complaints from customers as things happen late or not at all. eThe final type is human failure. This occurs when the general culture of a business or he relat ionships between particular individuals or departments do not foster effective communication. This leads to alienated staff, an increa

46、se in staff turnover, an increase in absenteeism and general frustration among staff. Crea ti vi ty, especially that which takes place across departmental boundaries, is likely to suffer hugely as team synergy slips. 21. Confirming reception of the sent messages meansA. the messages are sent to righ

47、t receiversB. the messages are correctly understoodC. the messages are correctly understood by right receivers22. In the famous British Army Commander story, which step probably did NOT go wrong in thecommunication chain? A. Conceiving.B. Sending.C. Receiving.23. What is Chinese whispers?A. Who whis

48、pers in Chinese.B.A game to pass message around in a whi sper.C. Chinese people who don t normally talk very loudly.24. Allocative failure does NOT happen whenA. the right information goes to the right placeB.a company gathers false informat ionC. the correct information is not received by the right

49、 department or person25. According to the passage, which of the folloring cases does NOT belong to human fai lure?A. Decreasing creativity across departments.B. Inadequate communicat ion between depar tments.C. Increasing cus tomer complaints.26-30题:请根据短文内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的写“T 错误的写“P并将答案写在答题纸上。Passage

50、 2 Nokia executives attempted to explain its fall from the top of the smart phone pyramid with three factors: 1) that Nokia was technically inferior to Apple, 2) that the company was complacent and 3) that its leaders didn t see the disruptive iPhone coming. It has also been argued that it was none


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